See this word as a collocate cloud
evite gittin boggit doon wi | thair | cairts laidit wi thair messages |
made thair wey hame wi | thair | cairts laidit wi vittals for |
gang doon the valley wi | thair | empie cairts bot fur thair |
the waitter heid fock an | thair | ferm cairts yaised tae gang |
troch whaur hinds whan travilin | thair | horses an cairts cuid waitter |
horses an cairts cuid waitter | thair | horses it ay monie ae |
wi thair cairts laidit wi | thair | messages vittals an siclik thay |
thair empie cairts bot fur | thair | retour hame tae evite gittin |
cairts is the hinds made | thair | wey hame wi thair cairts |
gaun throu the heids o | thair | forebeirs at the time thair |
on the frozen brainches wi | thair | heids ablo thair weings chitterin |
an thaim whae cuidna bother | thair | heids aboot eet masel a |
feet at nicht thay sleep | thair | heids agin ma robe hou |
lirkin at the back o | thair | heids an awbodie s sweir |
up the heinkel passed ower | thair | heids an banked awa tae |
again wi twantie gulliegaws in | thair | heids an ding us frae |
doon wavin wuiden rifles abuin | thair | heids an shoutin hurrey thae |
noo an cam ower nearer | thair | heids camshauchelt lik ye wis |
ryal person fowk haes lost | thair | heids for nae mair nor |
plane wad suin be ower | thair | heids geordie stuid wi his |
they wee nancy malkies wi | thair | heids in the clouds up |
an tho thair herts an | thair | heids kens noo that aw |
the ithers an thaim wi | thair | heids sneddit aff she wesna |
years carries the norrie in | thair | heids that scots is somethin |
cry it the comatee scartit | thair | heids then ane o thaim |
skirl men an horss boued | thair | heids ti scug frae d |
rin o thochts gaun throu | thair | heids wi the words haein |
been duin areddies an tho | thair | herts an thair heids kens |
wi wattir the flouers hing | thair | lourd heids from the chinese |
blaws doun haill castles on | thair | wairders heids tho ye gar |
brainches wi thair heids ablo | thair | weings chitterin in the cauld |
thai concludit at thare liggit | thair | anerlie howp thai dovered ower |
bot thai wes sair wantin | thair | auld hame haud yeir horss |
hauddit the debaitabil launs wi | thair | auld leil saul bot thai |
sein thaim skelpin awaw eftir | thair | beiss thai wes richt about |
griement thai set out on | thair | bykes aire on a seturday |
chuise thair neipours ti reflek | thair | celsitud bot thai hae the |
at disjune whan thai raportit | thair | conlusioun til a thankryfe mirren |
journay at thai eiggilt up | thair | faither ti tel anither anither |
rare baur thai kent at | thair | faither wes feirt at thai |
ane wey o out pittin | thair | feillins thai hed gryte habeilitie |
thai or thay for they | thair | for their thaim for them |
thai birled roun an tuik | thair | gate fur hame it wes |
at thai wes aye tintin | thair | geir wi sae monie fowk |
lang syne whan fermers drave | thair | geise ti merkat thai herdit |
maitter hou fest thai ging | thair | ghaist gings fester a wunner |
thai wes aw ti lae | thair | hame fur a whyllie an |
nae langir a mows frae | thair | hiddil thai herkit ti the |
in lunnonburgh an thai hae | thair | holiedays i the grew eyls |
wes ilkane twyned frae aw | thair | kith an kin sae thai |
r a mouthfu thai tak | thair | maisik frae wien thair mait |
thai tirned maitters ower in | thair | mynds john wes vexed wi |
thai arna aw ae ou | thair | naitiounal souch bene tint gin |
warl is perfit thai chuise | thair | neipours ti reflek thair celsitud |
suin thai skailed ti kep | thair | omnies at wes wytin ti |
noks thair pheisik cam frae | thair | plauntins asweill sae nou thai |
skreich o day thai pit | thair | pows thegither john hed ti |
the lowdens whaur thai justified | thair | presence bi the nedecessitie ti |
john tuik whan thai med | thair | raid inti carlyle tammas nou |
mak the keingdome subdit ti | thair | ruill thai sneggit the stele |
bigg thair clachan an plaunt | thair | schaws thai aucht a skair |
o sic boits flaitin ontil | thair | strauns sae thai telt the |
traivellin ower the kintra i | thair | thochts thai reinged frae the |
thai haud the popular unner | thair | thoum bi threitnin ti lowss |
fur thai wes hungirt wi | thair | traivellin suin the quastiouns begoud |
holiedays i the grew eyls | thair | warl is perfit thai chuise |
and sowpit and thai said | thair | was a band betuix the |
m thai wes sternit bi | thair | wie splore fur the cheirie |
thocht thai micht aye hae | thair | wone hir midmest howp wes |
thair forebeirs at the time | thair | ain history an cutur wis |
settled in they aw hid | thair | ain poseetion for slingin thair |
marrow wis jessie forsythe an | thair | anerlie bairn wis thair dochter |
pit thair minds back tae | thair | bairnheids an mind whit fasht |
ti win hame ti sauf | thair | bairns an thair plenishins sae |
sae bed aw at aince | thair | bodies coursent an tint thair |
wee brither wattie cuidnae git | thair | brekfasts ower thair thrapples quick |
sittin roun the table in | thair | cave wyrin in at thair |
soond at the side o | thair | chowks thair mither telt thaim |
duin sae mukkil ti bigg | thair | clachan an plaunt thair schaws |
tae haud thair meetins an | thair | dances up i the greenbanks |
thair cave wyrin in at | thair | denner gey guid beef this |
the color o thair trade | thair | dirks aw gruesumlie slairged wi |
an thair anerlie bairn wis | thair | dochter lizzie whae marriet ae |
thair saft broun een whan | thair | faither fand out whit haed |
thair holidays frae thair schuil | thair | faither hed thum kivver the |
anaw haiglin thair praisents til | thair | forbeir s lairs lik butterflies |
at wis thair motif ahint | thair | forrays intil the orchard the |
coursent an tint thair maik | thair | gentie airms war turnt inti |
thair vocabular an reddin up | thair | gremmar idiom an speech habits |
thair ain poseetion for slingin | thair | hammocks an geordie s wis |
mair nor thair heid in | thair | hauns tae play wi gin |
they ll get mair nor | thair | heid in thair hauns tae |
schuil is laddies hame fur | thair | holidays frae thair schuil thair |
wien thair mait frae pareis | thair | houss is in lunnonburgh an |
cuid thole thair snash an | thair | ill tungs nae langir an |
ee chynge thair thinkin an | thair | kulter tae buit an oo |
thair bodies coursent an tint | thair | maik thair gentie airms war |
tak thair maisik frae wien | thair | mait frae pareis thair houss |
boolin club yaised tae haud | thair | meetins an thair dances up |
be weel wyced tae pit | thair | minds back tae thair bairnheids |
the side o thair chowks | thair | mither telt thaim tae git |
thare in thair nicht gouns | thair | mither wes naewhaur ti be |
cryit dugs thair pedigrees refleks | thair | monie byuss qualities sum guid |
diffrent maitter wi thair mooths | thair | mooths it wad seem haes |
s a diffrent maitter wi | thair | mooths thair mooths it wad |
ettled flichter buzz at wis | thair | motif ahint thair forrays intil |
taen thair sates an hid | thair | names ticked aff on the |
lassies war staunin thare in | thair | nicht gouns thair mither wes |
plenishins bowies lumes an ein | thair | noks thair pheisik cam frae |
mongrels is aw cryit dugs | thair | pedigrees refleks thair monie byuss |
lumes an ein thair noks | thair | pheisik cam frae thair plauntins |
ti sauf thair bairns an | thair | plenishins sae thay wul rin |
leevin ir thrang anaw haiglin | thair | praisents til thair forbeir s |
mense awbodie wes prood o | thair | queen an thair thrie bonnie |
broun but thay keepit aye | thair | saft broun een whan thair |
spare went in an taen | thair | sates an hid thair names |
hame fur thair holidays frae | thair | schuil thair faither hed thum |
hame hinnerlie he cuid thole | thair | snash an thair ill tungs |
common words an habits oot | thair | speech as they gaed thair |
focks tung an ee chynge | thair | thinkin an thair kulter tae |
cuidnae git thair brekfasts ower | thair | thrapples quick eneuch sae they |
prood o thair queen an | thair | thrie bonnie princesses an awbodie |
droukit in the color o | thair | trade thair dirks aw gruesumlie |
chance o thaim biggin up | thair | vocabular an reddin up thair |
thair speech as they gaed | thair | wey throu eddication on the |
that thay dochtna sort wi | thair | ain fairie herbs thay wad |
whan thay micht kyth in | thair | ain richt maiks frae dayset |
look on rafu thay dounset | thair | birns aye for ti twurl |
an frae the produce o | thair | bit sma haudin thay plenisht |
git near eneuch tae sink | thair | boat thay d shoot it |
broun an staup out in | thair | bonnie richt maik but thay |
brothers that thay soud eat | thair | breid an sleep the nicht |
aw thay r aye here | thair | breists aye bare ti the |
aince been sea bairns sang | thair | coronach at thay dochtna byde |
sae eftir thay haed stertit | thair | dander she said she haed |
hinner end thay leeved out | thair | days in a mair wycelyke |
keings for the lave o | thair | days sae thay laired the |
thaim bi muinlicht chap on | thair | doors aiblins thay l cry |
thaim as thay played an | thair | een skinkilt wi delyte but |
nicht an rade awa frae | thair | faither s touer nou thay |
an up thay lowpit til | thair | feet as gleg an weill |
thay haed etten an drukken | thair | fill ane o thaim stuid |
furthest an thay aw wat | thair | fingirs the better ti draw |
breingin whyte horses thay play | thair | fluits an drums an the |
bonnie lassies for ti be | thair | guidwyfes thay war ay on |
no ken the pyne o | thair | hungir atweill thay winna said |
ti teir the corps frae | thair | lairs an thay wul goave |
brither wisnae allooed tae weir | thair | ordinar ilkaday playin claes thay |
thay happint tae bei haen | thair | piece sittin on the side |
never ken the day o | thair | return but for aw thay |
dayset thay buid pit on | thair | selkie skins again an slip |
here thay wad shauchil aff | thair | selkie skins o gray an |
thaim bi the pages in | thair | skerlet graithin thay wad push |
wusst at thay soud tyne | thair | strecht spault maiks an be |
thay aye hid tae weir | thair | sunday claes an in thae |
haurlie war thay weill feinisht | thair | supper whan wha soud cum |
ti sit himsell doun at | thair | taibil but suin thay becam |
thay set furth again on | thair | traivel an cam aerlie til |
at this but thay chynged | thair | tuin whan oot cam jennie |
pron they thaim pron them | thair | a their thare adv there |
pron they thaim pron them | thair | a their thare adv there |
yin speaks til thaim i | thair | ain hamlet leid juist is |
micht play for thaim in | thair | ain haws ablo the grund |
thaim throu nae faut o | thair | ain sae chitterin wi fricht |
wes makkin thaim reddies fur | thair | antrum the mirk days a |
as they are tae behold | thair | are hunderts ay thaim an |
displacement allouin thaim tae replank | thair | atavistic desires intil a ploy |
thaim gaed hame an brocht | thair | auld faither back wi thaim |
kent thaim fur linties bi | thair | chirmin than wi fell funk |
the wee fowk didna stap | thair | cryin no thaim suin ane |
pentit ontil the howes o | thair | feit ti hain thaim frae |
it that gart thaim pit | thair | fit in it sae aften |
an maist o thaim hid | thair | foremasts set up alang wi |
an telt thaim tae git | thair | gas masks aff she sayed |
awners an gars thaim fend | thair | gear in an immediate an |
fowk ti slay thaim for | thair | gear macduff this grippiness is |
aw ran awa leavin aw | thair | graith an siller ahint thaim |
that wis the kiltie claes | thair | grannie hid bocht thaim the |
onfreinlie receptautioun the gairds snekkit | thair | gunes an ordourt thaim aw |
ti thaim an left thaim | thair | lane on the forelaund blek |
doun for the saicont tyme | thair | lang hair spraingilt ahint thaim |
an thaim that haes lairnt | thair | lesson never cum back ti |
english at a time in | thair | lives whan maist o thaim |
for ti keep thaim richt | thair | lyfe haed a definite maik |
whit wi thaim aw sleepin | thair | lyfes awa throu ilka chaumer |
it wur thaim mairsay than | thair | menfock whae dailt wi the |
an monie a nicht an | thair | mither grat sair for thaim |
greitin bairns telt him hou | thair | mither said fareweill ti thaim |
throu lyfe an juist lyke | thair | mithers an faithers afore thaim |
an thaim that leeves in | thair | pailaces ferr ablo the swaws |
heard thaim syne they said | thair | prayers an gaed back again |
fleitcht bi thaim an aunsert | thair | quaistens blythlie ir ye iain |
ranks around thaim an kep | thair | rid faces dern an hidlin |
ti sei thaim sauf on | thair | rodd ye mynd thon kirk |
the sea bairns ti kaim | thair | sheinin hair an sing thaim |
see thaim an ti veisit | thair | steidin juist ti see whitlyke |
thaim strampin ane anither in | thair | strioushie an cryin oot ane |
as a het drink for | thair | supper an hap thaim up |
the proud mithers ilkane wi | thair | sweirt laddies asyde thaim the |
first taste o sacchareens in | thair | tea geordie cuidnae thole thaim |
thaim wi bluid an uised | thair | verra dirks l macbeth wha |
ain kitchen an thaim wurkin | thair | weirdrie for hir but she |
aw lat thaim threip oot | thair | wurd o bluid an daith |
hind whae wir thar wi | thair | ain horses the crack got |
the brawest canniest horses o | thair | breed duncan s horses brak |
focht an war slauchtert nou | thair | horses reinge aboot nickerin bi |
the hinnert traivlars spur up | thair | horses til the nearest howf |
duncan s horses brak doun | thair | staws breinged oot an turnt |
anither dungeon an thare war | thair | twa horses the twa hawks |
auld bairns cuid mak up | thair | ain propaganda geordie mindit thon |
stern cuid she glisk throu | thair | brainches whaur cuid she lay |
cawed roun ti gie m | thair | crak an cuid be hard |
cuid dae whit he liked | thair | eventually his ma an da |
cuid cry in for johnnie | thair | freend that bid athort the |
navy they cuid aye see | thair | granda s boat the felicity |
the weeman focks cuid turn | thair | haunds tae monie oot side |
the puir wumman cuid byde | thair | peingin nae langir sae whit |
roused an he cuid hear | thair | yowls o rage no ferr |
n anerlie wes the r | thair | ain ingine bot raws o |
the auld skeills leirit bi | thair | antecestors hae gaen bot the |
hiz men nou gaed about | thair | beisnes bot telt the lad |
men raid out ti speir | thair | beisnes bot the nem o |
bot als a releigious taiken | thair | biggins wes med o widd |
at its warst ti haud | thair | dochter rosidandrum frae hairm bot |
or siclik an cryin at | thair | minnie ti halp bot the |
sauchtrie burn the fowk skartit | thair | pows ower this bot a |
wur fain o ither bot | thair | warl wes lik an emmet |
ense bot border lallans i | thair | youth tae mint ae single |
yeir ma junior megstie mei | thair | irnae monie lairds at kan |
the simmer haes gaen tho | thair | maimorie hauds for monie a |
or order trees pou up | thair | monie ruits an quut the |
an the deid whaul draws | thair | monie veisitors the day the |
platch throu the dubs wi | thair | clydesdails an cairties thon wes |
ti tig the grund an | thair | flindriken green gouns flichterin throu |
wes aye sekein ti pit | thair | neives throu ma drum skin |
hae ti gae throu in | thair | puir lives they micht leeve |
droukit wi dew quynes in | thair | see throu gouns slounge sexy |
puddoks haes ti breathe throu | thair | skins dae ye no ken |
deid craws an gaed on | thair | wey on throu the trees |
buddie s houss an stert | thair | cantrips aw ower a m |
or ein ti redd out | thair | chaumers the hale houss wes |
vershinins haed a richt gliff | thair | haill houss nearly burnt doun |
aw natasha ay it s | thair | houss anaw ah l tell |
out in the mirk leivin | thair | houss door open sae that |
is t no it s | thair | houss eftir aw natasha ay |
belaiggert garron wallopin up ti | thair | houss sauf an weill the |
waukent an beguid ti dae | thair | houss skodgies an tak pairt |
coronach an his bairns an | thair | bairns eftir myndin aye at |
wutches that war guid til | thair | bairns even sous is whyles |
sous is whyles guid wi | thair | bairns he takes more mutton |
teachers anenst the teachin o | thair | bairns the war ears ithoot |
leave yeir wyfe an bairns | thair | lane aw that ye loue |
bounless bairns for the queen | thair | mither fell seik an died |
bairns eftir myndin aye at | thair | mither haed been a selkie |
a whein sea bairns divertin | thair | sells or the sea gaed |
the bairns that haes feinisht | thair | studies at oor skuil ower |
bairns sae that they in | thair | turn growe up inti meiserabil |
tyme whan his marrow an | thair | twae bairns bade bi thairsels |
wi him oot yonder leavin | thair | twae bairns tricia an adam |
haes stertit ti kemp on | thair | ain accoont the door bursts |
seem haes a mind o | thair | ain an is gey sweir |
he haes seen sum o | thair | banes in the grund whaur |
see whit smert wee fingirs | thair | new mistress haes mysie haed |
o the field haes daibilt | thair | pouthert chowks the gress on |
scottish national dictionary association an | thair | publishers haes been guid eneuch |
out tae the macnabs that | thair | reputations haes nivver ackwallie bin |
yestreins haes lichtit gomerils alang | thair | roads ti stourie graves oot |
thir kintrie fowk haud til | thair | auld weys frae nou on |
they aw got haud o | thair | bits o wuid an taen |
they ir they r haein | thair | luncheon areddies fedoti haud on |
tornes haud yeir horssis inbrak | thair | mither whae sayed ye wuid |
oot an turnt camsteirie in | thair | naitur naither ti haud nor |
we bene asleip ti haud | thair | thochts awaw frae siclik doulie |
an hir bogil freins haud | thair | unco feasts ah wadna lyke |
macbeth yeir sairvants syre haud | thair | vassals an aw in trust |
t wi bluid sae war | thair | bluidie dirks we fand thare |
efter they d feinisht wi | thair | brekfasts an yince thare whit |
leuks as she redd awa | thair | cereal plates for thare wis |
that lay thare mauchtless in | thair | drukken dwams wes that no |
braw sicht thare wis for | thair | een tae tak in the |
at the beasties wuid tak | thair | gate suin s thare wesna |
fand thare lyin undichtit on | thair | pillaes they goavit at us |
whan the twasum wes makkin | thair | adews ti the ither fowk |
it sair ti recognosce at | thair | auld billie wes deid an |
cum rinnin doun the peth | thair | auld faither wes staumin luikin |
the twenes wes unyt wi | thair | auld frein napier it wes |
she wes unco jaeluss o | thair | bewtie an taen ill out |
wad play his pypes for | thair | cumpanie he wes quick ti |
wes murnin the los o | thair | deiriss ettil tammas wuid tyne |
wi a caum souch whedder | thair | destinautioun wes a stait privitate |
the coist wes cairried bi | thair | ensoverance a did tho a |
no furin frae the paust | thair | ert wes pure an fu |
truips wes ordourt bak frae | thair | forrit poseitiouns ti cairrie out |
gaitsgill wes ti tammas as | thair | hame bene ti hiz mither |
amaist ane eyland fortrace o | thair | hame whan the truips wes |
at tammas wes sauf i | thair | hauns he iftit the man |
the skellum at wes pittin | thair | housshauddin intil sic a kerfuffil |
suid busk an boun fur | thair | jurnay rosie wes richt whan |
the scots wes fay ti | thair | keings releigiouns an freins an |
amang the coral weims o | thair | kinmrik an whan she wes |
whuspert fur feir o offendin | thair | landlord an wes ane exempil |
cumpanie o reivers birled roun | thair | ledar at wes luikin baklins |
lowden an mudges cam ti | thair | lugs at the sojers wes |
wes a bit wanchancie wirried | thair | mither we nivver sein a |
scuddies or scartin about i | thair | nebs fur bogies at wes |
winnoks o the kerr wi | thair | neives mirren wes feirt fur |
wes med o widd furby | thair | plenishins bowies lumes an ein |
pairt o scotland lang syne | thair | popular wes whuppit intil a |
the kintra an perlament tint | thair | poust the beisnessis wes suin |
onie sojers at hed quastiouned | thair | presence wes ti be telt |
laddies wes tuimed out o | thair | ruim an hed ti mak |
ti the yaird fur seids | thair | shaddaes wes kest ontil the |
an wallace wes absent frae | thair | skonces mirren an john cam |
maws ti wauken me wi | thair | skraichin it wes gin ah |
awbodie wes fair terrified at | thair | wuts end it wes aither |
auntieloip i the laft o | thair | bungalo the poliss hed ti |
uncle adam elliot baith hed | thair | howdien a kan mynd on |
deanburnhaugh carpet boolin club hed | thair | meetings on ae raigler fittin |
days fock hed tae cairrie | thair | vivers shoppin saivrel myles frae |
hed tirned ti leidd i | thair | wames suin the waws o |
hed tae git on wi | thair | wurk sae yid wis left |
maun whyles seem nyce til | thair | ain kynd a mammie rat |
sleepin eftir gaun supperless til | thair | bed ah hae nae maet |
no gang greitin hungirie til | thair | bed whan the auldest lad |
pailace fowk gaed waesum til | thair | beds the yungest princess aye |
queen cuidna beir ti gie | thair | bonnie littil lass til a |
the gurlie thochts that breks | thair | boonds ti kyth til us |
tane til the tither eftir | thair | denner the lassie said bi |
the ettin the otters liftit | thair | faces til him an lippent |
thir lowpin kerns tak til | thair | heels whan frae the aest |
wi a gowden baw til | thair | herts content ah m thinkin |
chairge oor men fecht til | thair | knees in snaw nae claes |
ither hauflins ettlin ti pit | thair | manheid til the test menteith |
til ma guidman hae tint | thair | meanin awthegither nou in the |
an queen gied ane o | thair | sairvants til the reid bul |
scamperin doun the haugh til | thair | schuil ae blithsome hertitsome sicht |
til wullie s nose end | thair | wur seelence aa roond til |
the men tell lees til | thair | wyfes an pretend they dinna |
gey thrang ettlin tae git | thair | ain boat livert syne oot |
git the gassies sortit intae | thair | boxes an then tae pit |
ower gutsie at the table | thair | mither wad git on tae |
git bleck oot curtains for | thair | windaes an a wheen o |
a certain syntactic category o | thair | ain an ar separate frae |
ain feet for traivellin an | thair | ain backs for the cairryin |
that pit in an entry | thair | ain certeeficate screivit in scots |
afore fowk s sauf in | thair | ain chaumers again menteith a |
staump airn an hallmerk o | thair | ain ethnicitie n is ae |
liltit ti the muisic o | thair | ain fairie pypars nae suiner |
agin naitur for ti kill | thair | ain faither what wastrie in |
noo wi awbody juist uisin | thair | ain feet for traivellin an |
hiz tirn desyded at fur | thair | ain guid they maun allou |
awn mair nor hauf o | thair | ain hame toun is yid |
strenth tae yer focks i | thair | ain hamelt tungs dae at |
the weys neibourin nations hains | thair | ain heritage leids can help |
a first cless inlat tae | thair | ain history cultur an identity |
sae they stertit tae cry | thair | ain kinna english scots efter |
thir wee craeturs aw leevin | thair | ain lyfe in saicret sae |
naitiouns at s crouse on | thair | ain middens ti inact ane |
a whein wurfs houever glaikie | thair | ain muisic micht be is |
in a dwam haunnin ower | thair | ain pasports wiout kennin whitlik |
thairsels efter readin an writin | thair | ain pitten on kinna language |
maun leir ti leive frae | thair | ain poke scotland is a |
bourgeoises and aristos can projeck | thair | ain repressed impulses at first |
the trees maun founder in | thair | ain saison it is aw |
identity an a kennin o | thair | ain scots language gies fowk |
be fulled wi eimages o | thair | faither on a belaiggert garron |
ilkane on a pownie convoyin | thair | faither than bein eydent pupils |
dochtna byde nae mair wi | thair | faither the keing in the |
awn up that they killed | thair | faither they are gaun aboot |
tae see the boats tho | thair | faither wis awa tae the |
an for donalbain ti kill | thair | gentie faither whatnalyke thing an |
mither an faither thon bene | thair | gyrthol frie on the tuim |
an faither cuttit schort i | thair | poetaster bi the suddron ye |
the wee fowk wrocht at | thair | cairdin an syne windin an |
time an fowk alang wi | thair | consaits gits aulder an whiles |
cums ti fowk that kills | thair | faithers an sae wad fleance |
an auld fowk eithlie gies | thair | herts the sweetest wyne at |
ken that fowk can dern | thair | luiv a flouer that kyths |
ti 464 549 fowk derns | thair | luiv wha says this is |
9 1996 18 fowk derns | thair | luiv wu ti 404 549 |
lyke you fowk wul leeve | thair | lyfes in your wey an |
an fowk ti blether wi | thair | neibours i the causie biggins |
apairt frae fowk kythin i | thair | scuddies or scartin about i |
kent fowk that daunert in | thair | sleep an in the hinner |
fowk wi greigorie s ill | thair | teeth an aw the hair |
agane an wi maist o | thair | weemin fowk workin in the |
puir fowk condampt ti drie | thair | weirds at an unco spede |
as the noise hid been | thair | mither cam intae the room |
the twenes dinna haiver admoneist | thair | mither this is a verra |
hame juist lik awbodie else | thair | mither wis at the front |
pair sprintit athoot brekkin stride | thair | mither wis thrang as she |
wad ask for mercie whan | thair | bairn haed been murdert she |
nor i onie ither o | thair | generation whan it kam tae |
a byordinar fear o fleein | thair | issues gets resolve t whan |
whan ye wiss ti gain | thair | kest wi ivverie syllab the |
the cailleachs wad murn for | thair | lost youtheid but whan he |
tither ruth they had bidit | thair | maist ten year whan baith |
whan it kam tae speakin | thair | muther tung nae maitter whae |
waitin in the airport for | thair | return flicht whan she went |
heid sum weimen is no | thair | richt sells whan they ir |
ingil crakkin awaw an tostin | thair | skrankie shanks whan mirren an |
an whan the keing saw | thair | unkaimed hair hingin doun owre |
an he taen pairt in | thair | wark an play an whan |
hert sank whan ah saw | thair | wee faces dod ah thocht |
eydent for revenge agin macbeth | thair | caw ti airms wad kittil |
ma bullik for ti pey | thair | demned taxes from the chinese |
the nicht naething ti fill | thair | empie crappins but a bit |
men nou gied addisence ti | thair | foirsman he tuik aff hiz |
ti embro laein andra wi | thair | gratiteid an guid pukkil ferssis |
ti hear thae louns forsay | thair | guilt sae a wad say |
they haena wrocht ti bigg | thair | hingin nests a hae taen |
at is best shuitit ti | thair | inverounins thusgates a naitioun lik |
even the butterflies maun aern | thair | keep issa thing ti be |
didna hae tyme ti pit | thair | kers intil the gairage day |
auld buiks ti pas on | thair | lairs an trewths ti fuither |
ti drougs an cuidna thole | thair | lak he graizled hiz teith |
an kentna whitwey ti flit | thair | leilties ower nicht the r |
ti gain macduff nae dout | thair | luifs war creisht wi mukkil |
tyme ti set doun fur | thair | maet or ti hae a |
birns aye for ti twurl | thair | mustaches from the chinese kennawha |
gie hir pleven ti clype | thair | nems ti him gin shae |
strangest men ti tak oot | thair | new aixes div ye hear |
ma aistlin gairden birze oot | thair | new twigs they ettil ti |
an parfume the wyne wi | thair | petals ma guidwyfe lykes ti |
ti kep bream an trouts | thair | pleisirs is sib ti the |
at bene alloued ti kepe | thair | pownies an reinged abraid wi |
lede ti link about an | thair | pownies or the fermers ti |
reddies ti gang hame ti | thair | reists than john hered the |
the twa brithers war on | thair | road again ti see whit |
sailors turnt the bous o | thair | ships out ti sea ti |
bit wrappin sek cuist aboot | thair | shouthers for ti keep the |
herein a singil wird o | thair | sorraes he retoured ti bed |
shae mey weill no be | thair | tho a pray ti heiven |
bonnie lassie ti cormac an | thair | waddin splore lestit a year |
an cum oot ti whaur | thair | wee sister stuid waitin for |
up a burn syde ti | thair | wones an he l pit |
attack tae flee hame tae | thair | base alang near the herbour |
three laddies aw taen tae | thair | heels an rin awa hame |
crew tae tak hame tae | thair | wives when the laddies went |
haed never seen in aw | thair | days gairdin the yetts o |
lyin lyke stanes juist lyke | thair | maisters haed been sae he |
ben the room an pit | thair | gassies on then they went |
starvin naebody pit oot ay | thair | hames it s hard tae |
pit wir cairds up on | thair | ordinar caird rack but pit |
stamaks the yill suin pit | thair | wuts in a steir john |
oars or guns in case | thair | boat wis set on bi |
cuin see the whites o | thair | een bi noo the tide |
the hoscote wud fallaed bi | thair | faimlie cat an the threi |
o the widds aye hain | thair | hames bi plauntin a thikfauld |
bye wis taen up bi | thair | monarch an the nobility aboot |
bi traivel or bi vissiein | thair | prattiks the r a guid |
up an win free frae | thair | debilitatin neurosis fish benjie lives |
frae thee whaur nichtingales sing | thair | delicht an masses he hauds |
the scotts o harden keepit | thair | herried cattle gey affen frae |
out aw the infeftments frae | thair | scotch brainchis an flittit aw |
the r no back frae | thair | wark yit puir things olga |
the rigs boaz aucht and | thair | was boaz airtin frae bethlehem |
ootersyde an meadshaw tae mak | thair | wey tae an frae howpasley |
efter judges and was pitten | thair | by the gregians wha foundit |
ist ma paternal grandpaurents endit | thair | days it howcleuchsheil efter hevin |
walked oot the yett efter | thair | first sale wi fower pence |
en in informal forgaitherins o | thair | peers efter bein telt for |
laddies speerits wis up efter | thair | quick success agin the maraudin |
in the club hoose efter | thair | roond o gowf at monktonha |
hoose efter the schuil closed | thair | son jockie ferguson an his |
shovin it forrit tae seal | thair | tryst weel efter yon day |
isna ane s hamelt langage | thair | buist ken merk staump airn |
thi modals tae diverge oan | thair | meanings ane answer micht be |
mae bacca in spite o | thair | relief ane s left jalousin |
m the neist o kin | thair | s ane mair sib tae |
on the uther sume sayis | thair | come foure men upoun foure |
wi a deidlie blizzard on | thair | galluss chairge oor men fecht |
kill the lairds af for | thair | lands an ither men for |
litigation the guidwyfes cheat on | thair | men an the men tell |
afoir and a few of | thair | men ether hurt or slaine |
so mortall men quho dois | thair | mynd molest to be in |
evil dreams begunks men in | thair | rest wutchcraft an sorcerie cums |
an guid men dees afore | thair | weirdit tyme macduff ye micht |
aw sorts ay trees an | thair | are fruits an nuts ay |
dochters asyde him in aw | thair | bewtie an richt fair war |
rest fair pechilt wi aw | thair | faucht whyle the orrraman hunkert |
in his chaumer did it | thair | haunds an faces war aw |
cronies we baith hae drunk | thair | health aw thir braw hieland |
hae a spy in aw | thair | housses the morn first thing |
thegither wi the cauld aw | thair | lane wi whyte baerds an |
in peace an rowth aw | thair | leevin days but leive weygait |
thegither in halie matrimony aw | thair | leevin days lat him speak |
here they r aw at | thair | meat areddies rodé in a |
wrangous the clarks aw shiffelt | thair | peypers an cuidna tel him |
war aw cut doon in | thair | prime tae help wi the |
aw at the end o | thair | schuil holidays they war aw |
ettle tae tranquillise no kill | thair | stag yet an aw some |
if aw is really guid | thair | tell me it s so |
be sair aboot that but | thair | wis nowt aw else tae |
the beach an birlt roond | thair | yellae een leukin doon aw |
sensibility ay they wee twats | thair | ahv said it now shame |
jim and aunt lizzie an | thair | faimlie ay wullie mackinnon an |
the brydens wur notour fur | thair | guid hertitness ay yid wis |
her but she just floated | thair | oot ay reach but e |
back ay ma haun wi | thair | plummy voices an safty boadies |
couple ay days ah know | thair | s another ship near an |
haert did but hope robert | thair | were seven ay us in |
had a guid doonsettin noo | thair | is our kinsman boaz ye |
at the end they cry | thair | mithers aye mukkil guid that |
a bit of guid wi | thair | poultices an potions no that |
a guid hauf myle out | thair | road even i the braid |
guid tent no tae drap | thair | wee scran o herrin an |
up the middle o it | thair | bare feet slappin doon hard |
the stanes staun nor it | thair | cobbled feet nae king tae |
hirplin anes banged up onti | thair | feet an jyned in the |
no baith bang up onti | thair | feet as gleg an weill |
the thumpin an scrapin o | thair | feet on the ruif ye |
prototype supercuddy that wad gie | thair | country the best an maist |
wi hauf an ee in | thair | heid wad ever middil wi |
awroads wi bricht claith in | thair | airms the war fleshars an |
they war baith cled in | thair | kilts an baith wi a |
an his freins war takkin | thair | meinits on a green knowe |
war the sie flouers in | thair | unco brichtness naither war the |
weimen war hunkert doun on | thair | whyte chuckie stanes eydent wurkin |
creenge patches tae steek on | thair | airms things wadna be sae |
and askit them tae set | thair | and sae did they than |
wuthert an sae outlin in | thair | claes they re haurlie lyke |
sae funnily eneuch he ratifies | thair | claim tae whit they awn |
in a loud voice haein | thair | denner sae they ir they |
d ayeweys liked it up | thair | it wis ayways sae peacefou |
couriet doun ilk wrunkil o | thair | bodies the marra o the |
unkaimed hair hingin doun owre | thair | shouthers lyke tousilt sea weed |
o the wa spat oot | thair | bam bam bam alang wi |
o thrangity fock gangin aboot | thair | daily darg wi blithsome herts |
o spaul an pat in | thair | days playin wi the ramsh |
bodie disnae gaun aboot wi | thair | een steekit the r a |
wul goave at ye wi | thair | empie een or ye chitter |
about an tichin ither wi | thair | feit lik jyvvirs at the |
this proggit the byle wi | thair | harns clair o the mirk |
wi conscript wratches nou an | thair | herts is no in the |
trust wi snores a droggit | thair | het nicht caps an they |
an a morsil kebbok wi | thair | lest pennie piece an on |
foremasts set up alang wi | thair | liverin derricks it makit the |
wur fairlie weel domesticated helping | thair | marrows oot wi sindrie chores |
they honor me fausslie wi | thair | mous an curse me in |
the door wi naething but | thair | nicht gouns an the street |
o the scotch naitioun wi | thair | orra paix machines the uiss |
baith wi a bawbee in | thair | pooches for the plate they |
birks an the rowans wi | thair | reid berries an she stuid |
tung takkit an pleyed wi | thair | shuils junipere kent tho whit |
turnt inti hochlin flippers an | thair | skins becam cuivert wi selkie |
ower fae the bar tae | thair | table an cairried on wi |
as a snaw flake wi | thair | touers an turrets glinkin in |
an the drukken louns begowk | thair | trust wi snores a droggit |
airieplanes fullin the air wi | thair | uillie reik the fauss hecht |
blooms orchids an chrysants wi | thair | wersh parfume ah dream o |
criss crossed the insides o | thair | windaes wi strips o sticky |
wuidna tak onie siller fur | thair | mense durand the lang slaw |
burnin a hole in baith | thair | pootches they didnae tak ower |
they dee an ithers tak | thair | steid an they eat drink |
gaed but the twasum hauddit | thair | coy fur a fyow meinits |
ends meet an providing fur | thair | families needs keepit fock juist |
pair o buits up fur | thair | final fittin tae the fermer |
peats an wunnin eldin fur | thair | fyres letter writin i maist |
lambin hervestin the fodder fur | thair | kye an ither bease cuistin |
i the late 1940 s | thair | ir nou motor roads tae |
juist i tyme tae hae | thair | brekfast an stert anither days |
an content the lave o | thair | days an as for the |
done a days labour in | thair | lives honest tae god robert |
the days o the judges | thair | was a famine in the |
dawin the watch dinna dird | thair | drums the nicht awbodie bydes |
an the borth ick waitter | thair | aince wur ae brig owre |
craik ower the hills tae | thair | hames is ae maitter o |
ae sma haudin yonder anenst | thair | hoose mebbies twuntie acre or |
the wusdom o implementin i | thair | schuils ae plan o action |
the airlie 1940 s scott | thair | son deyd ae wheen ear |
snorkin an snorin eftir ae | thair | trauchil that day as shuir |
tartans like but juist cause | thair | grannie liked the colours they |
wis in fisherraw herbour liverin | thair | herrin it wis juist yince |
gravitatit intil the toun i | thair | auld age greenbanks ferm mr |
frie feint a hait o | thair | auld cants an sangs bad |
lairs o antecestors eftir aittin | thair | peces sittin on the auld |
ower lang tae feinish aff | thair | denner an then it wis |
bobbin aboot somewhair just oot | thair | ah fell asleep till well |
or it wis time for | thair | boats tae gaun oot agane |
table in the hotel haein | thair | brekfast afore gaun oot tae |
in heivin they hae putten | thair | caunils oot he hands him |
attempt here an a laid | thair | dirks oot ready for him |
government troopers gat wurd o | thair | forgethern an hied awa oot |
still pechin for braith athin | thair | gassies an leukit oot at |
aff an stertit sortin oot | thair | gear geordie an his freends |
an wha coud ledge oot | thair | lang swallen lips the furthest |
aince ah cum oot see | thair | petals chitter ah hae gowden |
sisters straik thairsells oot in | thair | treisur kists an cum you |
fin oot is tae gaun | thair | yersel an mak siccar no |
mirren confortit the twasum skairin | thair | greve belyve andra tirned aff |
mac whaur yon note fer | thair | trip wis ran aff reflections |
waves o heat tae keep | thair | backs an bare legs warm |
an let on it wis | thair | boat the bits o wuid |
gied a cheir an waffed | thair | bunnets as the first billets |
snaw leaves the merks o | thair | claws an flies awa sum |
whaur the hemlocks gied furth | thair | douce scent an the linties |
arranged for the teachers an | thair | faimlies masha ah m no |
o sugar an they got | thair | first taste o sacchareens in |
an gar palaces cowp owre | thair | foonds even till heiliegoleirie seikens |
door an the windaes o | thair | grund flair flet wis grained |
an lazy sweyin doucelie in | thair | hammocks mertins nest an flie |
gaen him the owerance o | thair | herts an mynds a wudnae |
mous an curse me in | thair | herts seton answers his call |
or fifty acres only an | thair | is naebody else camped here |
airmour o wir feirms an | thair | lawers hained uz the yeirs |
dodds an hir scholars daein | thair | lessons sittin liggin an mebbies |
an a third cried balmoral | thair | letter o challenge shaws the |
fingirs at him an shakkin | thair | littil neives in his gizz |
soond o the syreens deefent | thair | lugs an the three laddies |
celtic kulter an langage o | thair | naurest neipers an the anlie |
doot creenged an leukit doon | thair | nebs at the orra misfortunate |
gospel ull convick fock o | thair | need an wun sauls intil |
the mainners an habits o | thair | neipours thon at is best |
geordie an beenie flittit intae | thair | new hoose in the honest |
o wuid an taen up | thair | places at the front an |
an that many huv died | thair | prospectin for gold ah wish |
the spulzie itsel kam intil | thair | rackonin an nae doot it |
the sojers wul be on | thair | road the day an awthing |
an for a wee second | thair | robert ah thought ah wis |
just burning stane an that | thair | s nae watter tae be |
granda s crew cled in | thair | sea buits an ileys doon |
an aye the murners in | thair | turn ir murned sanct an |
steir thairsells an set aboot | thair | wark a see ye wunner |
steir thairsells an set aboot | thair | wark a see ye wunner |
roun glowerin at him pyntin | thair | wee fingirs at him an |
left tae mynd fock o | thair | ancestrial scottis border kulter wull |
upsterts o the chyngin hielans | thair | challenge the collective poacher micht |
the lift the cut o | thair | claes wul be different the |
never seen the lykes o | thair | daunsin aither the fester he |
the tall treis musie i | thair | drames o wat s moostroopin |
scotts o mulsintoun hae exerceesed | thair | fair skair o moyen on |
rinin o roberton pairish throwe | thair | inpit on sindry boards comatees |
o life is better staunin | thair | it blinds me what kin |
eimage o john serten wesna | thair | kinsman the jakman tuik a |
anent the puir stait o | thair | lectronic frein john speired whitwey |
john macnab thrie cronies i | thair | mid forties are deein o |
day tae mynd fock o | thair | norwegian forefock is the fouth |
narcissists a means o satisfeein | thair | repress t instincts in the |
syne baith are warks o | thair | time set i the contemporarie |
o yon hames that clasht | thair | yetts on ma face buson |
hot here tae awfy hot | thair | are many strange things on |
hae time tae listen tae | thair | haiverins aboot a german airieplane |
gey sweir tae gie up | thair | hard won english forbye the |
workers lined up tae colleck | thair | pey packets it wurna onlyke |
characters space tae wark out | thair | proablems mair or less as |
tory cabinet meenister tae heize | thair | speerits this trio turn tae |
ride on the train fae | thair | tae glesga how long must |
authors that tries tae match | thair | writin nearer tae the scots |
brugh yett and was set | thair | and in a wee while |
gin they wis catch t | thair | class wid hae steek t |
awa intae moabite kintra and | thair | they bidit elimelech naomi s |
praisent mansion hoose wis biggit | thair | stuid on yon whit wis |
geyan sairie a didna hede | thair | warnishins whit can a dae |
forebeirs kent as freends pittin | thair | fit in it wis somethin |
waitter tuik the tenancy on | thair | son elliot ballantyne whae wis |
composite pauchler or poacher at | thair | hert john buchan s john |
the fish the laddies held | thair | scran up a wee bit |
mawkins they mair nor doubilt | thair | straiks upon the fae binna |
lik awbodie else that losses | thair | jobs tammy they hing aboot |
saut that naethin ava leeves | thair | nae fish nae trees nae |
ye say it is is | thair | nae puir nae starvin naebody |
owre and ma certes wasna | thair | a wumman liggin at his |
a read i a at | thair | banns wur annunced on 22nt |
prattik the weans aye chowlt | thair | chafts at the chaum corders |
busses field myce skelters reddin | thair | holes for the wunter at |
quhat they did witht him | thair | i can not tell [inhale] |
french coort eats puddoks for | thair | denner queen ah daursay it |
dee ah sall dee and | thair | sall ah be yirdit ah |
esps the dowf wunds souch | thair | endless whusperin deids ma hert |
up a pages 147 153 | thair | wur saivrel servans i residence |
ladies of renoune quhyls on | thair | face and quhyls on their |
on the muir athout beirial | thair | flesh becam meat for the |
masha the sojers ir on | thair | road weill a happy traivel |
v tear tend v await | thair | a their thegither adv together |
end dee d doucelyke in | thair | beds l macbeth going over |
seing my inexpertnes to publiss | thair | better leirnyng i grant in |
a clekkin droukit cormorants dryin | thair | blek weings alang the pier |
that the fower macnabs tine | thair | boredom altho the midges and |
naturale inclinacioun gevis thame of | thair | complexioun to a brethe and |
yon unco namelie randie skellum | thair | corps is lang murlt inti |
hings a gowden cuinyie roond | thair | craigs the whyle he s |
iceland valgerd his guidwyfe gunlöd | thair | dochter gunner a crusader orm |
three tikes ligg daffin i | thair | drames noon heat three dogs |
moir low and suddane cums | thair | feirfull fall repetition chapter v |
no uisin thae words that | thair | forebeirs kent as freends pittin |
the schuil dominies yince keepit | thair | horse sei a b c |
ahm missin ye badly for | thair | is a gapin hole in |
rain the desert trees skail | thair | lest green leafs the peirs |
sleep if it s no | thair | lug deefenin screichin it s |
audiscense ein the dugs cokkit | thair | lugs ye ken the taill |
or beste is sudaynly stert | thair | naturale inclinacioun gevis thame of |
thairfoir lat the laif do | thair | pairt as we the earle |
according to the estimatioun of | thair | substance to sic contributiun as |
syde the rid douglas sein | thair | trigidie in a nyow licht |
ither this luiks gey lyke | thair | wark moula gabbles and makes |
sortes of coynes [inhale] quhair | thair | was gret tumult of peple |
of this mortal coil for | thair | will be no boadily pains |