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kisses then a hundred anotherthousanda hundred to follow still
hundred to follow still anotherthousandand a hundred more and
has to be one hundredthousand[inaudible] so jessie and pat
sealed forever give me athousandkisses then a hundred another
million two hundred and tenthousandnine hundred and four 11
has to say one hundredthousandon the clock m1108: aye
anyway a hundred and fortythousandor something anyway erm f963:
of roughly over eight hundredthousandpeople [someone in congregation sneezes] you know we
funding a hundred and tenthousandper annum it s a
mmhm m734: nice six hundredthousandpound house er with f718:
if they won one hundredthousandpound on the lottery they
hide a hundred andies athousandrunaway bastards i went back
village then it had onethousandsix hundred inhabitants and three
morning citizen seagull a hundredthousandwelcomes on your croak may
pounds and i get athousandfree text messages and a
m608: oh yeah f643: twothousandpounds a year or something
have put in like athousandpounds f1154: get get your
that the sum of threethousandpounds may be lodged in
do it ll knock tenthousandpounds off the value of
we receive around about thirtythousandpounds or thereabouts er the
weeks two and a halfthousandpounds so far to fix
rise m939: aye m942: fifteenthousandpound old money [laugh] f940:
like squandered something like twelvethousandpound or something like that
population roughly in the twelvethousandmark f1054: an are you
century crown in 1884 twelvethousandpilgrims travelled through the mountains
emerging cities waves are athousandflash bulbs going off a
waves dancing up from athousandocean graves behind his eyes
asks oh four to tenthousanddepending on the product i
are you know probably tenthousandless parking spaces f826: they
industry which provide around tenthousandskilled jobs and calls upon
industry which provide around tenthousandskilled jobs and calls upon
taks ae man in tenthousandto dae whit you did
eh aboot eh eh tenthousandtrees or somethin f643: used
first year in august twothousandand six and interestingly enough
school opening in august twothousandand six erm when the
place er before august twothousandand six hopefully working on
to open in august twothousandand six [inhale] but i
annoyance that gaelic with thirtythousandspeakers should be given at
of speakers so maybe twothousandwords of this talk might
too much work for twothousanda year ehm not a
quite a lot for twothousanda year [laugh] f643: eh
of of work for twothousanda year [laugh] f643: yeah
thousand an seven m822: twothousandan seven f823: aye but
were speakin aboot ehm twothousandan seven m822: two thousand
ain february the third twothousandand four [censored: forename] and [censored: forename]
the sixteenth of april twothousandand four f1114: and move
well we go m815: twothousandand one m816: when we
course this is now twothousandand two i can t
we were established in twothousandand two with the remit
i know kate pays twothousanddollars a term f807: a
was m903: mmhm f902: twothousandf826: what saying that you
snaefell which is about twothousandfeet and you can see
s got something like twothousandin his collection from all
actually went right in twothousand[laugh] we went to the
was created to accommodate twothousandwagons a very informative photograph
moment two and a halfthousandweddings are carried out by
or spoken is only twothousandwords we want excerpts and
was being mentioned erm fivethousandcopies may already have gone
of the puig over fivethousandfeet in her garden louis
enough to feed the fivethousandneil some wine mrs livingstone
sales haes averaged aboot fivethousandoor tap sellin shop thae
heard that story about fivethousandtimes yes i have m941:
f643: three and a halfthousandfor that bit o ground
seen it all before athousandtimes the drunk beside mr
it s a heritage athousandtimes waur nor you ken
thee mine smashed in athousandpieces years ago one part
middle english did [inhale] athousandyears ago and it s
it has sung for athousandyears dreams lie in its
twisted and textured with athousandyears growth and pollarding became
dead for a couple ofthousandyears [inaudible] f718: yes uh
peter 3 chapter that athousandyears is as one day
was home but in athousandyears or so it will
to the number of twentiethousandmen [inhale] but the kingis
last year for ninety threethousandf606: [throat] tut dear [laugh]
it certainly felt like threethousandsteps after the last ruin
say the incas built threethousandstone steps on the way
we say aboot you saythousandwe say thoosan you say
imitate them exactly thus athousandjim [censored: surname] ruth [censored: surname] clones
er we ve sold eightythousandcopies of all these titles
in the world in thethousandand one nights sinbad the
teeth and had devised athousandand one swindles for perking
ve no idea of thethousandand one things i ve
to a gathering of onethousandother pastors the name of
is but anything over thethousandthat we used to sell
knows it might raise athousandquid which in street value
well we climbed about athousandmetres today apparently the micro
laurencekirk that housed about athousandp o w s they
on the globe under athousandquid about how they didn
there you ve got sixtythousandpunters comin in every second
you couldn t put twentythousandceltic fans walking through this
and a population of eightythousandand it s a quarter
he valued it at 62thousandand pointed out a few
epic that you know athousandpages long that you know
in a survey of severalthousandpeople those of us who
of the leaves into athousandpetals raging across the grass
drink the dew from athousandsecret wells i am a
and the light of athousandshopping malls he never wears
criticism by more than athousandstudents and their teachers in
a that thousan a nthousandthrang a busy thrissil n
thonder adv yonder thousan athousandthraw v throw thrie a
becomes blithe an bousome athousandtyme a rewe he gan
sense lit up like athousandxmas trees a trap door
valued the flat at 66thousandjohn got the solicitor to
brought the latest couple ofthousandsignatures which have come in
topped jar shake well refrigeratethousandisland dressing 4 fl oz
there must be 20 oddthousandpeople in scotland who lobby
into high priced slums wherethousandroom hotels elbowed each other
blood stirred in recognition thethousandanonymous horsemen isabel had longed
daniels there seemed to bethousandof rats at the village

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