
See this word as a collocate cloud

yer airm it wis saidthena went she is twal
the buit o the caurthenaff it went back tae
time f746: mmhm f978: andthenafter that we went to
to wait in line andthenafter things went really sad
people speak spanish f835: butthenagain i went on the
was another one that wentthenan f823: mmhm f606: i
here and it eh andthenat night ye went and
de vries herbal tea andthen[censored: forename] and i went round
thing and m1048: [laugh] f1049: thenderek came up and went
five an twenty past antheneh mill whistles went at
it it was good antheneh we always went tae
and produce the activities andthenevaluate how well they went
taping songs for the studentthenfinally i went to bed
i went to ceòlas andthenhad a week off and
went an bidded wi palsthenhe got his ain place
or age or so andthenhe wa- he went to
cost of the bus butthenhe went back to them
erm buchan norman buchan andthenhe went he went on
aye found kindness was bestthenhe went on to speak
mm mm f902: mmhm anthenhe went tae f826: mmhm
i went to university andtheni i sort of stopped
[laugh] it was a andtheni i went a step
m608: uh huh m194: andtheni left there and went
and then i was andtheni went and got erm
writes is like calvino sotheni went and read calvino
i stayed on there andtheni went and took short
tuesday that was yesterday andtheni went back into the
that s when i pukedtheni went back tae ma
puke and did ye notheni went back tae ma
which went down very welltheni went back to the
yeah yeah mm m762: sotheni went do you know
time my berghaus winter jackettheni went down to meet
place m608: right m194: sotheni went from there up
start my lessons on mondaytheni went into the institute
aye far y at sotheni went it means m842:
up just for my rugbytheni went m608: mm m642:
a wee spell off andtheni went out to eh
f963: mm f965: erm buttheni went to ac- ayr
i went to glasgow universitytheni went to cambridge university
fèis tir an eorna antheni went to ceòlas and
grades the standard grades andtheni went to glasgow university
it m608: mmhm m642: andtheni went to glenmore lodge
local school on tiree andtheni went to oban for
was just like oh andtheni went to the english
why they did that andtheni went to the jekyll
and we had coffee andtheni went to uni and
worked for about a fortnighttheni went when i went
was quite good fun andthenin secondary school i went
at half past twal anthenit went again at half
for eight o clock anthenit went at half past
you were working away andthenit went fae a chip
eighty six or something andthenit went on later in
six seven eight nine andthenit went that way erm
the ships from pakistan andthenit went through various processes
went to the sex pistolsthenkind of heavy metal er
maggie it went all rightthenmaggie collapses in the armchair
m1092: who fishtank f1091: andthennemo s dad went and
big rabbit wis a stotterthennext door s whippet went
then ye went out anthenon the big screen it
no one to hear methenone day miss hutchings went
and they both skipped andthenout went polly f963: right
just talked about that andthenshe went down for her
why we use instructions andthenshe went on to use
then they went away andthenthat was they went from
[laugh] m642: right [inhale] sothenthe four of us went
m194: mmhm and that andthenthey went away and then
back intae the lorries andthenthey went down and they
an it was pumpin anthenthey went like that [sneeze]
the army and eh andthenthey went off to war
an pit thair gassies onthenthey went ower tae the
philorth from 1909 to 1915thenthey went to the home
it a [inaudible] f637: andthenthey went up on the
went hm like that andthenthis other customer m1048: [laugh]
went to the toilet andthento her room she s
all went to church andthentook a trip into the
a weaver to trade anthenwas went through aw the
eat m642: aye f643: andthenwe all went an unloaded
church wi my graunparents anthenwe aw went a walkeither
our money went m642: andthenwe got aw got aw
t ask our guide whythenwe went 500 feet up
hole in my face andthenwe went and got myself
ups had arrived for churchthenwe went back indoors with
[inaudible] yeah and f889: anthenwe went back to see
build a hospital or somethingthenwe went back to the
ourselves as a swedish groupthenwe went back to the
heart of the francophone districtthenwe went downtown to old
clock gettin ready an stuffthenwe went home took our
iris [inaudible] pupil f940: anthenwe went tae another room
the sunday school eh anthenwe went tae the church
the- they were good thoughthenwe went to a café
of photos taken there andthenwe went to the edgar
s a gorgeous city andthenwe went to the smithsonian
no mind that bit anthenwe went up the stairs
ate another jules verne mealthenwe went up to their
nineteen sixty three and tillthenwell eddie went to do
pillow case on the bedthenwent back to the mirror
i was seventeen basically anthenwent back up to orkney
between dozes in the afternoonthenwent down to belyaevo in
and a first vodka andthenwent down to oktoberskaya to
people of ancient times andthenwent down with her to
at the universitetskaya hotel andthenwent for a walk along
in edinburgh on friday andthenwent home came back up
oor in the wid hethenwent intae the broch an
went through the sheelin stonesthenwent into a pin head
new notions in grammar teachingthenwent into progress publishers and
kilos for 4 roubles wethenwent into the beriozka and
mass media in britain ithenwent into the embassy for
for my weekly photocopying andthenwent into the institute only
let s read russian andthenwent into work today s
at the school cause ithenwent off to fee paying
map of the area andthenwent on to show a
got away from that andthenwent on to study to
you mentioned two factories andthenwent on to talk about
thought and duly complied ithenwent on to the more
thorough hot shower bliss wethenwent out for a meal
quietly dozing over russian andthenwent over to see [censored: forename]
folk often did their shoppingthenwent the second house at
the mill o forgue andthenwent to crook s mill
students and their friends wethenwent to kolomenskaya to catch
party at ann s andthenwent to see e t
about half past midnight andthenwent to sleep we slept
it than on monday andthenwent to the embassy to
uh huh f689: [laugh] andthenwent to the off licence
highers and f606: mmhm f828: thenwent to university f606: mmhm
many english school groups aroundthenwent up to gum the
it m608: mmhm m194: butthenwhen i went to work
f963: mm mmhm f965: butthenwhen you went out to
huh m608: [inaudible] f637: andthenye went for cookery f638:
cookery f638: ye went andthenye went for sewin f637:
jum and scanned ye anthenye went out an then
got another teacher for yethenye went tae cookery m608:
tae ye were seven andthenye went up no no
f637: ye were seven andthenye went up tae the
woman ye know and ehthenye went up to the
enough when you went homethenyou began to correct your
f643: [sniff] so m608: andthenyou went to glasgow school
just pack them in andthenyou went to the hall
pubes m939: [inaudible] f940: anthenyou went up the stairs
do you right come onthena big bite m1096: [laugh]
jist like yon place longleatthena body wid come tae
home for his tea anthena lorry used to come
up you come darling andthenafter necks we re gonna
this [laugh] f965: but thatthenagain you might come from
hud come tae paradise butthenah felt the cramps in
i was were holden caulfieldthenall my experiences would come
weak come new year andthenall of a sudden it
come on then sit doonthenand dae it for me
the parisian well come onthenand i ll give you
the parisian well come onthenand i ll give you
dinner f1091: well come onthenand i ll help ye
ye fine right come herethenand i ll put on
f1118: me f1117: come onthenand i ll take you
open [sucks air through teeth] f1095: come herethenand i ll tie it
uh huh f1111: come onthenand see this old toy
m1090: yeah f1089: come onthenand we ll go up
got one okay come onthenand you can tell me
it doon there come onthenare you going to find
mmhm eh f1135: come onthenare you ready do you
huh f1091: okay come onthenare you ready m1092: uh
appropriate parliamentary committee we willthenbe able to come to
decided to come to glasgowthenbecause it s bigger or
place of scottish literature brieflythenbefore we come to burns
go and get something andthenbefore you ve come back
a fine spring like daythenbit come setterday wi yon
have f1105: right come onthenbreakfast you res wanting milk
f1095: [inaudible] [electric toothbrush] come onthenbrush your teeth then [censored: forename]
there angelica excited come onthenbut dod enters before they
were hard tae come bythenbut f606: aye f1039: my
is hard f1121: come onthen[censored: forename] f1122: i can [?]risk it[/?]
[electronic toy] f1095: right come onthen[censored: forename] get your jigsaws tidied
an egg nae sae daftthenchildren do originally come frae
night m608: aye m194: andthencome back and do their
baby [inaudible] f1135: come onthencome come bump f1136: bump
your [inaudible] mind your eyesthencome forward head back head
that bit f1135: come onthencome here and i ll
see nae horses the daythencome on i m awa
we go do this onethencome on then there you
in the doctor s andthencome out and have to
floor for her lost cointhencome the finding and the
intends to take we couldthencome to a conclusion on
you are thinking about couldthencome to the fore the
of demand the appropriate proportionsthencome under the heading of
[inaudible] [dad responds] f1091: come onthendid you show dad m1092:
f1103: mmhm right come onthendoon off o there before
that way f1135: come onthendown to see the boats
me [humming] right come onthendry your hair as well
did you say f1154: andthener like come on now
mmhm f1099: that s itthenf1100: no f1099: come away
f1100: nothing f1099: come onthenf1100: nothing i said nothing
f1100: no f1099: come awaythenf1100: okay [exhale] hold on
that ain aye come herethenf1102: can you tie the
hame afore f1101: come onthenf1102: hiv i i ve
button going in come onthenf1102: mum f1101: [inaudible] [censored: forename]
mm [exhale] right come onthenf1102: oh [inaudible] f1101: come
[laugh] [exhale] f1101: come onthenf1102: tidying day f1101: catch
f1104: yeah f1103: come onthenf1104: eee f1103: rrr get
f1104: yeah f1103: come onthenf1104: fa got me this
[laugh] f1103: right come onthenf1104: is this the stop
climbing oh right come onthenf1104: mummy will i dae
spotty dog game come onthenf1104: spotty dog game f1103:
pinkie pie f1103: come onthenf1104: what you doing [censored: forename]
mmhm f1103: well come onthenf1104: who is it who
them lost them come onthenf1105: need to put up
s really nice come onthenf1112: i- [inaudible] you washed
it time to come outthenf1112: yeah that s okay
go f1113: right come onthenf1114: and this ain f1113:
[squeal] [panting] f1113: come onthenf1114: eh eh no [laugh]
to help me come onthenf1114: er no thanks no
your microphone up you comethenf1114: i m i m
you again [laugh] come onthenf1114: my [?]toes[/?] f1113: alright
f1117: right come wi methenf1118: okay come on bag
wir baking okay come onthenf1122: [child noise] f1121: i think
is f1121: right come herethenf1122: we can make up
want to put in itthenf1124: you to come up
a plates f1125: come onthenf1126: get upstairs a plates
as well f1135: come onthenf1136: [inhale] [exhale] f1135: take
on this one come onthenf1136: no that thing that
did you look come onthenf1136: this [inaudible] in was
through and get wir crispsthenf1140: mmhm f1139: come on
come on ben the bedroomthenf1140: mum i probably will
t shirt right come onthenfind another bit for the
s a beauty come onthenfind more m1098: oh th-
after f1093: right come onthenfinish this game first look
f1101: right [cough] come herethenfitt songs was you singing
m1048: i ll come downthenfor a shot okay [laugh]
s learned me weel jackthenfor any favour come back
aff chrissie you come anathengeorgie look if i get
yawning then right come onthenget your jammy bottoms on
girl brush brush come onthengive them a good scrub
that mum f1135: come onthengo and see if it
come on right come onthengo doon the stair m1098:
would come for a bridiethengo to church to hear
to come to islay andthengo to the mainland there
of a bonnie poem andthenhe d come too eyes
ah gee pat a weekthenhe ll come sniveling back
um [inaudible] f1095: come onthenhere will i dae it
black paint right come onthenhere you go f1124: thank
near runnin aboot silence tessthenhoo come ah mind layin
done in time come onthenhurry up and colour in
of works m608: mmhm m194: theni come back to stranraer
reading lamp sears my eyelidstheni come fully awake and
will i come up antheni hears him in the
yeah f1093: right come ontheni ll make some more
the bus shouting come ontheni ll take the fuckin
over come here m1108: andtheni m getting [?]that stool[/?] f1107:
[sucks air through teeth] [inaudible] f1103: come ontheni thought you were reading
as well so come onthen[inaudible] belle f1104: [exhale] ah
s that today come onthen[inaudible] f1136: dandelion what have
comin off f1141: come herethen[inaudible] f1142: my thingie keeps
the door f1113: come onthen[inaudible] lock the door i
m1096: [?]covonia[/?] f1095: come onthen[inaudible] m1096: [?]covonia[/?] [child noise] f1095:
come through here wi itthen[inaudible] mak this jigsaw f1104:
it cauld right come onthenit s cauld see come
it on your claes andthenit winna come oot f1142:
wha was hermed by itthenjack wisny ettling to come
on here okay come onthenjump up let s see
for the virus come oanthenlads that wad be great
maybe come back to youthen[laugh] m762: yes absolutely [laugh]
in there right come onthenlet s go and get
testing s on come onthenlet s go quick quick
no f1097: right come onthenlet s go so fa
sing all burns s songsthenlet us pray that come
[cough] f1097: right come onthenlie m1098: [yawn] f1097: are
come out like that andthenlook back m608: mmhm f641:
that f1095: aye come onthenlook you ve nae got
okay f1091: okay come onthenm1092: [child noises] f1091: can you
[inaudible] [?]train[/?] f1091: come onthenm1092: [child noises] f1091: right fitt
look right fitt comes nextthenm1092: erm this this come
m1092: [inaudible] f1091: come onthenm1092: [inaudible] me here here
[inaudible] [inaudible] f1091: come onthenm1092: [inaudible] that better f1091:
on [?]let's go through there[/?] f1093: come onthenm1094: are you dressing [inaudible]
got ain f1097: come onthenm1098: [censored: third speaker in background] f1097: [cough] m1098:
[child noises] f1097: right come onthenm1098: [child noises] f1097: o u
bath time munchkin come onthenm1098: [child noises] f1097: take this
on you right come onthenm1098: put on it daisy
on there right come onthenm1098: [whimper] f1097: well you
ain noo f1103: come onthenmak it on there f1104:
see it right come onthenmake a jigsaw f1104: ding
gee whizz right come onthenmm [exhale] right come on
off okay right come onthenmmhm uh huh f1136: i
[inaudible] the door come onthenmum f1101: [cough] [censored: other speakers in chemist's] f1102:
is it sair come oanthennoo the bees are loose
late sixties seventies early seventiesthenoil come intil it an
do that f1091: come onthenokay come on and we
no [laugh] right come onthenon the bike f1136: this
on [inaudible] right come onthenoot you come come on
mum s tired come onthenoot you come i ve
all come down for unithenor erm right f947: but
want to poop come onthenpoop in the toilet m1106 :
blue f1103: right come onthenput in a flag f1104:
there will it come onthenquick i thought you needed
the bottom right come onthenremember m1098: down the bottom
f1097: why are you yawningthenright come on then get
shove it in come onthenright [inaudible] f1136: mum my
stair for mam come onthenright we ll gonna get
and pitted the farmer wouldthensay come boys and get
a ll come wi yethensays li zhong wha s
aneath her luver s lipsthenshe come back hame wi
over again f943: aye andthenshe would come up with
at this ain come onthensit doon then and dae
ains f1113: right come onthensit round here leave that
it [sob] f1141: come onthenso tell me fitt s
m194: they wouldnae know andthensome of them did come
ill tae come there wasthensome talk of bewitched stories
building f1091: well come onthenstart off with some walls
fur sex dimps come oanthentaggart cammy you noticed anything
[inaudible] what f1091: come onthentake them across and i
holes m608: aye m194: andthenth- they would come off
[child noise] [child noise] f1095: come onthenthat s nae [inaudible] burps
come to scotland [click] andthenthe ability to even to
that s right m1108: andthenthe lambs come out f1107:
come on help mummy firstthenthe lion king okay aye
the most responsible landlords sincethenthe scheme has come on
[humming] f1097: right come onthenthe water s gone oot
this one then come onthenthere you go f1114: finding
come back fae bein sodgersthenthey can cairry the kits
travellin abroad an that butthenthey come back they speak
go to their english childminderthenthey come home goin mummy
small village ehm primaries anthenthey come tae our secondary
there s a route anthenthey they come along one
had them that way andthenthey used to come they
yeah f1103: right come onthenthis ain f1104: yeah f1103:
one is f1111: come onthenthrough we go ton what
a group decision made backthenti come here a safe
m1098: [child noises] f1097: come onthento the kitchen soon get
scrap m608: mmhm m194: andthentwo tugs would come m608:
f1100: [sob] f1099: come onthenup f1100: [sob] [screams] f1099:
silly tattie f1111: come onthenup you come f1112: no
not f1111: well come onthenup you get we wash
it tae my f637: andthenwe co- we come in
come oot like that andthenwe dae the icing and
to come hame [inaudible] andthenwe ll be hame in
over the bridge first andthenwe ll come back and
do our jobbies first andthenwe ll come back and
have i f1103: come onthenwe ll dae this ain
uh huh f1091: come onthenwe ll get one more
mmhm f1123: right come onthenwe ll get your erm
it f1131: [inaudible] come onthenwe ll go come on
shoes [laugh] right come onthenwe ll have to go
it f1097: right come onthenwe ll leave it on
s okay right come onthenwe ll read this one
out today f1135: come onthenwe ll take you to
you would start aff butthenwe well my folk come
car for them to comethenwe were ignominiously towed home
oot uh f1101: come onthenwell f1102: can you help
s away right come onthenwell you bide there and
this one [inaudible] come onthenwhat toys are you going
uh huh m734: er sothenwhen highers come along and
english in primary five butthenwhen we come into primary
was numbers come up andthenye could hit it further
can finish that ain andthenyou can come upstairs and
pattern to look forward withthenyou can sometimes come up
testing f1111: no come onthenyou come and shut the
really like at home andthenyou come here an [inhale]
i canna f1113: come onthenyou do it f1114: i
aye f1097: right come onthenyou find them m1098: oh
billy [exhale] f1097: come onthenyou gaun to fill it
[car noises] f1097: right come onthenyou gaun to fill up
snow white right come onthenyou gonna mak it f1104:
dootin it why gang inthenyou hae come here you
get your jacket come onthenyou no want it f1136:
f1133: take that come onthenyou re nae finished yet
later okay right come onthenyou re nae finishing your
aye f1097: well come onthenyou ve got cars lying
tomorrow so if you comethenyou will both be company
f1101: right a wee shottiethenafore we go okay f1102:
oh okay m1174: erm butthenb- because of copyright issues
punkie okay it s punkiethenbut thae bitches ll complain
a good boy today okaythenbye bye m1090: that s
m in the hoose okaythenbye that was your dad
f1122: mum please f1121: okaythendo you want a bangle
m1096: well dinna dae itthenf1095: okay [inaudible] m1096: shut
let s play a jigsawthenf1095: okay then m1096: [inaudible]
my door f1101: sit doonthenf1102: [laugh] it s okay
tae help me f1104: okaythenf1103: [inaudible] this bit maybe
now f1104: erm well okaythenf1103: thanks f1104: i ll
you better have a haircutthenf1111: okay f1112: [inaudible] f1111:
okay time to go outthenf1112: no f1111: yes cause
f1111: okay don t botherthenf1112: [?]pick them up[/?] [laugh] f1111: now
[inaudible] okay you sit downthenf1114: bounce it i want
f1113: okay whee kick itthenf1114: kick kick f1113: whee
okay you build it upthenf1114: s- that s you
f1117: well move your sheetthenf1118: okay move my sheet
f1121: okay you start offthenf1122: [inaudible] woo one mummy
f1121: okay right just listenthenf1122: okay we ll have
tae f1122: aye f1121: okaythenf1122: put some more smarties
f1123: okay here you gothenf1124: i m making some
yet f1125: nae yet okaythenf1126: and try another one
aye f1125: you have itthenf1126: okay [inhale] oh water
okay fitt would you likethenf1142: i want to pick
oh oh oh oh okaythenf1142: that s all i
[inaudible] f1054: that s itthenf1144: okay f1054: okay what
okay you dae that ainthenfitt ain will i dae
blocks with you just nowthenfor a wee whilie okay
f1111: okay close the blindsthenfor me f1112: i can
okay leave it to mamthengie it tae mammy darlin
unscrambled it [laugh] [laugh] andtheni could go yes okay
okay i choose another onetheni ll choose this cows
m1096: aye f1095: okay andtheni ll cut it and
onto that seat first andtheni ll get f1122: okay
you hold it f1091: okaytheni ll hold it right
f1109: okay turn roon abootietheni ll just oops i
okay f1114: wh- f1113: andtheni ll need to go
okay just ten minutes andtheni m goin to take
another ain okay f1104: okaytheni m puttin map in
home f1037: okay f1038: sotheni thought maybe i just
go this way f1095: okaythenif you want tae but
[exhale] f1113: up you getthen[inaudible] are you okay now
the the tiniest bit anthen[inaudible] m1015: that s okay
too close f1103: oh okaythen[inaudible] sort oot this bits
it s mam first andthenit s you okay m1098:
one first darling [water starts running] andthenjump out okay and mummy
the golf course f1121: okaythenjust take your time look
now rub it m1090: okaythen[laugh] okay f1089: colour the
your water m804: cool okaythenlike if we run out
f1121: okay on you gothenlook at the wave is
you have a green dogthenm1090: okay [scribbling noise] and draw
okay right on you gothenm1092: aye you help me
on your jammies right okaythenm1092: [child noises] [child noises] f1091: oh
page f1091: okay next pagethenm1092: no this one f1091:
and find the bubble baththenm1092: okay me [inaudible] do
okay dae the farm ainsthenm1096: aye dae the tractors
get toys f1095: mm okaythenm1096: brrm brrm [child noise] [child noise]
that ain rabbits f1095: okaythenm1096: fitt s that ain
a jigsaw then f1095: okaythenm1096: [inaudible] this ain f1095:
it myself f1095: right okaythenm1096: mum where s that
go that way f1095: okaythenm1096: no you go that
f1097: okay you find morethenm1098: [blowing] there s that
tea m1098: aye f1097: okaythenm1098: okey dokey f1097: what
[?]then.[/?] okay in you gothenm1106: yeah f1105: climb in
[?]too fussy[/?] okay pop it therethenm1110: i i i nae
than other places m608: okaythenm1163: a couple o year
aye he worked wi motorolathenm608: oh right okay aye
it ll be the gcsethenm608: okay m1174: a levels
age five tae eleven anthenm865: oh okay uh huh
until we finish okay andthenmum ll let you listen
mum s turn first okaythenno okay f1114: it s
butterflies okay then stand upthenoh that s a girl
ll just have the watchthenokay can you put that
tidy up this jigsaws firstthenokay f1122: can we do
are you finished playing shoppiesthenokay f1122: [sucking sweet] i want
f1097: right you get washedthenokay m1098: aye [child noises] you
take it with you toothenokay mm mm m1110: should
i ll dae the trainthenokay right you do the
oot the road down herethenokay we ll put her
get you out the treesthenokay will that be a
you get [exhale] f1093: nowthenokay will we go through
there you go okay andthenput on your lid m1106 :
it dinna touch the buttonsthenright okay [cough] m1098: wow
yeah okay okay f951: anthensecond- then they go intae
says to book up okaythensee you later bye [note: end phone call]
gets the point okay selfiesthenshe says letting go of
oh well that s okaythenso what do you want
one wi the butterflies okaythenstand up then oh that
pub tae a licensed restaurantthentae a hotel m608: okay
this i see a anthentell me okay not too
have a guinness aye okaythenthat was us rest of
mmhm f1103: right right okaythenthere you go right there
okay f951: an then second-thenthey go intae secondary one
ah okay m1174: erm andthenthey re played m608: uh
okay keep it up safethenup here nae get it
okay just take that ainthenwahey f1104: bones in that
oh okay m1174: erm andthenwe also had erm er
in a minute okay andthenwe can get wir coats
okay m805: okay m804: andthenwe can have more after
okay give me your handthenwe ll cross the road
one f1122: hey f1121: okaythenwe ll go roond this
like a garage okay andthenwe ll write oot the
your hands okay f1122: andthenwe re ready to cook
to rinse them all andthenwe wash them okay m1094:
okay break it up againthenwee hee right [inaudible] again
to sook them f1121: okaythenwell that s a good
f1113: right you can playthenwhee f1114: whee okay ken
to play wi him okaythenwho are you going to
and pee first f1103: okaythenwill you manage f1104: yeah
okay give in to herthenyou always do says mummy
far is it right okaythenyou can say bye bye
had fun that s okaythenyou d have been letting
you okay [laugh] f1049: causethenyou died there was m1048:
put them aa in okaythenyou put them aa in
night m1106: yes f1105: okaythenyou start taking off your
thing at ll get uisedthena ll juist e en
greet thae hardy men anthena ll turn ower in
coorie doon in bed anthena ll up an face
hill his got a tapthenaa cromar ll hae a
ye ll forget her anthenah hae a sma request
o pints he thought anthenah ll head fur hame
cud get cosie climm upthenan i ll heat ye
ye awa inti ma chaumerthenan we ll tak some
by whit ll we daethenan yon s the wey
on we ll go upstairsthenand get you dressed up
not you hold the paperthenand i ll do your
cud get cosie climm upthenand i ll heat ye
right close the fridge doorthenand i ll make aeroplanes
da spak out c wathenauld ane a ll gie
tae we ll no gangthenbrithers but chen da begude
a ll gang someplace elsethenbut a ll be back
ll leave yeese tae itthencannae settle tae ma night
ll never [inaudible] f1091: andthencomes m1092: eight eleven f1091:
medicine ll be for teeniethendod was jist saying she
girvan m608: mmhm m194: andtheneven into stranraer ye ll
ll hopefully finish it andtheneveryone can go rubbish [laugh]
you f1089: mmhm mm m1090: thenf1089: you ll say bless
m1094: where s it atthenf1093: well you ll just
right pull off your jumperthenf1102: i ll p- i
marbles right on you gothenf1114: i ll just pop
ll make a big puddingthenf1114: [sob] [sob] f1113: watch
where to put it atthenf1124: i ll just get
write it on my handthenf1133: i ll just skelp
ll just skelp your dockthenf1134: i just stab your
i ll take this offthenf1135: no you can keep
i ll paint this onethenfa was sleepin wi you
throttle again who ll cringethenfolk not listening mostly tuesday
in ah ll awa hamethengie us peace eh carolanne
bessie i ll see yethengladys goes gathering her belongings
just wanted more sadie wellthengordon i ll try to
ve got lots i thinkthengreen then we ll do
ll fit in your pocketthengreyhounds and whippets that can
it ll be his turnthenhe can be the one
he ll be too bigthenhe ll be able to
gee um what he wantsthenhe ll be awa silence
pram f1142: aye f1141: andthenhe ll be into aathing
uh huh [inaudible] f1141: andthenhe ll be pinching yours
on truth and honesty andthenhe ll can live a
ll give you a combingthenhe took him by the
ll give you a combingthenhe took him by the
you ll let me outtheni asked with indecent haste
f943: [laugh] m944: and thentheni can then i ll
i ll be home beforetheni doubt if i ll
wait to be fifteen causetheni ll be able to
the war s ower antheni ll be buying that
i ll likely be britishtheni ll be scottish but
that s yer carrick welcometheni ll bide in kyle
well you write from andtheni ll copy it to
s a giraffe look andtheni ll do a lion
nervously i d better awatheni ll eh i ll
well to hell with camerontheni ll find them myself
the rest o britain antheni ll finish it off
so far have been andtheni ll focus in mainly
hae a bath f1101: ayetheni ll go hame it
nae dout very wicked nootheni ll go to hell
you draw a shape andtheni ll guess what it
dae it ony more becausetheni ll have m1090: [inhale]
in some of this andtheni ll help you m1128:
cut another two pieces andtheni ll hold it and
nearer the actual time andtheni ll induce the birth
get something done tomorrow andtheni ll just drive f1049:
ll look up information andtheni ll just like listen
shetlander first m865: mmhm m952: theni ll likely be british
put in the crispies andtheni ll m1128: mammy what
up and digging up andtheni ll m741: uh huh
make the little nest andtheni ll make a mummy
ye kin chum me uptheni ll maybe gie they
oot on the mat antheni ll min to tak
moment aye beaumont very weeltheni ll need to tak
m865: mm mm mmhm f951: theni ll probably spik broad
too hot right sit doontheni ll put in a
time and it s sunnytheni ll quite enjoy it
can mak two o themtheni ll really hae to
go through it first andtheni ll say it as
like if we run outtheni ll share yours with
i ll be back andtheni ll speak out beaumont
f1102: i canna f1101: righttheni ll stop the car
in the cupboard pause andtheni ll tak you up
f1089: a bit o taylortheni ll take it m1090:
and then then i cantheni ll take the picture
right you take your shoestheni ll take your er
s kind of out theretheni ll talk i ll
contessa you choose a labeltheni ll tell you all
won t know a thingtheni ll tuck him up
[inaudible] and f1018: mm m1021: theni ll visit a sister
f1133: well on you gotheni ll watch you f1134:
ll help you clip ittheni m gaun to go
i ll be in firsttheni think who s in
take her last night buttheni thought no they ll
ll last long either buttheni ve belonged to count
ll do a tidy andtheni ve got reductions to
it ll be me firstthenif you don t go
far ll i find eenthenin the kitchen neil sighing
ll hoover it up efterthenis it a big ain
to slip and fall andthenit ll be a gr-
just slip into english andthenit ll be all welsh
one and then it llthenit ll be beddy time
f1113: the last bookie andthenit ll be beddy time
and get your milk andthenit ll be goodnight [censored: forename]
gun and go find himthenit ll be his turn
cause it ll fall andthenit ll fall on your
with a caterpillar inside andthenit ll grow into something
ll read this one andthenit ll then it ll
i ll cry him owerthenit s wallop somewhaur in
a ll gang wi yethenit winna dae ti hing
i ll jist tak itthenjim she holds out her
ll just take it offthenlook that be better m1090:
i ll put that backthenm1092: hey you got my
have f1093: choose something elsethenm1094: i ll choose erm
ll go get your jammiesthenm1098: granda [child noises] [inaudible] [child noises]
be near the major marketsthenmibby we ll be competitive
we ll be finished bythenmummy s going to leave
ll have all the answersthenneil well look at him
ye ll be expectin visitorsthenno said mrs macdonald with
to be a mither anthenone day she ll find
the shoes oot the boxthenor we ll be in
unuseable letters he ll onlythenorder another saying it might
so i ll know betterthenotherwise i m getting used
we ll get the sausagesthenright and i ll take
ll just take that onethenright we ll go up
you want to count themthenright we ll put them
hobble gone agnes nae smallsthensadie i ll catch them
ll get somethin nae botherthensadie i widnae bet on
a ll stert them nouthensays the guildbrther takin the
i ll pay the billthenshall i breughel and ham
i would prefer bastard butthenshe ll just call us
ssssh she ll hear yithenshe ll punish us lori
sewage in evidence he pausedthenspoke very fast there ll
m1108: in it goes andthenstir f1107: aye mam ll
worker m608: mmhm mmhm m1163: thenthat s what it ll
yi krista aye an bithenthe morn tess uh ll
then you ll clype jackthenthe one who s guilty
i ll skin you alivethenthe poor limousin began to
i ll skin you alivethenthe poor limousin began to
a ll niver see bitthenthe power that rules abune
ye ll no can eatthenthe wey ye git tae
bittie f1117: right try thatthenthen we ll need a
then put the icing onthenthey ll be good you
they ll grow broon andthenthey ll be ready m1096:
you know older songs andthenthey ll f963: mm m762:
good for they may marrythenthey ll go away and
up aff the fleer bessiethenthey ll just ha e
o glaur a ll warrantthenthey ll no complain aboot
ll we dee wi youthentoots will we ask mrs
same thing in english andthentranslated into urdu it ll
ll get the poachers taethenup the brae an throu
ll have to cook itthenwe have to taste it
he could go down andthenwe ll and get the
m055: we ll get indepencethenwe ll aw speak scots
help it [sob] f1101: andthenwe ll be there f1102:
go and get your blocksthenwe ll build some blocks
put on the stickers andthenwe ll dae yer santa
then we ll do pinkthenwe ll do orange are
lots i think then greenthenwe ll do pink then
draw some night time andthenwe ll draw some f1124:
if you finish your dinnerthenwe ll get on and
paper in the bucket andthenwe ll get the loaf
i ll be back andthenwe ll get things sorted
there ye see ken meaninthenwe ll ging ower there
it in the car andthenwe ll go and get
down to the water andthenwe ll go and look
fill it with cars andthenwe ll go and make
we ll get changed andthenwe ll go down for
i ll one more timethenwe ll go downstairs but
and get changed quick andthenwe ll go m1096: aye
ll cover them first andthenwe ll go on to
ha ena got till tthenwe ll haul t oot
nearly finished that ain andthenwe ll have to find
and what colour of shoesthenwe ll have to look
coming were to see methenwe ll have to take
ll mak a sandwich andthenwe ll have to walk
i ll cut it andthenwe ll have to wrap
for a wee whilie andthenwe ll [inaudible] right you
get your cardigan on andthenwe ll jump in the
ll read this ain andthenwe ll m1092: [inaudible] f1091:
your jumper noo right andthenwe ll mak a sandwich
when we get home andthenwe ll mak a sandwich
noo cause that s herethenwe ll mak cinderella f1104:
we ll mak this ainthenwe ll mak erm cinderella
ll sort them oot andthenwe ll mak them m1096:
[?]i want you[/?] f1091: right hold onthenwe ll mix up the
f1117: right try that thenthenwe ll need a spoon
hear the microwave gaun bleepthenwe ll pit it in
he s juist ablow usthenwe ll pit the lichts
you a helping hand andthenwe ll put in some
m1096: bet he hasna f1095: thenwe ll run hame we
do the jigsaw first andthenwe ll see how does
the rest o them andthenwe ll see if we
an idiot f943: hold onthenwe ll stick [inaudible] [laugh]
a career d you thinkthenwe ll still be best
i that s a bargainthenwe ll take a walk
brushed aa their hair andthenwe ll take it doon
um if yur noh comfortablethenwe ll take it fi
going awa to playgroup andthenwe ll take it off
got a wee whilie andthenwe ll take it off
a christian [laugh] f943: [laugh]thenwe ll talk about christian
ll dae this jigsaw andthenwe ll uh huh you
do this jigsaw first andthenwe ll you can help
ll get one shot andthenwe re going f1136: i
ll break his neck andthenwhat i want to see
i ll do the knivesthenwhat s that then it
ll do the trees greenthenwill i m1090: mmhm are
ll maybe bake later onthenwill we are you gonna
we ll dry yer handthenwill we dry your hand
ll just stay at homethenwill we f1136: no f1135:
ll go out the gatethenwill we f1136: [noise of wind] f1135:
uh ll hae awthin readythenwiv got a celebration silence
need tae watch f643: andthenye ll break yer springs
that bane in yer thumbthenye ll greet ye should
ken ma wife at athenye ll ken how she
read this morning s paperthenye ll ken the american
it ploppin on the fleerthenye ll start to feel
i ll wash them andthenyou can do some painting
ll go down for grannythenyou can hae your packed
card right i ll writethenyou can just write your
you ll be cosier andthenyou can play with your
laist anither four five yearthenyou ll aff an leave
paint on your brush andthenyou ll be able to
find the other piece andthenyou ll be able to
in two months beaumont andthenyou ll clype jack then
what you going to daethenyou ll either have to
and give me a kissthenyou ll find out harry
to hit the wall andthenyou ll find out what
can eat all that andthenyou ll get a baby
we ll make water fizzythenyou ll get a re-
one move back a bitthenyou ll get some mair
and see your sister andthenyou ll get your juice
up these blocks as wellthenyou ll get your juice
jaunt ower the atlantic andthenyou ll hae him here
wait till you see himthenyou ll have something to
ll pick oot words andthenyou ll m608: mm mm
they wouldna get lost murielthenyou ll need to ging
need to keep looking andthenyou ll see him i
i ll have one andthenyou ll tell me a
aye m1000: aye f1001: butthenyou ll whiles hear o
glasgow m608: mmhm m194: andthena year up in glasgow
wounded m608: oh right m194: thenand then when and then
you m608: aye m1163: andthenarrange a time that suits
time m608: mmhm m194: andthenas i m sayin after
erm m608: mmhm m078: whichthenas it nears the present
but m608: yeah f637: anthenat night the light nights
up they tested your eyesthenat seven m608: uh huh
neck m608: right m642: andthencame back a year later
be suitable m608: aye m1163: thendrew up a training package
job there s nae robberiestheneh m608: [laugh] m642: just
know m608: [laugh] m1163: buttheneverything s got its good
structures were there which ithenfilled in m608: yeah m078:
their tea m608: mmhm m194: thengo to the first or
year m608: uh huh m1163: thenhe came back to yeovil
m608: mmhm m636: eh andthenhe he landed in eh
first m608: mmhm f637: andthenher brother followed on and
for that f637: mmhm m608: thenhow did you find the
body m608: mmhm f643: andtheni felt absolutely brand new
m608: uh huh f637: andtheni left there and when
m608: mmhm f638: and ehtheni my health got so
m608: uh huh f638: andtheni scrubbed the the dairy
m608: uh huh m194: andtheni start the post office
no m608: mmhm f643: andtheni was back on the
m608: uh huh f637: andtheni was o- then i
tested m608: mmhm f637: andtheni wore glasses fae then
m608: mm m194: boats andthen[inaudible] cairnryan and ye had
that kind of stuff andthenit s really b- m608:
your finances m608: aye m1163: thenit s thingwy and so
mean they were doin itthenit was m608: mmhm mmhm
m608: yeah f643: one andthenit was usually per era
hoppin an m608: yeah f638: thenjumpin the no f640: ye
[inaudible] m608: mmhm m194: andthenliftin them up and another
or two maybe caught firethenm608: aye m194: but they
was a lot of moneythenm608: aye m642: whereas that
makin ten pound a weekthenm608: god aye m642: [inaudible]
then i wore glasses faethenm608: mm f637: but i
actually read up on butthenm608: mm f643: i kinda
it was a hard lifethenm608: mm yeah f637: i
place called coulli- coulliore andthenm608: mmhm f643: another place
ayr classic motorcycle club andthenm608: oh right m642: we
m608: uh huh so m194: thenm608: they they d be
was taught a lot betterthenm608: uh huh f637: and
m194: so i did andthenm608: uh huh m194: i
got the job with themthenm608: uh huh so it
princess look as it wasthenm608: yeah [?]i bet, uh-huh.[/?] f643: gross
m608: yeah m1174: but ermthenobviously due to i don
m608: uh huh m194: andthenof c- [coughs] through too
them m608: mmhm m194: andthenof course again they brought
cairnryan m608: aye m194: andthenof course just after that
m608: uh huh m194: andthenof course the the troops
m608: right m194: and everythingthenof course they had a
[?]fly[/?] m608: mmhm m194: andthenof course w-wh- westwing [?]as i was sayin[/?]
that m608: aye m194: andthenof course ye had tae
apple m608: aye f638: andthenof course yer sweets were
and get the coal andthenon a sunday there m608:
far m608: mmhm m194: andthenopen their tailgates m608: mmhm
the art department computer andthen[?]pictelled[/?] out m608: [laugh] f643:
revolved they were dipped andthenput into the cases m608:
m608: how old were youthenseven or eight m1163: aboot
belfast m608: mmhm m194: andthensome had to be taken
m608: mmhm m078: erm andthensome of the the the
ve had a good lifethenthat s all [laugh] m608:
aye m1163: life in itthenthat s fine m608: uh
just that wee end m642: thenthat was whit m608: how
break which was sunrise andthenthe fast m608: mmhm m1174:
aged about twelve anyway andthenthe m608: mmhm m635: teachers
aw why m608: thanks m642: thenthe next thing f641: do
erm m608: mmhm m1174: andthenthe paper was er sort
lorries m608: mmhm m194: andthenthe place where where the
m608: uh huh m194: andthenthe troops that was coming
war m608: right m194: andthenthere s some to go
time m608: aye m194: andthenthere s t- eh two
sunk m608: mmhm m194: andthenthey d just transfer them
channel m608: mmhm m194: andthenthey d sc- eh open
dump m608: aye m194: wellthenthey d take them out
them m608: mmhm m194: andthenthey had oh f- about
m608: [click] right m194: butthenthey had tae be transported
barges m608: yup m194: andthenthey just they were in
you only done your apprenticeshipthenthey paid ye off m608:
till the tide suited andthenthey pulled it oot m608:
m608: uh huh m194: andthenthey pulled them along the
meal m608: mmhm m194: andthenthey put [inaudible] back intae
stranraer m608: mmhm m194: andthenthey re transferred from there
door and eh f643: andthenthey used tae m608: [laugh]
m608: uh huh m194: andthenthey would go out they
and that and that andthenthey would m608: mmhm m194:
in the british superbikes andthenthis year won it m608:
through dublin tae belfast andthentransferred across here m608: where
still along a field andthenup and away m608: mmhm
m608: right m1174: erm andthenwe also started to approach
did m608: mmhm m194: andthenwe and then we had
[laugh] m608: [laugh] m642: andthenwe d a barbie and
kennedy m608: yeah m194: andthenwe had another big one
m608: uh huh m1174: andthenwe had erm we actually
ye know for guardin andthenwe had m608: mm m194:
busy m608: aye f643: sothenwe suggested a saw mill
m608: mmhm mmhm m194: andthenwell i mean some of
m608: oh right m194: andthenwell then ye had eh
m608: mmhm mmhm m1163: andthenwhen he decided and and
afternoon slot m608: yeah m1174: thenwhen it s time to
toilet m608: aye f643: butthenwhen we bought the house
ledgers m608: aye f638: andthenye had yer ehm ye
up m608: mm m642: andthenye loaded the top o
just follow the mountains upthenyou go into this m608:
m608: uh huh f637: andthenyou put it up on
train m608: uh huh m194: thenyou you loadit them ontae
f1103: go and pick ainthena jigsaw puzzle f1104: in
uh huh f1099: go onthena rising trot can you
he should go to newcastlethenaberdeen cornwall glasgow and norwich
find their shoes and werethenafraid to go home the
something sadie you get itthenagnes aye go oan carolanne
go and have a baththenand i was like oh
will we tidy them upthenand then go and do
aye f1095: go an seethenand you can [inaudible] noo
applied to the female populationthenas if men dinnae go
store for a while andthenat 4 30 to go
cd f632: mmhm f646: andthenbut she doesnae go in
connection with the church sincethenbut we did go through
di- what did you saythenclam- f1112: go in f1111:
i would go over andthen[cough] whether through so- through
there you go f1155: andthenerm he lived there pretty
to go to work sotheneveryone was like what s
f1104: yeah f1103: go onthenf1104: it s about this
fits f1103: on you gothenf1104: mm oh you do
one f1103: go get themthenf1104: [panting] my pony jigsaws
s go and get paperthenf1112: eh f1111: let s
caterpillar then there you gothenf1114: draw press on the
one f1113: there we gothenf1114: [inaudible] or that one
where s the next onethenf1114: let s go and
go on you cut itthenf1114: right the scissors f1113:
eyes mum f1113: go onthenf1114: some eyes mum f1113:
quick game o the ballthenf1114: you go outside the
go and brush your hairthenf1114: [?]your hand did it[/?] no no no
up the skittles go onthenf1122: [inaudible] forgotten have we
f1121: right on you gothenf1122: white mum can you
you go back next weekthenf1122: why f1121: no cause
f1126: [?]then[/?] f1125: go onthenf1126: i m taking [inaudible]
hold o it go onthenf1126: no i don t
one first f1125: go onthenf1126: right get it under
f1135: right up you gothenf1136: put down [inaudible] mum
pick ain f1141: go onthenf1142: i want to pick
did you go to schoolthenf828: i had to go
lot of people go homethenf947: mmhm yeah but there
m1096: hear f1095: go onthenfinish your jigsaw dinna touch
go go ti the funeralthenfund oot he s noh
have a quiet time anthengo about your day doin
tidy them up then andthengo and do the sausages
a couple of months andthengo back f809: how about
m605: and then paradoxically theythengo back to kind of
an hour have a showerthengo back up to aberdeen
to our central silc groupthengo directly from there to
a point of energy andthengo f963: mm mmhm m762:
to the next place andthengo in and and go
cl- [laugh] then what f1112: thengo in f1111: what di-
publishing f1037: right f1038: andthengo into like charity publishing
m1008: ehm but eh youthengo into the field of
other team s points theythengo on to another game
and list them they maythengo on to categorise them
nature of whatever languages theythengo on to learn and
my horn wave and wethengo on to the hump
for different settings the pupilsthengo on to write a
over at buffet they canthengo on tour lunch starts
time have our breakfast andthengo through and open our
overall and does the bidthengo to the executive secondly
your milkies m1098: milkies f1097: thengo to your beddie m1098:
down f963: mmhm m762: andthenhe used to go over
tenners in potato crisp bagstheni could go and find
inclined tae go shetland antheni get completely an utterly
make it stop get offtheni go on that after
then i go on thattheni go on that i
go on that after mumtheni go on that then
was a state school andtheni go to mearns castle
buy them for me antheni wanted to go to
always gaze at it andtheni would go straight to
felt w- was scottish andthenif i wanted to go
no why f1089: well causethen[inaudible] does that nae go
f1117: mmhm on you gothen[inaudible] f1118: bigger bigger bi-
stey f785: mm m055: ehthenit disnae necessarily go doon
want to do it f1125: thenit has to go into
f1097: right in you gothenit s a bittie better
go on the night andthenit s just like a
point high on the hillsidethenit was time to go
much until about noon andthenit was time to go
listening to a song andthenit would just go into
go down to largs andthenjump across from there yeah
no you go in firstthenjump in f1112: [inaudible] shout
s it on you gothenm1090: [crunching noise] [laugh] f1089: alright
go and put it backthenm1090: mm i want to
an aa here you gothenm1090: oh no f1089: in
go and take them offthenm1092: you f1091: no you
f1095: how will they gothenm1096: a bucket mannies f1095:
mannie f1095: mmhm go onthenm1096: [inaudible] f1095: i can
shit f1097: wait on methenm1098: need to go to
dad f1105: on you gothenm1106 : see dad [snort] mum
m1098: aye f1097: go onthenno m1098: oh wow that
uh huh f1091: aye andthenno that bit doesnae go
ye had tae go butthenof course th- and the
f1089: right up you gothenoh it s heavy isn
all the shampoo go onthenon your back m1106: wait
they didn t go anywherethenone day this thing popped
go and count your blocksthenone m1092: one two three
is fine finish your jigsawsthenor go and take your
english m741: right m605: andthenparadoxically they then go back
play with on it itthenpark f1135: eh f1136: go
go towards standard english andthenpeople m762: of course yeah
who they be this girlthenpicks a boy to go
there f1135: on you gothenput this bike round this
no no right right acceleratethenreverse [inaudible] let go of
get your clasp on firstthenright here we go now
f1095: right here you gothenright put your sandwich in
aha see carolanne go onthensadie what carolanne clear it
pooh at f1125: go onthensee if you can fit
two m815: yeah m816: andthensee where i go from
go across to her andthenshe d look up at
she wants to go butthenshe was meant to be
nabbing something and eating itthensmack her lips and go
lookin pretty here we gothensmell f1114: [sniff] f1113: is
cause everythin else was deadthenso we could go [inaudible]
hard as ye can anthensomeone s got to go
go yersel his brither hesitatedthenstauchert his wey sometimes faain
[inaudible] go on stretching andthenstretching m078: yes stretching it
go and wash that onethenthat s a girl f1122:
the pits would go downthenthat s right m642: strike
up in two lines andthenthe other ones go back
i may go and watchthenthere s alex [censored: surname] a
you dae it to methenthere you go f1116: round
move it to this sidethenthere you go that s
right you draw a caterpillarthenthere you go then f1114:
big noo f1116: [inaudible] andthenthey all go home f1115:
great fun for the quinesthenthey d go down and
kind of things stuff andthenthey d maybe go to
two nights f1043: trawlers m1042: thenthey d tae go to
see potential in us andthenthey have to go and
just let them go andthenthey just scuttled theirself i
troops and that and ehthenthey ve got tae go
right in to balloch andthenturned right again to go
aboot finished this jigsaw andthenwe can go doon the
hang oot that washing andthenwe can go out for
two seconds [inaudible] see andthenwe could go f1121: right
make her say sorry properlythenwe go into the house
sunday 26 tom kate herethenwe go over to hear
that s it and ehthenwe just go and we
and do some thingies andthenwe re going to go
upstairs and put away andthenwe re gonna ehm go
oh lovely f978: so andthenwe used to go to
to t chai ovna andthenwe were gonna go to
tae go away back ootthenwe would bring them in
clamber in f1111: cl- [laugh]thenwhat f1112: then go in
sun to go up andthenwhen the moon comes up
to go with it andthenwhen we started bouncin it
right go and get itthenwhich way are we going
your hair done first andthenyou can go and play
on a quick wash andthenyou can go doon the
we had baxter park butthenyou couldn t go up
the mixed situation would gothenyou d probably just have
microphone on f1125: go onthenyou dae them f1126: i
go and eat something andthenyou get it dirty then
and you re going andthenyou go oh f-f-f- fuck
right yeah yes yeah andthenyou go on loch lomond
buy that in advance andthenyou go on the night
bell rings you line upthenyou go to her you
disappear linguistically m762: mm f963: thenyou go towards standard english
watch it one last timethenyou have to go back
bed just one more storythenyou must all go to
car right i better gothenyou must hide that now
go until you go f814: thenyou smell them the third
ve to go in andthenyou ve basically just go
go and read up andthenyou ve got to be
f1125: well there you gothenyou ve got to find
ye ach away you gothenyou ve nae appetite for
of that was amazing andthenyou would go out and
you break it up andthendo it again right f1126:
thingie then f1135: mmhm f1136: theneh that ain f1135: right
the last one feet upthenf1136: [singing] [laugh] f1135: right
right you do the rocketthenfitt colour s the rocket
f1077: oh right the backgroundthenmmhm mmhm mmhm mmhm f718:
stared right back at themthenrealised i was staring at
mm that explains a lotthensure m1092: yes f1091: right
well is that plenty rightthenyou sit in your chair

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