
See this word as a collocate cloud

jek is feinisht wi thaimthayaw curse the day thay
he spiert at thaim whaurthaycam frae an whit thay
thay gaed as suin asthaycam ti the mukkil stane
guid the bairns ir waukrifthaycanna sleep thay sit up
thay cam frae an whitthaydid an the first ane
wey inti the keep saethaydid juist that an thay
no can herm ye anthaydid juist that thay lockit
prood prood quynes that proodthaydidna even jalouse thay war
thay didna ken awthing atweillthaydidna for the verra neist
sae ye daft tawpie butthaydidna ken awthing atweill thay
thay wan til the placethaydidna ken sae finn an
but nae wey in coudthayfinnd but whan thay war
sae doun ti the cleuchthaygaed as suin as thay
byde ins the aulder lykethaygrowe the mair thay r
thay haed that sae nouthayhaed a guid chaunce o
princess set him free shuirliethayhaed an haed thay no
a kinrik o his ainthayhaed that sae nou thay
thay did juist that anthayhuntit an socht an luikit
here thay ir wutch herethayir in ma bonnet an
mukkil lowp an cryit herethayir wutch here thay ir
mortals an thay telt himthaykent awthing that gaed on
an thay did juist thatthaylockit up gowd tree an
su wu 2nd century draftitthaymairrit us whan thay pit
didna weill ken aither butthaymaun gang an mebbe thay
the bairn thay wad thothaymaun hunt the warld at
shuirlie thay haed an haedthayno claucht him an cairrit
draftit thay mairrit us whanthaypit up oor hair we
lyke thay growe the mairthayr the same from the
whan thay waukent whit soudthaysee but twal houdie craws
he expekkit thay wad bethayseemed weill pleised ti see
ir waukrif thay canna sleepthaysit up aw nicht lauchin
content ti serr mortals anthaytelt him thay kent awthing
wi thaim as he expekkitthaywad be thay seemed weill
thay maun gang an mebbethaywad finnd oot whit ti
him an finnd the bairnthaywad tho thay maun hunt
whit ti dae neist whanthaywan til the place thay
as ever thay war tharethaywar aw juist waitin ti
thay aw curse the daythaywar born he haes aw
thay war shuirlie no fairiesthaywar but craiturs that haed
coud thay finnd but whanthaywar juist aboot reddie ti
the sie s edge butthaywar shuirlie no fairies thay
wauken an weill as everthaywar thare thay war aw
war ugsum but thay warthaywar that an crabbit lyke
jalouse thay war ugsum butthaywar thay war that an
prood thay didna even jalousethaywar ugsum but thay war
content or the dawin whanthaywaukent whit soud thay see
sae he mairrit hir anthayleeved happie an died happie
kennin weill that suin aneuchthaywad be mairrit an leeve
bewtie an afore verra langthaywar mairrit an leeved blyth
tellin the truiith eftir thatthaywar mairrit an she telt
til hir prince an tharethaywar mairrit in saicret syne
brocht hir a ring anthaywar mairrit no that lang
throu the weidth othe warldthaywar mairrit that verra same
nor that till whaur soudthaycum but til the land
at the brekfest whit soudthayhear but a mukkil rowtin
sun gaed doun whit soudthaysee but laund afore the
court is nae better northaysoud be but ah hae
best ti the brothers thatthaysoud eat thair breid an
the leevin is here anthaysoud hae oor luiv quuttin
war that smert an clivverthaysoud shuirlie ken monie a
sea bairns she wusst atthaysoud tyne thair strecht spault
frein til the page synethayaw haed a guid lauch
nou insteid o luikin blyththayaw haed faces that wad
syne mysie coud see thatthayaw haed the same lang
a keing an his queenthayhaed a bonnie kinrik ti
aw the gowd an sillerthayhaed an the war mukkil
gleg an weill as everthayhaed been syne he gaed
his guidwyfe loued him ginthayhaed desertit him nou here
content an pleisir wi whitthayhaed duin that nicht but
aet an drink an whanthayhaed etten an drukken thair
out on thursday we eftirthayhaed feinisht the thursday line
an saw at aince thatthayhaed forgotten ti mention wodinsday
swaws in peace an blythnessthayhaed monie braw sea bairns
an pains war aw lykethayhaed never been an the
pairtin ir aw nou lykethayhaed never been anerlie the
yairn the lykes o whilkthayhaed never been telt afore
delichtit wi him an ginthayhaed never haird muisic lyke
fountains the lyke o whilkthayhaed never seen in aw
awbodie thocht an thocht orthayhaed sair heids wi aw
didnae help hir sae eftirthayhaed stertit thair dander she
in his wee houss anthayhaed supper an drank whuskie
haed gien him the anethayhaed taen frae tam s
wi an whit sweet vycesthayhaed the wee fowk war
intil a richt fankil anthayhaed ti stert aw owre
gaed out thegither an whanthayhaed wun til a kent
the beylies wadnae heed hirthaykent fyne whit haed ti
whit she haed on hirthaylat hir inti the bryde
intil a bul an haedthayno keepit him sae or
an hir twa aulder dochtersthaywantit for naething an haed
kittlin haed said an whanthaywar richt feinisht the kittlin
thegither a wee whyle eftirthaywar wad the knicht haed
burds burds awhaur an irthaybigger nor onie burds ye
said naething but burds irthaybigger nor onie ither burds
quicker in the makkin saethayir an ir we no
ooder an speider s wabsthayir auld an clairtie but
the stable thirlman ah thinkthayir aw oot at the
it fient the ane forthayir aw sleepin as soond
soond as deid men inbythayir aw this gait for
mither disna unnerstaun ye anthayir baith heathens gunlöd ah
whit ma laddie is thenksthayir but tuim wurds sae
ma freins beb awa orthayir fou a caller saur
hame wi me see herethayir here an she held
afore spiered the ettin nathayir juist the same as
forebears lyin in thar anthayir lyin in ae maist
wee fowk bydes thare anthayir no ti be lippent
men war mair mensefu northayir noui insteid o courtin
brae face an a thinkthayir oaks gin a mynd
the best eggs liggs orthayir set ti flie an
ae day o blatterin wundthayir sperfilt on the grund
ir auld an clairtie butthayir strrang tae ye se
this an aunsirt him aythayir that but whit s
ye hae seen afore aythayir that cryit out murdo
in ma jaiket see herethayir the wutch lookit at
ir but tuim wurds saethayir whit wul ye gie
ma faither ordert me tithayir wicked gunnar wha lairnt
lift abuin gunnar an whanthayir wuthert an deid gunlöd
at oor houss dure whanthayken ye ir sae fekless
bake breid bake bannoks irthayno quicker in the makkin
someane telt mei aince atthaytreis ir remnants o the
callants war rairin fou anthayaw made for hir ti
war selkies or ottters whanthaycam lauchin an daffin amang
mukkil bul but whit suidthaydae for war the no
war seikness amang thaim thatthaydochtna sort wi thair ain
in the sea an whaureverthaygaed the war a sound
on the wey whit warthaygaun ti dae the weidae
war weill pleased for haednathayno the brawest guidbrither in
war mukkil o it synethayturnt asyde ti finnd anither
gleg an weill as everthaywar an cum oot ti
o this smaw merk anthaywar aw a sicht mair
wantit for oniething mair saethaywar aw behauden til the
fanes wallopin at his heelsthaywar aw byordnar roused an
anither pudden syne anither orthaywar aw gaen doun the
s kail an cabbages thothaywar aw the puir wumman
ahint thaim as suin asthaywar aw throu this dure
naig turnt steive still lykethaywar aw turnt ti stane
for ti be thair guidwyfesthaywar ay on the luikoot
dargin awa an girnin thatthaywar aye hungirie mair bannoks
growes on the sea bedthaywar aye makkin muisic thir
backit men that war freinsthaywar cawed rab an tam
it wesna verra lang orthaywar crakkin thegither lyke auld
inti the chaumer asyde hirthaywar fair gled ti see
she cam for a weethaywar feart on the ship
warsil thegither an here whylethaywar fechtin did an unco
bairn awbodie said hou vextthaywar for hir but naebodie
ti rin for it butthaywar gruppit an bund wi
sie kinrik an for awthaywar his freins an he
licht herts apiece but whanthaywar in the bodie o
wyde as the warld graythaywar in the wunter days
up the ruits we fandthaywar lang perfitlie soond an
socht oot the otters whylethaywar lauchin an daffin wi
straid abuin the trees anthaywar lyke gress at his
an he coud hear thatthaywar makkin up on him
lave o hir days anthaywar monie an she spent
an whyte mutches lyke aforethaywar nou cled in bunnets
ruits o the verra treethaywar on wheisht whuspert murdo
tat o the lewis gunthaywar really giein it laldie
war streik t afore itthaywar reid wi tryin ti
fairies at aw richt aneuchthaywar selkies or ottters whan
argie bargiein thegither ae daythaywar sittin roun the table
up the twa whalps whaurthaywar sleepin asyde the the
in a littil wee whylethaywar sound asleep snorkin an
soums back til the puilsthaywar spawned ah hae been
thaim up an even whylethaywar still chowin the pies
a genteil lyke wey lykethaywar streingers til hir an
an fyne healthy fallaes whanthaywar taen on but eftir
fed the bairns did asthaywar telt even fergal the
in the warld s wattirsthaywar that smert an clivver
thegither as richt cronies anthaywar the best o freins
shuir as mysie wes shuirthaywar weill awa she taen
eydent aw day lang butthaywar weill content tae for
for a guidbrither naebodie avathaywar weill shuir an i
fowk daunst an daunst likthaywar wud an the cannie
aw spinnin awa for awthaywar wurth whyles ane wad
nicht awa but haurlie warthayweill feinisht thair supper whan
ye war yung lest wunterthayyirdit him i the kirkyaird
swallen lips the furthest anthayaw wat thair fingirs the
thair ordinar ilkaday playin claesthayaye hid tae weir thair
at thair taibil but suinthaybecam ill moued an impiddent
gloamin o the saicont daysetthaybuid pit on thair selkie
aw leuch at this butthaychynged thair tuin whan oot
thair bonnie richt maik butthaycoud never byde lang divertin
eneuch tae sink thair boatthayd shoot it doon first
bairns sang thair coronach atthaydochtna byde nae mair wi
gaein by look on rafuthaydounset thair birns aye for
this for example thai orthayfor they thair for their
thair messages vittals an siclikthaygaed up the ti iot
thair faither s touer nouthayhaedna ridden ferr inti the
oot fur oor twaloors brekthayhappint tae bei haen thair
gray an gowden broun butthaykeepit aye thair saft broun
chap on thair doors aiblinsthayl cry me ben for
lave o thair days saethaylaired the driaglin hogney s
that in the hinner endthayleeved out thair days in
ti lyfe again an upthaylowpit til thair feet as
day i the year whanthaymicht kyth in thair ain
wi the breingin whyte horsesthayplay thair fluits an drums
hair spraingilt ahint thaim asthayplayed an thair een skinkilt
o thair bit sma haudinthayplenisht mrs forman it borth
thair return but for awthayr aye here thair breists
the sun i the morninthayset furth again on thair
aboot ma feet at nichtthaysleep thair heids agin ma
pages in thair skerlet graithinthaywad push the dish owre
wi thair ain fairie herbsthaywad send for hir an
unkent bi mortals an herethaywad shauchil aff thair selkie
pyne o thair hungir atweillthaywinna said the streinger but
corps frae thair lairs anthaywul goave at ye wi
bairns an thair plenishins saethaywul rin oot yeir houss
the kettrens graith an sillerthaygaed hame thegither weill pleised
keing in the steid whaurthayhae aince been blyth thegither
the ongauns in the clachanthayleuch thegither owre a whein
she wes telt aw daythaymaircht on this gait thegither
big ferm houss thegither didthayno cuik an bake claen
can promise ye an asthaysat thare thegither bi the
she wad lyke fyne ginthaywad hae a dander thegither
til hir ain lips thegitherthaywheipil the notes dwynin intil
fairie fowk an the skaiththaycoud dae ti mortals that
mukkil craig an see ginthaycoud finnd a wey inti
luikit at hir haill bodiethaycoud see that the baith
the burds coud speik saethaycoud whan it wes needfu
o murlins an whit coudthaydae naething at aw ti
the hawk coud pyke forthaykickit him snakkit him an
kens whit yir thir firthayaw hud yon look in
sang out thir lest wurdsthaybreinged out the ring gruppit
other kids gaithered roond asthaydae thir wis a wee
fester he played the festerthaydaunst thir feet haurlie seemed
sang out thir lest wurdsthayflew out at tam lik
an skelp clour an asthaysang out thir lest wurds
daunce an daunce an asthaysang out thir lest wurds
swairmin aw owre whitever daethaywant wi thir auld runkilt
o hir focks gairden whanthaybade yonner whan shei wur
heid ull tell yin whanthaybiggins wur biggit the praisent
wur whan paul wis whitthayca d ae glaur student
girnwud whan a wur bornthayhed twae bairns scott and
auld wolf throwe the mistthaywur bate tae licht on
man up ti iot anthaywur bidin i the vales
whae bide i hawick whaurthaywur born an brocht up
being the tentive faimlie atthaywur gat the wund up
lyke whan things leukit likthaywur gittin owre muckle fur
veesitin the haugh an whanthaywur haein ae meltith it
an i the schuil holidaysthaywur leukit efter bi mr
muther tung nae maitter whaethaywur speakin til hou things
fallaed intil at herdin anthaywur thar fur ae gey
hame tae the haugh whanthaywur traivlin past the front
mebbies twuntie acre or saethaywur weil kent til oor
sorrie a ever doutit yethayaw dyned weill on the
no faw doun deid anawthaydid that weill nou here
o the baeten gowd weillthaygied hir a coat o
a perr o slippers weillthaygied hir a coat o
atweill for aw ah kenthaymicht weill be leevin sae
wes he ti dae whanthaywan thare he didna weill
she juist grat an whanthayaskit hir whitfor she never
fower braw horses but whanthaybaith dee d ah tell
gey ill duin til whanthaycam til a wuid here
tummlin throu the nicht whanthaycoudna git ti sleep he
yeir houss as fest asthaydow whan aw hae gaen
sic a thing but whanthaygaed inti beatrrix s chaumer
o the day an whanthayhae aw stoitert hame ah
the deep wattirs but whanthayluikit ahint thaim inti the
til hir haunds an whanthayluikit at hir haill bodie
makkin naebodie kent an whanthayspiered at hir she juist
crakkin aboot the tyme whanthaywad mairrie the auldest princess
fell that ae day whanthaywarna ferr frae the houss
a mukkil buik an synethaygied ilkane o us a
he hystit the ither synethayhaigilt the mukkil leg hame
tyme ti staun an wunnerthaymaun laund on the mukkil
the wyce an glib gabbitthaytaen a cage wi mukkil
a lang derk througang orthaywan til a mukkil haw
inti the ither dugeons whaurthayfand rowth o gowds an
thaim inti the ingil asthayfizzed up lyke the first
wuid ahint the houss aythaydid that aften monie an
houss o the shin forthayhae a dochter cryit rafu
quut o sic freins aincethayhae wun tintil yeir houss
intil the green knowe whaurthaybade he wes gled ti
seein afore flew open anthayfollaed the fairies throu intil
ae wheen yeir efter atthaymuved intil ae hoose i
she wes seekin sairvice saethaypat hir intil the kitchen
an ingait intil a weimthaypoured throu this wi iain
she gaed intil t tharethayspiert at hir whit she
is saikless blyth lyke bairnsthaybreinge til the tree taps
lyke ti tell ye whitthayeat naither ah wad it
sisters that aw luikit lykethayhae never kent whit it
fethers lyke the glisterin silkthayroostit ilka nicht up in
lyke the rest on huzthayspak i guid border lallans
the r nae dout atthaysuin grew ti lyke this
aw hir ill daein synethayaw leeved til a guid
frae the south wha daethaybelang til aha thon auld
anaith sun an sterns orthaycam til a castel whaur
tuim sie bi the forenichtthaycam til a steid an
the words o men anthaydid til it whit aye
herd an efter ae whylethayflittit doun til heychesters mill
s it wudburn juist aforethayflittit up til girnwud yid
the warld at first lichtthaygaed back til the ship
rax til a hunder thothayhaud the dule o a
tither yammers on even onthayhing aye on til ma
monie s the nicht didthayno gang greitin hungirie til
year frae dayset til daysetthaywad finnd a forelaund unkent
the streets o it orthaywan til a bakstar s
up hir fethers an skraichtthayaw gaed for the draiglin
an anither swallae or twathaybaith gaed awfu quiet an
the warld doun an dounthaygaed deep throu the green
awa throu the wee tounthaygaed joco an licht hertit
an borth ick waitters aforethaygaed on tae bei pouert
waved aye ti me asthaygaed oot an in from
i ma mynd thit aforethaygaed tae elrig dod wis
byde in the castel synethayaw bade thare blyuth an
up a wee an synethayaw made for the outlin
gied thaim sic a glifthayaw ran awa leavin aw
he wes sair mittilt saethayaw ran the fester an
wi mair virr nor everthayaw sang on sunday we
a huntin ludge at aincethayaw sat doun ti aet
rael vext for thaim asthayaw seemed kyndlyke innerlie bodies
tae the nurses waulkin abootthayaw seemt tae ken it
awbodie in the kinrik anthayaw taen pryde in hir
the ruif ye d thinkthayd aw got polisman s
hens an milk the kyethaydid aw that an a
richt luik eftir it saethaydid juist that an aw
pit doun a fether anthaygethert aw the fethers up
at aw decidit geordie whenthayhid it feenisht leukin roond
aw the staff leukt likethayhud the answer awredae fae
aw the warld ti methaykyth nae mair nor weeds
lest eftir aw the dirdumthayleft him alane fair daivert
an spanish in spain awthayleids cam frae similar ruits
an spanish in spain awthayleids cam frae similar ruits
an for aw ah kenthaymicht be leevin sae yit
wis fleein aw weys asthayraced up the beach an
bad him aw that daythaysaw nocht but the sie
him aw owre the kintriethaysocht an huntit an huntit
airn yetts an aw anthayspeirt the men whit they
a vet an aw anthaythoucht that wis respectable the
it the christmas pairte whunthaywere aw pished anyways thays
nae mercie frae thaim ginthaycatcht him his hert beguid
sister stuid waitin for thaimthaydid juist that an the
sperfilt on the grund ginthaykent whit wes befawin thaim
care o thaim sae thatthaynever wantit for oniething mair
overcoat teim v pour downthaypron they thaim pron them
kent whit wes befawin thaimthaywad be as dowie as
gray derk o the forenichtthaycam near it an thare
neist drap guid strang whuskythaypour in the eftir warld
the nicht eftir a whylethaysaw the deer hound soumin
quynes wad sech for whitthaykentna whit an the cailleachs
said it wad an againthaysailed on content or the
ingil neuk an wunnert whitthaywad dae the neist mornin
the fairies an at nichtthaywad haurlie cross the muir
as selkies she wusst atthaywad soum throu the sea
wauken the bairns sae thatthayan the streinger an hirsell
telt hir thit is bairnsthayhed ca d the schuil
owre the sea bairns asthayjoukit amang the ramsh sea
warst kynd an lang didthayhear hir skellochin or she
ti buy hir wark forthaykent that whitever she turnt
the tree alang wi hirthaywarna lang up the tree
ring an ai whit gracethaydaunced wi an whit sweet
us see whit befaws saethaydid juist that an the
tam an luik see whitthayhae duin for me an
still whit dis it maitterthayleeve foraye in the mynd
ti gie up whit didthaysee but a wee dure
the winnoks an whit suidthaysee staunin ootby but the
an sisters o the seathaywul shuirlie be wunnerin whit
he telt the seivin menthaymaun cum wi him on
beiss that he is saethaydid juist that an the
an mair an yit mairthaydid juist that or the
the morn s mornin anthaydid juist that sleepin in
in the loch juist bornthayhae nae fear o man
easier nor ye micht thinkthayjuist poured cauld wattir on
ain hame it meadshaw ithaydays tae git owre the
side o their een whunthaykeek owre it youse the
kent the bit an efterthayflittit tae girnwud ae mr
fae the soun o himthaykent he wes sair mittilt
ti be his pairtner synethaycryit daunse man daunse syne
pypes in his oxterr synethaytraikit doun a lang derk
wul fowk say whitever wulthaythink an whaever wul want
whyle ma waens is sleepinthaywul aiblins no ken the
m thinkin that nae doutthaywul be the first twa
anither ma wyfe an brairnsthaywul burn ai ma kebbok
gaen ti grund langsyne nouthaywul hae ti howk deep
dochters wul be lost saethaywul the kaims for ma
naebodie can win out saethaybaith lay doun ahint the
the riddils shuirlie it disthaycaw him sae for he
mair roused louder an louderthayraired an skellocht sae that
voyage whaur he kentna butthaybuid follae a ship that
skraichin flie awa ti whaurthayd raither be ah wush
the han airmies forgethert whaurthaymaircht forfochen for thousans o
tig wi the unco clubthaycam back ti lyfe again
wi his ferlie club anthaycam back ti lyfe anaw
trees o the forest orthaycam oot at its ferr
wee bit ahint an suinthaycam oot the forest an
praisin the broun prkincess butthaydidna ken the haill storie
ferr frae it for didnathayno dae gret deeds abuin
the horse s corp didthayno faw doun deid anaw
wrocht an lyned wi gowdthayset this tassie doun on
lairds at kan bloust atthayawn mair nor hauf o
an waur nor that didthayno yerp on for mair
the bricht sunshein as ginthaydaunst for delyte at sum
i yer ain tung ginthayken eet doon i this
hanks o threid an ginthayr no duin in tyme
o the gay bars whichthayhud boucht tickets fir afore
lang up the tree orthayhaird the soun o monie
chuckie stanes eydent wurkin butthaynou kythed ferr mair ugsum
abreid herrien ither focks cattlethaykam upo ae stack o
flings as ye dae bitthaynever lastit mair than a
wi raip an at aincethaybure caermouilis awa ti be
ochone for ma whyte hairsthayhae cum ti me ower
an she lykit him fynethaymade a paction for ti
o paerls big an brawthaymaun be for ti luik
the rain in the morninsthaysent me ti draw wattir
the back o beyont herethaysettilt for ti byde the
alasdair an the guid timesthayd spent the gither an
chesnuts an twa bi twathayflew awa for guid airtin
guid it haes duin methayhae never aunsirt me ah
tung dae at n anthaywull wullintlie speak wi yow
skinkil in the breingin linnthaysant awa an dwyne foraye
queen s chaumer an watchthaydid at midnicht the laddie
saicont lassie an here didthayno baith bang up onti
i the end thorfinn didthaypour wattir on him tae
i 772 846 lest poemthayhae putten ma bed asyde
bed asyde the unpentit screenthayhae steired ma stove forenent
made sacrifices but never haethayhelpit me orm enters unnoticed
end at ither tymes myndthaybring oot pigs an poutrie
wes sauf forever an forayethaycairrit the deid queen back
an whitever airt he taenthayfollaed him rinkin him roun
lown blue an siller anthaykeltert in the gowden licht
the verra neist day anthayleeved blyth an content the
but naebodie richt unnerstauns methayluik at me an lauch
fash or herm onie selkiethaymicht see an the faimlie
on at the castel anthaymiscawed an laucht at the
the beiss an the burdsthaypit nae taigil on bodie
poems an sangs the morninsthayplay an hing aboot ma
a tree brainch an asthayrade by the burd keikit
sunday we rest an playthaysang on monanday we wash
sunday we rest an playthaysang on monanday we wash
whae wrocht yonder ana anthayset up hoose it mulsintoun
ring he dochtna brek hinnerliethaystappit an wi skraichs o
dochtna gang anither step anthaystuid on the dry saund
frae ferrawa places but thothaytryit this thing an that
hailed frae the blairgowrie airtthaybade i yon hoose i
frae the glaur the daythaysnuve easylyke in the fest
myles anaith the bounless liftthayl never ken the day
or twa he wis whatthaycried a real serial monogamist
uniformity exists in some areasthayur twa gey individual dialects
ye winna tak him binnathaygie ye a coat made
ye winna tak him binnathaygie ye a coat o
ye winna tak him binnathaygie ye a coat o
thae flouers gunlöd gunlöd aythaygrew in ma faither s
word he is no truethaytell me he clasht ma
aboot thorfinn be reddie herethaycum orm dinna you be
gas stertit comin doon yincethaygot oot tae the street
gie a gift o wynethayaye tak the first sowp
the links the first doorthaychappit wis yin o thae
focht south o the breistwarkthaydee d north o the
d north o the wawsthayfell on the muir athout
bc fechtin ootby the keepthayfocht south o the breistwark
yallae springs thousans o yearthayligg athout awaukenin ayebydinlie the
ochts ense nae matter whaethayhappint tae bei speakin tae
forbede up peyne of deeththaynevere whil thee lasteth lyf
m richt i sayin atthayflitted tae mulsintoun ootbye herds
the haugh tells mei atthayflittit throwe i that airt
place a few times lucklythayhudnae been seein as he
masel emigratit tae new zealandthayhed threi dochters ella myrtle
scots naur tae the thingsthaywant for scots we can
gay in fact he thouchtthaywere gaun tae gae ballitisic
fock irna the same isthayyaised tae bei chynged fur
tossing doune to the groundthaysall again be drest for
scottish schools for corporal punishmentthaythays they thays used more
muin aye keeps movin kisthaycanna finnd a saft saet
the swyfter and moir hichthaybrall soar moir low and
hud been the big yinthayhud been bangin on aboot
pished haiverins amusin aifter thatthaysaw eachither fir aboot six
is beir bonnokkis with thamethaytak from a poem about

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