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weeks efter geordie jooks hidthonawfu stramash doon at gullane
the kintra at war efterthonday naethin wis the same
shop that no lang efterthonday thare wisnae an airn
a wink yon nicht efterthonfur finiver she closed her
mishanter that gied us efterthongods hid tummelt tae their
he proposed richt aff efterthonhe feenished wi a sang
the littlins fur months efterthonhe keepit inbye an jude
again didna trust weemin efterthonjist gaed back tae the
efter rimbaud s les assisthonmakar s tribute ti the
wis ten times waur efterthonman peter peter leuch ma
war fed neist bairns efterthonthe collie dug benjy last
s nae ony better efterthonthe doctor shuik his heid
hauf past nine an efterthonthe twa brithers wad hae
whiles he weets the bedthontwa takk efter yer mither
them in wir moo efterthonwe d tae tell aabody
up tae t an efterthonweel far dae i stert
ti hiz mither an faitherthonbene thair gyrthol frie on
monie tymes mair clivversum northonhiz idaia wes at the
dischort wes ben hiz wamethonladdie wes masell awned the
an rispin hiz teith furthonlinkie tammas grunstane hed nou
fowk dinna vaillie he hedthonpawkie glent in hiz ei
hissell tak him ti gaitsgillthons whaur hiz weird liggs
tammas s dinna tak awthonstuffrie maistres wes hiz aveisement
bot juggs a cuidna tholethonaither he says the croun
narcotiks i the borders botthonat wes cummin frae tornes
publict ti wutnes it thothongied bot smaw soverance the
o the kintra loans botthonvoss wes nou ringin richt
lectra pouer or fonns botthonwes the borderers best fend
wes weill bot it wesnathonwirdie avaw it wes twa
cam nae a telegram naethonaabody feared thon jist a
lichtly i didna tell himthoni couldna tell him thon
telegram nae thon aabody fearedthonjist a regimental letter tae
thon i couldna tell himthonshe wis sic a bonnie
a guid gaun rhythm kenthonsnawface s veronica thon veronica
street world war 2 isthonthe bombers comin is thon
thon the bombers comin isthonthe siren s wail wi
ken thon snawface s veronicathonveronica yin that smokes lik
yin s a stot anthona stirk a blethrin clan
heid bluidie shite hawks isthonno yin thae auld polis
an aw can ye imaginethonsadie yin no smokin gin
she s a fly yinthonspeirs the gresslouper will ye
winnae sink sae faur inthonwis juist yin o the
cheil i the novelle eftirthoncam john buchan he retoured
l be eftir wittins othonhaithen gentilman shae clappit the
thrie nichts an days eftirthonmament doun at the loch
surgery aa tae smush eftirthonthey d thocht tae bide
a tak eftir m atthontyme thae taills gart ma
gied me a hurl eftirthonwringe i se wauger cheptir
reading the nicht afore wisnathonan unca thing a wee
licht nicht an knicht butthonaw chynged juist ower fower
quate parks the hale othonfrosty nicht the youngest quine
nicht in the stable withonnew horse that deed wi
place wisnae aw that busythonnicht an in the backgrund
as ye telt us onthonnicht as shuir as ah
frae foun o a quinethonnicht hairtbrak itsel tuik wing
na frizzel wun mukkil ristthonnicht thai wirked ti finnd
gairden fur the first tymethonnicht the baudron aet its
o surpreises ti be hedthonnicht the lad at bak
aa bit licht it fulledthonroom that nicht an enfauldit
or ye ll sit atthontable aa nicht ma wee
it was an affa nichtthonthough i min it weel
nae mair adee wi yethontuesday nicht the murdoch faimly
meg if i telt yethonit widna be a secret
matron telt him it sthonloon again yer grandson i
fur a hunner years exceptthonpreen prick telt them in
queen nava telt them aathons a richt gweed name
they didna sing sangs likethonthe auld fowk she telt
bene i jyle fur awthontyme an a telt him
piper blaws ben bamboo tubesthonhollow reeds echo the lanely
an gaed ben ti raportthonmannie cam lowpin out deleiverlie
me zm zm zm zmthonposh hotel upon the ben
the ben bids walcome butthons no the hale o
ben admirin strath an burniethons some celtic wirds ye
ben admirin strath an burniethons some celtic wirds ye
follaed bi democratie ben itthonsuid be supportit bi sel
pochil onie o d furthona m gaun ti traist
hopin fur we ll crossthonbriggie fan we come til
onythin tae makk up furthonday bit ye canna gie
wes serrsin fur drougs uisinthonexcaise thai herried aw the
gie aa wheeched awa inthonfirebaa fur ilkie lan tae
o the queen ma gettingthonflags oot fur me someb
the warld a queer thingthonfur she wis denty noo
an fa cud argie withonfur the puir laddie tuik
turned a blin ee taethonfur they aa did it
furreign fur god saw aathingthonhid bin dinned intae her
juist want money fur nothingthons juist sornin tae the
chimes ten by fower furthons the time the academy
thochtie fuller thank god furthonsighed isie if jock hid
care fur the eyn taethonstory tho he d hae
fur a bonnie tune likethontae be malagaroosed an it
meisurin it fur flets atthontim a als manisht ti
a wheen sair hairts inthontimes greetin fur tint littlins
o tryall an tribulance anthonwes whit lukkie grened fur
fly cups fur the customersthonwikk her hair wis chestnut
fur weeminfowk war barred ohthonwis coorse tae thole fur
bit fire an wilsomeness anthonwis richt in pairt fur
the younkers wes smored bithoncowshus wirds ye cuid en
wes verra kwerious whit sthoncrankum he inquered its a
a faimlie jirr wes threiteninthonfrichtent him mair nor at
gubernt bi the unyt naitiounsthonjournay wes the neist pairt
wes jim young at rescoursedthonprisk prattik an gied it
airt o birr an mensethonqualities wes sair ti cum
twenes thegither mirren wes stamagastedthons the nem ma dochter
the scotch croun jowells whylethonstouth wes ongaein durand the
wes gey roustie tae maugerthonthai med guid progress mirren
ti fyfe bricht an onroustitthonwes a bit wanchancie wirried
wi thair clydesdails an cairtiesthonwes a curn o the
rokkal wi the tyde rounaboutthonwes anerlie the stert o
hae been sair whitna stramashthonwes mebbe ah m owre
the tynin o legal richtsthonwes the wark o perfidious
growed mair dowie an dowfthonwes the warst tyme afoir
a great strathspey wis bornthonday aboot fowk fa ll
ti hae ane infit withonfowk an afoir mirren cuid
shae waashes hir hauns othonkinna fowk the bettir thai
on thair rodd ye myndthonkirk whaur yeir fowk ar
tae bring them up becausethonsame fowk wis wastit three
the stable waa fowk saidthonsang cud hae bin aboot
fowk tae sing the sangsthonstooks ll be staunin still
pleisur sikkin fowk lived throwthonwiddendreme bairns hames an aa
fowk an the ither kindthonwis brocht hame tae him
tae the common weel bitthonwis karma the weird fowk
kate kent she d forgetthondaft derk ploy at the
wauk abeen it she kentthonjist as she kent the
an first finger but inthonkinna wey whaur ye kent
fir aa time as kentthonskinnie hans fae up the
queer kintra she wis durinthontime naebody iver kent bit
d gaen throwe the motionsthonwis aa he kent tae
oh whit a fearsome momentthonwis i kent on that
him an he cud tholethonbit he hid niver seen
secondary teachers an hauf othonboorich hid nae scots ava
thair ain propaganda geordie minditthonday his mither hid taen
we hid an awfie botherthonfirst year we war in
bide back in meikleburgh forthonhid bin the verra name
o yer ain an eventhonhid tae be in a
eatin ane matty hid saidthonkennin fu weel that his
hid spent the foreneen upthonknowe sheetin fite hares an
a coo hid peed owerthonyalla straikit fooshunless kinna hair
warld wi a degree likethonbit that wad hae brocht
his da wad luik likethonhe d niver haen tae
oh wad we nae likethoni ve ay winted tae
ordnar snaabaa wad hae daenthonluikin doon she could see
war geordie wad hae makitthonsacrifice an aw it wis
trauchlin agin its faes wadthontheme fae the clarinet win
uised tae it tae daethonthey wad be weel wyced
niver heard o frangipani likelythonwad be foreign flooers an
hare or a rabbit aathonwad bring ill luck on
brither in law brian sangsterthonwad hae bin a thing
isnae gaun tae happen anthonfact haes been pruived ower
wis gaun alang the kingswaythongate that skirts the northern
scots dictionar the likes othonisna gaun tae fund its
tae propone gaun back taethonkinna spellins an language but
nae schuil tae gaun taethonmakit it aw the better
his fit ower the doorthonmornin tae gaun tae the
friens war gaun tae europethonyear ireland they speired mystifeed
aboot reivers floodin or firethonbogles that fleg the weel
scots vocabular weel tae uisethonkenspeckle english expression déjà vu
an jude as weel ifthons fit it takks wi
foo d ye ken aathonspeired winnie weel they fand
evil for weel i kenthonwid his pouer tae scare
heids an said weel weelthonwis the warst o spylin
war fillin forms in forthonauld scrats auld sairs there
arthur wis in gweed formthonday his chikks war bricht
the wast o dunracht anthonday they war awa liftin
act o god an inthondwaum war taen the sea
bairns o schule age fraethonfairms war aa present ilkie
war i is creditit ginthons the ward bi noam
double daiths war accidents jistthonthere war nae sic ferlies
ma soul wis seedit inthonheich lift yer mither s
deid nanse mither awbodie kensthonman in paisley is no
washin claes wi ma mitherthons foo i chose ye
him afoir a heid stanethons ma mither an faither
sweet ayont aa wirds inthonblessin whether it wis the
tae set aa notions likethonclean ooto her heid miss
hairm dane ye brocht aathonon yersel donnie she continued
the music comes ooto aathonpipes tae the left o
doon an sweet afton aathonsingin aboot watter mindit him
aa foreneen naethin byordinar inthonthe sangster hoose wis ay
wis your governal wha aathontime had speired me oot
tienamen square secrets an aathonyears i thocht ye gaed
mair wirdie nor crowner crannachanthons ma onaffectiounat opeinioun sayed
feid nor tyne possessioun othonschene ye owen nor sall
nor a keek bit inthonsecunt she misfitted a ledge
quicker wi her nor wisthonthe eyn o t the
twice its size apairt fraethonaathin wis fine matthew bruce
cricket foo mony runs wisthoncan i nae cheenge channels
whit sprint records wis brokenthonday the street geordie an
swan wis each ladye withinthoneildreich trinity as hauntin as
me sic ferlies fin lastthonhappent i wis jocose i
michtna be as sune asthonhe wis playin wi her
abbeymaister for ye ve mischancitthonherd callant wis the paip
o the syreens it wisthonhert stoondin up an doon
an fin i wis daeinthoni felt sae maisterfu i
wis nae gettin awa fraethonin uncle dougal s room
wis feart an it wisthonkinna fear that gruppit his
wirship wis the earliest inthonlan an it fair bore
thing that grippit his eethonmornin wis a raw o
back wis a laidder wisthonnae the queerest thing a
wis a hindu quine inthonorphanage high caste brahmin her
wis walkin abreist comin dounthonpad if ye d been
up the stairs syne taethonsoons wis addit the rasp
claes wi a name likethonthe actress wis gleg wi
shawed itsel quetzalcoatl deed fraethontime forrit he wis caad
wis it no juist abootthontime that the scots nobles
the quarry founs mind finthonwis a glaury dubby hole
reverend crawford had mairrit themthonwis an age e en
nuns tut tutted even mairthonwis coorse wi aiberdeen plantation
shadda o a dwaum mebbethonwis the bait that lured
for shuir but he thinksthonwis the end o the
cleikit me in her hairthonwis the folly that first
merriage as an interior designerthonwis the wye she d
wis aboot five hunner anthonwis wi a selection o
ma wis feart kind atthonye ll makk him deef
flouer man div ee kenthonauld caird that sells the
dae thay belang til ahathonauld couple yammerin awa in
toon tae dirl an thumpthonauld moth etten pianie frae
siller hips lik western holstersthonauld prams wid wheel the
auld says eith funn ithonmaisterstik the concise scots dictionar
a nip and a fagthons a grand auld beast
ten tae the dizzen isthonthe auld traiveller wummin ay
that she d ay haethonfariver she gaed ay in
andra szkozja speired junipere aythons luk he s the
dauncin wi glee ay bitthonwisna the eyn o t
an here in the toonthonbraw twa ye ll still
wikk or twa back thatthoncoorse wither wisna the teuchat
a year or twa othonher belly it reached her
nts king charles rose upthonhinmaist morn twa sarks he
baith fand wirsells seperat fraethontwa feirms the deifferand mainners
o the sea i hearthontwa that screived sae braw
tint wi fire blinnt finthontwa touers cam doon hate
thegither natalie an miss viningthontwa wikks the day that
the car slawed doon againthonbi the left s far
a mynd a faimlie bithonnem frae bairnheid ye maun
sinders itsel fae the idthonreservoir of the libido bi
guid buik itsell forby awthona hae a det an
v nae time for awthonbroad scots rubbish a v
like hae the edinburgh holidaythonday an aw but a
brunt o his wrath sairthondays robby aw aw naw
teith the r nane othonferlies in aw the braid
stert no fer wumman awthonlearnin whaur the minds o
aye aye but whit wasthonpledge we aw took the
system an aw foondit onthonprototype cuddy system he chairged
a lang still napier sechtitthons aw a ken an
hissel when he fund ootthonseturday mornin that aw the
intil bastils ti construct awthonwarks monie a myle o
brilliant there hunders mair likethonbut want o space gars
cans i can tell youthongirls have killt mair sodgers
it mair intae line withono some o his neibours
mair blood sookin says ithonvampire s kaput wastit deid
pity there wisnae mair othonwhile yer aboot it scots
tae embro mair beasts inthonzoo than the ark tae
swam day niver daws inthonfey lan the raindraps frae
yuletide feathers ye ll mynethongifts frae the yird scents
readers is planked ithergates fraethono buchan s readers readers
bit i did learn fraethonongaun that ye can tak
had frae a man likethonpeggy was not afraid of
in his richt buit eatthoncustard ye wee bastard he
o the gypsies at yetholmthons a richt mixter maxter
giein it laldie richt eneuchthonturpedo bomber widnae git near
the richt kin this timethonwas affa stuff ye got
telly dannie can i haethoncan o coke i wint
naethin ava cud iver piercethoncertainties foo fine tae hae
sign o onything amiss thothoncould hae bin a lee
bruce s grandother i thinkthonskelp maun hae killt her
i scotland sae ti haethonskybal skechin about on the
e en allan massie pullthonaff the r nae great
ahin nae sossy skitter skytethonblissins are nae tae be
o the kailyaird nae kailyairdthonbut apen ti the cheenge
he did they widnae takthonfor the tate nae chance
nae ower muckle somethin likethonjenny sangster agreed like the
there is nae springtime inthonplace nae simmer saft an
hair did ye nae kenthonthree birds is the morrigan
seen nae gain in sharinthonwi him the air wachtin
the lagoon a bonnie wirdthonwird lagoon bit nae tae
a fleg sic a fearthongied her then jist as
hard on the widnae bitthonjist saftened the frost inside
jist widna believe the noisethonmachines mak it s enough
she saw her neice likethonan led alec up tae
jennie was getting merrit taethonclock mender wullie jackeson a
the schuil tae stop uisinthoncommon street slang an lairn
peinters sae a ploy likethoncould be mony things tae
we launched the quarry quinethonday jed wintit tae gyang
new een an as ifthoneen socht tae ett her
is thrang wi sang taethonfar bank i m thirled
tae win at the quarrythonfine spring foreneen she dowpit
rugged them doon the icethongart it shift eneuch tae
hurlin constellations but cleikit taethongird cried love aulder than
tae ganesh i gie thanksthongod his elephants keeps hale
a ae wey road taethonplace yince ye pit a
fit kinno a spikk sthonplaygrun fecht i wint tae
winnie a roch hurl likethons eneuch tae start the
romans see them deein colosseumthons the place tae watch
tae widlan wyes i luedthonsecret dell fit bairn noo
eggies if loons cud daethontae the breet beasts fit
the toun fin he quitthonwaas tae kemnay s haas
for the leid an thatthonwid be o interest tae
stirling toon five years langthonaye gaed oan ilk mornin
thocht sattle bappy myndin onthonbraw spring day lang years
cam a lang wye sincethonday jenny quo he he
ease himsel demean an throuthonlang het simmer weeks whan
prestige foo mony skweels getthonamount o recognition in mainstream
an habits o thair neipoursthonat is best shuitit ti
was it angelica ye minthonaul evenin frock o grannie
her dad had one othonbig long things for shavin
tornes alset the laird othoncastel hed a jink in
hir unnerstaunnin o the sitivautiounthoncrowner is uisin ye as
ye ken like een othoncups you get for boolin
oe o theirs micht apenthondoor byornar fearsome s the
an quick i envy themthonelement the lan o win
it seemed as we follaedthonfankle o pit mirk pads
bait that lured her ootthonhandsel gretel crumbs o the
tune men o harlech atthonhell hole in the heilans
o the europaen uill cairtelthonhempies wuid be oleit ti
to bring in een othonhoose clearance firms na na
poluteiks ti pushioun the ledethonis the stang o the
an enjosed the wunners othonkenspekkil racord mingus ah um
the hairm a m thinkinthonking o demons maun be
hir first tissil wi thaimthonlaed the keingryke o fyfe
o hir stroubilt days ithonlaun o tribulance scotland the
stangs the path scarce eventhono the coorse birds the
ye see the fairmer othonplacie nivver muckit his beasts
r aye the shaddae othonpuir cheil s want o
maxter o smirr an haarthonpurple smog that drappit blue
the mail convoy that tuikthonregular path the lave o
resources an wyes o deliverinthonresources i ve wirked in
laun o sturt an stryfethons as mibbies a maun
curled roon like an athons the first letter o
my ain forefolk sons othonsame gret speerit as brithers
see didna care ava forthonside o marriage mrs mcfarlane
o perfidious albion whitlik isthonspeired junipere at hir faither
tap o the joug anthonwee cruikit smile at ae
o stories meg ramsay cappitthonwi tales o chiels faa
as muckle gumption aboot himthonane as a burst tyre
aboot scots fit aboot showinthonat a simmer skweel will
ontil december her doctor bizzedthoncorp aboot that fate sae
thocht afore aboot options likethonlife wi his faither lippen
an flames five hunner yearsthonbells rang ower oor toun
us wurd naebodie kens butthonbricht ower watchin muin from
yetts an ower the snibsthongaed wi the fack that
or wish awa fit brochtthonfaa that shook the mapamoun
baith sea an lan inthonairlie days gin the septiles
than the hymns silence kristathonwur fine days days afore
vard the impaler me withonbig long sharp needle right
the lentren mait set outthonday i the chaumers wi
the fuither didna grie withondeskreived i the buik did
dowser twis him that fanthonwallie three year back wi
says ye winna be nedinthonan pit the gowd pendil
crowner cuid be insnorled ithonan tharefur ye suid be
vairsiouns did he tel yethonanent the passenger at bad
back blawn fae the lumthoncraas ll gar ye jink
ye ll murn an greetthonferlies thrang ye ll quickly
when ye first flittit intaethonhoose geordie speirt jimmy pipes
ye really micht git hurtthonice is treacherous flet the
press iv ye ll mynethonlowpin burn far sweet yoams
nur algebraic equations that didthonna faith ye an matthew
like swords ye ll mynethonposie ye wiled shadda an
noo hoo d she gitthonwey d ye hink hinks
it s dae this daethonye mauna ma can i
little quirks of nature likethona wee nhs operation pits
geordie diggin oot the holethonday his wee brither wattie
ll dae some sausage rollsthonrare wee bite size eens
the steadin gloomier morns followitthonwee jackie was alane noo
the anaesthetist sat ootbye inthonwee room monitorin the levels
along the avenue look atthonburds stertin ti flie awa
abune ti reenge fir meatthonbour i the forest that
l can wauchil up tithonfermtoun on the brae an
tho a mey nivver seithondeir bit agane the douglas
bit nane sae fair asthonthree graces gaithered there like
in gweed scots anthologies failinthonscreive yer ain bairns is
the bus egg heids likethonquo the ghaist in ma
ma inimie s wumpils furbythonthe r eneuch siller an
convoyed the praisents an ancethonbillie grippit him an halsit
brocht him ten evacuees isthonthe evenin paper is there
american embassy disnae see itthonwye they ll tar him
dwynes as she mynds onthonlest wurds that dee d
georgie hey d you minthonramenski mannie fae peterheid prison
they d hear an synethonslicht an cultured man luiked
on his back an abeenthona muckle stained glaiss windae
its lugs is salmonella inthonbreid the elephant lauchs an
baw bee s worth intaethoncomatee an forgotten folk shuid
me a phone an forthonguid crack we haed a
the lassie s shelt likethonhe tuik careful aim an
carlyle an cuidna explene whitweythoni the guise fank wesna
sel sustentautioun an fair tredthonis as ferr up the
listenin to the wireless anthonlord haw haw come on
didn t he an athonlovely machines the very latest
an lat it in atthonminnie near drappit the worsit
her high horse an saidthons naethin but a piece
an dolphins an harley davidsonsthons the anely thing that
quine steppt up an lentthonsang baith braith an breist
lived an gien her agethonwadna rype the bank gin
a silver ladle or eventhonwifie searchin high an low
the time iz this whitthongermaine greer cries s the
braisse we ll keep likethonthe lave is blawn aisse
come oot fushionless there inthoncoort you wintit the wulderness
delighted grief october each anethonhowkin oot the sile the
cried oot hey skipper isthonno anither airie up aheid
the macglinchies ur prodissants ifthonwean comes oot while the
a puckle years back noothonfairly did grab media attention
strongest minnie loons or quinesthons easy her cousin replied
near the heezin temple stepsthonauncient queen could she be
it s a caul holethonplace she shivers a little
and she tended to wearthonthi- you know the the
that she s at aincethontir nan og i ve
1998 by helen liddell atthontime meenister for education ane
you that shagged linda clarkthontime that s different at
say or the egyptians bythontime the teacher s fair
his gowf ba hit athonpuir sowl on the heid
at isna weill regairdit ithonairts furby the kintra s
crofter s hairth foo cauldthoncrafttie withoot the flame warsslin
s dugs yowl ah doutthonfaimlie is in truibil throu
s deein doun nou thothonferapont fasht me the deil
the traiveller s kin canniethonhauns that cupped it roan
on mirren s thochts atthonmament the panser trinnilt alang
s to celebrate my butthonold ewe is still some
michtie me says john astonistthons a fair ingaitherin maist
airie naw interruptit big rabthons a jerry turpedo bomber
hostin deirie me sayed napierthons horrid kittlie dist nou
the way already i thinkthons singing boyter at the
rhythm s in the oceanthontidal beat can bring a
weirin a croon fa sthonturnin the ither chikk moonin
s ilka airt this isthonwarlt s end we winna
wance when he ran intaethonbig pillar naw that was
blessins fir ithers in retourthonis oor mission here at
a bomb on me isthonthe wikkly shoppin carrot cake
some napkins you can deethonbonnie shapes can t you
n servitude thole v endurethona that thousan a n
makin gannets hyter on ledgesthongroup maun be takin a
hauddit napier wesna tabulet ithonmainner afoir obsairved inglis a
taen a byornar loup forritthonmuckle patch on the hull
canna drave a machine likthonsayed john dinna fash thai
the sun a magic palacethonthe odeon zoo building drawers
a kintra ar seimilar ithonwey thai et the mait
syne throw the howf inthoncauld airt the past swept
the brawns fell sair isthondug leishenced speired the polisman
by james fenton thonner andthoneh the lake and i
ony note that jarred inthonsun droggit neuk the sleekit
that hauds the spring oanthonwatch i m mendin staun
ribs is kenspekkil unco strechtthonwhyte road til the new
the pad i tuik throuthonwuid whan i socht the
kills atween their winkers seepsthonhellish bree that whan you
in ilka constituency in scotlandthonis public libraries that hauds
f643: n that we gotthonstuff for it but it
haedna been gien eneuch noticethonwill be sortit for neist

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