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an as thay sang outthirlest wurds thay breinged out
an as thay sang outthirlest wurds thay flew out
that wes the sense anthirthe verra wurds wha s
thaim that kens bydes lownthirwurds ah hear tell war
saw the wheel an heardthirwurds an wunnert til hirsell
the keing s son hairdthirwurds he poued the slipper
this cauld whan she hardthirwurds mysie flew up the
me this meinit an withirwurds the keing lowpit awa
as ye micht cry ootthirwurds thryce burg hill is
as sex an mairriage againthirs the mix o autobiographical
didactic treatment o mairriage inthirtales is problematic while the
sermons about mairriage syne anthirtexts div talk about mairriage
the treatment o mairriage inthirtwae tales is to see
atween men an weimen giethirtales a muckle pairt o
maks it difficult to seethirtales as pittin forrit brichtly
of rhetoric an argument inthirtales askin hiz to gley
rhetoric is gey important inthirtales baith ar unco explicit
mair tent o the weythirtales is telt raither nor
to speir whether sovereynetee inthirtales isnae juist a rid
different wey o lookin atthirtwae tales is to see
screechin an thir shriekin inthirfearsome wild attacks ye can
an say tae him thirthirma wee son dinae fash
thir sta life smokin faethirmous a leam o sunlicht
fu o pentit men withirscreechin an thir shriekin in
men wi thir screechin anthirshriekin in thir fearsome wild
up an say tae himthirthir ma wee son dinae
in the puddok s bodiethirmonie year an nou ah
in the puddok s bodiethirmonie year ill magic pat
that haed been on himthirmonie year shuirlie she haed
s been deid an gaenthirmonie year there is another
monie fowk a soud enjeythirnou no thraw thaim at
take that lang really seeinsthirwisnae that monie anyways so
best what soud be duinthirunco days a daurna say
we l gae ti sleepthirunco sichts is but beginners
sicht this is ane othirunco tymes an ah can
the thrie days ti spinthirheids o lint inti seivin
an dominies o the orderthirs the thrie perfugia the
yang chun the bawsent wormthirthrie capitanes is spulyiein an
yet tae the for othirthrie leids scots is by
yet tae the fore othirthrie leids scots is by
whitever dae thay want withirauld runkilt haunds issa whitna
played the fester thay daunstthirfeet haurlie seemed ti tig
the secretary kens whit yirthirfir thay aw hud yon
thay war aye makkin muisicthirfowk that bade in the
gaithered roond as thay daethirwis a wee bit bluid
efter a guid look atthirlines firstly arveragus sweirs as
himsel a burel man withirlines he shaws himsel to
franklin s tale 1481 1484thirlines raises a number o
bath s prologue 1 3thirlines that comes at the
s tale 1038 1040 inthirlines the wumman is seen
ah loue the auld freinsthirdays ah ve littil troke
he disna craw sae croussthirdays an his ryal robes
laddie ah m no weillthirdays at aw the wutch
cauld ah im auld gittinthirdays but ah luik eftir
ye ve seen efter usthirdays bypast sin the young
whaur dis he hing ootthirdays dae ye ken lord
700 gaun ti the pubthirdays foraye fouzilt wi the
jobs is ill ti finndthirdays guid meat a warm
awa eftir he dee dthirdays it s gey wanchauncie
lyfe this is in herethirdays it s lyke the
kintrie it haurlie kens itsellthirdays it s lyker a
lyfe s no wurth leevinthirdays knicht ai but ye
s littil pleisir ah gitthirdays ma bonnie tree ah
is gey cauld wi methirdays the mair sae sen
ah haurlie think aboot ladsthirdays the thocht o thaim
laddie nou ah dinna kenthirdays the weeks flees by
it s nae uiss pretendinthirdays the yung callants never
is ill ti cum bithirdays thorfinn did ye notice
mukkil as ah can daethirdays ti hirpil the length
physician ugsum rumors is abootthirdays unnaitral deeds brings on
anither lesson i ve learntthirlast twa three days it
na ah canna pray aforethirill gien eimages she looks
been anaith ill spells haedthirno turnt him intil a
that s been ma hamethirlest fowr year ah haed
haed mukkil need no brekthirnits or yeir hert is
duik haed he no hairdthirpast twa nichts a leddie
hae ti spend anither othirdeid borin forenichts at the
thocht lat us gether upthirdeid craws an tak thaim
deid on strathmore s grundthirtwa war huntit doun an
sic mettil wha wul doutthirdozent louns haes duin it
meane be sic wordis asthiris neir cair for i
tae ken yer views onthirissues issues sic as defence
be sic a hantil othirwee craeturs aw leevin thair
sichts to lennox whaur arethirmessengers tak me ti thaim
on thaim he did awthirthings an mair an in
whale o lord you setthirguid folk free nou set
o flichterin burd nou fraethirlinks aw is still binna
sheilins nou in ane othirriggs bi a green knowe
tonight the nou just nowthirthese thirl attach thocht thought
and so furth quhair asthirhas twa short and ane
least ane macnab puzzles onthirkittle passages neil looked at
eftir sum betterment ane othirpackmen offert hir a whein
to knaw every ane ofthirthre forsaidis syllabes i answer
ae blizzard then anither tillthirs fifteen feet o snaw
wis confirmed tae him whunthirwis anither body sittin in
guid cup o tea takthirhere twa pennies an a
ah hae been in agoniethirlest twa month an it
an oor whan we heardthirtwa comin alang the pad
they bless the enbrace othirtwa launds my scotland my
o dominies cud yous yaisethirtwa novels in cless wi
somir earl marischal di qingthirtwa wyce meinisters cam forth
feet ah can kick withirfeet he gives a demonstration
said ma dochter mysie feinishtthirafore dawin this mornin syne
turns up the first whanthirflouers bloom again syne ah
poetry thegither syne they hidthirwee spikk aboot aids offerin
an jyners plytered aboot inthirwellingtons syne the name o
ah think verra shame awthirbraw claes on me no
hae drunk thair health awthirbraw hieland flouers a toast
hud changed it aw inthirday an grat grat a
said led ye ti duncanthirfits an sterts aw fanton
true he s makkin ootthirkeings is aw his aishan
haein ti listen til awthirkynds o haivers even on
whaur hae ye been awthirlang lang years yowled his
the skaith o gaelic insteidthirleids should aw co exist
need ti bring up awthirlourd maimories baron toozenbach chebutykin
the wark wes duin bithirneibors out o aw the
the wee yins aw wantinthirprezzies fur sake o the
liz an anne marie awthirvyces ur exactklie as ye
mainner dress an couthie tungthirkintrie fowk haud til thair
airmed wi richteous micht garredthirlowpin kerns tak til thair
supermercat ye can gang tilthirmeetins tae discuss issues that
cam inti his mynd amangthirthe neirest til his hert
dod ah thocht whit wulthirbairns hae ti gae throu
ye shuirlie dinna believe inthirauld supersteitions dae ye laughter
dae ye dress me inthirborraed claes angus him that
whit we can dae inthirsituations is read a buik
hae ti mak dae withirthe nicht alang wi a
arveragus is hauden to daethirthings while wolde suggests that
and wumman wha d hikethirtrails cuidna dae itherwise nor
ye canna be lowsed fraethiror the fairie fowk is
queen siller tree but inthirpairts whan fowk gie a
ah l ligg here anaiththirauld reikie bauks that haes
hell ava ah l laythirbanes o mynes ayont the
ah m haurlie leevin josothirbrainches war the first ti
ah didnae like it wirthirither new year customs that
hir afore ah stert intithirkail ah maun hae a
ah traivel on beglaumert throuthirlands im ah ti be
ah im no up withirnew fangilt ootlin fashions the
than did ye gie methirtwae lowin paerls ah coud
then will launch thirsels intaethirwee turn some hooanever ah
the r v there isthira these thirldom n servitude
the war v there wasthira these tho c though
the r v there isthira these thraw v throw
the scots literary rennaissance scrievitthirwords that gie hope for
whyles gies me fasherie inthirpairts afore jek is feinisht
afore ti salute me forbythirsisters greetit me wi hail
day ti stap foo withircarbon dioxide oor plunts canna
ti cum but discretion inthircases is aye wantin for
we coud uise ti flushthiringlish oot oor bowels for
mithers wi wycelyke dochters inthirpairts uist ti grein that
ve lernt ti coont withirpeers an ti read o
cryit ti forres wha arethirsae wuthert an sae outlin
peers an ti read othirstar fan e sheets at
strunt an seem ti fearthirthings that soonds sae graund
been chauncie aneuch ti clauchtthirtwal craws an ma brither
we daein here bloomin forthirdrukken auld slaiks from the
ye plais an men inthirsemmits on the other hand
guidness wheisht we maunna latthirkettrens ken we r up
wolves an ither beiss inthirwuds they r no freinlie
wir niver steikit at nichtthirnine years is hecht the
chaunce o a nicht amangthirwutches sae that verra nicht
war no the laest othirferr frae it for didna
raxxin oot aawyes an drappinthirleaves an berries oor aathin
chairter would cuiver maist othirheids but govrenment wad hae
such as mcclure hae changedthiropinion oan scots scots is
earlier in the century scrievitthirwords for we hae faith
his pram whit a warkthirbairns mak to irena sae
mither tongue that is whitthircairtes is about heizin up
ithers whit think ye othirlatest ploy humanitarian bombs a
loupin wi troot a daythira awa nae mair tae
nae compassion in it asthirhud been wi his grannie
in a teatowel cosy inthirlinen as me wi hur
decoratin oh an dinna forgetthirs cutting a cd wi
day is eident tae continuethircairtes is pairt o a
o gaelic medium education 93thirconcerns an proponed solutions could
statement o principles 77 owerawthirconcerns an solutions can be
leid bsl this report taksthirforms o communication intil its
o e stars fleein owerthirheeds an fit wye iss
doon it wis strange beinthirin the middle o the
mak tolrent o ithers fanthirreligion jist conacht e chunce
an lowns ma senses banquothirsimmer guests o oors kirk
awnin an promotion o scotsthirsolutions taks in increased tocher
hir day s darg inthirsteirin dwams o hirs haes
only time o the yearthirwis drink in the hoose
hir fevert speirit physician inthirmaitters the re never mukkil
haunds whatfor did ye bringthirdirks awa frae the chaumer
e en though it isthirain leid scots is noo
the scots vocabularie learnt inthirhame environment when they gan
grapes at grew thare fraethirberries she maskit a fell
wheen age groups in atweenthiris ayeweys an authenticite aboot
nae gaun aboot bodie onieweythiris braw claes this is
anaw whun he wis upthircruisin if he wisnae busy
14 national guidelines wis wrochtthirguidelines gied oot advice on
it wis juist the samethirwis a big hole whaur
fae dunfermline tony tellt himthirwis a few bitches in
onie pairt in the festivitiesthirwis cordial whae mind s
he wis feelin the nowthirwis nae compassion in it
his table heid an matthirthings is thare juist lyke
for cleanin oot yeir lugsthiris nail shears an this
ma heid s been birslinthirlast few weeks tryin tae
a maun bid ye fareweillthirills ye say is in
ferapont ferapont wad ye signthirpapers please andrey with irritation
farie ye man observe thatthirtumbling verse flowis not on
their wark an policies inthirareas ither committees luiks intil
their leid an culture 110thirconcerns an answers proponed could
the kitchen taibil she tryitthirkies in the door an
i that he argies thatthirleaders maun kemp an chaave
corn i the pairks anthirnine years is hecht the
feature in the buik anthirstories are telt in a
nane five tellna nae leesthirfive abstinentia is the lestin
500 learners is enrolled inthirclesses 103 the education depairtment
edexcel tae 105 while awninthiradvances the submissions ingaithered pointit
study tae provide answers taethirproblems some thinks that a
my youth feel auncient asthirstanes why suid my prieven
dealin in furs skillfully manouverinthirwey deep intae the territory
streeve at the baa thothirwiz pilgyt i the tail
bot before or i schawthircasis some exceptional cases i
hain the name of soverayneteethirdetails micht suggest that the
rubbing her hands mercie wulthirhaunds never be clean pointing
bewtie lyfe soud be lykethirtrees shouts of yoo hoo
all but civilisation killed themthirwords will bear reveesitin i

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