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university college which has bothtaughtand research degree awarding powers
the applications process to securetaughtdegree awarding powers an applicant
may or may not havetaughtdegree awarding powers institutions without
applications for the grant oftaughtdegree awarding powers research degree
of music and drama hastaughtdegree awarding powers the other
privy council to be grantedtaughtdegree awarding powers university college
university college title research andtaughtdegree awarding powers university title
the power to award bothtaughtand research degrees has been
the power to award bothtaughtand research degrees may have
the power to award bothtaughtand research degrees university status
of its power to awardtaughtdegrees but has not done
have the power to awardtaughtdegrees only or may not
powers to award their owntaughtdegrees these institutions can apply
uhimi partner colleges have developedtaughtdegree programmes within the regulatory
degree in english an yetaughtenglish for many years many
me aboot whit ah wistaughtin my first degree things
shefc he activity includes researchtaughtpostgraduate work degree level work
yer grammar i think wastaughta lot better then m608:
the actual form of grammartaughtin 1972 the scottish central
need the grammar to betaughtshould be limited only to
that the grammar to betaughtshould only be limited to
do not need to betaughtthe grammar vocabulary and pronunciation
english depends upon their beingtaughtthis grammar explicitly and being
i think they are beintaughtalready i mean french german
of course she has beentaughtfrench and has had extra
of my wife who hastaughtfrench for all that time
lovely man he was hetaughtfrench he was very keen
i think we should gettaughtgaelic instead of french f833:
and french they ve beentaughtin latin and french in
inspiration and though she officiallytaughtme french she encouraged the
but but em oliver browntaughtmy sister french and others
became as foreign as anythingtaughtas part of a second
what foreign languages should betaughtat school ehm so everybody
languages foreign languages should betaughtat school f948: well i
what foreign languages should betaughtat school f950: well i
what foreign languages should betaughtat school m952: well as
and physics are not beingtaughtappropriately in schools that there
in other schools welsh istaughtas a first or second
particular idioms are today beingtaughtin many scottish schools drawing
for example urdu is onlytaughtin muslim schools the whole
developed and continues to betaughtin our schools 16 46
recommend that english still betaughtin our schools but only
are printed in books andtaughtin schools as correct written
of scots could be effectivelytaughtin schools none of them
way that burns has beentaughtin scottish schools without taking
state school system it wastaughtin the catholic schools but
most of them are nowtaughtin the schools to some
cause we don t gettaughtit in schools f835: speak
the millennium schools project whichtaughtthe basics of british sign
schools elements of bsl aretaughtto all children as part
t it f637: we weretaughtf638: that s dialect [?]though[/?]
wi margarine f640: ye weretaughttae bath a baby f638:
us from seven f638: shetaughtus eh when we went
would she teach f637: shetaughtus from seven f638: she
hankies m608: you you weretaughtwell f638: [laugh] [laugh] f640:
bordeaux m608: mmhm f643: shetaughta class at aberdeen university
long unless scots is effectivelytaughtboth at school and university
university validation services accreditation oftaughtcourses was confirmed in march
about how languages can betaughtand about how children can
modern languages grammatical features weretaughtdirectly and the pupils ability
at which modern languages aretaughtin p6 s2 the document
myself today the debate hastaughtme much about how languages
the group who had beentaughtthree languages performed better in
modern language ehm what istaughteh th- in in language
modern language class should betaughtfor the most part in
was at school i wastaughtthis way the whole modern
was growin up an gettintaughtit was standard english standard
social background one group wastaughtonly standard italian the other
group who had only beentaughtstandard italian 43 professor johnstone
italian the other group wastaughtstandard italian but with a
expensive [note: photo: 'intermediate certificate for rebecca middleton, 1918.'] the class teachertaughtall subjects with pupils being
should be that pupils aretaughtcertain kal terminology possibly in
all subjects with pupils beingtaughtin groups everybody had to
ways in which it istaughtpupils and teachers perceptions of
of the kinds of usagetaughtto school pupils for many
so that it can betaughtat school and at adult
to the school and aretaughtby a qualified deaf tutor
eh in school you weretaughtenglish a- as a i
in school we only gettaughtenglish f833: yeah f835: or
in which they had beentaughtenglish in english at school
year at school i gottaughthow to make a salad
yeah f1067: if it wastaughtin a non denominational school
so country elocution was beingtaughtin the local primary school
erm cause they re nottaughtit at school m608: mmhm
f832: we don t gettaughtscots in school we only
school she remembers girls beingtaughtsewing and knitting boys did
british sign language to betaughtto ev ery school child
is that english is nottaughtwell in school and another
english it wouldn t betaughtagain in english that s
plain english that we weretaughtand it very much carried
classes in english are nowtaughtin mixed ability sets of
english and where it wastaughtit was good plain english
performed better than those childrentaughtonly english similarly he cites
enlightened english teacher that tau-tau-tau-taughtus this book f963: mmhm
to the particular genres beingtaughtin class at that time
in her class she hadtaughtscots poems and indicated that
centuries earlier where she wastaughtto read and write the
can speak but are nevertaughtto read or write a
language but have never beentaughtto read or write it
h- they have not beentaughtto write vernacular prose [inhale]
in edinburgh erm actually beentaughtto write with their right
daniel vaughan s words hadtaughthim he had read that
muckle feel and his friendtaughthim to read and to
s sickness her mother hadtaughther but were these things
stayed with them and shetaughther mother tae saut butter
aff wi pop aunt fannytaughtmabel s mother how to
that s because my mothertaughtus that eat that up
mm f640: my mother reallytaughtus the manners but my
f963: mm f965: when itaughtas the teacher [laugh] f963:
where you know i dtaughther f963: oh yeah yeah
f965: could i possibly havetaughthim at chirnsyde f963: yeah
glasgow f963: you might havetaughthim [laugh] yeah f965: well
those little children that itaughtin glasgow were f963: mm
stuff f963: yeah if theytaughtmartial arts or something interesting
that kids have to betaughtnow by f963: mm f965:
f963: it was a lazilytaughtsubject though they just threw
in primary 7 gaelic mediumtaughtchildren performed better than those
ehm gaelic should gaelic betaughtin scotland f948: [exhale] well
on ehm they would betaughtspecific things f-f- for gaelic
out about home economics beingtaughtthrough the medium of gaelic
me f965: the children itaughtwould have played football or
of what is really beingtaughtand of what guidance is
i feel that we weretaughtbetter m608: uh huh f637:
er it it should betaughtas a separate linguistic system
that grammatical terminology should betaughtas it arises in texts
i think we should gettaughtsomething decent like spanish cause
relationships one should not betaughtwithout the other but that
the other classes that youtaughthow did it bulk in
the next week ye weretaughthow tae iron it and
what they have to betaughtis how to utilise this
drive the driving instructor thattaughtme he knew how to
anything and because they willinglytaughtme how fiddle with our
the minister in dingwall thattaughtme how to guddle fish
in her spotty frocks thattaughtus how to parse we
of how we ourselves weretaughtwhat does this word mean
o stigmatisation until scots istaughtand much more important used
necessary before scots can betaughteffectively at any level the
the classics in scots hetaughtme cicero too of course
teach scots cannot now betaughtsolely through the medium of
you like scots to betaughtthen would it be like
of us who have beentaughtthe language can remember i
ninety seven the guy whotaughtus was based in peebles
remember a wee girl itaughtan she said ehm her
wur head we-we- we weretaughtthat way m608: mm f637:
year f718: mmhm m1078: whotaughtacademic subjects f718: right m1078:
that it was liza whotaughther to see she could
llull who had lived andtaughtin this landscape six centuries
actually m741: yeah m605: [censored: forename]taughtme as well m741: who
her friend jean baxter whotaughtprimary 5 paid no heed
brother jack who had beentaughtproper britishness in a naval
they prefer someone who hastaughttefl has done a basic
classic texts have traditionally beentaughtalongside such 20th century works
and i haven t beentaughtby actually by either of
t think i ve beentaughtby [censored: forename] i might have
if we ve never beentaughtit f835: [laugh] but it
that pleasant and having beentaughtthat the police were my
went down well today itaughtthe 3rd years youth problems
as well you re nottaughtto question what they say
admired some bored you sometaughtwell enough but miss mcwhat
99 replied that she hadtaughtclasses where not one child
d t what had theytaughther at college a new
walk away aunt pol hadtaughtjimmy many years ago and
the second half jim bleasetaughtmembers country dancing they had
the kids that i vetaughtmost recently i ve had
is or can currently betaught1 reliance on an individual
they are supposed to betaughtabout multiple partners the official
they are supposed to betaughtabout sadomasochism before they can
and then they would betaughtat another er eh stage
correct essay writin sood betaughtbut it sood be meyd
if it is to betaughteh in alang wi inglis
to think it would betaughtin alang wi inglis because
you went in to betaughtin another tongue f606: yeah
by revising quickly the previouslytaughtmaterial in order to be
that they have to betaughtsomething that they do not
the pupil has to betaughtthe forms in order to
11 year olds might betaughtunder the influence of this
writing skills they ll betaughtwhether it s exploring text
it babies have to betaughtwords don t they they
or that grammatical term betaughtyet what is important is
the first groups i dtaughtand they were considerably more
essay parsing and analysis weretaughtin scottish primary and secondary
way the subject area istaughtat the moment and i
no way that is ataughtresponse at that age f718:
you want know what theytaughtme in home economics in
know long experience and theytaughtyou that and then eventually
harm and it em ittaughtme a lot about there
see m939: nuh f940: [laugh]taughtme all i know about
m741: aye she never evertaughtme but i ve heard
where pat an me wurtaughtself respect respect fur others
stirling er but i vetaughtin stirling for about sixteen
most advanced i ve evertaughtin the warmth of the
major f785: just wasn ttaughtit m055: engagement and eh
it moved on aunt poltaughthim that said it worked
him as the exotic heaventaughtploughman than help him find
role of the simple heaventaughtploughman when it suits him
restaurant on the mainland shetaughtnatural dance and before everyone
oh right yeah m845: itaughtmaths there for for five
home provided that her fathertaughther the alphabet his version
ensure that future generations aretaughtabout the potential dangers of
but it s absolutely nottaughtin the states because it
was badly it was badlytaughtit was badly done i
was one thing i wastaughtwhen i was doing my
that the curriculum that istaughtin universities is not suited
came in that s righttaughtsecks secks bags sacks m1020:
as with burns s heaventaughtploughman epithet little s lowly
is perhaps as the existentialiststaughtthe curse of the human
it is just as itaughtyou real british people take
the millennium project 2000 whichtaughtthe basics of british sign
the techniques of close readingtaughtwhich will include literal inferential
wur cannae comprehend malice oortaughtit yi see that s
asylum seekers gettin taught englishantaughtaboot scotland so that when
that several times so hetaughtma son and mark s
for the asylum seekers gettintaughtenglishan taught aboot scotland so
those less widely used andtaughtfor improved mutual understanding closer
his slides on nigeria hetaughtchemistry there for 2 years
illusion s wae ah wistaughtcoached by yin o the
the cult of the heaventaughtploughman with for example the

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