
See this word as a collocate cloud

there would be consistent standardsthroughoutscotland but instead we have
role to ensure that pensionersthroughoutscotland get consistent access to
hope for consistent health carethroughoutscotland perhaps we could pick
a consistent level of supportthroughoutscotland supported by michael russell
community care has been consistentthroughoutthe debate the problem is
done in a consistent waythroughoutthe school years b supporting
ensure a consistent statutory regimethroughoutthe united kingdom in relation
let us attract people fromthroughouteurope and the united kingdom
the retail unit for drinkthroughoutthe kingdom it was also
gordon yes that act appliesthroughoutthe united kingdom and the
ban could have on businessthroughoutthe united kingdom and they
to the securing of justicethroughoutthe united kingdom and we
want the bill to applythroughoutthe united kingdom because advertising
bill provides for reporting restrictionsthroughoutthe united kingdom for example
on which a similar approachthroughoutthe united kingdom is both
are clearly comprehensible to speakersthroughoutthe united kingdom rural dialects
to more pressing sports needsthroughoutthe united kingdom supported by
to the foregoing being adoptedthroughoutthe united kingdom thus restoring
to the foregoing being adoptedthroughoutthe united kingdom thus restoring
important that standards are setthroughoutthe united kingdom we will
many speakers yet most speakersthroughoutbritain can identify as part
funded of their 26 centresthroughoutbritain is that right eddie
be kept up to datethroughoutbritain there are a number
by all speakers of englishthroughoutbritain there is of course
are clearly comprehensible to speakersthroughoutbritain these accents are all
farmland species it is widespreadthroughoutlowland britain but absent from
the uk and are foundthroughoutmainland britain the best current
the widespread use of englishthroughoutthe land in 1815 britain
deliver better and fairer servicesthroughoutour country alongside that investment
help that many voluntary groupsthroughoutthe country already provide i
my ear they represent constituenciesthroughoutthe country and are concerned
dish you could get itthroughoutthe country and into ireland
and diagnosis are not availablethroughoutthe country as fergus ewing
egg stealing that takes placethroughoutthe country but primarily in
expensive to install dexa scannersthroughoutthe country but they would
that it is being mirroredthroughoutthe country cathy peattie my
demand will not be eventhroughoutthe country david orr no
includes a number of meetingsthroughoutthe country during december the
standard features are applied uniformlythroughoutthe country from council to
a year ago scallop fishermenthroughoutthe country have been pulling
that were raised were similarthroughoutthe country mr rumbles that
the position on that variesthroughoutthe country my understanding is
is well known now stillthroughoutthe country not only for
for its volunteers in communitiesthroughoutthe country older people volunteer
55 years he was mournedthroughoutthe country on his death
major conurbations in central scotlandthroughoutthe country people either cannot
the work of the carersthroughoutthe country s1m 3518 end
together information on pain servicesthroughoutthe country the letter states
week sub post offices closingthroughoutthe country the minister for
are less willing to movethroughoutthe country to develop their
pointed out that differentials existthroughoutthe country what we have
or five big teaching hospitalsthroughoutthe country why do we
our country as we travelthroughoutthe world and if we
the implementation of the directivethroughouteurope and recognises that this
organic targets have been setthroughouteurope and the bill attempts
for support for organic farmingthroughouteurope but i cannot give
to ensure that serious crimethroughouteurope can be dealt with
retain such people in scotlandthroughouteurope different countries have different
scotland today celebrating with citizensthroughouteurope if anyone doubts the
and continues to be influentialthroughouteurope in scotland the influence
official language in scotland andthroughouteurope is not itself a
to choose 10 people fromthroughouteurope on their merit the
people in the parliament andthroughouteurope share regardless of cultural
our students to other universitiesthroughouteurope such as bologna valladolid
not just in scotland butthroughouteurope that also means that
funding to promote the yearthroughouteurope that funding will be
promotion of indigenous minority languagesthroughouteurope the council of europe
voluntary so on the accountsthroughouteurope they do not count
penalty their persecution goes onthroughouteurope today the crowd applauds
hope citizens and interested partiesthroughouteurope will access our debate
to spread awareness of europethroughoutscotland but the duty of
greater unity peace and harmonythroughoutour diverse world believes that
intervention at birth is increasingthroughoutthe western world but is
a wide assortment of economiesthroughoutthe world although the methodologies
f1011: there s hawick folkthroughoutthe world an of course
1 500 statues of burnsthroughoutthe world and 5 000
i am in touch andthroughoutthe world are developing strong
exponent of scottish accordion musicthroughoutthe world commends his sterling
and of scotland s imagethroughoutthe world dorothy grace elder
more than 80 000 membersthroughoutthe world in more than
seen a surge of interestthroughoutthe world in the broad
to lobby there are examplesthroughoutthe world of people trying
an important protection of refugeesthroughoutthe world recognises that over
poverty eradication and social justicethroughoutthe world recognises the contribution
many thousands of his admirersthroughoutthe world sit down to
economy organisations to many economiesthroughoutthe world the study which
in the debate current situationthroughoutthe world there are many
that sign guidelines are consideredthroughoutthe world to be groundbreaking
of the number of deathsthroughoutthe world vary the minimum
important element of many economiesthroughoutthe world what is the
if ye ever get lostthroughoutthe world ye- i think
excellent hotels and similar facilitiesthroughoutscotland the bill has attracted
legislation that is applied equallythroughoutscotland to prevent similar problems
comfort so that local authoritiesthroughoutscotland would adopt a similar
that there are similar trendsthroughoutthe rest of the year
in the nhs is similarthroughoutthe uk that means that
osteoporosis the nos which operatesthroughoutscotland and the uk holds
is considering applying tax stampsthroughoutthe uk a measure described
of justice they should applythroughoutthe uk according to the
companies and say we operatethroughoutthe uk but we have
have described retailers who operatethroughoutthe uk market would try
lives on a daily basisthroughoutthe uk mrs warrington politicians
arrangements if regulations were introducedthroughoutthe uk on that basis
skills to ensure that projectsthroughoutthe uk particularly in scotland
bsl interpreters in scotland andthroughoutthe uk sense scotland says
effective only in scotland orthroughoutthe uk the witnesses have
members are convenience store operatorsthroughoutthe uk they might work
being planned for the yearthroughoutthe uk we expect more
asymmetrical devolution and different solutionsthroughoutthe uk we make that
there is consistency of approachthroughoutthe uk when dealing with
cigarette advertising is finally illegalthroughoutthe uk why has it
should be recognised and enforceablethroughoutthe uk with appropriate provisions
council under its powers commonthroughoutall local authorities in scotland
dundee binny house serves peoplethroughoutcentral scotland and provides a
on behalf of ms sufferersthroughoutcentral scotland bristow muldoon livingston
training employability and lifelong learningthroughoutlowland scotland how that programme
are great gaps in provisionthroughoutrural scotland for example in
in the agriculture industry andthroughoutrural scotland lodged on 03
sector s very valuable workthroughoutscotland 11 54 mr kenneth
in order to give peoplethroughoutscotland access to it by
the highlands it is playedthroughoutscotland acknowledges that it makes
the highlands it is playedthroughoutscotland acknowledges that it makes
system going in glasgow andthroughoutscotland acknowledges the sensitivity and
million elderly and disabled peoplethroughoutscotland again that is an
our school curriculum young peoplethroughoutscotland also have the opportunity
minister about organising school quizzesthroughoutscotland and found that i
any new operations it institutesthroughoutscotland and further calls upon
any new operations it institutesthroughoutscotland and further calls upon
degree with our young peoplethroughoutscotland and not just in
demonstration by fishing communities fromthroughoutscotland and representatives of all
to develop erm er talentthroughoutscotland and that s what
tens of thousands of peoplethroughoutscotland and their families if
buchan word but is knownthroughoutscotland and thinking of leears
of government institutions and servicesthroughoutscotland and urges it to
viable network of community pharmaciesthroughoutscotland and we want fully
work that is going onthroughoutscotland and we want to
are probably right local authoritiesthroughoutscotland are going up hills
to ensure that those theatresthroughoutscotland are properly funded with
voluntary service now in placethroughoutscotland as well as volunteer
like guidance to be issuedthroughoutscotland before the matter goes
food quality in schools andthroughoutscotland building on the diet
that it is applied consistentlythroughoutscotland but that it delivers
met a range of organisationsthroughoutscotland by setting up meetings
parliamentary proceedings so that peoplethroughoutscotland can be aware of
is already making a differencethroughoutscotland cathy peattie can the
is not easy to achievethroughoutscotland choice has been limited
and campeltown young people fromthroughoutscotland could also participate by
practice that creates good standardsthroughoutscotland des mcnulty i thank
the economy in ayrshire andthroughoutscotland does mr gray recognise
significant positive contribution to peoplethroughoutscotland does she agree that
conventions that we have heldthroughoutscotland during the past two
raise awareness of breast cancerthroughoutscotland during this period supported
were being used in schoolsthroughoutscotland for example in fife
appropriate level of health carethroughoutscotland for people with epilepsy
hear evidence in edinburgh andthroughoutscotland from inverness to lockerbie
pollok constituency across glasgow andthroughoutscotland further notes the serious
historic four year session communitiesthroughoutscotland have been inspired by
scotland one million retired peoplethroughoutscotland have experienced the benefits
several hundred local government workersthroughoutscotland have had their jobs
more than 10 000 pensionersthroughoutscotland have received free central
regional dialects that are spokenthroughoutscotland i am persuaded by
flagship policies that are deliveredthroughoutscotland i asked my intern
contribution of the voluntary sectorthroughoutscotland i believe that the
black i want common standardsthroughoutscotland i suspect that if
work of many important peoplethroughoutscotland i take seriously colin
encourage greater consistency of standardsthroughoutscotland i urge members to
approach to that important issuethroughoutscotland i will pick up
the quality of public lifethroughoutscotland ian jenkins made the
its betrayal of council workersthroughoutscotland if the executive is
improving the quality of servicethroughoutscotland if we seek quick
in scotland over the yearsthroughoutscotland imperial tobacco employs 135
particularly sciennes primary school andthroughoutscotland in founding the city
of events that are plannedthroughoutscotland in may and june
continue to talk to nursesthroughoutscotland in the past few
the lives of many peoplethroughoutscotland indeed many people who
hundred and nineteen groups fromthroughoutscotland involving 42 000 youngsters
raise awareness of european issuesthroughoutscotland irene oldfather the member
but how it is operatedthroughoutscotland is a bit of
concerned that health service provisionthroughoutscotland is patchy and that
the maintenance of universal servicesthroughoutscotland it will be attending
that is considering concessionary faresthroughoutscotland it would be pertinent
sips perform a valuable rolethroughoutscotland last saturday morning i
contribution which day care centresthroughoutscotland make to continued well
people make to our societythroughoutscotland many members have already
to ensure consistency of applicationthroughoutscotland meeting one of the
already going on in schoolsthroughoutscotland mr brian monteith mid
establishment of traditional art centresthroughoutscotland mr frank mcaveety is
vital trunk roads and motorwaysthroughoutscotland mr tosh will the
to improve the housing stockthroughoutscotland ms white i want
that will be taking placethroughoutscotland muir russell yes earlier
general benefits that will applythroughoutscotland nhs 24 will have
benefits available to older peoplethroughoutscotland not all older people
appropriate shape of maternity servicesthroughoutscotland not only in hospitals
upon there are tremendous examplesthroughoutscotland of effective joint working
what is best for childrenthroughoutscotland on a clear set
the advice of such panelsthroughoutscotland or do they listen
throughout the year m608: broadcastingthroughoutscotland or within glasgow m1174:
like it to be extendedthroughoutscotland pharmacies post offices and
time scale for their introductionthroughoutscotland realistic i must admit
glasgow as a whole andthroughoutscotland recognises the devastating effect
glasgow as a whole andthroughoutscotland recognises the devastating effect
up hill and down dalethroughoutscotland robert mooney i agree
with decentralising the scottish administrationthroughoutscotland s towns and cities
with decentralising the scottish administrationthroughoutscotland s towns and cities
the artificial fluoridation of waterthroughoutscotland s1w 14948 mr kenneth
of dental caries among childrenthroughoutscotland s1w 26934 jackie baillie
that diagnostic criteria are standardisedthroughoutscotland s1w 9847 dorothy grace
use language on care issuesthroughoutscotland should be sensitive as
to delivery of social justicethroughoutscotland sips do not duplicate
on a cross border basisthroughoutscotland so that their use
to market ex industrial areasthroughoutscotland such as coatbridge s1w
delivered to animals in carethroughoutscotland supported by mr kenneth
advice services and trained personnelthroughoutscotland supported by pauline mcneill
the dialects divisions of scotsthroughoutscotland taken from the scottish
it the same situation existsthroughoutscotland thankfully the motion lodged
pensioners agrees with elderly forathroughoutscotland that a decent basic
large and small voluntary bodiesthroughoutscotland that contribute so much
office location and major facilitiesthroughoutscotland that exercise is almost
the care of older peoplethroughoutscotland that has been our
the development of housing stockthroughoutscotland that is compatible with
but that is not universalthroughoutscotland that is one of
basis in consultation with peoplethroughoutscotland that is why it
pressure points in dental servicesthroughoutscotland that is why we
understood in the same waythroughoutscotland the chief nursing officer
mandatory they are widely ignoredthroughoutscotland the convener i agree
elderly people and their familiesthroughoutscotland the debate has been
to practice pilots are vitalthroughoutscotland the improvement in bursaries
be increased security at mosquesthroughoutscotland the people who commit
the care of older peoplethroughoutscotland the presiding officer i
development agencies or volunteer bureauxthroughoutscotland the scottish compact the
marriage has a certain resonancethroughoutscotland the whole structure of
conduct the activity alastair dempsterthroughoutscotland there are some good
care should be applied consistentlythroughoutscotland there should not be
communities that we know ofthroughoutscotland those communities require access
children and young people generallythroughoutscotland three groups of young
endorsement and calls upon childrenthroughoutscotland to build as many
in the north east andthroughoutscotland to cope with fuel
committee events have been heldthroughoutscotland to discuss issues with
process of consultation with groupsthroughoutscotland to find out what
the interests of air safetythroughoutscotland to keep air traffic
pensioners and people over 60throughoutscotland to make that possible
savings is by encouraging authoritiesthroughoutscotland to pool their resources
actions action has been takenthroughoutscotland to pull together drug
about to be distributed widelythroughoutscotland to seek further views
develop a network of agenciesthroughoutscotland to support survivors of
elderly people and their familiesthroughoutscotland today they are waiting
acknowledges the importance of sipsthroughoutscotland tom mccabe made the
like to see it spreadingthroughoutscotland tommy sheridan glasgow ssp
wards and in primary carethroughoutscotland tomorrow in inverness i
schools as possible to participatethroughoutscotland videos were also made
of young people from schoolsthroughoutscotland we have an internet
secondary school and primary schoolthroughoutscotland we not only teach
to pupils parents and staffthroughoutscotland we see that there
which it thinks serves communitiesthroughoutscotland well which side of
that the guidelines are implementedthroughoutscotland when the minister responds
groups particularly from voluntary organisationsthroughoutscotland which are keen to
parliament about the public bodiesthroughoutscotland which attract the most
project deserves to be replicatedthroughoutscotland which is why i
enough registrars already in postthroughoutscotland who are not with
who work on night shiftsthroughoutscotland who earn minimum wages
which examines the electricity gridthroughoutscotland who its members are
experiences in all health boardsthroughoutscotland will the minister consider
a wider issue of relevancethroughoutscotland william mccormack what panels
rolling out such a servicethroughoutscotland with a view to
a patchwork approach to themthroughoutscotland with no uniformity it
those changes are taking placethroughoutthe seas around scotland on
homeland they dispersed into groupsthroughoutgermany switzerland italy france and
have pursued the issue activelythroughoutour period in office fully
above actually been in forcethroughoutthe period beginning with 16th
to have been a problemthroughoutthe period i understand that
the time of and insertthroughoutthe period of 12 months
the time of and insertthroughoutthe period of 6 months
the time of and insertthroughoutthe period of 6 months
voluntary and private sectors andthroughoutcentral government and local government
role of the voluntary sectorthroughoutscottish society and as the
know an uneasy feeling remainsthroughoutthe voluntary sector that real
also in many other areasthroughoutthe voluntary sector there is
a whole range of eventsthroughoutthe city and we re
could feel barrett s influencethroughoutthe whole album relics had
present he was very popularthroughoutthe whole battery as his
public that ethos should runthroughoutthe whole european union and
are barrier free and usablethroughoutthe whole of an individual
in society and the artsthroughoutlochhead s work one is
fact that age discrimination existsthroughoutour society carers have been
by all the unpaid volunteersthroughoutsociety has been mentioned we
any party volunteering is widespreadthroughoutsociety we must stress the
society with ever increasing tenacitythroughoutthis century teknosis seemed a
is done in local schoolsthroughoutayrshire as a former pupil
as a peripatetic scots specialistthroughoutthe city schools in the
independence for the sector fromthroughoutthe chamber in all sincerity
to spread the learning benefitsthroughoutthe public sector alasdair morgan
power and energy conservation measuresthroughoutthe public sector green action
the principles of the compactthroughoutthe public sector the convention
proposals that have broad supportthroughoutthe sector i am grateful
good bill which is supportedthroughoutthe chamber i finish by
of improving social inclusion opportunitiesthroughoutthe community of inverclyde supported
a glasgow wide festival runningthroughoutthe year supported by mr
the opportunity to work togetherthroughout2001 to ensure that the
amendments is to ensure consistencythroughoutthe bill to avoid any
and to ensure proper dialoguethroughoutthe supply chain from producers
those policies have massive supportthroughoutmy constituency many older people
the arts already touch usthroughoutour lives people go to
there was a general murmurthroughoutthe court as people took
training people to manage staffthroughoutthe nursing profession too few
young people about higher stillthroughoutthe process young people were
and improve services for peoplethroughoutthe region we will continue
the active engagement of peoplethroughoutthe union in a new
people to learn and innovatethroughouttheir learning and working lives
and renounces so many timesthroughouthis career in a way
many translations of individual poemsthroughoutthe 1790s and the nineteenth
lanka many of the quotesthroughoutthe book i gleaned whilst
i know that many membersthroughoutthe chamber have also been
made on many infrastructure programmesthroughoutthe highlands and islands as
to many years of scholarshipthroughoutthe twentieth century and in
are many references to painthroughoutthe works of davidson it
support and involvement of victimsthroughoutthe criminal justice process and
it says principles dominated practicalitythroughoutthe process can you give
the points that we raisedthroughoutthe process the convener we
further quality has been assuredthroughoutthe tendering process only those
states that the councils havethroughouttried to question the process
in international nurses week andthroughoutthe year and to highlight
just on 25 january butthroughoutthe year applause the deputy
acquaintances and renew old onesthroughoutthe year i have been
a minority within a minoritythroughoutthe year i hope that
that that will be highlightedthroughoutthe year iain montgomery i
day seven days a weekthroughoutthe year m608: broadcasting throughout
convener that task could continuethroughoutthe year nicola sturgeon the
should make more of burnsthroughoutthe year particularly for children
that is representative of achievementthroughoutthe year s1w 34793 michael
problems asthma and other illnessesthroughoutthe year they should say
take part in volunteering activitythroughoutthe year through organisations such
vegetables follow in continuous roundthroughoutthe year to counteract erosion
successful music and arts eventsthroughoutthe year we have all
we have to sustain thingsthroughoutthe year we should be
also we had been discussingthroughoutthe year whether the concordancy
nature of the responses giventhroughoutthe children s interviews it
given by the school childrenthroughoutthe day a number of
during this third visit childrenthroughoutthe school from different cultural
very good work in scotsthroughoutthe visit children used scots
scots as children stated repeatedlythroughouttheir interviews fifth kin link
support their children s educationthroughouttheir school careers we seek
successful implementation requires cultural changethroughoutthe education service the combination
and imparted to the servicethroughoutthe fitting note of joy
about the level of moralethroughoutthe service do you share
recruitment activity and better collaborationthroughoutthe service that is a
into the national health servicethroughouttheir working lives now in
forces customs and intelligence servicesthroughoutthe european union we believe
range of uses of languagesthroughouta day in a school
to use their mother tonguethroughoutthe school and community languages
overall she thought that 10throughoutthe school might still understand
festival of contemporary visual artthroughoutglasgow april 21 may 2
overwhelming opposition expressed by citizensthroughoutglasgow to the reduction of
access to private rented accommodationthroughoutthe city of glasgow commends
had custody of the brainthroughoutindeed fronted by our marvellous
apologies either for the usethroughoutof our native ayrshire scots
it very much carried onthroughoutour lifetimes m1008: mmhm m1007:
why a green thread runsthroughoutour manifesto with action for
and so boost our economythroughoutthat meal i sat beside
build clear chains of referencethroughoutthe text we us our
and er basically our timetablethroughoutthe thirty days was according
in in different ways ehthroughoutall these these these writers
the cards could be usedthroughoutdifferent areas but also to
s writing at different timesthroughouthis life he can be
learning to different subject areasthroughoutyour career and the other
secondary and higher education andthroughoutlifelong learning and it is
medium education and bilingual educationthroughoutprimary secondary and higher education
delivery of education by teachersthroughoutthe education system ian jenkins
to develop and support nursesthroughouttheir careers there will be
employers and customers raising awarenessthroughoutthe business community would be
to devise and conduct surveysthroughoutthe community across three generations
scientific information that is producedthroughoutthe european community the issue
this has had linguistic repercussionsthroughoutthe speech community as a
klaeber s emendations are acceptedthroughout3 note also that the
was early known and respectedthroughoutgermany but also the implicit
7 can use same marythroughoutmary seaton mary beaton mary
use of the home languagethroughoutthe curriculum see languages for
of immediacy which is conveyedthroughoutthe passage phonology the use
further cuts in subsequent yearsthroughoutthe document there are more
and is causing substantial uncertaintythroughoutthe western isles further notes
were organised and work donethroughoutthe 45 participating countries during
needs to do some workthroughoutthis exercise action 2000 has
them and their god 1throughoutthe eleven lectures robertson smith
paths to provide reasonable accessthroughouttheir areas the executive response
and training system for teachersthroughouttheir lives new standards and
applications that have been consideredthroughoutayrshire interruption i will get
have been found in cavesthroughoutspain and the rest of
he has been with usthroughoutstage 1 i hope that
deadline 2000 has been satisfiedthroughoutthat none of the legislation
word reassurance has been overusedthroughoutthe piece indeed margaret nicol
of those had been issuedthroughoutthe previous day and overnight
once they have been dispersedthroughoutthe system another team that
have been masters of efficiencythroughoutthis long and difficult day
mr mcallion petitions are spreadthroughoutparliamentary committees and they are
i am sure is sharedthroughoutthe chamber we are told
the scots forms are foundthroughoutthe entire dost and snd
is what all of usthroughoutthe various parties are in
to spread democracy and tolerancethroughoutthe continent that should put
such disqualifications should be recognisedthroughoutthe european union it must
pledge that will be fulfilledthroughoutthe chamber members have a
development forum to remain membersthroughoutthe life of the forum
burns at the primary stagesthroughouti have dwelled on the
and inevitability of childbirth whichthroughoutthe ages must have accompanied
the time factors that applythroughoutthe parliament have to be
author has the last wordthroughoutthe poem inverted commas have
a range of terrorist offencesthroughoutthe eu those measures reflect
steel shares and has demonstratedthroughouthis political career no doubt
wide recognition it has receivedthroughoutthe 1990s for developing the
cuddle doon the lallans movementthroughoutthe present century there has
intended such a drastic operationthroughoutthe day my doubts increased
of drug misuse is highthroughoutaberdeen but it is higher
at caledonian macbrayne is maintainedthroughoutand after the conclusion of
there is a public demonstrationthroughoutedinburgh and i suggest that
capital city or elsewhere implicitthroughouthowever is the hand of
of scottish sheepdogs is famedthroughoutspain and that he would
based on fact is echoedthroughoutsunset song and was the
which does not leave himthroughoutthe act is sitting in
urgent need for impact assessmentsthroughoutthe bill there is no
get at which crops upthroughoutthe budget document is about
of criminals and suspected criminalsthroughoutthe eu that is surely
there is scope for clarificationthroughoutthe financial memorandum i hope
recent years and is spokenthroughoutthe island luisa and i
the backdoor as everyone doesthroughoutthe play he is wearing
a black cat is asleepthroughoutthe play there is a
the theme of captivity permeatesthroughoutthe poem it is captivity
for the answering of questionsthroughoutthe recess however it is
there is to smooth demandthroughoutthe region that involves distributing
she adopts the voice againthroughoutthe sequence but it is
media interviews that we followedthroughoutthe weekend is that we
but not sordid the lightingthroughoutact one suggests heat and
of music and shared experiencethroughoutall the landscapes of the
and a terrified girl sobbingthroughoutand begging him to stop
properly objective and dispassionate tonethroughoutas befitted an encyclopaedia article
and literary genres of modernizationthroughoutat least the nineteenth century
new editing guidelines were testedthroughoutaugust and september the editors
phrases noun verb and prepositionalthroughoutcreates an exciting pacy rhythm
firmly repressed and remained sothroughouthis life on the other
were to dwell with himthroughoutlife and unconsciously coloured all
in and out of hospitalthroughoutmy second placement they were
and linguistic development held swaythroughoutthe 1960s coupled with an
the national curriculum in englandthroughoutthe 1970s and 1980s there
tensions however atrocities and conflictsthroughoutthe 1980s and 1990s led
proposals and on phasing themthroughoutthe budget and spending review
residential homes and other facilitiesthroughoutthe city the association makes
of excellent points were madethroughoutthe debate and i know
speeches of quality and substancethroughoutthe debate the speeches attempted
ideas and the general trendthroughoutthe eighteenth and nineteeth centuries
about the smoothing of resourcesthroughoutthe highlands and islands and
highlight the availability of lpgthroughoutthe highlands and islands given
rumour filtered back and forththroughoutthe journey about who else
not the language translates itselfthroughoutthe length and breadth of
of he provision and financethroughoutthe partnership network 5 uhi
both on this issue andthroughoutthe progress of the bill
drinks and food going aroundthroughoutthe scene in which case
and keeps hard at itthroughoutthe scene it would be
thus disseminating germs and mayhemthroughoutthe store mrs emslie s
contemporary music from the 1950sthroughoutto the 1990s and offers
smith which inspired him reiteratedthroughoutthe religion of the semites
intolerable that that could continuethroughoutan entire meeting in considering
davidson constantly foregrounds his imagerythroughouthis poem making the reader
the meetings were held dailythroughoutjuly they were minuted but
was the most dreadful thingthroughoutmy childhood my mother jumped
characteristic shetland vocabulary certainly continuesthroughoutshetland in the town of
than that experienced in englandthroughoutthe 1990 s in the
family tree at various timesthroughoutthe annals of arbuthnott reference
family tree at various timesthroughoutthe annals of arbuthnott reference
get more than one cupthroughoutthe attitude of restaurant personnel
extremely hard at the commissionthroughoutthe autumn 24 but early
mccoll millar for his supervisionthroughoutthe composition of this report
feathered like a classical statuethroughoutthe consultation she had the
audio typist providing secretarial coverthroughoutthe directorate moving between the
in its modern english meaningthroughoutthe dost record with various
the level of activity generatedthroughoutthe economy by each fte
explore some of the findingsthroughoutthe interviews with this age
midnight the custom in townsthroughoutthe island but what actually
with various tribal agricultural settlementsthroughoutthe island these al qarya
upon a time town councilsthroughoutthe land spent a great
worker was the driving forcethroughoutthe life of the centre
the extent of gaelic speechthroughoutthe north east in preceding
stained mugs that were dottedthroughoutthe other dishes like flowers
all parts of the chamberthroughoutthe passage of the bill
can be seen becoming explicitthroughoutthe primary stages in p1
of scholarship can be maintainedthroughoutthe remaining stages the conclusion
protect the institution of slaverythroughoutthe rest of the globe
units described in the assizesthroughoutthe sixteenth century the acceptance
east it quickly became apparentthroughoutthe survey that a high
we want reduced waiting timesthroughoutthe system from gp practice
immense power fasold 1997 3throughoutthe upper deeside area there
but the home team shonethroughoutthe week with a total
need to keep using itthroughoutthe winter the small light
on thinkin about the wordsthroughoutthis erm next point as
chronological progression of this perversionthroughouthistory insinuating a coincidence with
though it may be permeatesthroughoutdavidson s plays in self
taking to improve street safetythroughoutlanarkshire s1w 26924δ mr jamie
100 at this time asthroughoutits production snd was published
as i shall call himthroughoutthis book leaned towards me
recounts how bride was imprisonedthroughoutwinter in ben nevis until
or looking at her motherthroughoutno georgie och you must

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