
See this word as a collocate cloud

hogney tak you that anthrawit owre him an he
hogney s hairs for tithrawowre him he gaed oot
hogney s heid ane tithrawowre his horse ane ti
said the hogney grim lykethrawthat ore hir an for
mmhm f1054: to throw m1012: thrawf1011: thraw m1013: to chuck
mm aye chuck f1011: chuckthrawf1054: so pretty unanimous on
to throw m1012: thraw f1011: thrawm1013: to chuck m1010: mm
his hound an ane tithrawowre his hawk syne the
owre his horse ane tithrawowre his hound an ane
s etten hir nyne grycethrawcreish that s sweiten frae
thumb thrang crowd thrappil throatthrawthrow thrawart difficult threip insist
there is thir a thesethrawv throw the morn adv
adv yonder thousan a thousandthrawv throw thrie a three
daursay they l want tithrawa bit pairtie a reception
ye sumthing ti settil himthrawyou this owre him an
soud the otter dae butthrawaff the coat o saft
soud enjey thir nou nothrawthaim at ma fuit l
macbeth for me ye canthrawyeir medicine til the dugs
she cums up wi usthrawane o hir whalps intil
fyte aye a motor coodthrawbit a gran day wi
dae ye want me tithrawyeir neck the hen wyfe
an i the feinish ahthrawthaim awa gowden chrisants wuther
hir ryse oot hir bedthrawon hir nicht goun open
nou we re near aneuchthrawdoun yeir brainches haud up
unco chaunce ti tak tithrawawa this lyfe for howp
a ludge a stane sthrawfrae whaur ye tryit ti
aince saw a deif manthrawawa his trumpet eftir swallaein
pul the broun poke ootthrawbreid til the dous on
that he ll thrash anthrawjist like his da that
not to damage the tattiesthrawcruik was used to make
the mukkil derk shaw andthrawthe quyne in amang the

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