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with the rain soaking myteeshirt and jeans and filling
ower ma jumper and mateeshirt f1107: d- oh dinna
andy from his exertions theteeshirt has two damp milky
help me to get thisteeshirt right off fiona says
f1122: it s a golfteef1121: mmhm f1122: mum f1121:
broken it s a golfteef1122: it s a golf
an ran wi ither loonsteeeence i canna min foo
im i min ae dayteeere wis an aafa squallachin
sambo aye ere wis mairteei min on spango sprogworthy
hid tae min tae keepteewi fool socks an sarks
e beasties left eir tracksteeas ey huntit sair for
e plots ir lang maselteemaybe ey ll chuck e
it michna leave its markteeon fit ey caa e
ey gyang till gweed kensteethough i doot if e
tell if ey were rousedteethough maybe it was fowk
lids ey hid faalin seatsteewe wrote on wid framed
tae cater for ither fowkteeah weel eence aathing wis
an in e last warteeeence he d teen up
on e mainland o shetlandteei happent eence tae be
mait tae masel aa richtteean i cd get vrocht
a din it cd makteegin e win wis ony
e spinner wis backit upteetill t ye cd harly
little doot it cam inteeahin binder twine an coir
ll be gettin some wirdiesteei doot says jock weel
kitchen livin room an bedroomteean es is faar i
e date o e jobteebe es time i d
a lot aboot es placeteefin e wis a loon
aye ere s something newteeon es day it wis
hae at hame rale commonteean kins i d niver
wis in e hens rivteeat coo she niver hid
niver seen a hedgehog closeteebring it ower fur us
be tit tittin at atteefor it s niver richt
he ll staun ahint thatteeline an niver soop the
wis the divil an angelteeda she speired foo are
ate an jist tae seeteefoo fowk vrocht in e
her da an her grandateeaabody roon the table wis
roon leddrach ay an dunrachtteebit nae tae keep awa
o towe roon eez wristteefor fear o lettin t
mak strae mats wi emteeroon ir oval ere s
e governor wis careerin roonteestoppin t wis nae less
time roon it wis thereteethat we bumpit inta sandy
ay haad on tae keepteetill em i walkit roon
e fairmer hid eddert emteeat took a filie tae
nae tae let ma fingersteetill em for naething on
the car noo matty youteeminnie yer lug n yer
minnie orra div men bluidteeno they hinna got a
tae minnie yon wis queerteeusually dandy wid hsae a
a fleerish in e boxieteean a bit o flint
e holes on a bitteean begod it wis jist
ere it keppit e heatteean helpit aye mair tae
a been an antrin ratteean i ve seen e
tryin tae reemish e doorteean mair haalin t open
tar tae cover e bleedteean syne e d gotten
been myangin for e biscuitsteeand in any case her
e cornyard aboot e hoosesteeat e back o e
an ye ve tae seeteeat ye dinna knack e
faimily o forkies left haimlessteebit e richest lode wis
bitties amon e tarrie steensteebit withoot eez specs e
wis patches o strong meenlichtteebrakkin throwe e cloods fae
hid a handy ootside convenienceteeeen o e timmer sentry
a sprinklin o darker specksteefin i wakent e neesht
cam tae ken o tteefor e hedge wis shared
go on e road ootsideteei geed up tae hae
took ower fae e tweezelickteeit mint ye didna need
e pron bran or husksteeit wis chappit in amon
big haathorn at e tapteelang seen i saa d
got e sense in tteeo breathin a sigh o
widden shed at wis biggitteetill e byre aabody comin
ye an leant yer wechtteetill e fly wheels till
quairtness i pressed ma faceteetill e glaiss nose an
a step on e stairteetill e riggin an files
bleed an muscle an beenteeweel at wis e wye
an maybe e telly onteeweel ye couldna be keepin
tae peat gweed burnin stuffteewill wirkin at e fit
an grey an affa dismalteeat s the wye this
wis catchet in anither wyeteebein pairt o a community
is a blackguard hud himteeis hold him close limmer
an close aye an heavyteemy forecast rain noo it
het an close aye sultryteetaewards nicht mair than ae
ye ve lat me doonteean we wis lik breethers
horsie daisy her dallie betsyteefin she wis five in
there wis a dancin boordteefor baith young an grown
a richt keeker aff theteeit wis s d t
an a tarred timmer reefteesae it wis black a
thocht wis its fella hoverinteesyne crash like a steen
stable door the door swungteethere wis a meenit s
wis born athough hei wisteetottal himsel his familie hed
in italy ay the tartanteewis the stamp wi thoosans
we s an for meteethe trip cam ower late
wid turned thickest he camteewi t nearhaun a gairdener
lad an a quine camteewintin tae play shortly we
three eraly daffs dr hendersonteehid bin back he micht
he wid hae tae wirkteetae keep a reef ower
an the graip tae keepteewi spring oh bit esma
body could dee tae keepteewi them fitiver faimly happened
him ay an meg ramsayteefur a fool vratch quo
nicht it begins tae rainteefriday 24 temp 6 10
bit ither things were differentteeye didna ask for a
bit plungin throwe past timeteema ain as weel s
door o the chaumer clashedteejist alang frae the barn
gar it daunce afore pittinteethe door again the schuleroom
ll be on the spotteeto mak sure we get
secrets men hae there steefit secrets dae men hae
fit i m writin nooteeit s nae mowse fit
1 6d i got 2teeshirts hardly worn to fit
noss in a smaa boatteean it s jist as
fleer so she jist fellteewith her pail an a
an you a vanishin vapourteeach awa though ye dinna
huntin aboot like a vultureteenae lookin for prey though
ower lang you ll awateean leave me really on
is a richt fine sichtteei m nae een tae
storms we eest tae getteea lad caad jockie robertson
o t back tae frontteeardach here that s high
tae let the quine faateeefter he d shot a
flash aye wi forked lichtninteeit maks dark in tae
were eesed tae liftin thingsteemabel s grandmither tae gie
bon accord corbie an pertrickteeshould ye gae up tae
bon accord corbie an pertrickteeshould ye gae up tae
wee boorich o pupils fellteetae chaw their breid an
ye d tae wirk harderteeye d tae redd roads
east chile the nicht yarkedteeits heivenly snib train passing
is but ween is windteeis too dinna is don
o peesees black an fiteteebit nae as busy as
the woman kent ma voiceteefae the radio an daur
caper o ma ain mitherteein later days the women
an ma teeth s cleanteethere s aliens comin on
the grun i likit clayteean aften plytered aboot wi
lads in aboot for coalteeaye an faar s willie
name ll be on itteean i like aathing bocht
saat fish an saat butterteebut only from time to
the works baists are beaststeeis too yaff is an
oot het an affa sultryteerin for cover the midge
winter s remains an setteewi a will wi the
her oot she wad setteewi her wyvin an blot
baith beukit on the firstteefor aicht o clock the
scaley septiles ancestors war maistersteein the mesa verde o
the backgrun i maun menchinteethe juvenile section o the
some stories about snaavy witherteethere wisna aye roadmen handy
micht get a meal inteeit was common enough if
blaegart rides aathin hud himteet the millstane ony limmer
dressed like me in grottyteeshirts and clarty jeans they
going to sniff it [inaudible]teehee [inaudible] i nearly put
on a green or ateem815: no it was like
of a kip to ateeas does the kippit hill
think the manager probably wasteehe would ken that there

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