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wrath broke upon me tainttendencya heavy lump of spray
perhaps i ve inherited sometendencysome taint from my father
anybody else did was thetendencymore than a tendency when
the tendency more than atendencywhen i was a kid
similarly derived from a stylistictendencyin latin to have verbs
3rd person pronouns on thetendencyto use past tense verbs
there is of course atendencyamong many people to regard
of this political development atendencydeveloped to regard scots as
so there is a strongtendencyto import structures from french
davidson exhibits a strong pythagoreantendencyto outline the universal antisyzygy
moreover contrary to the formertendencyto restrict scots to lallans
style being associated with atendencytowards episcopalianism catholicism then that
other pupils particularly those whosetendencyis just to list events
i think there is thattendencyperhaps you know and f963:
seem to feed people stendencytowards wishful thinking leading perhaps
been cured of his aggressivetendencyintroduction narrator pompitie was a
party in 1983 probable militanttendencycatholic mother protestant father atheist
and that there is atendencyto work with individuals instead
an example of his knowntendencyto anglicise barley also seems
main variation was in thetendencyto set higher fire safety
there has always been atendencyto look down on sung
there should always be atendencyto provide information rather than
as this may hae sometendencyeither tae retard or accelerate
is unique there is atendencyfor society to put people
is found to have atendencyto repeat individual words or
is concluded that this clusteringtendencymay be accounted for by
calls thare is an increasintendencytae speir how may i
given people s quite understandabletendencyto err on the safe
the area is there atendencyfor the universities to think
it properly there was atendencyto blame the schools and
do here there s atendencyto remake films and so
except that things had atendencynot to work a bathroom
of flattery macdiarmid turns thistendencyto good account in much
you d suppress the lunartendencyto howl i don t
accordance with the traditional scottishtendencyfor ilkane ti gang aye

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