
See this word as a collocate cloud

evite gittin boggit doon withaircairts laidit wi thair messages
made thair wey hame withaircairts laidit wi vittals for
gang doon the valley withairempie cairts bot fur thair
the waitter heid fock anthairferm cairts yaised tae gang
troch whaur hinds whan travilinthairhorses an cairts cuid waitter
horses an cairts cuid waitterthairhorses it ay monie ae
wi thair cairts laidit withairmessages vittals an siclik thay
thair empie cairts bot furthairretour hame tae evite gittin
cairts is the hinds madethairwey hame wi thair cairts
gaun throu the heids othairforebeirs at the time thair
on the frozen brainches withairheids ablo thair weings chitterin
an thaim whae cuidna botherthairheids aboot eet masel a
feet at nicht thay sleepthairheids agin ma robe hou
lirkin at the back othairheids an awbodie s sweir
up the heinkel passed owerthairheids an banked awa tae
again wi twantie gulliegaws inthairheids an ding us frae
doon wavin wuiden rifles abuinthairheids an shoutin hurrey thae
noo an cam ower nearerthairheids camshauchelt lik ye wis
ryal person fowk haes lostthairheids for nae mair nor
plane wad suin be owerthairheids geordie stuid wi his
they wee nancy malkies withairheids in the clouds up
an tho thair herts anthairheids kens noo that aw
the ithers an thaim withairheids sneddit aff she wesna
years carries the norrie inthairheids that scots is somethin
cry it the comatee scartitthairheids then ane o thaim
skirl men an horss bouedthairheids ti scug frae d
rin o thochts gaun throuthairheids wi the words haein
been duin areddies an thothairherts an thair heids kens
wi wattir the flouers hingthairlourd heids from the chinese
blaws doun haill castles onthairwairders heids tho ye gar
brainches wi thair heids ablothairweings chitterin in the cauld
thai concludit at thare liggitthairanerlie howp thai dovered ower
bot thai wes sair wantinthairauld hame haud yeir horss
hauddit the debaitabil launs withairauld leil saul bot thai
sein thaim skelpin awaw eftirthairbeiss thai wes richt about
griement thai set out onthairbykes aire on a seturday
chuise thair neipours ti reflekthaircelsitud bot thai hae the
at disjune whan thai raportitthairconlusioun til a thankryfe mirren
journay at thai eiggilt upthairfaither ti tel anither anither
rare baur thai kent atthairfaither wes feirt at thai
ane wey o out pittinthairfeillins thai hed gryte habeilitie
thai or thay for theythairfor their thaim for them
thai birled roun an tuikthairgate fur hame it wes
at thai wes aye tintinthairgeir wi sae monie fowk
lang syne whan fermers dravethairgeise ti merkat thai herdit
maitter hou fest thai gingthairghaist gings fester a wunner
thai wes aw ti laethairhame fur a whyllie an
nae langir a mows fraethairhiddil thai herkit ti the
in lunnonburgh an thai haethairholiedays i the grew eyls
wes ilkane twyned frae awthairkith an kin sae thai
r a mouthfu thai takthairmaisik frae wien thair mait
thai tirned maitters ower inthairmynds john wes vexed wi
thai arna aw ae outhairnaitiounal souch bene tint gin
warl is perfit thai chuisethairneipours ti reflek thair celsitud
suin thai skailed ti kepthairomnies at wes wytin ti
noks thair pheisik cam fraethairplauntins asweill sae nou thai
skreich o day thai pitthairpows thegither john hed ti
the lowdens whaur thai justifiedthairpresence bi the nedecessitie ti
john tuik whan thai medthairraid inti carlyle tammas nou
mak the keingdome subdit tithairruill thai sneggit the stele
bigg thair clachan an plauntthairschaws thai aucht a skair
o sic boits flaitin ontilthairstrauns sae thai telt the
traivellin ower the kintra ithairthochts thai reinged frae the
thai haud the popular unnerthairthoum bi threitnin ti lowss
fur thai wes hungirt withairtraivellin suin the quastiouns begoud
holiedays i the grew eylsthairwarl is perfit thai chuise
and sowpit and thai saidthairwas a band betuix the
m thai wes sternit bithairwie splore fur the cheirie
thocht thai micht aye haethairwone hir midmest howp wes
thair forebeirs at the timethairain history an cutur wis
settled in they aw hidthairain poseetion for slingin thair
marrow wis jessie forsythe anthairanerlie bairn wis thair dochter
pit thair minds back taethairbairnheids an mind whit fasht
ti win hame ti saufthairbairns an thair plenishins sae
sae bed aw at aincethairbodies coursent an tint thair
wee brither wattie cuidnae gitthairbrekfasts ower thair thrapples quick
sittin roun the table inthaircave wyrin in at thair
soond at the side othairchowks thair mither telt thaim
duin sae mukkil ti biggthairclachan an plaunt thair schaws
tae haud thair meetins anthairdances up i the greenbanks
thair cave wyrin in atthairdenner gey guid beef this
the color o thair tradethairdirks aw gruesumlie slairged wi
an thair anerlie bairn wisthairdochter lizzie whae marriet ae
thair saft broun een whanthairfaither fand out whit haed
thair holidays frae thair schuilthairfaither hed thum kivver the
anaw haiglin thair praisents tilthairforbeir s lairs lik butterflies
at wis thair motif ahintthairforrays intil the orchard the
coursent an tint thair maikthairgentie airms war turnt inti
thair vocabular an reddin upthairgremmar idiom an speech habits
thair ain poseetion for slinginthairhammocks an geordie s wis
mair nor thair heid inthairhauns tae play wi gin
they ll get mair northairheid in thair hauns tae
schuil is laddies hame furthairholidays frae thair schuil thair
wien thair mait frae pareisthairhouss is in lunnonburgh an
cuid thole thair snash anthairill tungs nae langir an
ee chynge thair thinkin anthairkulter tae buit an oo
thair bodies coursent an tintthairmaik thair gentie airms war
tak thair maisik frae wienthairmait frae pareis thair houss
boolin club yaised tae haudthairmeetins an thair dances up
be weel wyced tae pitthairminds back tae thair bairnheids
the side o thair chowksthairmither telt thaim tae git
thare in thair nicht gounsthairmither wes naewhaur ti be
cryit dugs thair pedigrees refleksthairmonie byuss qualities sum guid
diffrent maitter wi thair moothsthairmooths it wad seem haes
s a diffrent maitter withairmooths thair mooths it wad
ettled flichter buzz at wisthairmotif ahint thair forrays intil
taen thair sates an hidthairnames ticked aff on the
lassies war staunin thare inthairnicht gouns thair mither wes
plenishins bowies lumes an einthairnoks thair pheisik cam frae
mongrels is aw cryit dugsthairpedigrees refleks thair monie byuss
lumes an ein thair noksthairpheisik cam frae thair plauntins
ti sauf thair bairns anthairplenishins sae thay wul rin
leevin ir thrang anaw haiglinthairpraisents til thair forbeir s
mense awbodie wes prood othairqueen an thair thrie bonnie
broun but thay keepit ayethairsaft broun een whan thair
spare went in an taenthairsates an hid thair names
hame fur thair holidays fraethairschuil thair faither hed thum
hame hinnerlie he cuid tholethairsnash an thair ill tungs
common words an habits ootthairspeech as they gaed thair
focks tung an ee chyngethairthinkin an thair kulter tae
cuidnae git thair brekfasts owerthairthrapples quick eneuch sae they
prood o thair queen anthairthrie bonnie princesses an awbodie
droukit in the color othairtrade thair dirks aw gruesumlie
chance o thaim biggin upthairvocabular an reddin up thair
thair speech as they gaedthairwey throu eddication on the
that thay dochtna sort withairain fairie herbs thay wad
whan thay micht kyth inthairain richt maiks frae dayset
look on rafu thay dounsetthairbirns aye for ti twurl
an frae the produce othairbit sma haudin thay plenisht
git near eneuch tae sinkthairboat thay d shoot it
broun an staup out inthairbonnie richt maik but thay
brothers that thay soud eatthairbreid an sleep the nicht
aw thay r aye herethairbreists aye bare ti the
aince been sea bairns sangthaircoronach at thay dochtna byde
sae eftir thay haed stertitthairdander she said she haed
hinner end thay leeved outthairdays in a mair wycelyke
keings for the lave othairdays sae thay laired the
thaim bi muinlicht chap onthairdoors aiblins thay l cry
thaim as thay played anthaireen skinkilt wi delyte but
nicht an rade awa fraethairfaither s touer nou thay
an up thay lowpit tilthairfeet as gleg an weill
thay haed etten an drukkenthairfill ane o thaim stuid
furthest an thay aw watthairfingirs the better ti draw
breingin whyte horses thay playthairfluits an drums an the
bonnie lassies for ti bethairguidwyfes thay war ay on
no ken the pyne othairhungir atweill thay winna said
ti teir the corps fraethairlairs an thay wul goave
brither wisnae allooed tae weirthairordinar ilkaday playin claes thay
thay happint tae bei haenthairpiece sittin on the side
never ken the day othairreturn but for aw thay
dayset thay buid pit onthairselkie skins again an slip
here thay wad shauchil affthairselkie skins o gray an
thaim bi the pages inthairskerlet graithin thay wad push
wusst at thay soud tynethairstrecht spault maiks an be
thay aye hid tae weirthairsunday claes an in thae
haurlie war thay weill feinishtthairsupper whan wha soud cum
ti sit himsell doun atthairtaibil but suin thay becam
thay set furth again onthairtraivel an cam aerlie til
at this but thay chyngedthairtuin whan oot cam jennie
pron they thaim pron themthaira their thare adv there
pron they thaim pron themthaira their thare adv there
yin speaks til thaim ithairain hamlet leid juist is
micht play for thaim inthairain haws ablo the grund
thaim throu nae faut othairain sae chitterin wi fricht
wes makkin thaim reddies furthairantrum the mirk days a
as they are tae beholdthairare hunderts ay thaim an
displacement allouin thaim tae replankthairatavistic desires intil a ploy
thaim gaed hame an brochtthairauld faither back wi thaim
kent thaim fur linties bithairchirmin than wi fell funk
the wee fowk didna stapthaircryin no thaim suin ane
pentit ontil the howes othairfeit ti hain thaim frae
it that gart thaim pitthairfit in it sae aften
an maist o thaim hidthairforemasts set up alang wi
an telt thaim tae gitthairgas masks aff she sayed
awners an gars thaim fendthairgear in an immediate an
fowk ti slay thaim forthairgear macduff this grippiness is
aw ran awa leavin awthairgraith an siller ahint thaim
that wis the kiltie claesthairgrannie hid bocht thaim the
onfreinlie receptautioun the gairds snekkitthairgunes an ordourt thaim aw
ti thaim an left thaimthairlane on the forelaund blek
doun for the saicont tymethairlang hair spraingilt ahint thaim
an thaim that haes lairntthairlesson never cum back ti
english at a time inthairlives whan maist o thaim
for ti keep thaim richtthairlyfe haed a definite maik
whit wi thaim aw sleepinthairlyfes awa throu ilka chaumer
it wur thaim mairsay thanthairmenfock whae dailt wi the
an monie a nicht anthairmither grat sair for thaim
greitin bairns telt him houthairmither said fareweill ti thaim
throu lyfe an juist lykethairmithers an faithers afore thaim
an thaim that leeves inthairpailaces ferr ablo the swaws
heard thaim syne they saidthairprayers an gaed back again
fleitcht bi thaim an aunsertthairquaistens blythlie ir ye iain
ranks around thaim an kepthairrid faces dern an hidlin
ti sei thaim sauf onthairrodd ye mynd thon kirk
the sea bairns ti kaimthairsheinin hair an sing thaim
see thaim an ti veisitthairsteidin juist ti see whitlyke
thaim strampin ane anither inthairstrioushie an cryin oot ane
as a het drink forthairsupper an hap thaim up
the proud mithers ilkane withairsweirt laddies asyde thaim the
first taste o sacchareens inthairtea geordie cuidnae thole thaim
thaim wi bluid an uisedthairverra dirks l macbeth wha
ain kitchen an thaim wurkinthairweirdrie for hir but she
aw lat thaim threip ootthairwurd o bluid an daith
hind whae wir thar withairain horses the crack got
the brawest canniest horses othairbreed duncan s horses brak
focht an war slauchtert nouthairhorses reinge aboot nickerin bi
the hinnert traivlars spur upthairhorses til the nearest howf
duncan s horses brak dounthairstaws breinged oot an turnt
anither dungeon an thare warthairtwa horses the twa hawks
auld bairns cuid mak upthairain propaganda geordie mindit thon
stern cuid she glisk throuthairbrainches whaur cuid she lay
cawed roun ti gie mthaircrak an cuid be hard
cuid dae whit he likedthaireventually his ma an da
cuid cry in for johnniethairfreend that bid athort the
navy they cuid aye seethairgranda s boat the felicity
the weeman focks cuid turnthairhaunds tae monie oot side
the puir wumman cuid bydethairpeingin nae langir sae whit
roused an he cuid hearthairyowls o rage no ferr
n anerlie wes the rthairain ingine bot raws o
the auld skeills leirit bithairantecestors hae gaen bot the
hiz men nou gaed aboutthairbeisnes bot telt the lad
men raid out ti speirthairbeisnes bot the nem o
bot als a releigious taikenthairbiggins wes med o widd
at its warst ti haudthairdochter rosidandrum frae hairm bot
or siclik an cryin atthairminnie ti halp bot the
sauchtrie burn the fowk skartitthairpows ower this bot a
wur fain o ither botthairwarl wes lik an emmet
ense bot border lallans ithairyouth tae mint ae single
yeir ma junior megstie meithairirnae monie lairds at kan
the simmer haes gaen thothairmaimorie hauds for monie a
or order trees pou upthairmonie ruits an quut the
an the deid whaul drawsthairmonie veisitors the day the
platch throu the dubs withairclydesdails an cairties thon wes
ti tig the grund anthairflindriken green gouns flichterin throu
wes aye sekein ti pitthairneives throu ma drum skin
hae ti gae throu inthairpuir lives they micht leeve
droukit wi dew quynes inthairsee throu gouns slounge sexy
puddoks haes ti breathe throuthairskins dae ye no ken
deid craws an gaed onthairwey on throu the trees
buddie s houss an stertthaircantrips aw ower a m
or ein ti redd outthairchaumers the hale houss wes
vershinins haed a richt gliffthairhaill houss nearly burnt doun
aw natasha ay it sthairhouss anaw ah l tell
out in the mirk leivinthairhouss door open sae that
is t no it sthairhouss eftir aw natasha ay
belaiggert garron wallopin up tithairhouss sauf an weill the
waukent an beguid ti daethairhouss skodgies an tak pairt
coronach an his bairns anthairbairns eftir myndin aye at
wutches that war guid tilthairbairns even sous is whyles
sous is whyles guid withairbairns he takes more mutton
teachers anenst the teachin othairbairns the war ears ithoot
leave yeir wyfe an bairnsthairlane aw that ye loue
bounless bairns for the queenthairmither fell seik an died
bairns eftir myndin aye atthairmither haed been a selkie
a whein sea bairns divertinthairsells or the sea gaed
the bairns that haes feinishtthairstudies at oor skuil ower
bairns sae that they inthairturn growe up inti meiserabil
tyme whan his marrow anthairtwae bairns bade bi thairsels
wi him oot yonder leavinthairtwae bairns tricia an adam
haes stertit ti kemp onthairain accoont the door bursts
seem haes a mind othairain an is gey sweir
he haes seen sum othairbanes in the grund whaur
see whit smert wee fingirsthairnew mistress haes mysie haed
o the field haes daibiltthairpouthert chowks the gress on
scottish national dictionary association anthairpublishers haes been guid eneuch
out tae the macnabs thatthairreputations haes nivver ackwallie bin
yestreins haes lichtit gomerils alangthairroads ti stourie graves oot
thir kintrie fowk haud tilthairauld weys frae nou on
they aw got haud othairbits o wuid an taen
they ir they r haeinthairluncheon areddies fedoti haud on
tornes haud yeir horssis inbrakthairmither whae sayed ye wuid
oot an turnt camsteirie inthairnaitur naither ti haud nor
we bene asleip ti haudthairthochts awaw frae siclik doulie
an hir bogil freins haudthairunco feasts ah wadna lyke
macbeth yeir sairvants syre haudthairvassals an aw in trust
t wi bluid sae warthairbluidie dirks we fand thare
efter they d feinisht withairbrekfasts an yince thare whit
leuks as she redd awathaircereal plates for thare wis
that lay thare mauchtless inthairdrukken dwams wes that no
braw sicht thare wis forthaireen tae tak in the
at the beasties wuid takthairgate suin s thare wesna
fand thare lyin undichtit onthairpillaes they goavit at us
whan the twasum wes makkinthairadews ti the ither fowk
it sair ti recognosce atthairauld billie wes deid an
cum rinnin doun the peththairauld faither wes staumin luikin
the twenes wes unyt withairauld frein napier it wes
she wes unco jaeluss othairbewtie an taen ill out
wad play his pypes forthaircumpanie he wes quick ti
wes murnin the los othairdeiriss ettil tammas wuid tyne
wi a caum souch whedderthairdestinautioun wes a stait privitate
the coist wes cairried bithairensoverance a did tho a
no furin frae the paustthairert wes pure an fu
truips wes ordourt bak fraethairforrit poseitiouns ti cairrie out
gaitsgill wes ti tammas asthairhame bene ti hiz mither
amaist ane eyland fortrace othairhame whan the truips wes
at tammas wes sauf ithairhauns he iftit the man
the skellum at wes pittinthairhousshauddin intil sic a kerfuffil
suid busk an boun furthairjurnay rosie wes richt whan
the scots wes fay tithairkeings releigiouns an freins an
amang the coral weims othairkinmrik an whan she wes
whuspert fur feir o offendinthairlandlord an wes ane exempil
cumpanie o reivers birled rounthairledar at wes luikin baklins
lowden an mudges cam tithairlugs at the sojers wes
wes a bit wanchancie wirriedthairmither we nivver sein a
scuddies or scartin about ithairnebs fur bogies at wes
winnoks o the kerr withairneives mirren wes feirt fur
wes med o widd furbythairplenishins bowies lumes an ein
pairt o scotland lang synethairpopular wes whuppit intil a
the kintra an perlament tintthairpoust the beisnessis wes suin
onie sojers at hed quastiounedthairpresence wes ti be telt
laddies wes tuimed out othairruim an hed ti mak
ti the yaird fur seidsthairshaddaes wes kest ontil the
an wallace wes absent fraethairskonces mirren an john cam
maws ti wauken me withairskraichin it wes gin ah
awbodie wes fair terrified atthairwuts end it wes aither
auntieloip i the laft othairbungalo the poliss hed ti
uncle adam elliot baith hedthairhowdien a kan mynd on
deanburnhaugh carpet boolin club hedthairmeetings on ae raigler fittin
days fock hed tae cairriethairvivers shoppin saivrel myles frae
hed tirned ti leidd ithairwames suin the waws o
hed tae git on withairwurk sae yid wis left
maun whyles seem nyce tilthairain kynd a mammie rat
sleepin eftir gaun supperless tilthairbed ah hae nae maet
no gang greitin hungirie tilthairbed whan the auldest lad
pailace fowk gaed waesum tilthairbeds the yungest princess aye
queen cuidna beir ti giethairbonnie littil lass til a
the gurlie thochts that breksthairboonds ti kyth til us
tane til the tither eftirthairdenner the lassie said bi
the ettin the otters liftitthairfaces til him an lippent
thir lowpin kerns tak tilthairheels whan frae the aest
wi a gowden baw tilthairherts content ah m thinkin
chairge oor men fecht tilthairknees in snaw nae claes
ither hauflins ettlin ti pitthairmanheid til the test menteith
til ma guidman hae tintthairmeanin awthegither nou in the
an queen gied ane othairsairvants til the reid bul
scamperin doun the haugh tilthairschuil ae blithsome hertitsome sicht
til wullie s nose endthairwur seelence aa roond til
the men tell lees tilthairwyfes an pretend they dinna
gey thrang ettlin tae gitthairain boat livert syne oot
git the gassies sortit intaethairboxes an then tae pit
ower gutsie at the tablethairmither wad git on tae
git bleck oot curtains forthairwindaes an a wheen o
a certain syntactic category othairain an ar separate frae
ain feet for traivellin anthairain backs for the cairryin
that pit in an entrythairain certeeficate screivit in scots
afore fowk s sauf inthairain chaumers again menteith a
staump airn an hallmerk othairain ethnicitie n is ae
liltit ti the muisic othairain fairie pypars nae suiner
agin naitur for ti killthairain faither what wastrie in
noo wi awbody juist uisinthairain feet for traivellin an
hiz tirn desyded at furthairain guid they maun allou
awn mair nor hauf othairain hame toun is yid
strenth tae yer focks ithairain hamelt tungs dae at
the weys neibourin nations hainsthairain heritage leids can help
a first cless inlat taethairain history cultur an identity
sae they stertit tae crythairain kinna english scots efter
thir wee craeturs aw leevinthairain lyfe in saicret sae
naitiouns at s crouse onthairain middens ti inact ane
a whein wurfs houever glaikiethairain muisic micht be is
in a dwam haunnin owerthairain pasports wiout kennin whitlik
thairsels efter readin an writinthairain pitten on kinna language
maun leir ti leive fraethairain poke scotland is a
bourgeoises and aristos can projeckthairain repressed impulses at first
the trees maun founder inthairain saison it is aw
identity an a kennin othairain scots language gies fowk
be fulled wi eimages othairfaither on a belaiggert garron
ilkane on a pownie convoyinthairfaither than bein eydent pupils
dochtna byde nae mair withairfaither the keing in the
awn up that they killedthairfaither they are gaun aboot
tae see the boats thothairfaither wis awa tae the
an for donalbain ti killthairgentie faither whatnalyke thing an
mither an faither thon benethairgyrthol frie on the tuim
an faither cuttit schort ithairpoetaster bi the suddron ye
the wee fowk wrocht atthaircairdin an syne windin an
time an fowk alang withairconsaits gits aulder an whiles
cums ti fowk that killsthairfaithers an sae wad fleance
an auld fowk eithlie giesthairherts the sweetest wyne at
ken that fowk can dernthairluiv a flouer that kyths
ti 464 549 fowk dernsthairluiv wha says this is
9 1996 18 fowk dernsthairluiv wu ti 404 549
lyke you fowk wul leevethairlyfes in your wey an
an fowk ti blether withairneibours i the causie biggins
apairt frae fowk kythin ithairscuddies or scartin about i
kent fowk that daunert inthairsleep an in the hinner
fowk wi greigorie s illthairteeth an aw the hair
agane an wi maist othairweemin fowk workin in the
puir fowk condampt ti driethairweirds at an unco spede
as the noise hid beenthairmither cam intae the room
the twenes dinna haiver admoneistthairmither this is a verra
hame juist lik awbodie elsethairmither wis at the front
pair sprintit athoot brekkin stridethairmither wis thrang as she
wad ask for mercie whanthairbairn haed been murdert she
nor i onie ither othairgeneration whan it kam tae
a byordinar fear o fleeinthairissues gets resolve t whan
whan ye wiss ti gainthairkest wi ivverie syllab the
the cailleachs wad murn forthairlost youtheid but whan he
tither ruth they had biditthairmaist ten year whan baith
whan it kam tae speakinthairmuther tung nae maitter whae
waitin in the airport forthairreturn flicht whan she went
heid sum weimen is nothairricht sells whan they ir
ingil crakkin awaw an tostinthairskrankie shanks whan mirren an
an whan the keing sawthairunkaimed hair hingin doun owre
an he taen pairt inthairwark an play an whan
hert sank whan ah sawthairwee faces dod ah thocht
eydent for revenge agin macbeththaircaw ti airms wad kittil
ma bullik for ti peythairdemned taxes from the chinese
the nicht naething ti fillthairempie crappins but a bit
men nou gied addisence tithairfoirsman he tuik aff hiz
ti embro laein andra withairgratiteid an guid pukkil ferssis
ti hear thae louns forsaythairguilt sae a wad say
they haena wrocht ti biggthairhingin nests a hae taen
at is best shuitit tithairinverounins thusgates a naitioun lik
even the butterflies maun aernthairkeep issa thing ti be
didna hae tyme ti pitthairkers intil the gairage day
auld buiks ti pas onthairlairs an trewths ti fuither
ti drougs an cuidna tholethairlak he graizled hiz teith
an kentna whitwey ti flitthairleilties ower nicht the r
ti gain macduff nae doutthairluifs war creisht wi mukkil
tyme ti set doun furthairmaet or ti hae a
birns aye for ti twurlthairmustaches from the chinese kennawha
gie hir pleven ti clypethairnems ti him gin shae
strangest men ti tak ootthairnew aixes div ye hear
ma aistlin gairden birze ootthairnew twigs they ettil ti
an parfume the wyne withairpetals ma guidwyfe lykes ti
ti kep bream an troutsthairpleisirs is sib ti the
at bene alloued ti kepethairpownies an reinged abraid wi
lede ti link about anthairpownies or the fermers ti
reddies ti gang hame tithairreists than john hered the
the twa brithers war onthairroad again ti see whit
sailors turnt the bous othairships out ti sea ti
bit wrappin sek cuist abootthairshouthers for ti keep the
herein a singil wird othairsorraes he retoured ti bed
shae mey weill no bethairtho a pray ti heiven
bonnie lassie ti cormac anthairwaddin splore lestit a year
an cum oot ti whaurthairwee sister stuid waitin for
up a burn syde tithairwones an he l pit
attack tae flee hame taethairbase alang near the herbour
three laddies aw taen taethairheels an rin awa hame
crew tae tak hame taethairwives when the laddies went
haed never seen in awthairdays gairdin the yetts o
lyin lyke stanes juist lykethairmaisters haed been sae he
ben the room an pitthairgassies on then they went
starvin naebody pit oot aythairhames it s hard tae
pit wir cairds up onthairordinar caird rack but pit
stamaks the yill suin pitthairwuts in a steir john
oars or guns in casethairboat wis set on bi
cuin see the whites othaireen bi noo the tide
the hoscote wud fallaed bithairfaimlie cat an the threi
o the widds aye hainthairhames bi plauntin a thikfauld
bye wis taen up bithairmonarch an the nobility aboot
bi traivel or bi vissieinthairprattiks the r a guid
up an win free fraethairdebilitatin neurosis fish benjie lives
frae thee whaur nichtingales singthairdelicht an masses he hauds
the scotts o harden keepitthairherried cattle gey affen frae
out aw the infeftments fraethairscotch brainchis an flittit aw
the r no back fraethairwark yit puir things olga
the rigs boaz aucht andthairwas boaz airtin frae bethlehem
ootersyde an meadshaw tae makthairwey tae an frae howpasley
efter judges and was pittenthairby the gregians wha foundit
ist ma paternal grandpaurents enditthairdays it howcleuchsheil efter hevin
walked oot the yett efterthairfirst sale wi fower pence
en in informal forgaitherins othairpeers efter bein telt for
laddies speerits wis up efterthairquick success agin the maraudin
in the club hoose efterthairroond o gowf at monktonha
hoose efter the schuil closedthairson jockie ferguson an his
shovin it forrit tae sealthairtryst weel efter yon day
isna ane s hamelt langagethairbuist ken merk staump airn
thi modals tae diverge oanthairmeanings ane answer micht be
mae bacca in spite othairrelief ane s left jalousin
m the neist o kinthairs ane mair sib tae
on the uther sume sayisthaircome foure men upoun foure
wi a deidlie blizzard onthairgalluss chairge oor men fecht
kill the lairds af forthairlands an ither men for
litigation the guidwyfes cheat onthairmen an the men tell
afoir and a few ofthairmen ether hurt or slaine
so mortall men quho doisthairmynd molest to be in
evil dreams begunks men inthairrest wutchcraft an sorcerie cums
an guid men dees aforethairweirdit tyme macduff ye micht
aw sorts ay trees anthairare fruits an nuts ay
dochters asyde him in awthairbewtie an richt fair war
rest fair pechilt wi awthairfaucht whyle the orrraman hunkert
in his chaumer did itthairhaunds an faces war aw
cronies we baith hae drunkthairhealth aw thir braw hieland
hae a spy in awthairhousses the morn first thing
thegither wi the cauld awthairlane wi whyte baerds an
in peace an rowth awthairleevin days but leive weygait
thegither in halie matrimony awthairleevin days lat him speak
here they r aw atthairmeat areddies rodé in a
wrangous the clarks aw shiffeltthairpeypers an cuidna tel him
war aw cut doon inthairprime tae help wi the
aw at the end othairschuil holidays they war aw
ettle tae tranquillise no killthairstag yet an aw some
if aw is really guidthairtell me it s so
be sair aboot that butthairwis nowt aw else tae
the beach an birlt roondthairyellae een leukin doon aw
sensibility ay they wee twatsthairahv said it now shame
jim and aunt lizzie anthairfaimlie ay wullie mackinnon an
the brydens wur notour furthairguid hertitness ay yid wis
her but she just floatedthairoot ay reach but e
back ay ma haun withairplummy voices an safty boadies
couple ay days ah knowthairs another ship near an
haert did but hope robertthairwere seven ay us in
had a guid doonsettin noothairis our kinsman boaz ye
at the end they crythairmithers aye mukkil guid that
a bit of guid withairpoultices an potions no that
a guid hauf myle outthairroad even i the braid
guid tent no tae drapthairwee scran o herrin an
up the middle o itthairbare feet slappin doon hard
the stanes staun nor itthaircobbled feet nae king tae
hirplin anes banged up ontithairfeet an jyned in the
no baith bang up ontithairfeet as gleg an weill
the thumpin an scrapin othairfeet on the ruif ye
prototype supercuddy that wad giethaircountry the best an maist
wi hauf an ee inthairheid wad ever middil wi
awroads wi bricht claith inthairairms the war fleshars an
they war baith cled inthairkilts an baith wi a
an his freins war takkinthairmeinits on a green knowe
war the sie flouers inthairunco brichtness naither war the
weimen war hunkert doun onthairwhyte chuckie stanes eydent wurkin
creenge patches tae steek onthairairms things wadna be sae
and askit them tae setthairand sae did they than
wuthert an sae outlin inthairclaes they re haurlie lyke
sae funnily eneuch he ratifiesthairclaim tae whit they awn
in a loud voice haeinthairdenner sae they ir they
d ayeweys liked it upthairit wis ayways sae peacefou
couriet doun ilk wrunkil othairbodies the marra o the
unkaimed hair hingin doun owrethairshouthers lyke tousilt sea weed
o the wa spat ootthairbam bam bam alang wi
o thrangity fock gangin abootthairdaily darg wi blithsome herts
o spaul an pat inthairdays playin wi the ramsh
bodie disnae gaun aboot withaireen steekit the r a
wul goave at ye withairempie een or ye chitter
about an tichin ither withairfeit lik jyvvirs at the
this proggit the byle withairharns clair o the mirk
wi conscript wratches nou anthairherts is no in the
trust wi snores a droggitthairhet nicht caps an they
an a morsil kebbok withairlest pennie piece an on
foremasts set up alang withairliverin derricks it makit the
wur fairlie weel domesticated helpingthairmarrows oot wi sindrie chores
they honor me fausslie withairmous an curse me in
the door wi naething butthairnicht gouns an the street
o the scotch naitioun withairorra paix machines the uiss
baith wi a bawbee inthairpooches for the plate they
birks an the rowans withairreid berries an she stuid
tung takkit an pleyed withairshuils junipere kent tho whit
turnt inti hochlin flippers anthairskins becam cuivert wi selkie
ower fae the bar taethairtable an cairried on wi
as a snaw flake withairtouers an turrets glinkin in
an the drukken louns begowkthairtrust wi snores a droggit
airieplanes fullin the air withairuillie reik the fauss hecht
blooms orchids an chrysants withairwersh parfume ah dream o
criss crossed the insides othairwindaes wi strips o sticky
wuidna tak onie siller furthairmense durand the lang slaw
burnin a hole in baiththairpootches they didnae tak ower
they dee an ithers takthairsteid an they eat drink
gaed but the twasum haudditthaircoy fur a fyow meinits
ends meet an providing furthairfamilies needs keepit fock juist
pair o buits up furthairfinal fittin tae the fermer
peats an wunnin eldin furthairfyres letter writin i maist
lambin hervestin the fodder furthairkye an ither bease cuistin
i the late 1940 sthairir nou motor roads tae
juist i tyme tae haethairbrekfast an stert anither days
an content the lave othairdays an as for the
done a days labour inthairlives honest tae god robert
the days o the judgesthairwas a famine in the
dawin the watch dinna dirdthairdrums the nicht awbodie bydes
an the borth ick waitterthairaince wur ae brig owre
craik ower the hills taethairhames is ae maitter o
ae sma haudin yonder anenstthairhoose mebbies twuntie acre or
the wusdom o implementin ithairschuils ae plan o action
the airlie 1940 s scottthairson deyd ae wheen ear
snorkin an snorin eftir aethairtrauchil that day as shuir
tartans like but juist causethairgrannie liked the colours they
wis in fisherraw herbour liverinthairherrin it wis juist yince
gravitatit intil the toun ithairauld age greenbanks ferm mr
frie feint a hait othairauld cants an sangs bad
lairs o antecestors eftir aittinthairpeces sittin on the auld
ower lang tae feinish affthairdenner an then it wis
bobbin aboot somewhair just ootthairah fell asleep till well
or it wis time forthairboats tae gaun oot agane
table in the hotel haeinthairbrekfast afore gaun oot tae
in heivin they hae puttenthaircaunils oot he hands him
attempt here an a laidthairdirks oot ready for him
government troopers gat wurd othairforgethern an hied awa oot
still pechin for braith athinthairgassies an leukit oot at
aff an stertit sortin ootthairgear geordie an his freends
an wha coud ledge ootthairlang swallen lips the furthest
aince ah cum oot seethairpetals chitter ah hae gowden
sisters straik thairsells oot inthairtreisur kists an cum you
fin oot is tae gaunthairyersel an mak siccar no
mirren confortit the twasum skairinthairgreve belyve andra tirned aff
mac whaur yon note ferthairtrip wis ran aff reflections
waves o heat tae keepthairbacks an bare legs warm
an let on it wisthairboat the bits o wuid
gied a cheir an waffedthairbunnets as the first billets
snaw leaves the merks othairclaws an flies awa sum
whaur the hemlocks gied furththairdouce scent an the linties
arranged for the teachers anthairfaimlies masha ah m no
o sugar an they gotthairfirst taste o sacchareens in
an gar palaces cowp owrethairfoonds even till heiliegoleirie seikens
door an the windaes othairgrund flair flet wis grained
an lazy sweyin doucelie inthairhammocks mertins nest an flie
gaen him the owerance othairherts an mynds a wudnae
mous an curse me inthairherts seton answers his call
or fifty acres only anthairis naebody else camped here
airmour o wir feirms anthairlawers hained uz the yeirs
dodds an hir scholars daeinthairlessons sittin liggin an mebbies
an a third cried balmoralthairletter o challenge shaws the
fingirs at him an shakkinthairlittil neives in his gizz
soond o the syreens deefentthairlugs an the three laddies
celtic kulter an langage othairnaurest neipers an the anlie
doot creenged an leukit doonthairnebs at the orra misfortunate
gospel ull convick fock othairneed an wun sauls intil
the mainners an habits othairneipours thon at is best
geordie an beenie flittit intaethairnew hoose in the honest
o wuid an taen upthairplaces at the front an
an that many huv diedthairprospectin for gold ah wish
the spulzie itsel kam intilthairrackonin an nae doot it
the sojers wul be onthairroad the day an awthing
an for a wee secondthairrobert ah thought ah wis
just burning stane an thatthairs nae watter tae be
granda s crew cled inthairsea buits an ileys doon
an aye the murners inthairturn ir murned sanct an
steir thairsells an set abootthairwark a see ye wunner
steir thairsells an set abootthairwark a see ye wunner
roun glowerin at him pyntinthairwee fingirs at him an
left tae mynd fock othairancestrial scottis border kulter wull
upsterts o the chyngin hielansthairchallenge the collective poacher micht
the lift the cut othairclaes wul be different the
never seen the lykes othairdaunsin aither the fester he
the tall treis musie ithairdrames o wat s moostroopin
scotts o mulsintoun hae exerceesedthairfair skair o moyen on
rinin o roberton pairish throwethairinpit on sindry boards comatees
o life is better stauninthairit blinds me what kin
eimage o john serten wesnathairkinsman the jakman tuik a
anent the puir stait othairlectronic frein john speired whitwey
john macnab thrie cronies ithairmid forties are deein o
day tae mynd fock othairnorwegian forefock is the fouth
narcissists a means o satisfeeinthairrepress t instincts in the
syne baith are warks othairtime set i the contemporarie
o yon hames that clashtthairyetts on ma face buson
hot here tae awfy hotthairare many strange things on
hae time tae listen taethairhaiverins aboot a german airieplane
gey sweir tae gie upthairhard won english forbye the
workers lined up tae colleckthairpey packets it wurna onlyke
characters space tae wark outthairproablems mair or less as
tory cabinet meenister tae heizethairspeerits this trio turn tae
ride on the train faethairtae glesga how long must
authors that tries tae matchthairwritin nearer tae the scots
brugh yett and was setthairand in a wee while
gin they wis catch tthairclass wid hae steek t
awa intae moabite kintra andthairthey bidit elimelech naomi s
praisent mansion hoose wis biggitthairstuid on yon whit wis
geyan sairie a didna hedethairwarnishins whit can a dae
forebeirs kent as freends pittinthairfit in it wis somethin
waitter tuik the tenancy onthairson elliot ballantyne whae wis
composite pauchler or poacher atthairhert john buchan s john
the fish the laddies heldthairscran up a wee bit
mawkins they mair nor doubiltthairstraiks upon the fae binna
lik awbodie else that lossesthairjobs tammy they hing aboot
saut that naethin ava leevesthairnae fish nae trees nae
ye say it is isthairnae puir nae starvin naebody
owre and ma certes wasnathaira wumman liggin at his
a read i a atthairbanns wur annunced on 22nt
prattik the weans aye chowltthairchafts at the chaum corders
busses field myce skelters reddinthairholes for the wunter at
quhat they did witht himthairi can not tell [inhale]
french coort eats puddoks forthairdenner queen ah daursay it
dee ah sall dee andthairsall ah be yirdit ah
esps the dowf wunds souchthairendless whusperin deids ma hert
up a pages 147 153thairwur saivrel servans i residence
ladies of renoune quhyls onthairface and quhyls on their
on the muir athout beirialthairflesh becam meat for the
masha the sojers ir onthairroad weill a happy traivel
v tear tend v awaitthaira their thegither adv together
end dee d doucelyke inthairbeds l macbeth going over
seing my inexpertnes to publissthairbetter leirnyng i grant in
a clekkin droukit cormorants dryinthairblek weings alang the pier
that the fower macnabs tinethairboredom altho the midges and
naturale inclinacioun gevis thame ofthaircomplexioun to a brethe and
yon unco namelie randie skellumthaircorps is lang murlt inti
hings a gowden cuinyie roondthaircraigs the whyle he s
iceland valgerd his guidwyfe gunlödthairdochter gunner a crusader orm
three tikes ligg daffin ithairdrames noon heat three dogs
moir low and suddane cumsthairfeirfull fall repetition chapter v
no uisin thae words thatthairforebeirs kent as freends pittin
the schuil dominies yince keepitthairhorse sei a b c
ahm missin ye badly forthairis a gapin hole in
rain the desert trees skailthairlest green leafs the peirs
sleep if it s nothairlug deefenin screichin it s
audiscense ein the dugs cokkitthairlugs ye ken the taill
or beste is sudaynly stertthairnaturale inclinacioun gevis thame of
thairfoir lat the laif dothairpairt as we the earle
according to the estimatioun ofthairsubstance to sic contributiun as
syde the rid douglas seinthairtrigidie in a nyow licht
ither this luiks gey lykethairwark moula gabbles and makes
sortes of coynes [inhale] quhairthairwas gret tumult of peple
of this mortal coil forthairwill be no boadily pains

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