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alang cantie lik tho anthaicam ti gaitsgill i the
towart carlyle an gaitsgill whaurthaiettilt ti seke sanctuar wi
sae a sloped aff afoirthaimynded an cam ti gaitsgill
the houss at gaitsgill atthainou awned sen t grunstane
the rodd ti gaitsgill atthaiwun til i the howe
liftit bi the poliss afoirthaiarreistit john grene an thai
ar saiprit kintraes nou afoirthaicam ti be sindert our
an thai gaed ben afoirthaicuid finnd the snek fur
o tammas s houss anthaigaed ben afoir thai cuid
anerlie on drappit nirls afoirthairax the buird a roupin
the twenes or maistres steinthaiskailed bot no afoir staun
hed ti gralloch it afoirthaitillie hewit it apairt an
nicht afoir as thanks botthaitrokit na a leivin wird
it fur the bogies anthaiwuid polish the plate afoir
med raifts o m saethaiflaited douce lik til the
an cuidna gainstaun the sojersthaijoukit awaw an med habitautioun
aince an fur aw saethaimed a pactioun on d
gey roustie tae mauger thonthaimed guid progress mirren wes
tammas an john tuik whanthaimed thair raid inti carlyle
med habitautioun amang the triesthair cryed the fowk o
winnoks in aw the slapsthaiwes med frae aw the
d bot smirk kennin atthaiwes med frae pase an
hedna onie commoun langage whanthaiwes med frie feint a
a guid gaun ower thothaicuidna fin an awnser at
clap o the swaw botthaicuidna luik roun sen the
birled the horss roun saethaicuidna pit hauns ti r
hed ti lowse thaim atthaicuidna swik the hempie ti
i siccan a brattil atthaicuidna wun ti the ruit
upcum an grup thaim botthaicuidna wun up fur ruth
bot cuidna dae mair furthaiwesna yit sauf thairsells eftir
the cuidna yit compreise whedderthaiwuid manish ti betrump the
an taen awaw ti lononburghthaiein chored the stane o
thai wes tae ferr awawthaipit by gallowa aye thrang
gradwal lik dwyne awaw asthaisklimmed heich up the hulsyde
awaw ower the brig furbythaituik aw the technical buiks
skelpin awaw eftir thair beissthaiwes richt about the sojers
be yibbil ti assist furthaiwes tae ferr awaw thai
the onfaw o the gloaminthaiwes weill awaw an ristit
sojers breinged roun bot whanthaiapent the duir a smouchterin
the raid bi the sojersthaigried at mirren suid byde
sojers i the gaird whaurthaiwyted wes pang fu o
sojer ti be sein saethaiapproched the staitioun tentie lik
match i the gairden whanthaibaith sein at the samen
cummin ower stob law whanthaisein fower hyne ryders skelpin
ti be gey skeich whanthaisein the lowdens syde an
sein as haein smaw vaillthaituimit out the muisaeums o
wun mukkil rist thon nichtthaiwirked ti finnd ane awnser
suddron uplauns o scotland suinthaiwun ower the lammermuirs ti
hiz tung wes lowsed whanthaiwun ti the houff o
an pit him ti bedthaibene a perr o byordinar
an vainisht doun the roddthaibene begunkit as thai stuid
thai arreistit john grene anthaibene confaised bi thaim baith
at l growe lang eftirthaibene doun sneddit the auld
poke ben hir schoppin bagthaimebbies bene brak on the
rodd thai bene begunkit asthaistuid bumbazed the man begoud
bene up dreuch i rangsthaiwes bein tuimed out an
be frichtent sayed frizzel anthaiaw brattled doun the stane
thon sayed john dinna fashthair gyed bi robotars ye
drums an lichchtliein jauss baunsthaisayed the ceitie counsail suid
the deceisioun o the auldthaisayed the drain seistem suid
wey masell sayed andra whanthaiwes feinist nae wastrie nae
auld billie wes deid anthaigrat mirren confortit the twasum
gangs furby mirren a waugerthail be weill hained or
causie mirren wes sair fleggitthail finnd me heir a
langsum wairdin at tornes thusgatesthaipairtit mirren john an the
pairt o mirren s eddicautiounthaitraivelt frae eskdail ti teviotdail
s ludge mirren jaloused atthaiwes ettlin ti hae revengance
hiz airm roun mirren furthaiwes nou humfished wi blak
mirren socht ti asseir thaimthaiwuid be sauf wi hir
allays o ither kintraes botthaiarna feil ti thaim fur
i the kirk yaird whaurthaicam frae naebuddie kent bot
pechit up ti the staitionthaifand ane empie warl bot
ti reflek thair celsitud botthaihae the erss o a
at the chaum corders likthaihed juist aet cordisidron bot
than a yeast risen doughthaihed na breyd bot ry
thair auld leil saul botthaihed peyed the pryss aw
ay reponed the elder manthail bot flit ti anither
cordisidron bot eftir a whylliethaimyndit na ti dae ein
a juidge i court botthair verra thrang an a
bot naebuddiie wes fashed furthaiwes bricht an cheirie furby
aw flourissin an sonsie botthaiwes sair wantin thair auld
effek on the mynd botthaiwes suin ti think itherwyss
an no muivin bot ginthaiyaissed tyme devault foties it
kail fur z maet saethaididna pauchil it fur thai
thai didna pauchil it furthailyked succar an buttir an
a top speed rareity thaithainoodle sellers fortune tellers silks
truips ower run the mairchisthaipit it about at thai
hir nae maistres thai reponedthair inglish truips an thai
whitlik ti dae nixt asthairade thai tirned maitters ower
sauf wi hir nae maistresthaireponed thai r inglish truips
thai r inglish truips anthaishuit at uz gin ye
yer a top speed rareitythaithai noodle sellers fortune tellers
dae nixt as thai radethaitirned maitters ower in thair
thai pit it about atthaiwes serrsin fur drougs uisin
in sicna soshwal sitivautioun saethaiaw stuid roun tung takkit
or the katt on thatthaibirled roun an tuik thair
style foiranent the aibercorn graifyairdthaibirled roun ti dalmenie kirk
thaim frae hiz atterie compaingensthaisauled in hiz yatt roun
faimilie wesna cairin o mthaiwes aye hurlin roun ti
the heid o a cuddiethaiarna aw ae ou thair
clachan an plaunt thair schawsthaiaucht a skair o the
eyls thair warl is perfitthaichuise thair neipours ti reflek
wes knawn as frie scotlandthaiconcludit at thare liggit thair
thare liggit thair anerlie howpthaidovered ower juist as the
o the tryne journay atthaieiggilt up thair faither ti
thocht no maitter hou festthaiging thair ghaist gings fester
houss is in lunnonburgh anthaihae thair holiedays i the
an ill daein i scotlandthaihaud the popular unner thair
o out pittin thair feillinsthaihed gryte habeilitie at it
thair kith an kin saethaihedna onie commoun langage whan
drave thair geise ti merkatthaiherdit thaim inti the rie
a mows frae thair hiddilthaiherkit ti the risp o
in by the lowdens whaurthaijustified thair presence bi the
thocht it a rare baurthaikent at thair faither wes
o embro whaur shae thochtthaimicht aye hae thair wone
for using this for examplethaior thay for they thair
feinist at skreich o daythaipit thair pows thegither john
geyan vincust at disjune whanthairaportit thair conlusioun til a
the kintra i thair thochtsthaireinged frae the hyne norat
and dynit and sowpit andthaisaid thair was a band
an sae the wes griementthaiset out on thair bykes
follae juist sicna ploy suinthaiskailed ti kep thair omnies
keingdome subdit ti thair ruillthaisneggit the stele raips at
internaitiounaliss the r a mouthfuthaitak thair maisik frae wien
flaitin ontil thair strauns saethaitelt the inglish it wuid
thair plauntins asweill sae nouthaithocht ti pit mars i
traist an telt m atthaiwes aw ti lae thair
o the neifs wes atthaiwes aye tintin thair geir
wi mulk ti drink furthaiwes hungirt wi thair traivellin
wes be eft o mthaiwes sternit bi thair wie
thair faither wes feirt atthaiwuid cum upo a punzie
strak dum fur a mamentthaiaw stuid lik stuikies mesmereised
despare fur the aventurers asthaistuid i the gryte haw
til the loch en whaurthaicuid be sawed inti the
nocht ti the faimilie ontilthaicuid furm a consait fur
gemm mair depe drauchtit northaicuid ges at bi the
the mukkil sorrit horss saethaicuid hause an whyles smourich
hed sicna cauld hert atthaicuid lae him aw on
rid douglas whitwey than cuidthaimanish the restaurautioun o john
cuid beild the auld manthairaised on hir dumpin on
cuid supplie lectra pouer anthaisel it at sic hie
swatchis a cuid gie yethaiuised sic cantrips agin scotland
an the douglas cuid daethaiwaatchit the gastrous sicht o
tung wesna slaw o wutthainou interrogat hir thorow lik
hingers wesna drawn the mornthaituik nae tent o d
tho a maun awn atthaiwesna alane i the spulyie
he duin lang syne saethaiwesna autentyfe or ein approprit
hed the saicont sicht saethaiwesna fashed an tuik the
daein beinlie nane the lesthaiaw hed a guid employ
s hert at melrois abbaythaiein hed lunch on the
reneged on hiz wadset quittancesthaifand it hed naither a
ti coff labster fur dennerthaihed a skour til the
the guidwyfe wes better orthaihed an awnser ti the
shae hed richtlie jaloused atthaihed fawn inti the hauns
m cam the cauld wedderthaihed ted thaimsells out pyntin
an weill the twenes kennedthaihed the saicont sicht sae
wes juist as weill senthaimicht a hed mair success
ti veidzeo the tellie furthainivver hed tyme ti gie
mishanter at hed befawn thaimthaiwes daunderin alang a loan
bi the rouman waw atthaikent wuid airt thaim wastlins
lariks he nou mynded thegitherthaicawed out in tammas s
tammas onlukkit the duir anthaigaed ower the threshart gin
tammas s houss a rewynethaipit aw the eitems o
ye run him ower thanthaiaw leuchit lik tinks this
the bodie frae smitts whanthaihard a drone lik a
gif ye ak bauld likthaiwinna ken ye r a
yird an sie verra suinthaigrowe inti the mainners an
slap in hiz fends suinthainichit tornes alset the laird
ower twa myll aff suinthaiwes skonced in ane auld
whan the dauncin wes duinthaifurmed thairsells inti a nyow
hiz faimlie ablo the timmersthaikent at this wes nae
the croun deserts the kessthaimaun a forleit a wes
wes aye in a fizzthainivver ventured doun the gairden
lave o the tenement anthaipyntit out at the wes
ti rin sen he thochtthaiwes about ti be arreistit
nane kent the rizzon thanthaiwes astonist ti sei nate
thocht ti luik ahent thaimthaiwes aw browdent on hir
say ti z faimilie furthaiwes aw i ower mukkil
ti pewl maist peitie futhaiwes aw sairie at aince
say than ti dae furthaiwes aw skitterin about as
ti thaim fur lang thusgatesthaiwes aye giein the puir
the houff o grannie roddenberriethaiwes baith set up on
as a man s airmthaiwes ben frie scotland the
snitterin o hiz mischeivious gytesthaiwes courried doun ablo the
a haurd day s jurnaythaiwes cummin ower stob law
on the nyow railwey anthaiwes gey roch wi the
the clomph o horss huifsthaiwes geyan vincust at disjune
ken whaur he wes furthaiwes in burntislan whaur he
wes ti be telt atthaiwes luikin fur the lairs
o a scotch mutton peythaiwes mair nor a whein
fons wi awnserin machines furthaiwes nivver ben the houss
aye a siccar soverance ayethaiwes offert ludgins an broth
addisence til the programs whanthaiwes on the baird an
telt ruth about it whanthaiwes set on the en
the sop o rochians furthaiwes sklimmin alang towart the
oniething ayonts its lemes furthaiwes that strang an blinnit
out at the farin thatthaiwes the maist i favour
o the ying reiver whitweythaiwes traivellin wast ti veisit
at aw wes weill furbythaiwes unco disjasket whan the
ti tel hir thrain ontilthaiwes weill setified at shae
nane o m kent atthaiwes weitnessin the stert o
the rangs o hiz menthaicam til m wi ane
rypin hiz treisur kists thanthaidauntoned him an kest him
set in hiz motir whaurthaijyned him the locumtenand drave
gied thaim a warnishin atthaiaw maun bi praisent sae
thaim as littel bi littelthaicrep ti ae syde o
sae ebenezer telt thaim atthaimaun skail the verra nicht
n attention teuch a toughthaipron they thaim pron them
syde an wyde ablo thaimthaipyntit out the unyt naitiouns
wul be sauf wi thaimthair kin an l sure
the craig til onie keingthaithink wul halp thaim ti
ti bid thaim staun whaurthaiwar he chappit on the
thaim ti owergang ither naitiounsthaiwul mak allays o ither
ivverie kinkeind o falderal saethaienterit inti the spreit o
leitanie o malverse daeins atthaihedna tuik tent at the
rinnin o the houss furthaibaith ettled ti be verra
yill houss howf the quynethaihae peyed for ti sing
be kest doun lass furthaiar aw obrans at ither
by on the drave furthaididna hae tyme ti pit
aw the ither machines furthaididna ken the uiss o
on the hail hek furthaigat weill waarmed wi the
fur drougs uisin thon excaisethaiherried aw the ferms an
no ti wirrie an atthaisuid busk an boun fur
stewarts ti the german hanoveirianesthaibou the craig til onie
ruit an fand nocht whanthaifailyiet ti extrak onie infurmautioun
ti kittel up onie eimagesthaikeppit richt eneuch eftir wirk
wi thrissels an doks whanthaicam by a toun or
an plewed throu widds whanthaicam ti the michtie weire
i the guise fank whanthaipit the horss i the
ye r heir an whanthaistert ti serss a hae
the tron eftir the bellsthaimairched doun prences strete nixt
it stertit ti gang agleythaibecam perfidious albion bi the
at broun ti dae tthaicam an clourt aff the
neist yokin in a whylliethaicam ti the rewynes o
grant o hir sairie anterkestthaidesydit ti caw a counsail
unner the pletfurm i fakthaididna ken whitlik ti say
tirned ti the ither wichtsthaididna offer ti halp he
its best kythit bi weythaihae fremmit keings ti ruill
inlow oniething ti oniebuddie ginthaipeyed in uncos an wittins
ill ye hae wrocht thanthairade on ti grannie roddenberrie
faither than bein eydent pupilsthairetoured ti the histore o
brigganers cum ti tak revengeancethairun outby reddies ti spend
the reverant sawnie bie thanthaisent out inveits ti the
reiho an doun hauddit virrthaistoured forrit ti vainish up
guidwyfe ti caw cannie thothaiveisitit the kirkyaird at aibercorn
sprowsin tho ti ma faitherthaiwis gospel an catecheism rowed
a gaelic uinioun wi eirethaiwuidna be yibbil ti assist
thrang wi sturt an stryfethaials pit asyde strathclyde ane
here in a meinit thothaipit forrit the ulster idaia
thon kinna fowk the bettirthaiar the kell heid o
ar seimilar i thon weythaiet the mait at s
frae galaxies fund bi thethaiastronomer sulu wha d gien
bi saunt mairie s lochthaibiggit a lunkart an cuikit
an whummilt it doun thanthaibrak the briggies ower the
the heid pilliedacus sklimmin dounthaifand thairsells in ane enorm
ligg doun on the grunthaigruppit the puir laddies an
wi mich pechin an harlinthaiset thairsells doun on it
tak sic friedomes ower ferrthaicry thaimsells internaitiounaliss the r
at the tap flair anthaigaed ben the blak k
fite they daizzle ye thisthaipied piper blaws ben bamboo
thriesum cam til the yettthaigat a maist onfreinlie receptautioun
hissell wi pouer frae lichtthaididna wirk unner a happ
kent the trewth o dthaitirned a blinnd ei tilt
an nairn on the hallansthaibirled ower the brig wi
the mirk cluds o gramethaigaed ower agane the gray
at s sae wikkit atthaicry the heid pilliedacusis o
an sangs bad wi mthaichuisit maisik as ane wey
can anerlie pul the laidthaimaun shift is the gryte
frae warks an offishis thanthaifessed hame the gunes frae
frae the umquhyle alumeinium wirksthaiharled it aff an dichtit
bit abuin this loch anthail gie ye herbrie douglas
island fairdit ma imaiginins certiesthaiwar gey auld farrant an
galilee are caller lochs forthaihae an ingaun and an
cart ye sall see thatthaithrie lochs or seas hae
maks the bluid byle thanthaihard a strynge skartin soun
o baboons an here thethaialang the kwai tend weel
ae meivie or a maviethaimynded m o as monie
wi hie herts at nichtthaistappit at the hame o
a kinch o mirk winthaitether a pyot day sett
twa three conferences at thethaicapital offerin financial sweetenins tae
ain pasports wiout kennin whitlikthaiduin at the scotch yett
instruments an belyve soun racordinsthaicried caller wark wi no
collogued wi z sin anthaihyred a hie spede flim
name of a very efficientthaihousemaid an exclamation of approval
aside the kwai the smilinthaiin bricht sarongs an gouns
an exclamation of approval inthaiis khrap pronounced crap honoured
an integral part of thethaijudicial system fears that the
the auncient yetts an barnekinsthaitrauchilt ontil the ful vyow
may be interpreted by thethaiauthorities as a lack of
down in the body andthaisayd that patrick gray straik
pooch farang farang is thethaiword for foreigner this is
a cold collation of redthaichicken salad a rose s
and red and black stripedthaisilk tie a present from
re butterflees bear in athaizoo two stuffed bears inhabit
could bake me broon 2thaitour guide s wish i

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