
See this word as a collocate cloud

000 per 100 000 ratherthan1 000 per 100 000
i received over 180 ratherthan110 cash because they paid
when they are 22 ratherthan12 they could be playing
the clerk is open ratherthan14 normal days for recess
of 16 per cent ratherthan20 per cent i am
the clerk is open ratherthan28 days i hope that
per cent a year ratherthan6 5 per cent although
appeal for a fine ratherthana broad brush remember that
turbulent play of crosscurrents ratherthana broad mainstream for example
guided experience of them ratherthana change of dialect certainly
from spoken to written ratherthana change of genre it
communal system of communication ratherthana collection of individual systems
basic set of laws ratherthana constitution with the emphasis
superstate a new treaty ratherthana constitution would be preferred
will pass the legislation ratherthana date that is realistic
apply an environmental consent ratherthana discharge consent the environmental
a distinct national language ratherthana form of low german
we need a political ratherthana judicial approach because a
executive favours a political ratherthana judicial resolution of breaches
m605: of the period ratherthana kinna more broad based
remained another iberian dialect ratherthana language in its own
is a political judgement ratherthana legal one i do
fishing industry in scotland ratherthana liability s1m 2898 ross
coursing coursing a lure ratherthana live animal the lure
in a manufactured scots ratherthana live language if we
a stay of execution ratherthana long term commitment to
me as a proctor ratherthana monitor i knew something
assessment might suggest that ratherthana moratorium there should be
person perhaps a workmate ratherthana neighbour on whom they
it as an opportunity ratherthana penance tricia marwick in
an action an offence ratherthana permitted exception gordon nardell
bush is a victim ratherthana perpetrator he was born
of an inanimate object ratherthana person or a dog
celebrant should be licensed ratherthana place so that the
neutral a practical issue ratherthana political one however in
have been a doctor ratherthana politician keith said that
comes in a negative ratherthana positive resolution of the
approach to the issue ratherthana purely medical approach and
member of the scottish parliamentthana rather simple repetition of
a uk wide restriction ratherthana restriction that applies only
a twelve inch record ratherthana s- forty five single
this is a guideline ratherthana scientific figure but sfha
a uk wide basis ratherthana scottish basis simply because
an open recorded vote ratherthana secret ballot on this
an open recorded vote ratherthana secret ballot we have
like an open democracy ratherthana secret society i realise
of specific sector targets ratherthana single arbitrary target will
was a midlothian word ratherthana skye [laugh] m1008: that
rather look like an idiotthana slob the maggie has
was a quantum leap ratherthana sort of shuffle forward
the national park area ratherthana specific constituency of interest
to have a uk ratherthana specifically scottish focus in
mmhm a main course ratherthana starter f718: mmhm m1078:
mark a step backward ratherthana step forward there is
towards an analytic language ratherthana synthetic language in other
it d be somebody ratherthana thing f1005: ah but
a ban in scotland ratherthana uk wide ban i
usin the the f ratherthana wh m999: oh jeez
targeted specifically at aspiring ratherthanaccomplished poets after the union
that they disperse foxes ratherthanactually kill them hunts have
opinions against each other ratherthanactually kinda contributing something new
activity which will enhance ratherthanadd to what we recognize
community s particular circumstances ratherthanadopt top down policies for
of how grammar works ratherthanadopting a teacher centred approach
well known that price ratherthanadvertising is the biggest single
statement be made before ratherthanafter decision time the deputy
i think count for ratherthanagainst them that they are
or five a4 pages ratherthanall the documents we all
ban hunting with hounds ratherthanalso to ban snares which
will flow from it ratherthanamending the civic government scotland
your door was protection ratherthanan access route f829: uh
was a historical dictionary ratherthanan etymological one in practice
scotland to another country ratherthanan internal ferry such as
economy as a threat ratherthanan opportunity whereas the smes
to meet that strategy ratherthanannounce the plans today and
freedom of their bikes ratherthanannoying the neighbours are less
claim to like one ratherthananother as well m827: aye
the burdens more equally ratherthanany downgrading the cabinet minister
just irritates me [laugh] ratherthananything else m1007: i think
in my case radio ratherthananything else or perhaps other
means of educative change ratherthanapplying punitive sanctions after debate
based on footballing merit ratherthanarbitrarily set criteria that discriminate
based on footballing merit ratherthanarbitrarily set criteria that discriminate
for developing responsive services ratherthanas a constraint it is
rustic dialect of english ratherthanas a national language which
resource to be developed ratherthanas a problem to be
sector organisations as competitors ratherthanas allies in doing good
process and logical sequence ratherthanas in reports on phenomena
as in the examples ratherthanas modifiers without any need
effects on the reader ratherthanas set structures as grammar
f641: mmhm f639: decision ratherthanas you say your parents
by automated bank transfer ratherthanat post offices potentially leading
the september tea party ratherthanat the dinner with the
active at the beginning ratherthanat the end of their
of children act 1999 ratherthanbe a new act of
through regulation and guidance ratherthanbe included in the bill
covert human intelligence sources ratherthanbe included on the face
were barefoot one day ratherthanbe teased they hid their
local and individual problems ratherthanbecause the public purse dangles
if he had climbed ratherthanbeen carried up to the
bully keats and wordsworth ratherthanbeing a site of romantic
s it s quick ratherthanbeing clever m1007: yes m1055:
are made to work ratherthanbeing considered a problem to
some sort of discretion ratherthanbeing hide bound by some
can continually refresh itself ratherthanbeing something that the standard
were like at home ratherthanbeing trailed around with a
the report for herself ratherthanbelieve the spin from the
call it privileged access ratherthanbenefit mr ingram i would
paragraph to privileged access ratherthanbenefit that will make it
situation will get worse ratherthanbetter i wonder where all
the balance of probabilities ratherthanbeyond reasonable doubt as is
strange usually in subtle ratherthanbig ways like the much
opted merely to nibble ratherthanbite still in one piece
in the black forest ratherthanbochum in the ruhr valley
pay off its debts ratherthanborrowing to invest it is
i would rather be cloisteredthanboudoired i would rather be
the executive agency model ratherthanbringing scottish homes directly into
a hypothecated budget method ratherthanbudgeting by actual student numbers
broad brimmed hat clips ratherthanbuttons women cap green or
by writing a letter ratherthanby calling the minister before
by government under contract ratherthanby its own principles of
dealt with by politicians ratherthanby judges in the european
agreement on fair trade ratherthanby one on free trade
this arena every week ratherthanby some old gonk with
that regulating by contract ratherthanby statute is not the
being made by sportscotland ratherthanby the executive what the
who are being married ratherthanby the local authority tony
by the european parliament ratherthanby the scottish parliament which
employees of fife council ratherthanby the volunteer members of
investigatory powers act 2000 ratherthanby this bill amendment 70
the public petitions committee ratherthanby this committee dennis canavan
addressed in that way ratherthanby way of the petition
aye m999: aye m1002: ratherthanca it a baby m999:
going into capital charges ratherthancapital construction the capital charges
is about revenue support ratherthancapital investment mr davidson from
brief on the instrument ratherthanchanging deadlines we need more
and commenting on that ratherthanchecking what the text actually
hens for making broth ratherthanchickens sheep s heid broth
and dois claim d ratherthanclaimit or claim t much
transitional arrangements and complicate ratherthanclarify matters angus mackay i
as addison or swift ratherthanclassical authors as suitably elegant
impossible in such cases ratherthanclassify over specifically with the
intelligence assessment and analysis ratherthancollection where the ncis might
of a single budget ratherthancoming from the general fund
as threats of closure ratherthancomments about the bigger picture
he d rather stay unhappythancommit himself to anything or
47 should be convention ratherthancommittee the consultation paper set
few bald words that ratherthancomposing slowly in writing with
innocent to be pitied ratherthancondemned so george w i
on agreed problem areas ratherthanconsider rewriting from scratch the
of an individual company ratherthanconsidering the profit margin on
towards a useful purpose ratherthanconsisting of four years of
target for increasing production ratherthanconsumption i presume that you
the door to enter ratherthancontinuing to walk in front
the principle of appropriateness ratherthancorrectness correctness implies that one
large group and removes ratherthancreates any problem relating to
show it on tv ratherthandarts for example when you
a timescale of months ratherthandays if the sea ice
in rolling out broadband ratherthandealing with it from behind
occupy the same moment ratherthandefining successive stages or periods
about why lewis macdonald ratherthandes mcnulty will close the
deviations from good english ratherthandeviations from good scots which
item that we considered ratherthandevote a lot of time
a process of encouragement ratherthandictation from the centre richard
more onerous intrusive surveillance ratherthandirected surveillance angus mackay i
to royal mail services ratherthandirectly to the post office
with 9 august certification ratherthandisadvantage the great majority michael
of implementing a scheme ratherthandiscussing whether the scheme should
be under your auspices ratherthandissipated under different organisations that
perspective language is unifying ratherthandivisive with cross cultural links
rather put up with painthando something simple about it
would have skived [laugh] ratherthandogged m1007: [laugh] f1009: but
of looking at legislation ratherthandoing so as an afterthought
i d rather be impudentthandottled at least i know
protection to the citizen ratherthandraconian powers to the law
of the nation seriously ratherthandreaming of conference centres the
move the arts forward ratherthandriving them backwards as his
do so presiding officer ratherthanduplicate the administrative functions of
an input output model ratherthane g on survey data
s probably enclosed eh ratherthaneh the close could be
cauld affa cauld [inaudible] ratherthaneh use a different word
relevant course at school ratherthanelsewhere are being presented by
the scottish health ministers ratherthanelsewhere we are doing a
get the census right ratherthanembark on a census that
to stay at home ratherthanendure non smoking pubs clubs
ah right okay m1174: ratherthanenglish cause we we we
jedburgh sometimes speak jeddart ratherthanenglish i have just returned
indeed but a gaelic ratherthanenglish one possibly it rather
aims of the bill ratherthanensure that organic production is
shown that human error ratherthanequipment error is usually responsible
the value of benefits ratherthanestablish a detailed catalogue of
support of other teachers ratherthanexclusively to reduce class sizes
it that way exhausteed ratherthanexhausted f1005: exhausted [laugh] f1054:
support people s juries ratherthanexisting local community voluntary groups
f1150: yeah just existence ratherthanf1151: i know definitely i
ye want to say ratherthanf831: mmhm things like glaikit
in the past hypothesis ratherthanfact and social distance in
rather get ahead of myselfthanfall behind i ve also
in terms of confederation ratherthanfederation the snp has consistently
issues helpfully and allay ratherthanfeed concerns when possible when
car that would criticise ratherthanfellow drivers m734: yeah f718:
are straying into policy ratherthanfinance areas brian adam those
precepts flytings are tumbling ratherthanflowing because their rhythms are
sector should encompass hmos ratherthanfocus entirely on them des
to literature for pleasure ratherthanfor education or instrumental purposes
asking for financial resources ratherthanfor human resources that would
implement such a scheme ratherthanfor it to adopt the
the public petitions committee ratherthanfor this committee to do
with language since dynamic ratherthanforced ideas seem more to
with language since dynamic ratherthanforced ideas seem more to
just when when required ratherthanforcibly ehm put it into
that it s stultifying ratherthanfreeing f1187: mmhm it feels
deviation from good english ratherthanfrom good scots so that
emanated from inside committees ratherthanfrom other folk such as
speak from the heart ratherthanfrom the head i am
transport and the environment ratherthanfrom the transport and the
to be and that ratherthanfund local authorities to do
expenditure new national parks ratherthanfurther national parks jmt suggest
wish to consider that ratherthangive full discretion perhaps kay
attractive to the media ratherthangiving them core funding which
government possibly believes that ratherthangiving up smoking some people
i would rather stay inthango out i am becoming
to build that up ratherthango to well trodden establishment
the pathway now like ratherthangoin up the pavement cause
work by voluntary organisations ratherthangoing for nice new projects
together to resolve disputes ratherthangoing to war which had
new bodies were parliamentary ratherthangovernmental committees see further the
as the measuring medium ratherthangrain gave an enlarged size
as nan or pop ratherthangrandpa f1144: now you see
were to go willingly ratherthangrudgingly and if we were
jurisdiction of the bill ratherthanhanding them over to the
quhy hath and doth ratherthanhas and dois claim d
meeting on 11th march ratherthanhave everyone coming out on
members would rather see itthanhave it debated as a
night for tuesdays uplift ratherthanhave it lying around all
aspects in the circumstances ratherthanhave mr nardell opine in
policies and their implementation ratherthanhave the national parliament dictate
the parliament building and ratherthanhave the public sitting up
may be worth considering ratherthanhaving a complete cut off
letter to the minister ratherthanhaving the minister appear before
parliament on an issue ratherthanhaving the power of enforcement
be dealt with here ratherthanhaving to be routed through
in their own home ratherthanhaving to go into care
i could follow up ratherthanhaving to start something else
of environment should help ratherthanhinder i ll be back
would help the petition ratherthanhinder it helen eadie i
that as well m1146: ratherthanhurl but there you are
f1143: yer man f1054: ratherthanhusband f1144: [inaudible] m1146: mmhm
changed to suit them ratherthani mean they re not
end in e d ratherthani t although he d
meeting such essential standards ratherthanin accordance with a grading
rhythms and onomatopoeic sounds ratherthanin attempting to communicate ideas
with that in january ratherthanin february simon wakefield okay
s imprisonment in fact ratherthanin fiction was that urquhart
somehow in the statistics ratherthanin in the texts and
now expressed in scots ratherthanin latin use the concept
assessment of each board ratherthanin line with current grant
teenage comic strip weekly ratherthanin my more or less
in england and wales ratherthanin scotland at this stage
would rather go in winterthanin summer f1149: yeah f1148:
considered in those terms ratherthanin terms of whether the
of the committee rooms ratherthanin the basement where they
scythe to be here ratherthanin the neep shed where
man s first edens ratherthanin the over rational north
in the current day ratherthanin the past mmhm m017:
written in present tense ratherthanin the past tense of
the people of scotland ratherthanin the sovereignty of any
issue is about interdependence ratherthanindependence it is about both
the scottish qualifications authority ratherthanindividual colleges within the fe
wants to consider strategic ratherthanindividual issues our undoubted priority
of meaning in clauses ratherthanindividual parts of speech as
approach councils that way ratherthanindividually allan wilson does not
wanting to get in ratherthanindulge in a dialogue about
measure outcomes and outputs ratherthaninputs as a veteran councillor
problem which is structural ratherthanintentional follows from the ways
many also said that ratherthanintroducing major change we should
be classed as directed ratherthanintrusive surveillance the bill recognises
be classed as directed ratherthanintrusive surveillance the nub of
pensions agency to galashiels ratherthanirvine is consistent with the
be rather more complex herethanit is in other parts
of it is i ratherthanit is me or avoidance
background in the canon ratherthanit s that it s
of people s attention ratherthanits content cathy peattie it
which it is organised ratherthanits exam standards make it
policy matter for politicians ratherthanjudges there is a case
a boyfriend girlfriend erm ratherthanjust a an an attractive
that would make sense ratherthanjust a series of works
aware of and apply ratherthanjust apply the final paragraph
you re polite f1054: ratherthanjust cords m1017: someone gets
in their right place ratherthanjust in the house havin
inclusion across the nation ratherthanjust locally scottish centres must
duties outside their offices ratherthanjust marriages has been missed
whole life asset management ratherthanjust road maintenance is required
and nurses feel that ratherthanjust stemming the tide they
years to work with ratherthanjust the two that was
s just denholm kelsey ratherthankelso f1054: ehm [inaudible] mmhm
is being introduced now ratherthanlast year or the year
to be implemented sooner ratherthanlater because it wished the
and local authorities sooner ratherthanlater because that would be
that it happens sooner ratherthanlater given that there has
decision is not sooner ratherthanlater i also remind members
should be done sooner ratherthanlater i respectfully suggest to
december pauline mcneill sooner ratherthanlater i think christine grahame
phrase such as sooner ratherthanlater is somewhat loose in
quoted the phrase sooner ratherthanlater it is important that
at a conclusion sooner ratherthanlater largely to address the
in mind the sooner ratherthanlater spirit of both this
were to go sooner ratherthanlater we must go in
materials of scottish speech ratherthanlatin and greek and tries
positive influence i mean ratherthan[laugh] something to m734: oh
an additional language eal ratherthanlearning english as a second
time of the meeting ratherthanleave it at the 21days
an official in edinburgh ratherthanleave such matters to the
that will do that ratherthanleaving the burden on the
statutory or other body ratherthanleft to a voluntary scheme
will always be excluded ratherthanlegal protection we should talk
be to provide guidance ratherthanlegislation murdo fraser the executive
want to see more ratherthanless of that kind of
down our city centres ratherthanlet you government bastards erode
wider labour market issues ratherthanlifelong learning marilyn livingstone i
designed to be read ratherthanlistened to [click] [inhale] and
should be reading this ratherthanlistening to it [click] all
dictionary is a thesaurus ratherthanlisting words alphabetically it groups
of river catchment areas ratherthanlocal authority boundaries s1w 7682
networks are often international ratherthanlocal makes an interesting contrast
hope will be short ratherthanlong bill butler those comments
short questions and answers ratherthanlong statements that could wait
that s the purpose ratherthanlook back at how we
structured and strategic way ratherthanloosely or on an ad
a television m741: yeah ratherthanm605: right m741: a far
were simply religious reformers ratherthanmakers of long term predictions
merely expecting an inquiry ratherthanmaking a complaint we should
to the chamber today ratherthanmaking us wait for the
english modal auxiliary must ratherthanman maun and the gh
she knows more about itthanme and i d rather
she s never grown tallerthanme we have a rather
be creatures of imagination ratherthanmeddlers in serious matters political
exploration of the issues ratherthanmoaning like the snp 10
that would be strange ratherthanmoody but eh m1008: yeah
proceeding in that way ratherthanmoving all tenants on to
much and much loving ratherthanmuckle and muckle luvand why
to answer as he ratherthanmy other colleague mr moon
20 minutes to speak ratherthanmy usual four when i
text has no more ratherthanna mair however there is
are 50 or older ratherthannecessarily 70 or 80 contribute
amount of otc sales ratherthannhs scripts which make up
forms of standard english ratherthannorth east scots as the
throwbacks to the past ratherthanobjective judgments the convener it
of which should enhance ratherthanobscure the rival brilliancies of
standard english speakers too ratherthanof any difficulties arising directly
safer more effective medicines ratherthanolder less expensive drugs which
resperidone olanzapine and quetiapine ratherthanolder medicines such as chlorpromazine
a subject by subject ratherthanon a whole school basis
face to face meeting ratherthanon any research part of
the council of europe ratherthanon anything to do with
should focus on outcomes ratherthanon inputs when it comes
formula based grant allocations ratherthanon the basis of targets
more on the detail ratherthanon the bill the consultation
based on the principle ratherthanon the detail any country
at the registered address ratherthanon the offender to ensure
the impact of globalisation ratherthanon the opportunities the big
sections of the poem ratherthanon the work as a
cannot do in scotland ratherthanon what we can do
national parks might work ratherthanon whether or not they
quality of course offered ratherthanon whether or not tuition
police forces to do ratherthanon wider issues members must
should spring to mind ratherthanone based on an entirely
all dromedaries in general ratherthanone dromedary in particular similar
artificially laid scent trail ratherthanone generated by a fox
we have regular reporting ratherthanone off reports to ensure
something about such problems ratherthanone that ignores them the
it with two problems ratherthanone under resourcing in scottish
irregular spellings with regular ratherthanoperating a more or less
the needs of people ratherthanoperating companies support lifeline links
which see section d ratherthanor as well as ministers
placing emphasis on projects ratherthanorganisations can lead to instability
by moliere and others ratherthanoriginal work the view seems
although some are clearly betterthanothers it is rather that
take the important decisions ratherthanothers on their behalf i
would use flying registrars ratherthanour usual registration service iain
a sense of mischief ratherthanout of principle if there
sketches silhouettes in sound ratherthanpaint because people could readily
pal isn t it ratherthanpal pal f1005: pal f1054:
that still involve nursing ratherthanpaper shuffling we need more
investment we hope that ratherthanparachuting anything into the bill
an interest in disability ratherthanpeople who have no experience
single out msc places ratherthanphd places were you thinking
in a language practical ratherthanphilosophical standpoint what he needed
would prefer the registrar ratherthanplaces to be licensed would
of any other word ratherthanplay f1144: kickabout if it
to which a technical ratherthanpolicy focused approach would help
of language choice decorously ratherthanpolitically jack s argument is
16th century writers decorously ratherthanpolitically that i m not
from issues of principle ratherthanpracticality if that were the
see what may happen ratherthanpreparing for all eventualities muir
legislation should be enabling ratherthanprescriptive nhs borders was of
the increase in earnings ratherthanprices if that link had
should address the issue ratherthanprocedural matters tommy sheridan with
it is objective driven ratherthanprocess driven i do not
it is objective driven ratherthanprocess driven we can do
end of the year ratherthanproduction of the draft directive
a programme for consumption ratherthanproduction robin harper we did
just so stories then ratherthanproviding us with strictly scientific
that the scottish executive ratherthanpunishing aberdeen tenants for deciding
behalf of the committee ratherthanpursuing the agenda that they
reductions on the shelf ratherthanput in on the wee
aims of the bill ratherthanput the targets on the
identify that second category ratherthanputting both groups of houses
worried about the provision ratherthanputting our minds at rest
a gearing towards price ratherthanquality and skewing the tendering
on size and quantity ratherthanquality miles of hideous tables
the word forms why ratherthanquhy hath and doth rather
2 and so on ratherthanreading the paragraph out that
that should be recorded ratherthanreceiving something through the post
i use that word ratherthanreckless push on schools from
will be built on ratherthanreduced after the bill has
distances they are guidelines ratherthanregulations they seem to imply
done in aberdeen city ratherthanreinvent the wheel alan fraser
m608: mmhm m1174: er ratherthanreligious more traditional in its
exploitation of their work ratherthanrely on a system of
in the catching sector ratherthanremove individuals from the industry
competence at the outset ratherthanrepenting at leisure at some
about complementing and supporting ratherthanreplacing we believe that the
more from their pharmacy ratherthanrequiring them to go back
petition would be referred ratherthanresponded ourselves is that correct
brought along general material ratherthanrestricting the display to postal
to stay in mallorca ratherthanreturn to scotland i told
structure we seek evolution ratherthanrevolution we are building on
characterized by intellectual continuity ratherthanrupture as the counter revolutionary
case with urban varieties ratherthanrural varieties mm m017: ye-
m999: an stuff eh ratherthansayin close eh [laugh] aye
east coast says troosers ratherthansayin trousers f1145: troosers m1146:
be put in place ratherthansaying that the minister is
use the past tense ratherthansaying write ed there and
for his preferring english ratherthanscots as a poetic medium
inflexion wishith and takith ratherthanscots wishis and takis we
word was say byrne ratherthansearch for totally different formulas
of longer term commitment ratherthanseeing themselves as commercial enterprises
sub member state administrations ratherthanseeking to comment on every
the scheme get on ratherthansend further researchers out each
government scotland act 1982 ratherthanseparate legislation somewhere in the
in the action plan ratherthanset them on the face
and do it soon ratherthansimply follow the shabby compromise
the poetry around him ratherthansimply following diverse models comparisons
appointments to the board ratherthansimply having a scottish representative
to commit an offence ratherthansimply letting the polis use
will sustain our communities ratherthansimply manage their decline the
a significant sexual element ratherthansimply mr hamilton and on
necessary to the bill ratherthansimply producing a figure of
national tradition is multiple ratherthansingular an often turbulent play
hunt by sight gazehounds ratherthansmell like foxhounds hares are
all of us together ratherthanso much where s iri-
the benefit of criminals ratherthansociety generally the use of
own nation s history ratherthansomeone else s s1w 29250
quick m1008: mmhm m1055: ratherthansomething that was br- bright
of the scottish executive ratherthansomething to which you were
thank yous in that ratherthanspeak them she would like
bill that general shops ratherthanspecialist shops should have restrictions
is on pressured areas ratherthanspecific types and sizes of
a programme of substance ratherthanspin and instructs the scottish
to schools on implementation ratherthansqa regulations it has always
rather go into the gardenthanstay here deana no i
a junction said relax ratherthanstop throw the purdah o
be seen as partners ratherthansubjects in inverness the comments
i would rather be neuteredthansuitored i fly by autopilot
focused on one issue ratherthansurveyed the big picture of
present tense i s ratherthant h for example [inhale]
we could offer him ratherthantake the carers away which
puk wants to back ratherthantaking an individual school it
the bill s requirements ratherthantaking other measures that might
propose that we write ratherthantaking up our and the
we should set milestones ratherthantargets and we should build
to do with goals ratherthantargets would you say that
to the next bend ratherthantediously follow it round this
provide permanent and suitable ratherthantemporary accommodation to homeless persons
provide permanent and suitable ratherthantemporary accommodation to homeless persons
was on physical conditions ratherthantenancy management the licensing scheme
probably gonna go down ratherthanthan than up m605: yes
gonna go down rather thanthanthan up m605: yes there
spending may be rather higherthanthat however we could not
as regards devolved competency ratherthanthat of the detr nothing
remit of this committee ratherthanthat of the rural affairs
east lothian lab rather lessthanthat the convener i had
cent in the contracts ratherthanthe 1 6 per cent
series on the wine ratherthanthe ale pint each pint
as the outcomes so ratherthanthe assessment driving the the
projects eligible for support ratherthanthe availability of funds a
end of the market ratherthanthe broadsheet end des hudson
budget in 2001 02 ratherthanthe budget provision for the
executive and uk legislation ratherthanthe building scotland act 1959
who worshipped the mother ratherthanthe christ but i want
deal with the issue ratherthanthe contempt of court act
committee as a whole ratherthanthe convener alone which decides
rather have on going paymentsthanthe conversion rates have you
our involvement in puk ratherthanthe creation of a scottish
3 s4 to 6 ratherthanthe cur- current model of
landlord should have applied ratherthanthe date at which they
fleet and onshore sectors ratherthanthe decommissioning of vessels and
could have been followed ratherthanthe despairing dive they decided
speaking a community language ratherthanthe education system valuing and
european union s level ratherthanthe european union making concessions
responsibility of fife council ratherthanthe executive or any committee
it was the parliament ratherthanthe executive that forced the
their aunt s address ratherthanthe grassmarket f1054: mm m1021:
ae man maun suffer ratherthanthe haill jingbang that s
still stands i suspect ratherthanthe hill club at nuwara
usability for the disabled ratherthanthe implicit references in the
the money is spent ratherthanthe income and expenditure equation
appeal to the emotions ratherthanthe intellect the three main
to privatise meat inspection ratherthanthe issue being left to
sought against the owner ratherthanthe local authority we are
mistake to use eydp ratherthanthe longer form perhaps anyone
in a rural area ratherthanthe luxury that it might
such as wheatstone bridges ratherthanthe modern technology that they
that line of regulation ratherthanthe more limited regulation that
asian community this time ratherthanthe muslim community and erm
create an appropriate response ratherthanthe negative one of correcting
intentionally use the verb ratherthanthe noun is often in
intentionally use the verb ratherthanthe noun is often in
right and and erm ratherthanthe other person f963: mm
meps coming to us ratherthanthe other way round the
like paws you know ratherthanthe pals f1143: mmhm f1144:
mandatory licensing is having ratherthanthe personal views of professionals
should license the person ratherthanthe premises keith jones at
we licensed the individuals ratherthanthe premises we would still
the countryside agency definition ratherthanthe previous post office definition
be uk wide legislation ratherthanthe proposed scottish legislation james
resources may be rather lessthanthe raw figure implies i
the english w h ratherthanthe scots q u h
using a sewel motion ratherthanthe scottish parliament having its
everybody on the ground ratherthanthe senior officers who are
should take the longer ratherthanthe shorter one the convener
distribution of the cake ratherthanthe size of the cake
to be data management ratherthanthe software or the markers
as an enjoyable addition ratherthanthe sole experience pupils have
of the cultural sector ratherthanthe specifics of what the
issue for the executive ratherthanthe sqa as margaret nicol
of the scottish executive ratherthanthe sqa will allow for
rhymes on the unstressed ratherthanthe stressed syllable rhyming in
regulations that concerns me ratherthanthe suggestion that three months
writing and project side ratherthanthe technical arm i have
was leaving the local ratherthanthe tourist train with passengers
south glasgow the toilets ratherthanthe users are disabled in
businesses and so on ratherthanthe usual suspects and people
it the proper name ratherthanthe ye know these adjectives
the swearing word connotations ratherthanthe you know the the
genres are rather more complexthanthis there are many examples
countries are probably rather fewerthanthose applied here fish farming
on a uk basis ratherthanthree or four times as
runs for three months ratherthanthree years but i found
through the review process ratherthanthrough an immediate response to
texts for definite purposes ratherthanthrough de contextualised activities when
through public private partnership ratherthanthrough government borrowing s1w 33521
tackled through specific schemes ratherthanthrough universal regulation what is
aboot flingin a stone ratherthanthrowin a stone just comes
making use of it ratherthanthrowing it away to make
and use mainly logical ratherthantime connectives e g this
objectives would the executive ratherthantinker at the edges of
be treated with dignity ratherthanto be patronised i tried
and learn about education ratherthanto be spoken for cathy
went to fund recycling ratherthanto deal with general waste
who want to communicate ratherthanto express themselves f1187: mmhm
heritage jobs to inverness ratherthanto galashiels inverness has a
in one uk bill ratherthanto have a separate scottish
are directed to us ratherthanto him mr ingram i
to encourage brand switching ratherthanto increase consumption do not
as quickly as possible ratherthanto ing and fro ing
of the hound 29 ratherthanto kill the hare however
system and to intervene ratherthanto leave everything to the
to take that risk ratherthanto let the provision stand
being given to crews ratherthanto owners is based on
are regarded as homeless ratherthanto people who are moving
to drive up costs ratherthanto produce extra output that
to develop their applications ratherthanto risk pursuing them separately
encourage existing local organisations ratherthanto set up new ones
to the registration authority ratherthanto the district registrar other
to say that clearly ratherthanto use the language of
and kill wild mammals ratherthanto use them to flush
to the scottish parliament ratherthanto westminster that is preferable
tendency to provide information ratherthanto withhold it if information
may cause serious concern ratherthantransferring state secrets or quantities
control of coastal enrichment ratherthantreating aquaculture in isolation is
longriggend could see that ratherthantreating people the way they
the project to date ratherthantry to meet a deadline
advises a rolling buffet ratherthantwo sittings ladies will collect
under that new regime ratherthanunder an old system that
the treaty of maastricht ratherthanunder title 3 of the
many scots are unable ratherthanunwilling to pay council tax
it at the table ratherthanup at the unit so
go down rather than thanthanup m605: yes there s
the total effect degrading ratherthanuplifting the same was true
learning they have reached ratherthanupon a requirement to teach
be for that committee ratherthanus to take such action
production of the sea ratherthanuses it simply as a
with their right hand ratherthanusing their left hand and
not got to them ratherthanusing what is perhaps the
directly to voluntary organisations ratherthanvia local authorities s1w 14604
to industry from school ratherthanvia university is there a
or contacting the minister ratherthanvia written questions it is
not of their choosing ratherthanviewing constitutions as iron bands
respond quickly to needs ratherthanwait for the lumbering involvement
texts in primary school ratherthanwait until secondary school as
for specific recreational activities ratherthanwearing specified clothing the discretion
him down as dundee ratherthanwest coast anything that you
think they ought to ratherthanwhat they want to f1150:
he give the book ratherthanwho did he give the
with bad private landlords ratherthanwith bad private landlords renting
is regarded with pleasure ratherthanwith suspicion the relationship between
done with those bills ratherthanwith the housing scotland bill
long preoccupied with abstractions ratherthanwith the perennial concerns of
within 10 working days ratherthanwithin 14 days i want
poems begin with images ratherthanwords 9 and it is
are sort o terms ratherthanwords f1026: than words mmhm
terms rather than words f1026: thanwords mmhm f1023: mmhm f1027:
you re writing down ratherthanwriting it and that only
interested in becoming writers ratherthanwriting something f1187: mmhm f66:
difficult to define spoken ratherthanwritten standard english because one
because they re iconic ratherthanyeah m762: yeah or because
the industry for decades ratherthanyears as the minister for
of a proper meal ratherthanyet another snack f1038: i
last year aberdeenshire received morethan0 5 million less than
often having budgets of lessthan1 000 we are not
think that it is lessthan1 per cent des hudson
most forcibly was that lessthan1 per cent of the
that your newspapers get lessthan1 per cent of their
the same period is lessthan10 believes that the proposed
memory it is probably lessthan100 per cent however i
and if this is lessthan100 what are the other
have to live on lessthan102 a week and pensioner
funding that amounts to lessthan10p per person scots is
that mobile telephone masts lessthan15 metres in height become
subjecting mobile telephone masts lessthan15 metres in height to
subjecting mobile telephone masts lessthan15 metres in height to
disability in 2000 01 lessthan16 per cent of scotland
continuous period of not lessthan168 days 29 apart from
over two million to lessthan180 000 in four decades
store there were no lessthan20 but glad to say
pilot study in aberdeen lessthan25 of children attended church
that a fall of lessthan3 per cent has been
cent it seems that lessthan3 per cent of people
at a cost of lessthan30 and provides youngsters with
the committee or never lessthan4 whichever is the greatest
income earners account for lessthan5 per cent given that
counter medicines accounts for lessthan5 per cent of activity
those medicines account for lessthan5 per cent of what
scots hus become available lessthan5 year syne scottish literature
have per capita gdp lessthan50 of the eu 15
for a term of lessthan6 months to a person
for a term of lessthan6 months to a person
for a term of lessthan6 months to a person
snh suggest that not lessthan75 of the funding required
of frenetic activity for lessthan8 per hour that will
it is sad that lessthan80 peers could even be
a total grant of lessthan900 000 to pay for
horticulture were retained for lessthana century mallorca had its
and islands requires nothing lessthana comprehensive jobs regeneration plan
despite these countries having lessthana fifth a third and
rope a wee bit lessthana foot in diameter bert
turning off the shower lessthana month old specially made
due to start in lessthana month on friday 7
although they make up lessthana quarter of the general
of what seemed little lessthana savage communal orgy when
venues will require less examinationthana venue that has never
recalled my arrival there lessthana week before how extraordinary
brainstorm here i am lessthana week in canada and
signatures were collected in lessthana week that demonstrates the
painless it took him lessthana week to come to
executive s response of lessthana year ago seems to
that a period of lessthana year is possible we
ago i stayed for lessthana year though and i
carries two small packets lessthana5 size they are almost
of dialects is certainly lessthanaccurate the most noticeable feature
that my efforts were lessthanadequate he tried to get
winter lasts not much lessthanalaska s there are only
it is no less comprehensiblethanamerican or australian english douglas
brief amount of time lessthanan hour on what is
31 march 2000 was lessthanat 31 march 1992 s1o
for example was less wetthanaverage until two or three
yeah m762: perhaps less imperialistthanbefore you know erm so
such as laundering at lessthancost or on a loss
for a measure less seriousthanculling such as the disruption
convincing meg and a lessthandiabolic old nick nanny is
still puzzled though less sothandod she used to get
corrie cannae please at lessthanechty nine degrees strecht up
much less concerned with abstractionsthanenglish it is specific to
a less popular poetic subjectthanfalling in love in ageing
fish you get no lessthanfive and we drank the
due to there being lessthanfive such pupils s1w 11819
hay already given written lessthanfive years after the killing
clubs generally use less dogsthanfoot packs and they receive
year award and no lessthanfour scottish championships in volleyball
ehm if you go lessthanfour times a year it
contracts this will include lessthanfull time contracts develop nhs
is quieter and less vulgarthangeorgie s they take up
is said and done lessthangrains of sand in nature
administration there will be lessthanhalf a police officer more
that half an hour lessthanhalf an hour ago and
men attend their gps lessthanhalf as often as women
men attend their gps lessthanhalf as often as women
the pail would be lessthanhalf full to stop the
4 billion that is lessthanhalf the 41 5 billion
salvador to make him lessthanhe is a plaster saint
under 4 regrets the lessthanhelpful propaganda of smoking pressure
they have relatively less followersthanhunts elsewhere in the uk
to wash which was lessthanideal f1151: [laugh] i- i
1990s less welcome in secondarythanin primary schools whereas primary
are no less well paidthanin publicly operated prisons s1w
are no less well trainedthanin publicly operated prisons s1w
musicians arrived they were lessthaninspiring so three of us
with less detailed construction informationthanis desirable as outlined in
it in less detail herethanis given to functional writing
system that is less prescriptivethanit has been in the
a lot less likely nowthanit has for some time
less rich f963: mm f965: thanit is if you include
burn is no less temptingthanit is improbable the names
in the country less diversethanit is m741: mmhm m605:
000 less in 2002 03thanit received in 1985 86
of funding is significantly lessthanit was 10 15 or
than 0 5 million lessthanits fair share of community
annum which is much lessthanits gaelic counterpart 66 in
total health budget and lessthanlast year s underspend in
than you know by lessthanlike you know eighty miles
135 million it is lessthanlumberjack mcconnell filched from the
cases are perhaps less complexthanmay be encountered in the
hear you being less generousthanme on you go bill
is more or less effectivethanmethadone treatment s1w 32321 mary
ha e even less purposethanmine loretta i m nae
he was less long livedthanmost of the others died
like a playboy on lessthannothing appropriate title i got
they get less job satisfactionthannurses who continue to look
has been revealed that lessthanone third of prisoners at
a good deal less textthanone who wants to search
whose experience is either lessthanone year or one to
people s lives worth lessthanothers and notes that genocide
some people were less committedthanothers to the idea of
empathise with those less fortunatethanourselves and the mood although
or at best thought lessthanpolite and no doubt in
even less easy to understandthanresource accounting is are as
this debate have been lessthansatisfactory we should not lose
rhythms are appropriately less regularthansay a smooth love sonnet
and b heard not lessthanseven days after the date
think less badly of themthanshe she had had as
was like much less shythanshe was i used to
the cruise ship s lessthansix feet from the bank
annum pension package for lessthansix years as permanent secretary
is less of a differencethansome headlines suggest we handle
a magic formula nothing lessthanspace age magic will do
artistic career had been lessthanspectacular after graduating he had
scotland has been much lessthanthat experienced in england throughout
in the highlands whereas lessthanthat is being made available
005 is 9 7 lessthanthat of a newly qualified
police constable and 11 lessthanthat of a qualified teacher
by local authorities is lessthanthat outlined in their care
clear time scale nothing lessthanthat will do we do
closures has been far lessthanthe 434 that occurred last
they will be less desirablethanthe current care provisions helen
have about 2 billion lessthanthe encouraging figures in this
we will be supporting lessthanthe executive amendment the snp
less usual outing for methanthe health and community care
be less anonymous and impersonalthanthe huge rented block you
him both less and morethanthe other servants both closer
have to live on lessthanthe state pension and the
of arbuthnott and not lessthanthe sum 7 6 in
variable d is presently lessthanthe sum of the variables
trip there it s lessthanthe trip from prestwick to
of advertised vacancies paid lessthanthe unit s minimum wage
way that is less favourablethanthe way in which a
that this less much lessthanthe wedding and fortune that
like 17 a week lessthantheir council worker counterparts in
earn 17 per cent lessthantheir counterparts in england and
approximately 17 per cent lessthantheir counterparts south of the
upland farming are much lessthanthey are for arable farming
days its people less insularthanthey are today by all
are less frustrated and boredthanthey might have been without
feel less hard towards usthanthey otherwise might filed past
less money from the councilthanthey received before that is
less honourable civilised and deservingthanthey this surely canna be
men are taking less exercisethanthey used to and exercise
results in claimants receiving lessthanthey will this year individuals
and the estonia sank lessthanthirty minutes after large quantities
records are less pop driventhanthose of deacon blue showing
workers in scotland worth lessthanthose south of the border
by members of no lessthanthree parliamentary parties or groups
the coastline boasted no lessthanthree symbols which the legend
is due less to unseaworthinessthanto an unsuccessful rescue operation
appeal less to the earthanto the eye some look
staff are working are lessthantolerable that is not the
an he d bedd lessthantwa mile frae far they
but difficult to inspect lessthantwo hundred yards away the
see that i have lessthantwo minutes in which to
a bus service in lessthantwo months he had redecorated
you should be more charitablethanusual then to less lucky
provide less clarity and transparencythanwe suppose i would not
comes from is less importantthanwhat it actually does the
maitters a lot less ehthanwhat sometimes we would mak
matter of hours by lessthanyou know by less than
783 in 1999 to morethan1 500 in 2002 i
peak bus travel for morethan1 million elderly and disabled
being in communities with morethan10 000 inhabitants it is
that since april 2001 morethan10 000 pensioners throughout scotland
having to stand for morethan10 minutes s1w 34764 stewart
no beneficiary to receive morethan10 shillings in any one
provides grant aid of morethan100 000 per year to
toothbrushes and toothpaste to morethan100 000 scottish children by
he refers in addition morethan100 forms have been sent
insidious campaign was mounted morethan100 years ago it seems
when the sun was morethan12 degrees below the horizon
of whom have waited morethan12 months if the executive
for people to wait morethan12 months to get into
for them to wait morethan12 months to get out
parliamentary session there are morethan2 500 that is an
its grant a little morethan20 000 to aberdeen city
of 180 translations in morethan20 languages notes that his
subjects seventy subjects covering morethan200 courses have now been
douglas introduced to europe morethan200 plant species including the
who voted and as morethan25 per cent of members
other candidates and since morethan25 per cent of the
fact that he has morethan250 scientists in his employ
2000 187 for no morethan30 minutes s1m 1183 tommy
goods it would safeguard morethan300 000 scottish jobs that
be a reduction of morethan300 million in tobacco expenditure
islands which will bring morethan300 million to the area
cultural organisation it involves morethan40 countries across europe many
james smith yes of morethan5 000 marriages that were
used by writers probably morethan50 per cent of the
studies have suggested that morethan5000 jobs could be created
allocated increased resources of morethan55million over the next three
what we must tackle morethan60 per cent of three
by children not much morethan7 or 8 years of
of financial worry from morethan75 000 pensioners that means
a waiting list of morethan8 000 while tackling a
going to get much morethan80 per cent right if
uk wide there are morethan9 000 jobs in the
scottish market account for morethan90 per cent of the
been in more positions nowthana circus contortionist just letting
of the tenement handbook morethana decade ago because it
on the a82 for morethana decade is that acceptable
to escape with no morethana formal admonition that he
fleet quickly withrew when morethana hundred north african almoravide
a damn sight more healthythana kebab m818: aye m819:
and social conditions is morethana little romanticised a sacrifice
would be passed more speedilythana local government bill would
have a second reading morethana month ago has it
year was nowadays little morethana name in germany 2
which amount to no morethana paragraph or two in
brother might well feel morethana passing interest in his
was nothing more sinister therethana purse two paper hankies
but it was no morethana sham organisation a front
and detailed criticism by morethana thousand students and their
when you re no morethana wee jo soldier that
be booked up for morethana year ahead however she
issue is more about relocationthanabout moratoria professor richards the
to think more about partnershipsthanabout them and us that
is more to descriptive textsthanadjectives the density of noun
more of a progress reportthanan announcement to the chamber
for it however he morethananyone else set american linguistics
transit van kinda thing morethananythin but it was still
if it s more culturalthananythin else m605: mmhm m741:
it s the guilt morethananything and it s like
is what i want morethananything else i can think
away from the language morethananything else i want scots
for party political reasons morethananything else the scottish national
more valuable to an organisationthananything else therefore if we
was a fifties thing morethananything f963: uh huh f965:
stated that in grammar morethanat other linguistic levels modern
f826: but ehm probably morethanbefore i came here but
times and it is morethancan be said for some
when you re no morethancannon fodder richard no one
east speech characteristics more quicklythanchildren of english parentage macafee
than literary texts and morethancollections eh whether it s
replaced which is likely morethancould be said for cement
up certain concerns which morethandeserve to be aired first
age was much more commonthandiscrimination on grounds of gender
that there is more continuitythandisjunction in our basic conceptual
purchasing intentions 2001 02 morethandouble that for an independent
an annual underspend of morethandouble the total funding that
myself more white and redthandoves or roses are whereas
yes m1055: for something morethaneh they what the-the-the- wha-wha-
m1007: i think that morethanexhausts my [laugh] f1009: [laugh]
is that kinda more commonthanfoamin m1012: did ye see
is more noted for varietythanfor repetitiveness twelve sets of
telling you i m morethanglad they got it out
makes it any more specialthanglasgow in any way and
do an individual more harmthangood amendments 8a and 8b
name it probably more bevvythangrampa dan ever got to
usually run to little morethangrass and a few bushes
it must have been morethanhalf an hour after you
kilbride lab given that morethanhalf of five year olds
outwith the local area morethanhalf the school population were
mackay and i are morethanhappy to examine the matter
which she would be morethanhappy to see in her
convener i would be morethanhappy to write to andy
on or initiate more projectsthanhe could comfortably handle and
fiona that s more explanationthanhe deserves start a new
knees shamed her far morethanhis hand groping up them
dreams dreams much more imaginativethanhis own sex fantasies ever
[inhale] and to be morethanhonest they very very seldom
were only he ponged morethani did but i thought
and then cause more troublethani sort out she also
you d say more regularlythani would say [laugh] f606:
i say more in sorrowthanin anger that some have
was cheaper or more expensivethanin another country other reasons
are more confident in gaelicthanin english where perhaps they
were tethered outside much morethanin more recent days and
more was spent each yearthanin previous years it is
are more barren in englishthanin scotish yet on another
government be really little morethaninformation about the respective views
which we are doing morethanis strictly required by the
food is produced more readilythanit can influence what food
more about the labour partythanit did about finance for
executive must develop even morethanit has already an appreciation
is more frightening for youthanit is for me john
residency has achieved much morethanit objectives thanks to the
at a world more mysteriousthanit seems at first glance
subject it was more difficultthanit used to be to
is perhaps more questionable todaythanit was in 1841 his
has succeeded in getting morethanits target of 104 unemployed
away the thieves took morethanjewellery is all that the
away the thieves took morethanjewellery it s cauld oot
was is is she morethanjust a character you know
we have to consider morethanjust carrying capacity there may
is a bit more interestingthanjust saying everybody who wrote
m762: th- there are morethanjust the average story i
on assessment work covers morethanjust unit assessments and final
one courses are more difficultthanlevel two no [?]if he thinks[/?] f807:
he could catch one morethanlikely with his bare hands
and more pleasurable to readthanmany more academic theorists and
was a more rewarding treatmentthanmany other authors have received
more papers in some subjectsthanmarkers had been allocated for
out he sounded more hopefulthanmenacing and looked small in
more influenced by my mumthanmy peers so f1150: yeah
sun though with more restraintthanneil loretta what a heat
s really more danish actuallythannorwegian f746: mmhm yeah f978:
want some scots [laugh] morethanon corpora erm eh what
but she has heard morethanonce today that the court
clowned about in more waysthanone but i haven t
in buchan there is morethanone culture that needs to
[laugh] f806: in more waysthanone f807: [laugh] f806: so
kinship in the neighbourhood morethanone household in addition to
one tortoise is there morethanone m1110: no it s
is there mo- usually morethanone screening usually of films
participatory structures are more effectivethanother methods in giving young
much more likely to votethanother sectors of the population
more important to some countriesthanothers figure 2 reveals that
in society are more vulnerablethanothers how other countries prevent
dozing we felt more tiredthanour excursion deserved and reckoned
gaelic is far more importantthanparty politics i ask the
downward trend more scots smokethanpeople in any other part
more able to complete applicationsthanpeople in areas such as
dreamed of i am morethanproud to celebrate the achievements
to ten times more dioxinsthanpurpose built incinerators s1w 17636
alasdair morrison have been morethanreceptive on the matter it
she is markedly more frailthanshe was before often elderly
a nice place more developedthansheringham but very clean old
chris guthrie has for morethansixty years been regarded as
was far more emotionally susceptiblethansmith to its harsher aspects
rachel with flair for morethansoftware bore three girls then
catholic france more pertinent eventhanthat however is the fact
system is probably more advancedthanthat in most other areas
be a great deal morethanthat it must be something
on you but any morethanthat it s meant to
farms is treated more seriouslythanthat of medicines the norwegians
to be much more fluidthanthat of the glasgow study
want a statement more specificthanthat okay i ll heave
more interesting to talk tothanthe british who bore her
that is probably more importantthanthe commercial implications for individual
tax would raise more revenuethanthe council tax and that
converted it will cost morethanthe financial memorandum suggests robin
taken together amount to morethanthe maximum sum 3ab in
be gained from doing morethanthe minimum we always try
it he is more expensivethanthe one we had for
to enjoy the prospect morethanthe reality p 59 but
scots thesaurus is more excitingthanthe scots as i saw
medals almost three times morethanthe shetland team has had
are sold far more cheaplythanthe uk pages that has
more of the eating kindthanthe wild sour eens that
other writers being more successfulthanthem erm f606: mmhm m954:
about ed more about stewthanthey know about themselves pause
have shown herself more perceptivethanthomas carlyle who in his
a far more amusing prospectthanthrowing her off in fact
okay she s more realthantrisha [laugh] i hate trisha
not consecutive but no morethantwice possible maximum period served
more commercial and operational freedomthanwas available as the post
and he was drinking morethanwas good for a man
more lively and melodic waythanwas probably the case with
of more long term considerationthanwe are able to give
putting them together any morethanwe could put together the
given us far more informationthanwe ever had before about
much erm more diverse audiencethanwe ever have in the
beyond which will become morethanwe have been before when
flies and even more expressionlessthanwhen you went in you
roasting english sun more waifthanwife his other half measures
many more people fear crimethanwill ever be a victim
the coalition executive is morethanwilling to consult and take
and different sights were morethanworthy to make tomorrow s
far more important to methanwriting up last week s
m goin claire more moneythanyou can afford oh no
kind of phonological difference morethanyou can m741: mmhm m605:
banker a more educated manthanyou there is nothing wrong
older people are more likelythanyounger people to worry about

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