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plungin throwe snaa bit plunginthrowepast time tee ma ain
kinna trek nae jist plunginthrowesnaa bit plungin throwe past
come a lang wye plunginthrowesnaa wi a rale hard
wha screevit the licht glintitthrowethe mirk but the mirk
wha screevit the licht glintitthrowethe mirk but the mirk
the daurk a licht glintinthrowethe mirk whatna licht shairly
the daurk a licht glintinthrowethe mirk whatna licht shairly
geed oot o e hoosethrowea green paintit widden porch
wis a big aixle geedthrowee barn waa tae drive
winnert fit kinna thochts geedthrowee teacher mannie s min
a thocht it jist geedthroweim e d a dark
trees an i ay geedthrowet haad awa fae fin
iron holes e flames geedthrowetill e metal wis gey
succession o dirds at geedthroweye like steady haimmers yarkin
gangs throwe e wid andthrowee wid an yet nivver
almost anything was fit gangsthrowee wid and throwe e
gangs o tarry breeks stravaigedthrowethe toun an liftit bairns
bleach or bile stumpet stampedthrowean throwe if it tynes
rookitycoo e soon wid echothrowee wid an throwe yer
bile stumpet stamped throwe anthroweif it tynes ae colour
echo throwe e wid anthroweyer heid at lood ye
windae tae different trees anthroweat i managet tae get
i happent tae be teetinthrowee kitchen windae fin i
likit it ye cd lookthrowee windae stracht up e
than matty s mither sallythrowethe windae at his elbuck
e dim licht at camthrowee glaiss panel o e
fleer wis cobbled licht camthrowee open doors an fae
licht o day wis sypinthrowei didna stop tae meditate
speerit lippen tae oor incawinthrowejesus christ oor lord saebeit
forgien aa this we speirthrowejesus christ oor lord saebeit
hou muckle we loe yethrowejesus christ oor lord saebeit
dug cassie steen cobblestone cathrowedrive energy chaamer outside accommodation
if he has nae cathroweit might be said that
early tho a quick cathrowema beuks o reference his
hae been haein a cathrowema gran collection o beuks
if ye hid nae cathroweyou might be aye in
aitin an ye couldna traivelthrowee parks or roon e
roons ower e parks anthrowee wid syne doon by
parks nae a steen sthrowefrae the fairm an maist
up the burn side andthrowethe parks tae drumblade where
cd pit e lowse eynsthrowees hole an use t
ticht for ye cd seethrowet bit still it wis
ye got intill e lavviethrowea door at wis near
ere wis a lad insidethrowea door ben fae e
waar o e weer noothrowebein used as a wasp
clean an shiny slippin smooththrowee baans e skeps wis
fite ais e ais drappitthrowee bars intill a metal
o strong meenlicht tee brakkinthrowee cloods fae time tae
an e steen an haadthrowee close doon e slope
an me on t anthrowee crack in e door
bitties o quills an scalesthrowee cracks in e dividin
lettin a tied shafe gangthrowee drum ir if e
e hoose syne back againthrowee evenin fin e traffic
cairriet in on a forkthrowee feeders byre an ben
though i tried tae teetthrowee frosted glaiss an god
mill race as she aimedthrowee gaps atween some o
e meenit comes tae divethrowee hard glaiss fit a
shim e d tae gangthrowee hens run be ill
took it ben e passagethrowee kitchen an aa e
again ben e passage anthrowee kitchen bye e table
aiberdeenshire an banffshire ran richtthrowee middle an maybe e
melt i chancet tae gangthrowee middle o e park
muck oot fae e byrethrowee muck hole at e
e number o shafes putthrowee mull be coontin e
wid up e park anthrowee palin aside s an
ll hae been shairp teeththrowee plastic an a sotter
i took a short cutthrowee plots an jist inside
trottit ower till e plotsthrowee railin an oot o
d a gotten ma kailthrowee reek gin i d
by at s my kailthrowee rik e nicht i
rats holies wi widden pegsthrowee rings at e eyns
spikes o e fedders camthrowee skin i wisna aye
reverset e byke half inthrowee stable door tae had
o fite linen weemin passinthrowee throng wi enormous burdens
kye makin eir slow wyethrowee trailin edges o e
sookit in sups o taethrowee trailin edges o eez
it hid tae be deenthrowee university in bratislava sae
krieglach bye edge o mitterdorfthrowee village o veitsch wi
early e road we followedthrowee village wis wide wi
an ower till e hermitagethrowee wid an doon till
at i d at likitthrowee widden gate at opent
at time for fairm wirkthrowee wik ye d mair
ere wis enyeuch for pittinthrowee winnister in due coorse
we hid tae thole awathrowee wirdy speeches o welcome
e car an walkin strachtthroweem fin we wis oot
o wechts an pulleys anthroweit e strae wis graipit
thocht o moths wid flitthrowema heid like e eident
you doing e vice stoonedthrowes black terror keepit ma
e stirrie tryin tae divethrowet it garrt me start
girsy roadie led aff esthrowea gairden at hid a
es fowk at drives motorwyesthrowegweed countryside niver min foo
o jock smith o alfordthrowemotorbike racin es brocht back
hullocks o corn hid geenthroweer in er time the
o a fecht tae haggerthrowelaid corn though gin ere
feelin tae swing a scythethrowestannin corn sharpin t wi
it s mint gae gangthrowea kinna seyven ear cycle
s eese tae the tounthrowehis faither pat that they
maislee wuid a jalousie beithroweyon ford anenst deanburnhaugh toun
the faimly a man leevitthrowehis bairns and wi mailins
wham tamar had tae judahthrowethe bairns the lord sall
wis ower the bairns ranthrowethe catechisms syne miss mcfarlan
bairns gangin oot an inthrowethe schuil door frae yer
an the yill waitter ranthrowethe loch an tae git
yillmuir traffic hed tae ganthrowea ford it the boddom
yill waitter hed tae flitthrowefrae the auld til the
bein sib tae tammy hudsonthrowehis mothers genes yid hed
i the hoose hed beenthrowethe ferst woarld war 1914
snoot whan mag gaed benthrowetil hir pantry tae sei
the loch an tae gitthrowetil baith waster an aister
the main road or gitthrowetil his ain hame it
loupin back fin i flickitthrowefriday s p j tae
war dashed fin fowk fellthrowethe air likes files deleted
bihoochie fin he clickit inthrowethe cat flap efter a
frae the mid 1800 sthrowetil 1991 a hae an
frae fer afield tae dancethrowetil 3a m afore gittin
the sinderins i the roadthrowetil the yillmuirs annie ferguson
fowk wha ettlt tae winthroweand whiles he spak wi
tells mei at thay flittitthrowei that airt ae gey
cairt on his kneis ganginthrowesome gey precairious terrain n
its armageddon syne we wheechedthrowelondonderry like a flicht o
side o the byre anthrowethe coort syne she wis
the bakin or north wastthrowethe neep park its shaws
ken fit esma s camthroweaa these years wi her
inbye tae jenny she camthrowetae meet him brawly riggit
in oor towristie buiks gaunthrowecoleraine wi a cauld breeze
back inno them like caursthrowea gairage door little better
its wey doon tae hawickthrowethe nicht anenst philope hoose
in i drew in airthrowema nose bit hit wis
crackly kingdom his shanks cutthrowethe air like a tailor
an the teacher wheeched itthrowethe air wi its lang
casts aa aside like ploosharethrowea nest the worsit plaid
mirled magpie wisna blaik aathrowean gin it focht fur
wecht o aa your promisesthrowehis maist glorious name the
tremendous scenery we wis passinthroweis laich tatry slopes aa
nae really they d gaenthrowethe motions thon wis aa
twa seats ahin ye aathrowethe service he telt her
ooto the dubs an plyterthrowea global confrontation tae connach
deed on the lan gaedthrowea snorrel o pipes tae
they birled aroon they blewthroweeagles banes tae makk a
tae the biannual event wisthroweedyth argo sister o ma
on in braw style eastthrowekildare tae dublin the jewel
gunge aboot ir she wonthrowetae get a chaa o
fock hev ey dune dounthrowethe centuries yin tends tae
trachlt helpit me tae warstlethrowethe vocables and ah hae
wis wont tae dae doonthroweyon derk wuddit owre cuttin
sally bruce her mither wisthrowein the kitchie ironin steenhillock
iver i saa at winninsthrowepalins if she wis grazin
hawick whae wis yonder awthrowethe 1939 45 war an
o the waitter gate doonthrowethe generations the fallaen leet
mair exact intae ma lugsthrowea heidphone i fixed on
sign tellin us we warthrowekilmarnock spirkit aff ma big
thochts on meevement i meevethrowethe warld wi ma harns
ezekiel weel wurdie o readinthrowean refleckin upo the prophet
richt snorrel o roadies rinninthrowebirk an fir a den
o bill cook as leaderthrowehaein the flu yla steven
o leddrach munchin her wyethroweher piece o bried an
the hert o the fyrethrowehir teeth ithoot takkin the
wi young scrub in patchesthrowet an sometimes stretches o
an rinin o roberton pairishthrowethair inpit on sindry boards
o furry locusts minnie luikitthrowethe schule room windaes inno
contack wi flemish speakin flandersthrowethe than staple port o
that glistered like siller shotthrowewi fireflauchts o quartz granite
regular chappit tatties wi sizethroweem sometimes you got salt
heiven an a swan flewthroweher dream wi a harp
he s haived a brickthrowethe shop wi its xmas
be deaved wi leaflets stappitthrowetheir letter boxes threatenin legal
a fun masel ridin richtthroweatween thum aw a cuid
at hir findins efter raikinthroweauld wull scott the joiner
crawin it the auld wolfthrowethe mist thay wur bate
ye are i wad waukthrowefire an flood afore i
that held the pencil anthroweit flowed a line that
her fur the first timethrowenew een an as if
we may walk a netherwarldthrowestories dwined an deid an
birr they sent a probethrowethe bree an fished up
electric shock s bin sizzledthrowetheir verra banes an marra
garrin the young lads boothrowetheir muckle passion fur her
left she curled her airmthroweher brither s hurry up
aboot the waddin sixth haunthrowea barmaid lassie at the
at s the fitba teenthrowehaun so lat s get
their hames beens ll powkthrowewastit warnes sae this day
a wauk bi the beachthrowethe crack in the quarry
scottis schuil cless rooms dounthrowethe generations on pages 1

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