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man protopopov s cum fortiask me ti gae for
concrete lek sae broun hedtibak cum at ma coist
whaur the fowk hae cumtibe dour an dowie it
expekkit faither this is gauntibe sair ti cum oot
ferr an fest ti cumtibe wi ye sae ye
o yeir fellae ceitezans cumtibe yeir ain ti gie
that s it l macbethtibed cum ti bed the
l macbeth ti bed cumtibed the re sumbodie chappin
s hou ah hae cumtibrek it aff the day
cum aw this road forticrak wi a puddok an
cum aw this road forticrak wi a puddok ti
the truith o what sticum 1st witch ay syre
keing in days that isticum a thocht a wad
veisit an pled on hirticum ablo the grund whaur
that they hae been askitticum aince eirant natasha this
wul follae me in daysticum alang the road ah
fiodor illyich wad ye careticum alang wi me sumwhar
bene hairmed shae isna frieticum an gae shae is
o sweet muisic that seemedticum an gang airtin back
ye lyke an ask moulaticum an see me is
dreid on the back endticum an the tyme o
for ane o the leddiesticum an veisit hir an
o tyme this haes beenticum aw this road on
macbeth oor keing in daysticum banquo guid syre whatfor
syne ask the princess nanseticum ben an see me
yeirsell gret thochts is illticum bi thir days thorfinn
eternitie an chaunce the lyfeticum but discretion in thir
mense thon qualities wes sairticum by i the scotland
thare they r cryin meticum doun the r sumbodie
she winna gang he ettilsticum eftir us himsell at
nicht but wae wes lyketicum for aw that ae
cou this tyme help westicum for whan the duik
terrible things terrible an mairticum gin ye byde here
an forrit priggin its maisterticum hae a luik this
at a m weill eneuchticum hame an at ma
sair worrit waitin for himticum hame an whan he
on him sae she haedticum hame anaw wi hir
wi a letter spierin himticum hame for a wee
that lang dae ye wantticum hame wi me nou
owre frae ayont the pailinticum help us feinish it
macbeth did ye order himticum here syre macbeth a
whyle syne malcolm tell jekticum in eilidh goes to
at the ooter yett wantinticum in it can speak
fullie thrie it s stertinticum licht irena they r
aw oor nichts an daysticum macbeth we l speak
mortal that wes daft aneuchticum near thaim an kis
but the bluidmerk wes sweirticum oot again she wesht
is gaun ti be sairticum oot malcolm ah canna
faither this skelf wul haeticum oot nou an ah
think the sun s lyketicum oot nou pompitie div
the nicht but mair westicum sae it wes the
thocht at daith wes likticum suiner nor he hed
verra airt whaur easement seemedticum the laird o noroway
ti pass that in tymeticum the lyfe we leeve
hae traivilt ferr an festticum ti be wi ye
houss ye did weill thoticum ti me for ah
he gied douglas ane inveitticum ti veisit them bot
lennox did he summon macduffticum til him lord ay
on an fleitchin at hirticum til his bed hinnerlie
big pairtie o hir freinsticum til the houss about
me awa whan ah wantitticum til ye ye puzzint
o cawdor the gretest isticum to ross and angus
ah keep on tellin thaimticum up here that they
sumthing andrey yawns tell himticum up natasha goes out
no shuir ah want itticum whit else dae ah
ye be sae guid asticum wi us til our
juist as lyklie that generationsticum wul think that we
greter nor baith in tymeticum yeir skreives haes taen
the oors o the nichtticum yit again the bryde
skelf or ah cum hameticure ye syne ye wul
oot or ah cum hameticure ye the day wul
is whaur ye cum intidern the truith anent his
that birnam wud haes cumtidunsinane an ye re no
pompitie ah m no gauntieat ye cum oot o
us hou did ah cumtifaw in luiv wi ye
cum for ti ask metigae for a hurl wi
cum ti be yeir aintigie ye a fresch pictur
dochters in thir pairts uisttigrein that he wad cum
oniething orm ah hae cumtihae a belief thorfinn whaur
auld faither aw things cumtihe at wytts suin the
aigil haed cum forrit fortihelp callum as he himsell
onlie sumbodie wad cum fortihelp me oniebodie at aw
wi the lyfe ye haetileeve here cum awa wi
this tyme he haed cumtiloue hir weill an he
ava or cum ye backtilyfe again an face me
rich ma dreams wul cumtilyfe again an ye l
guid ferr better cum backtima houss wi me gin
hou coud ma faither cumtimairrie sic a wumman bliss
nicht an ye wul cumtime cannie as a dou
did weill tho ti cumtime for ah im the
dounfaws again ye wul cumtime or than gunlöd fareweill
orm a thocht haes cumtime orm gin it s
whyte hairs thay hae cumtime ower suin from the
ringan hesitates cum owre heretime son ringan approaches and
dugs it s nae uisstime to seton cum man
lik stainchers he hesna cumtionie hairm the mukkil bouk
truith it micht even cumtipass that in tyme ti
duin an it s tymetipraise it cum blinndin nicht
masha vershinin ah hae cumtisay guidby olga walks off
cum alang wi us fortisee if she can be
doun the r sumbodie cumtisee me ah l be
the neist tyme ye cumtisee me pompitie looks interested
ah l no be heretisee thaim cum anither year
aulder an it hurts metisee thaim gin ye cum
an did she nio cumtisee whit ailed catriona as
cum than we l gaetisleep thir unco sichts is
road pause mah laddies cumtitak care o me aye
mebbies the tornes brigganers cumtitak revengeance thai run outby
the haill warld seeminlie cumtitak the yungest princess for
dinna think it wul cumtithat juist try no ti
bed cum awa wi metithe chaumer an lat s
nou cum you wi metithe chaumer the ferr end
richt syde up cum yetithe dure an lat us
offish wul ye cum outtithe kerr it wesna a
kists an cum you uptithe kitchen for ti mak
fergal cum alang wi hirtithe laich kintrie ti see
aince here ma guidmither cumtithe mainland an she wul
here did he no cumtithe sie keing s kintrie
cum you roond a bittithe syde ye r staunin
here did he no cumtithe touer o beatrix s
o us baith cum owertithe wundae they canna see
wul hae a birss cumtithink o t ye war
bonnie quyne aince masell cumtithink on t but no
that nou that ah cumtithink on t ma faither
douglas ane inveit ti cumtiveisit them bot the lad
verra man we hae cumtiveisit we ar kin frae
the r twa freins cumtiveisit ye shae telt him
thair lesson never cum backtiwairn the lave from the
hou lang wul ah haetiwait puddok it micht cum
wul ye no cum oottiwalcum yeir guid frein siller
thay war an cum oottiwhaur thair wee sister stuid
a mukkil thocht soud cumtiye ah dinna think ye
littel bi littel thai creptiae syde o the platt
man thai l bot flittianither puir buddie s houss
ti gang neirby mirren sochttiasseir thaim thai wuid be
eire thai wuidna be yibbiltiassist fur thai wes tae
he thocht thai wes abouttibe arreistit bot the bogie
bene sic eydent gydes begoudtibe gey skeich whan thai
about the wesna a sojertibe sein sae thai approched
kintraes nou afoir thai camtibe sindert our faither wes
hed quastiouned thair presence westibe telt at thai wes
houss fur thai baith ettledtibe verra waarm the brounies
him mait an pit himtibed thai bene a perr
compreise whedder thai wuid manishtibetrump the blak k nicht
wes tint fur wirds bottibid thaim staun whaur thai
hir sairie anterkest thai desyditticaw a counsail o weir
john hed hecht hiz guidwyfeticaw cannie tho thai veisitit
solans an doun ti heymoutheticoff labster fur denner thai
a whyllie thai myndit natidae ein this apairt frae
mair eisie ti say thantidae fur thai wes aw
tammas grunstane an consither whitliktidae nixt as thai rade
sae a speired at brountidae t thai cam an
aibercorn graifyaird thai birled rountidalmenie kirk ti vissie the
breid an kebbok wi mulktidrink fur thai wes hungirt
fand nocht whan thai failyiettiextrak onie infurmautioun ein frae
thai wun ower the lammermuirstifala the twa laddies at
rist thon nicht thai wirkedtifinnd ane awnser ti mirren
afoir thai mynded an camtigaitsgill an brak in fur
intimmers thegither aw the roddtigaitsgill at thai wun til
lik tho an thai camtigaitsgill i the wie smaw
ulster idaia whan it stertittigang agley thai becam perfidious
fur thai nivver hed tymetigie addisence til the programs
thair bungalo the poliss hedtigralloch it afoir thai tillie
wrocht than thai rade ontigrannie roddenberrie s howff ti
jaloused at thai wes ettlintihae revengance on the sop
ither wichts thai didna offertihalp he stak hiz pinch
thai cuidna swik the hempietiish but hiz castel an
sicna ploy suin thai skailedtikep thair omnies at wes
an speired a scientiss freintikittel up onie eimages thai
m at thai wes awtilae thair hame fur a
wes stawn an taen awawtilononburgh thai ein chored the
mirren kent gin ebenezer hedtilowse thaim at thai cuidna
nane o the suddartrie thochttiluik ahent thaim thai wes
sic yairns bot sprowsin thotima faither thai wis gospel
thai wes aye hurlin rountimak siccar at aw wes
whan fermers drave thair geisetimerkat thai herdit thaim inti
at shae wuid inlow oniethingtioniebuddie gin thai peyed in
thai think wul halp thaimtiowergang ither naitiouns thai wul
sae forwandert at shae begoudtipewl maist peitie fu thai
asweill sae nou thai thochttipit mars i tammas s
fur thai didna hae tymetipit thair kers intil the
sae thai cuidna pit haunstir a m a canadiane
perfit thai chuise thair neipourstireflek thair celsitud bot thai
the bettir ti be yibbilstirin sen he thocht thai
wey thai hae fremmit keingstiruill ower thaim frae the
fak thai didna ken whitliktisay aither the lave o
rizzon than thai wes astonisttisei nate staks o bonie
an gaitsgill whaur thai ettilttiseke sanctuar wi tammas grunstane
heir an whan thai sterttiserss a hae a cosie
quyne thai hae peyed fortising kens naething o oor
revengeance thai run outby reddiestispend inti the sauchs bot
thai eiggilt up thair faithertitel anither anither tyme at
lik giein hir ful skowthtitel hir thrain ontil thai
eddicautioun thai traivelt frae eskdailtiteviotdail wi nae hinnerance tho
kintraes bot thai arna feiltithaim fur lang thusgates thai
an mak the keingdome subdittithair ruill thai sneggit the
men gried ti say nochttithe faimilie ontil thai cuid
welch plantagenets the scotch stewartstithe german hanoveirianes thai bou
bein eydent pupils thai retouredtithe histore o europ bi
wes lowsed whan thai wuntithe houff o grannie roddenberrie
gat a riddie he tirnedtithe ither wichts thai didna
throu widds whan thai camtithe michtie weire fens at
or thai hed an awnsertithe mishanter at hed befawn
in a whyllie thai camtithe rewynes o the kittilskart
frae thair hiddil thai herkittithe risp o buits on
brattil at thai cuidna wuntithe ruit o the trubill
john an mirren pechit uptithe staition thai fand ane
than thai sent out inveitstithe waddin deleivert bi the
mynd bot thai wes suintithink itherwyss a nyow siccar
hauddit virr thai stoured forrittivainish up the sterrs at
houss ti licht the foirpadtiveidzeo the tellie fur thai
whitwey thai wes traivellin wasttiveisit the spae wyfe he
bed rosie telt douglas notiwirrie an at thai suid
a wird did he saytiz faimilie fur thai wes
wes frustert i hiz skametiairt out the ill daer
the lad ower hiz shoudertian onknawn auditour but the
gied me its the kietiaw hiz graith gang doun
lyfe an the man camtibe a cairtoun o hiz
hiz damishell he sekes ayetibe bauld an mensefu schawin
the veisitor wes mair lykertibe hiz ain grannie no
onfeize hiz instrument the bettirtibe yibbils ti rin sen
ill als a hae hechttibyde heir fur hiz retour
insteid bot john wes angirtticaum hiz souch he tirned
heiven in dispare mirren sochtticaum hiz souch shae gied
the lad at bak camticaw aff hiz dug wesna
documents an waantin ein sillerticoff fuid this wes hiz
ti hae veisiters an noticrak ower the weirs hiz
sae he bocht anither rounticuil hiz kin s souch
rancie chafts at he sochttidern bi warin hiz tyme
flaws gied him a heizetidrie hiz weird an at
bunnet an skartit hiz powtieise the process o thocht
bylin up in hiz vanestifend hiz richts oniegates he
intil hiz pouch than gaedtifinnd the sauchtrie burn the
ryfe an didna ken whitweytifleg awaw hiz interrogatour whit
tammas kent at he nededtiful hiz buffs wi air
wul deleiver hissell tak himtigaitsgill thon s whaur hiz
ti be refraishit an thusgatestigie wirk til hiz tredsmen
ane sassenach cheil at wissedtihae a caddie cairrie hiz
the widds he didna semetihae onie deiffekwaltie wi hiz
ane ei on m irtihain thaim frae hiz atterie
fur giein him ane inveittihalp an waggit hiz tail
hed hiz traist he griedtihalp bot neded a fouth
hair an rowed hiz eintiheiven in dispare mirren socht
glessis an a gowden pendicetihing roun hiz craig than
hiz spentakils an red ittihissell andra bids ye walcum
ein than he crap baktihiz bed rosie telt douglas
it bene a sair sterttihiz convalesin the neist tyme
hiz nyow lyfienes an yokittihiz darg inglis wirriet about
at its destinautioun andra raisetihiz feit an wi a
socht ti souther hir tinselltihiz greve bot cuidna jalouse
ill wittins o the damishtihiz houss eftir the dowie
tammas as thair hame benetihiz mither an faither thon
serred fur a duir antihiz terrificautioun a gait keikit
aw the lumes at ryndittihiz wark biggit inti hiz
monet the auld veillane hauddittihiz wird an hecht at
mirren sae puir tammas hedtihypothecat hiz belouvit wone ti
hiz auld deir freins antiingaither aw the clash o
ti weimenfowk bot hiz swuirdtiinimies this is aw fantise
the sauchtrie burn an gaedtikittilskart ti meisur up hiz
fuither generautiouns hugh brecham ettilttilat me ken hiz vairsioun
he pit hiz haun forrittilat tammas grippin the kie
tuik hiz auld paraffin bouettilicht the peth thare wes
caum hiz souch he tirnedtiluik at the gryte ern
hiz men can pit haunstim the u n wul
whitlik wes the mensefu commendtimak aither inglis hauddit hiz
jyle whitlik suid a daetimak mends tammas rent hiz
burn an gaed ti kittilskarttimeisur up hiz ventur the
wi a tankart o yilltimend hiz hort feillins shae
tammas grunstane boued hiz nektinae man whan it cam
mirren s despare he begoudtinarrete hiz ain vairsiouns did
telt me at he stertittionfeize hiz instrument the bettir
wes het stuff tammas begoudtiout fuff hiz breith a
by aither kiz he wissedtipuneish hiz sin fur the
an nivver hed the tymetiredd up hiz shade at
be fand an brocht hametisavitie an at hiz freins
in hiz airmour an radetiseke sanctuar i the fortrace
hir haun onti hiz neivetislake him o hiz sorra
in gryte daunger mirren sochttisouther hir tinsell ti hiz
the lad expekkit hiz onkiltispeik fur him sen he
pit up hiz haun anerlietistell the treffik an bekkit
ti mynd an he stertittitauk o hiz hame gaein
the sair kaimin he gattited out hiz lokkerit hair
o tammas at wesna frietitel hiz store wes a
did he ruff hiz feittithe bate nor whussil ti
a gliff hiz tung staktithe ern maistlie whan this
bie hiz guidwyfe brocht himtithe plece whan the herriein
fleggit hiz dwam an whusperttithe rid douglas a feill
wi hiz kist bein dumpittithe stot o the wirds
hiz yatt roun the basstivissie the solans an doun
whitwey ye l can affuirdtiwad on hiz dochter an
intil hiz an wes abouttiwauk m bak ti the
bauld an mensefu schawin curtassietiweimenfowk bot hiz swuird ti
ti hypothecat hiz belouvit wonetiwun eneuch monet the auld
at hiz jaw bane schorittiwun frie o its houzils
leeve hou dae we gittibe lazy gumptionless an dowie
movin stew you re supposedtibe leadin this group git
ah git the courage couragetidrag the secret fi the
here ti git the couragetiexpose the perpetrators silence steve
an bran coud git leavetigang hame til thair ain
cammy this ed guy seemedtigit a bit man united
o ye ah l haetigit a move on anfisa
down ah m that gledtigit a saet ah m
day ye wul be gledtigit a saet eftir aw
weill kent poet ah wantittigit aheid lyke sae ah
dae that pat laughs pattigit back at yi cause
thursday telt mi ah dtigit back ti hur steve
ah haed sic a weirieintigit back ti moscow chebutykin
bridge aw wi need istigit back ti where wi
go oot there ah wantitigit clean git clean so
an pat kent wi hudtigit courage an wi did
howp ye dinna expek metigit doun on the fluir
aneuch ah wadna want yetigit droukit it disna maitter
lyke ye ah m gauntigit fou the nicht whitever
the chaunce she s gauntigit frae me moula ah
tyme the quaisten wes houtigit him out nearhaund the
kynd it wul be guidtigit inti sum smert claes
ti tell ye ah haetigit it aff ma kist
puddok ah wes gled fortigit it ah can tell
ill faured dochter ti trytigit it on hir fuit
ti caird the saft wootigit it reddie for wurkin
a dichtie gemm ye playedtigit it yit it wes
bed mercie it s stertintigit licht it s amaist
can she finnd tyme fortigit mairrit from the chinese
heard yestrein she s ettlintigit mairrit on protopopov the
nou morag dae ye wanttigit mairrit richt awa this
chebutykin ah never fand tymetigit mairrit sumhou pairtlie kis
nanse bletheration ir you gauntigit oot ma road the
thursell up an up tryintigit ooti this trap hopin
dressin goun ah m gauntigit owre the bed nanse
keep here we l haetigit quut o him for
heid bedein intil a sheuchtigit quut o hir aince
syne the queen becam bentsettigit quut o jennie ae
an it is geyan illtigit quut o sic freins
ah did ah wes gledtigit quut o the needle
d dae if yi triedtigit rid o me stew
speirin morag hou ye managedtigit roond the puddok morag
bairn hou did ye managetigit roond this unco puddok
hae ye been daein fortigit sae wabbitie an wabblie
whit hae ye been daeintigit sae wabbitie an wobblie
slimey steve nawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww nawwwwwwwwwwwwwww dimpstigit selt ti mair fuckin
pleasin ye im ah nevertigit sleepit at aw the
but stew when yi wantitigit stoned git pissed phone
fur hur ain weakness antigit strong an git power
mornin wul ye tell thaimtigit sum ready an het
tell the doctor lies huvtigit tane wi social services
forgive each other wur heretigit the courage ti expose
in a hurry there hurrytigit the ed man ootside
or whit wey she westigit the threid an she
an the nicht ah haetigit the yairn wund on
the day an ah wanttigit this chaumer redd up
steve keep um safe gottigit this guy under control
it taen aw ma smeddumtigit throu the day pepper
this in a l haetigit til the ruit o
hae yeir haill lyfe aheidtigit uised ti me ah
this guy under control needtigit um cammy knocks over
choice di we huv gottigit um oan his wae
o fuckin cloth an stuffintigit um oot a sticky
um silence cammy wi needtigit um talking aboot hisell
whan he fand the strenthtigit up the war a
thius for he lykit ayetigit weill fordilt wi his
a mega laugh bj needtigit yi angry really angry
bother need a wee somethingtigit yi fired up then
ah l git ringan fortihelp she pulls the bell
ah d ti git backtihur steve dimps stew ed
hertit loun aince ye gittiken him richt jek wadna
sicht waur whan we gittiken hir better that s
sae bad aince we gittiken hir richt eilidh ma
s awricht aince ye gittiken hir she gied me
sae bad aince ye gittiken thaim richt ah m
sae bad aince ye gittiken thaim richt pompitie ay
ken what ah need needtikill that scum git rid
the mediciner said ah westilat the air git at
afore we hae even beguntileeve hou dae we git
it long enough yid gittilike it laughs did ah
nawwwwwwwwwwwwwww dimps ti git selttimair fuckin pervs fuckin scum
lyfe aheid ti git uisedtime ah l suin keep
a weiriein ti git backtimoscow chebutykin to toozenbach the
weill wha wad ye gittiperform in it toozenbach ah
you juist yae mair yeartipit in or a git
gittin hit somebody yi promisedtiprotect then when yi git
his face ah coudna gittisleep aw nicht an ah
nicht whan thay coudna gittisleep he thocht til himsell
ordinary like you git himtitalk back ti you mean
morag mither ah hae sumthingtitell ye ah didna git
whyle we coudna git uisedtithe idea we haed nae
fush hir ill faured dochtertitry ti git it on
l git the chance evertiwaucht anither stirrup cup ye
need is ti git backtiwhere wi aw wur silence
kisses irena ye soud gittiyeir bed aerlier sae ye
git him ti talk backtiyou mean yid hae ti
the first tyme ti gangtia fermtoun whaur he wes
whaur ye are the noutia gang an see til
ti gang ower the brigtiaiberdour sayed the twenes dinna
wul gang for ti lairntibe a nun nou mysie
ye wul never gang backtibe in a puddok again
gang an winnie it buttibe shuir no ti loss
gang ti the burgh tountibuy thrie bowts o grosgrane
an gang intil the marischalryticam afore his marischal fower
daniel crannachan ye maun gangticollogue wi m a mynd
did ye no gang backtida eastren capital whit cam
dinna seem ti hae mukkiltidae wi yeirsell kimmer gang
cairt an gang at aincetifesh the peats back ti
na cuisin a l gangtifife ross a think a
ti gang til an aneuchtifill his wame to irena
auld jin hed the timetigang a guid road he
tak hir awa ah haetigang ah m late areddies
the wey ah want yetigang aither that or ah
s the road ah wanttigang aither that or ah
ma mind s made uptigang an a canna weill
puir man wes gey sweirtigang an dae this but
he explened at he hedtigang an finnd tammas an
the wey ah want yetigang an nae mair about
the fairie threipit at hirtigang an said she wad
back yett o the housstigang an see aforehaund whitlyke
said she haed a notiontigang an see the burn
that he wad truist hirtigang an winnie it but
ah think it s tymetigang at hauf past twal
dae ye think ah wantittigang aw that road an
you lea da auld anetigang awa hame but wad
the auld faither wes laithtigang awaw bot the sin
traditional scottish tendency for ilkanetigang aye his ain gait
it wis possible for ustigang back ti our ain
did tho a telt brountigang bak an alter the
libbets sae no juist daurintigang breingin on in gao
oneste browster wyfe wes abouttigang but whan the rid
waeker ah l be telttigang but whaur can ah
ill trickit loun wul haetigang for a stert morag
ane wad be gled fortigang for gowd an hae
ane wad be gled fortigang for gowd an siller
douglas at wes nou ettlintigang furth kent at he
bens the orraman set outtigang hame eftir his day
ah wesna ah juist wantittigang hame for a wee
at s leukin ay disremembertigang hame kittle up the
pompitie mistress ah l haetigang hame nou wutch sae
a m gled an sweirtigang hame och yon ferawa
dawdles blythelike see an disrememberstigang hame the year s
hert wi dule ah wanttigang hame ti ryde ti
an the burds wes reddiestigang hame ti thair reists
it cam tyme for himtigang hame til the warld
for himsel see an disremembertigang hame ye think lang
hir blissin ye micht gettigang hamewith eftir the panser
even on ah canna beirtigang in thare wul ye
wi its heid for hirtigang inby sae she did
vershinin s guidwyfe wul haetigang inti the drawin room
prince haed telt hir notigang intil as smert as
prince haed wairnt hir notigang intil lang lang she
here did ah no happentigang intil yeir parlor an
it s tyme for metigang langsyne the human race
owre mony ghaists fir metigang my lane owre mony
but ah dinna ken whaurtigang needle stert fliein pompitie
naitiouns bit forthie bot mintnatigang neirby mirren socht ti
hir rodé guidby ah haetigang nou or ah l
think ye soud think shametigang on at morag lyke
kin o wey is thistigang on frae nou on
twa wheled byke he leirittigang on t lang afoir
the burgh toun o gloresheddaetigang on wi his burlaw
hound an ti hae levetigang oot an seek his
ah think ah l haetigang oot up on the
fyre aidge we ken whitweytigang ower the brig ti
cauld ootby she wes sweirtigang owre the dure again
weill he wadna allou thaimtigang owre the houss door
wutch whyles it s inclynedtigang owre the score wi
hawk an a hound fortigang seekin thaim an the
the r barely an oortigang soliony is the onlie
as if ah l haetigang sumwhaur ma lane goes
or dae ye wiss metigang tae frizzel hed ti
but whit div ah haetigang thare for needle ye
him an he wes freetigang thare on the grund
leave macbeth he ettils fortigang the morn l macbeth
as cross as oniething haedtigang the tea wyfe s
he dis he s arrangedtigang this mornin lennox it
re seik ye ll haetigang this time leirsman for
the ledder as is wycetigang tho bi no menes
tryne fur the first tymetigang ti a fermtoun whaur
they are ye dinna wanttigang ti gloresheddae says the
the hill sae we thochttigang ti gloresheddae toun an
rowl rowl jordan rowl wanttigang ti heiven whan i
rowl jordan rowl i wanttigang ti heiven whan i
s nem a m gauntigang ti the border the
sair heid kis ah haetigang ti the skuil everie
gin he haed a hametigang til an aneuch ti
wi ma buik ah forgettigang til ma bed the
the room it s tymetigang til oor sleepin beds
wey it wad please metigang til the left pompitie
here loun war ye sweirtigang til yeir bed yestrein
rowl jordan rowl i wanttigang to heiven whan i
in the houss tellin hirtigang whaur she wad binna
soup a crust o breidtigang wi it an a
thay bade he wes gledtigang wi thaim an he
this an syne he griedtigang wi thaim it wesna
want sumthing mair genteel fortigang wi that dress ah
gydit us here ah wanttigang wi the lowes in
ye dinna want ti gangtigloresheddae says the bawsent worm
sae we thocht ti gangtigloresheddae toun an tak a
hawk an a hound antihae leve ti gang oot
rowl i want ti gangtiheiven whan i dee ti
jordan rowl want ti gangtiheiven whan i dee ti
unitie at hame coud gangtihell macduff o scotland scotland
ti ryde on a houndtihunt wi ah wul gang
greitin face a l gangtiingland donalbain it wul be
gang intil the benmaist courttiinspeck the royal bairn sae
gang o men hedna cometikep shi jin an the
graith gang doun the hystetilael fyve the r a
thare ye wul gang fortilairn ti be a nun
ti gang tae frizzel hedtilauch an sae the wes
ti gang hame ti rydetima toun yett ah wad
maet on the ingil fortimak a guid brie gang
durstna gang for she haedtimak the denner but the
aa ye ve juist saidtime a ll no gang
daith means juist as mukkiltime awa ye gang an
worm yang chun juist gangtimenskland an we canna loss
back we l never gangtimoscow ah can see that
ye winna gang yeir fuitlenthtimoscow chebutykin reads the paper
if onlie we can gangtimoscow please lat s gang
for us ti gang backtiour ain toun it wad
ah want ti gang hametiryde ti ma toun yett
etten she wadna even gangtisee a wutch brunt she
richt nou a m ettlintisee aa yir reivin gang
gies me a sair herttisee oniebodie gang doun wi
thocht she wad gang againtisee the auld trout juist
sae a m for gauntiseek him out dinna gang
frae the wund gang afftisleep nou an the morn
gang owre sae ah wultispeak wi the halie mither
ti fail his feet begudetistound an he cud gang
day it cam owre himtitak his leave an gang
wes reddies ti gang hametithair reists than john hered
an nou ah maun gangtithat same kinrik for the
awricht son gang you dountithe back kitchen an tell
a m gaun ti gangtithe border the morn an
ll gar a bodie gangtithe burgh toun for eattocks
out a tailor an gangtithe burgh toun ti buy
to servant nou gang youtithe door an byde thare
speik again sayin gang youtithe ferr end o the
get up but he saystithe guidman a ll gang
perr o slippers an gangtithe kirk aince mair aweill
o the air an gangtithe kirk an she wad
meetin but ah l gangtithe office for aw an
ye haed better gang ootbytithe pant wal in the
tak his leave an gangtithe sheriffdom o stentsaucht wad
kis ah hae ti gangtithe skuil everie day an
this wang jin juist hedtithole his ills an gang
morn ye wul gang ontitornes wi ma herd ti
wush ah coud gang backtiwhan ah wes wee again
sair trek an lang fortiwin thare ye maun gang
lave o z gang awawtiwir ain hames he knaws
an as he wes lyketibe awa frae hame for
it s no lyke metibe forritsum but ah wes
d pey hir a cawtibe freinlie lyke pepper incredulously
lyke pepper incredulously ye wantittibe freinlie wi a wutch
bonnie hir lyke is notibe fund oniewhaur in the
shuir moula wad lyke fynetibe hame again for a
me the servant leaves fortibe keing lyke this is
kens whit it s lyketibe left aw yeir lane
lyke masha she s inclynedtibe ower taen up wi
that oor brigade wes lyketibe posted sumwhaur a lang
dear masha dae ye haetibe sae coorse lyke ye
yit for ah lyke ayetibe smert an here this
faimlie forordnar wad lyke ittibe smertlyke an clivver but
an gin ah m lyketibe the mistress o t
kent whit it wes lyketibe yung amang the spring
block got burnt doun buttibegin wi it lookit lyke
lyke no kyth as uisslesstibegin wi whyles a whein
weill wad ye no lyketibeirie the hatchet lat s
o the princess wes lyketibrek at the thocht an
deid his hert wed lyketibrek but she kythed that
again hir hert wes lyketibrek but syne the princess
or yeir hert is lyketibrek for the wae that
feel ma hert is lyketibrek ilka day ah wauken
binna yeir hert is lyketibrek mynd that nou ma
that puir mhairi wes lyketiburst hir heid wi the
broun ogre ye wad lyketibyde for a wee whyle
gin ye wad lyke fortibyde here wi me an
an yeir son aw lyketibyde on here for twa
professorship he s no lyketibyde on leevin here the
naiturt he wes fair lyketichowe the airm aff onie
in the warld is lyketichynge gradually but aw the
galluss lyke an he turntticlap his dug his aunser
lyke ti hae veisitors forticrak on philosophie an no
ye malcolm that s illticredit ye dinna mukkil lyke
threid an she didnae lyketicry doun the hole for
awa ah d lyke yeticut up the sheep intil
measlie bodie ah lyke ayetidae a guid turn for
no a thing a lyketidae forordnar but we canna
lyke wey she cuidna beirtidae him skaith an for
ah l shaw ye houtidae it lyke this takes
ah ken ah wadna lyketidae it thare thare she
whan ah haed naething bettertidae lyke but ah howp
l wurk ah d lyketidae sic a hard day
be lyke hir at awtidae sic things whit wad
an we wad lyke fortidae sumthing for ye that
thegither ye wad want metidae sumthing rude verra lyke
sae he s no lyketidae wanchauncie things as lang
lamps on lyke a gaisttidae what he maun dae
she wes no weill lyketidee an fleitcht him ti
wearie an waesum an lyketidee for the hungir that
ah never askit him tiltidee lyke yon ah wadna
muin this nicht an lyketidie but whan ah dream
an ma dochters didna lyketidisturb me ah ve juist
think nou ah d lyketidrink ti ye aw in
lyke it ah haena tymetieat it eilidh ah ve
for masell an wi naethingtieat it is lyke the
we l no be heretienjoy it lyke but aw
whan fikkil fortuin wes lyketifavor merciless macdonald sae weill
een lyke he wes gauntifaw asleep an his feet
ye wul hae the chauncetifaw lyke a hero for
suiner ah l be lyketifeinish sae ah l juist
ma haill leg is lyketifester aff sobbing naebodie can
teeth an hairs is illtifinnd ah lyke aye a
as ah im ever lyketifinnd an for aw that
lyke that soudna be illtifinnd for awbodie kens whit
disna watch out is lyketifinnd himsell dounby ablo the
up an awa til edinburrietifinnd sum mair genteil lyke
on me whan ah ettiltiflee lyke a fell sairpent
morag ah m haurlie lyketiforget it prince ye mynd
valgerd ah m no lyketiforget ma revenge aither naebodie
queen ah m no lyketiforget rintoul yeir grace rintoul
but ah m no lyketiforget whit ah saw wi
ken ah m even stertintiforget whit she lookit lyke
pompitie ah m no lyketiforget you in a hurry
gie me a wee whylietigether masell lyke gin ye
lave kis ah dinna lyketigie back oniething ah hae
son wad ye no lyketigie me a kiss here
an graenin an lyke reddietigie up the gaist ah
r sumthing ah d lyketigie ye she goes into
at aince a dinna wanttiglif ye lyke this but
mend ah d lyke fynetihae a bit splore a
forrit til ah aye lyketihae sumthing ti luik forrit
o wyne ah soud lyketihae veisitors for ti crak
a bit pairtie lyke fortihansil the spring speingies ah
pepper ah wad fair lyketihear aboot it pompitie sae
ah wad lyke for himtihear it eilidh rises and
wee brither wad ye lyketihear it malcolm a pome
ye eilidh ah wad lyketihear it moula moula stands
day ye l no lyketihear she wes tellin me
juist said ah m vexttihear ye speak lyke that
societie lyke aince eirant fortihelp thaim weill whitfor no
spylin hir ah div lyketikeep an orderly houss ah
or no ah lyke ayetikeep bonnie weimen aboot me
ah wadna lyke for himtiken about his faither s
princess nanse ah wad lyketiken puddok glaumerie again ah
fowk mebbe you wad lyketiken whit it feels lyke
sairvant bodie but she wesnatiken ye r juist lyke
ai ah wad fair lyketikill sumthing this mornin sum
bricht an tho ill trystikyth lyke guid what s
me rintoul wad ye lyketilat me see yeir tongue
tyme ringan ah wadna lyketileave this warld ahint wi
feart ti dee an sweirtileave this warld lyke they
aye lyke ti hae sumthingtiluik forrit til dae ye
ah daursay ah l growetilyke him better whan ah
dout at thay suin grewtilyke this haarie wastern coast
for sum reason ah seemtilyke ye ah m gaun
luiks lyke the croun gaestimacbeth macduff ay he s
morag wha wad ye lyketimairrie morag laughing ah m
an whae the mischief ettilstimak a wallie lass lyke
hir again an whae ettilstimak a wallie lassie lyke
needle ai ye div lyketimak things difficult ye ir
o thaim soonds lyke haiverstime but ach lat s
soonds lyke a whein haiverstime but it haes a
s lyke a new fuittime he hobbles around the
aither that tung aye soondstime lyke sae monie jeuks
an naebodie haes ever spokentime lyke that afore aw
ower ferr you speak backtime lyke that again ah
ken this anaw naebodie speakstime lyke that ah m
hae nae richt ti speaktime lyke that in ma
ye ye daur ti speaktime lyke that in ma
for guid nanse dinna speaktime lyke that mither that
laughing softly whan ye speaktime lyke that sumhou ah
soonds lyke a richt sornertime morag ye can say
s fair lyke a feasttime we l up an
toozenbach we r no lyketimeet again kisses irena s
moula ah d lyke yetimeet ma guidmither meg meg
tea wyfe ah dinna lyketimiss a sale ye coud
ettin dwaumed on never lyketimove hinnerlie on feet as
ma chaumer ah d lyketiowerset a book frae the
growein laddie wad ye lyketipit yeir haund neist ma
his hands pompitie ah lyketiplay on the fluir whyles
s said a wadna lyketirepeat eftir hir physician ye
man lyke that is fittirowle for that s what
a m lyke macduff fittirowle he isna fit ti
finn the wyce leuch lyketiryve no anelie ir ye
leuch till she wes lyketiryve syne she taks up
verra naitur a m gledtisay a m no lyke
lyke sortit ye juist haetisay ti the grieve ah
if we ir ever lyketisee ilk ither again we
canna beir it onie langirtisee ma brither lyke this
a bonnie lass lyke yetisee sic a sicht an
an syne ah wad lyketisee sum o ma comrades
man ah wad fairlie lyketisee that an at aince
leathers hir ah wad lyketisee the man that coud
lairs ryse up lyke speiritstisee this horror wul ye
pepper ah m rael vexttisee ye lyke this pompitie
he wad be gey illtishift he soonds lyke a
lyke jek she keepit tryintising sum sang in the
eftir nou ah wad lyketising ye a wee sang
nods ai she did lyketisit an watch the trees
lennox wad ye no lyketisit doun syre macbeth here
look lyke ye r gauntiskail it lad that tea
lyke ye r aw gauntisleep as ah wes sayin
yit mirk nicht is lyketismoor the sun what ails
deil ir ye ye daurtispeak ti me lyke that
but ye hae nae richttispeak ti me lyke that
762 saucht an ye wartispeir at me lyke whitfor
lyke thay war aw turnttistane the hogney s wurds
grailyach at haes juist stertittistep oot lyke ma neibor
see the rain s lyketistert again it s never
whit it wad be lyketistert yeir lyfe ower again
but syre a m lyketiswerf awa ma gashes crys
declared he wad lyke fortitak his chaunce o a
unco feasts ah wadna lyketitell ye whit thay eat
wes lyke a guid freintithe fairies an whyles whan
day he feels cauld lyketithe touch ah m that
pincil we l gae dountithe wattir throu here lyke
lyke ma mither wul haetithink o sum ither thing
ye lyke wad ye lyketitry morag looks doubtful c
she wad lyke for metiveisit hir again an ah
an awthing wul gae backtiwhit it wes lyke afore
pict said a d lyketiwhusper in yeir lug an
ah d lyke ti drinktiye aw in wattir says
aboot that ah soudna spokentiye lyke that shona remains
at gin he wes gauntiarreist thaim he wesna in
as a neivefu meal fortibak thaim the smawest bannok
nicht s follaein wes liktibe het troddin eftir thaim
owre again an she greinedtibe wi thaim again wi
an happit thaim wi straetibeild thaim frae jok nip
ah hae never been abletibelieve in thaim altho ma
force yeir wyfe an dochterstibelieve in thaim thorfinn the
shuir that aince we sterttibirsil thaim it winna be
air in thaim for metibreathe an a m hauden
air in thaim for metibreathe an ah m hauden
tryne stertit doun the lingtiburntisland he telt thaim ti
auld faither back wi thaimtibyde in the castel syne
o thaim sum set thairsellsticairdin sum ti windin it
wad be sae guid asticairrie thaim owre til hir
naebodie in aw the warldticare for thaim naebodie ti
the machine at tuik thaimticarlyle an cuidna explene whitwey
inchis it wes gey sairtichap thaim aff sae a
haes growne ower deep forticlear thaim awa in the
an ye haena the pouerticonter thaim but we maunna
ti care for thaim naebodieticry thaim ben naebodie ti
thaim but whitever he ettilttidae the wurfs seemed ti
heize thaim an shauchilt dountidelf z kail bed bi
fingirs wi thaim the bettertidraw the threid frae the
thaim in the grund housstidry oot an gaed back
their heids keep time neartiejaculate dinna steir thaim up
the laest o thaim aneuchtifeinish him macbeth weill monie
an thaim wi nae mantifend for thaim the weidae
s wattirs an sairvants fortifesh thaim soud ah want
at unco pouers wes sekintifess thaim wittins the warl
bot wes nou ower maturetifinnd thaim lauchabil housomdevir sic
o tomatae sals he fochttifleg thaim awaw than the
cam doun an telt thaimtifollae him up throu the
sae the faither telt thaimtigae but fur an idaia
thair omnies at wes wytintigie thaim a hurl inti
surpreised whan this machine stertittigie thaim advyse anent whit
ti cry thaim ben naebodietigie thaim as mukkil as
aince the ketterens set taetigorblin thaim up an even
sei thaim whit a baurtihae siccan a veisitautioun on
the howes o thair feittihain thaim frae the roch
ceitezans red buiks an peyperstihalp thaim furm a solit
ti naitiounaleise the cumpanies aganetihaud thaim siccar i the
but ane o thaim gaedtiheivin i the end thorfinn
happit mair strae roun thaimtiheize thaim an shauchilt doun
suddron raised a het trodtiherrie thaim inti scotland inglish
whunstane wi never a gairdtihinner him whit wi thaim
petts as he cryed thaimtihissell itherwyss it wes a
weill says the auld mantihissell thons slawed thaim doun
they maun allou the beastiestihunt thaim out o houss
oniething micht happen ye haetikeep an ee on thaim
rowth o gowd an sillertikeep thaim bien aw thair
sana in corpore sana fortikeep thaim richt thair lyfe
been ill for me notiken aboot thaim what wi
he didna seem ti wanttiken thaim iain spak ti
onie inimie at wissed thaimtikep skaith the littil toun
fleitchin at hir even ontilat thaim awa in peace
gaun ti be the anetilat thaim owre the dure
gunes an ordourt thaim awtiligg doun on the grun
the auld faither wes firsttiluik eftir thaim whan he
lowsed hir frae hir voutim an wuid protek thaim
the grues he explened thaimtim bot as uiswal throu
s gowd pendil gie thaimtima sister whan a m
for wha wad ettil fortimairrie thaim wi a mukkil
sae he maun prie thaimtimak siccar the fowk o
o gowds an siller aneuchtimak thaim aw walthie as
gien owre til the deiltimak thaim keings the sons
the fethers aff the burdstimak thaim reddie afore lang
thaim still kent the weytimak the drink men cawed
in t an telt metimak uiss o thaim whan
ye haed better tell thaimtimak up a piece denner
thaim that dees speak thantime that naither begs nor
yett macbeth gae fesh thaimtime the servant leaves for
day an ye ir notimention thaim til the prince
the skaith thay coud daetimortals that haed fasht thaim
ti ken thaim iain spaktinaebodie but lay steive in
thaim up about the housstinik the skellum at wes
atwein thaim shuirlie ye speaktionie educatit bodie here civilian
wesna this the verra tymetiopen ane o thaim sae
hear this an cam fortipey thaim a veisit whan
been uninterestin the r naethingtipick atwein thaim shuirlie ye
ti burntisland he telt thaimtipit him mair at eise
thaim but ah juist haetipit up wi thaim vershinin
dress ah l tell thaimtiplant flouers aw roond here
sons but wi smaw fendintiplenish thaim sae whan the
stame tractour wi a generatourtipouer thaim mirren an junipere
leir whan a wes faintiquaisten thaim the mair they
oot thaim an gied ittirashiecoat but she didna want
ah l no hae tymetiread thaim frae the chinese
dumfounert at this an madetirin awa frae thaim but
watch thaim an never madetirin awa the day wure
herdit thaim inti the rietirist fur the nicht fowk
shona ah l hae sumthingtisay ti thaim richt aneuch
oot at its ferr edgetisee fornent thaim the waws
fairies he wes fain fortisee thaim an ti veisit
seke eftir him bot griedtisei thaim eftir he hed
the widds tammas cam buttisei thaim sauf on thair
son wad ye buy thaimtisell thaim again l macduff
ploy an alloued the mannietiserr thaim wi caviaar an
but the r naebodie fortishare thaim whan ah m
fauss quarrels wi honest fowktislay thaim for thair gear
sheinin hair an sing thaimtisleep wi saft sea muisic
keing an spiered at thaimtispeak til him anaw an
that whytent thaim ah wantittistell ye whan yeir streps
thaim richt aneuch ah meantistert here the wey ah
he set the machines seistemstitak thaim baith bak ti
set doun onie o thaimtitak the wecht aff his
twa an the war naebodietitell thaim ava the mornin
are thir messengers tak metithaim a l hae a
by are the nae endtithaim a seventh appears anither
mense an bad guid nichttithaim afoir sauntin aff til
hou thair mither said fareweilltithaim an left thaim thair
an his sairvant rade uptithaim an spiert at thaim
r naebodie here nanny apologisetithaim anfisa goes out irena
widds whyle tammas wes sturkenintithaim at wes i luve
me cawdor hecht the mairtithaim banquo aside to macbeth
ain tymes micht seem coorsetithaim borin an comfortless an
shuirlie syne the queen saidtithaim dochters ah telt ye
machts tae forstaund an speaktithaim i thar tung dae
ti say a kynd wurdtithaim moula is affected moula
l hae sumthing ti saytithaim richt aneuch ah mean
but it s nocht avatithaim that kens me weill
begoud ti wauk by thaimtithe inglish border custumars he
ye can tak thaim backtithe office later goes into
s licht airtin aince mairtithe south wast thaim that
thaim ower the nor brigtithe tron eftir the bells
ti tak thaim baith baktitornes puir tammas didna knaw
beddal an twa gairds mintittiupcum an grup thaim bot
for ti see thaim antiveisit thair steidin juist ti
goam him he didna seemtiwant ti ken thaim iain
the perr o thaim stertittiwarsil thegither an here whyle
stuid bumbazed the man begoudtiwauk by thaim ti the
it s aye mair blythsumtiwryte about thaim at ye
ane o thaim wad taktiye whit ails ye that
wes aye reizie we gaedtia ruggerbaw match we wes
nicht then he gaed firsttian outlan bit ayont the
the mornin ye gaed oottibattle an at nicht ye
awhaur but he wes naewhaurtibe fund the months gaed
thay made a paction fortibe mairrit syne he gaed
speir out hou it camtibe up the lether gaed
o clock an syne gaedtibed but naething happent ah
sleepin ever sen ah gaedtibed malcolm god whit hae
the snek whan we gaedtibed shona rushed through the
princess man an wyfe strechtticallum gaed the saumon still
hae duin whan a gaedtichak the wirk wes feinist
whan he gaed frae chaumertichaumer an fand that for
ruth hed gaed ti embroticollogue wi hir mither shae
wi that he gaed inticonverse wi the bakstar guid
warslin his bonnie dochter gaedticormac for ti fleitch him
then auld jin gaed dounticry on the servin lass
an awa the barman gaedticry them in in nae
wi you a gaed strauchttida dux brig yon same
s haund an gaed awatidae as she wes bidden
gaed awa ti gloresheddae tountidae his clypin weill quarto
wesna in a mukkil heisttidae it john gaed ower
an she didna ken whittidae sae she gaed awa
ti the dramshops we gaedtidae the rouns the feck
the waddin ruth hed gaedtiembro ti collogue wi hir
grant gaed ti the foirduirtiexplene ti the waatchie at
wan or lang gaed bytifaithlands toun whaur officiars o
gaed awa in hir turntifesh wattir frae the magic
dochter gaed ti cormac fortifleitch him ti tell hir
guid whyllie tammas gaed hametigaitsgill fair kest doun an
playocks gaed but spak insteidtigao the braw ye can
the siller an gaed awatigloresheddae toun ti dae his
heid an gaed awa bentihae a luik at sum
he gaed an it wisnatihe wan ti the strenth
by an gaed strecht forrittihelp the laddie up sayin
on the wind sae backtihis chaumer he gaed for
the wardenrie and gaed strauchttihis chaumer he tuik nae
out the number twae clamtihis feet an gaed aff
offense the laddie loun clamtihis feet gaed for a
him owrancer lu gaed backtihis ludgins an in haste
tells nou gaed straucht backtihis ludgins forenent the wardenrie
the throne or it gaedtihis royal son zhezong yon
siclik thay gaed up thetiiot tae ti iot heid
o the borth ick antiiot waitters whan a gaed
an the yungest princess gaedtijyne the thrang wi licht
gaed ti the gowden haatikennle the royal incense an
royal son the croun gaedtiking taizong s auldest oe
awa hyne awa ye gaedtiku to yen bi the
jin an hou he gaedtilist for a sodger but
gaed skelpin roun the backtilook sae shi jin gaed
braw yung callants waved ayetime as thay gaed oot
as ye ken we gaedtinoroway eftir men an timmer
aathing gaed on quait liketion a sudden ae day
gaed jag jag an saidtipompitie you say ah wul
smell o butcher mait camtiprofunditas an when he gaed
out turnin as he gaedtipynt at flesher zheng s
s duir an gaed bentiraport thon mannie cam lowpin
an neist he gaed backtiredd up aa their trammels
an the priests gaed backtiredd up the biggins an
diamond to macbeth he gaedtirest the nicht mukkil content
ye sae the prince gaedtisee gowd tree an she
hir ill fortuin beatrix gaedtisee hir faither an wes
the mains whaur they gaedtisee shi jin an tellt
warld again the princess gaedtisee the bryde an again
sae the marischal gaed outtisee the flunkie read the
doun an in he gaedtisee the prince an the
zheng s fowk gaed afftisee ti the murnin but
the prince gaed awa hametiseek the yungest lassie but
an they aa gaed thegithertiset theirsels doun i the
gongs dirlin they gaed strechttishi s toun shi jin
awa gaed the auldest quynetisit hirsell doun ootby i
sae crouse whan a gaedtiskuil fur ma rolment an
tuik nae denner but gaedtisleep bleizin mad the guidman
prayers an gaed back againtisleep l macbeth ay the
out his man frae northtisouth the stewartrie he gaed
aye gey latchie bot gaedtispeir about the seistem fur
the lether gaed shi jintispeir whit s brocht ye
dae sae she gaed awatispier at the henwyfe the
she gaed til the glentispier at the wyce auld
braw gaed ti the marischalrytitak up his fee on
hous aff gaed the porcuratortitell the elder an he
ane doorman gaed skelpin intitell the procurator an the
his back gaed owre againtithe auld man an said
an gaed up hur claimtithe bairny robby noh wantin
kirkyaird an his graundbairns gaedtithe beirial mynd the forester
mumpit ti hissell a mauntithe beiss an gaed but
masel says the flesher antithe bink he gaed an
o hou profunditas gaed backtithe bouer an socht out
woo again the princess gaedtithe bryde an an naething
afore they baith gaed backtithe buird whaur they d
auld maister shi gaed awatithe burgh toun o gloresheddae
gaed wi aa speed backtithe capital as they wan
guidnichts an awa he gaedtithe chapel that nicht mither
an the littil kittlin gaedtithe chaumer the ferr end
shouthert his pockstang an gaedtithe chaumer whaur the haafowk
gaed alang wi the officiarstithe chaumers the marischal sat
o the muin sae dountithe cleuch thay gaed as
an set out she wantithe craig gaed inti the
wee bits o ballants saetithe dramshops we gaed ti
she never gaed hir fuitlenthtithe dure for aw the
place the waitin men gaedtithe elder about him havers
the protestants at aince gaedtithe emerant eyl frae scotland
muir an syne gaed strechttithe ferlie knowe an thare
presence o d grant gaedtithe foirduir ti explene ti
wal sae awa she gaedtithe glen wi its heich
the pest then he gaedtithe gowden haa ti kennle
awa nou sae awa dountithe grund houss she gaed
they gaed doun the stairtithe guidman o the hous
gaed widdershins roun the housstithe guise fank an sauntit
an back gaed shi jintithe haa thinkin ti hissel
horse syne he gaed backtithe haw an sat himsell
a third tyme he gaedtithe huntin an cam hame
as ever she gaed againtithe kimmer an said nou
coat o fethers an gaedtithe kirk an again she
sabbath day cam awbodie gaedtithe kirk an left hir
at aince an awa dountithe kitchen gaed he an
awa shi jin gaed backtithe mains an hed chen
shi jin wha gaed backtithe mains an wrocht ilka
gaed doun the brae thegithertithe mains whaur they gaed
marischal gao the braw gaedtithe marischalry ti tak up
d get insnorled they gaedtithe marischalry to lodge a
look sae shi jin gaedtithe midmaist haa an set
fowk gaed aff ti seetithe murnin but nane o
his fareweills an gaed backtithe palace the neisten day
lu da juist gaed strauchttithe place o honour an
wattir she gaed strecht intithe queen whaur she lay
whan marischal wang gaed backtithe royal guidson s residence
fower year the croun gaedtithe royal son shenzong wha
gaun but as he gaedtithe stable yon day ti
bidden sae he gaed oottithe staibil an cuist the
owre him he gaed oottithe staibil an feingit ti
hamewith an whan he wantithe steidin he gaed strecht
mither an son gaed strechttithe theikit haa ti see
drum skin a nivver gaedtithe tron agane an nou
the sheriff principal gaed strauchttithe wardenrie in his sedan
ye at hame ah gaedtithe wars agin the saracens
dae it john gaed owertithe winnok an keikit out
dram they aa gaed backtitheir ain houses ti graith
sneistie like as they gaedtitheir nicht s rest elder
an wi that ilkane gaedtitheir nicht s rest neist
nicht afore they gaed ilkanetitheir nicht s rest the
the hogney s hairs fortithraw owre him he gaed
ain kin an gaed forrittitryst wi m it wes
yeir maitters gaed frae badtiwarse it wesna juist the
a blyth hert she gaedtiwauken the bairns sae that
gaed atowre the green linkstiwhaur the blue swaws o
eastren capital an gaed smairtlietiworthieburn county o faithlands they
an that ah gaed uptiyeir keep ah gaed inti
loudly bit she gaed lifetiyit another lassie noo this
thriesome gaed or they wantiyon namelie dramshop ablow the

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