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o colour nane come onthemselsbit ithers haunds program their
the eager anticipation o poachersthemselstae see a guid haul
in order tae gyng furththemselsjesus king abeen an here
hid a fare notion othemselsay wi the dairyin thrivin
a contract entered intae bythemselsbut joseph knight was a
hae knocked the shit ootthemselsgin we lae them a
as shuin cast oot amangthemselsas cast a flee for
pairt o the contract betweenthemselsand the maister there is
the laddies wad be enjoyinthemselstakin heiders aff the rope
world has seen hae devotedthemselstae the science and study
a bittie o distance atweenthemselsan minnie an isie baith
an they had juist flungthemselsower it whan the shot
s makin men hae pairtitthemselsfrae ither men we hae
warld whilk men yase forthemselscertes but a warld men
slew their tsar an styledthemselsu s s r an
to be aye thinking othemselsespecially weemin at the hinnerend
i want them to bethemselsjack oh they re that
if they re juist fishinthemselsit s a gey ruch
are making a show ofthemselsabout the streets wi deana
as conspeecuous as bluidy pandasthemselsas they stertit oot alang
by hersel naebody wid pitthemselsoot tae help her music
grapevine said they d gotthemselsa minder a big heid
was scrievit the fowk fashtthemselsmair wi the name o
got careless an the polisthemselsnabbed him at o aa
prospects they could see forthemselsbeaumont not at all there
the watter were the bylliesthemselsan that we suid luik

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