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sports the day the bengaltigeri am a bengal tiger
tiger i am a bengaltigerupon a fence i trippit
there one tiger f1091: atigeraye no that s a
a thin noose only thetigercaptivates swashbuckling tiger sleek as
two snakes m1092: there onetigerf1091: a tiger aye no
that and that tiger thattigerf1091: mmhm and fitt s
f1091: a tiger m1092: atigerf1091: okay right mam ll
monkey or a tiger m1092: tigerf1091: tiger right you hae
there a tiger there atigerf1091: wait till i see
if you ve got atigerhave you got a tiger
ye m1092: mm f1091: atigerm1092: a tiger f1091: okay
either a monkey or atigerm1092: tiger f1091: tiger right
know i go out withtigermorrison well tiger s the
a tiger m1092: tiger f1091: tigerright you hae a look
out with tiger morrison welltigers the thespiosis family s
only the tiger captivates swashbucklingtigersleek as a chaise long
tiger have you got atigersomewhere m1092: there is one
m1092: and that and thattigerthat tiger f1091: mmhm and
there a tiger there atigerthere a tiger f1091: wait
erm m1092: look there atigerthere a tiger there a
aired for all to knowtigersays mr thespiosis told him
not quite mr thespiosis toldtigerthat when his wife was
sixty seven sixty eight triumphtiger100 and i ve m608:
a nineteen sixty eight triumphtiger100 ss 500 twin m608:
ti the fuit o dragontigerbrae an doun there cam
messager ti mak ti dragontigerbrae in faithlands o wast
the clouds back ti dragontigerbrae neist mornin at the
on the heid o dragontigerbrae ti care for his
o sublimitie abbey on dragontigerbrae ti gar them busk
you thought that was atigerbut that s mrs lion
l is for m1098: ehtigerf1097: lion m1098: lion f1097:
s a lion m1092: notigerno uh the lion f1091:
so you ve got atigeror a lion m1092: two
at the door with atigercub from about nineteen sixty
so have you got atigerh- have you got a
h- have you got atigerhae a look and see
general saicont s chen datigerlowp the burn an third
better ye re richt saystigerlowp the burn chen da
doing m1092: no what thattigerdoing f1091: he s driving
tigers f1091: mmhm m1092: whattigerdoing f1091: what s that
f1091: mmhm what s thetigerdoing m1092: di- he driving
doing f1091: what s thattigerdoing m1092: no what that
stripes m1092: uh huh thattigerf1091: aye m1092: and that
f1091: mmhm m1092: and atigerf1091: mmhm m1092: and a
s this m1092: that atigerf1091: no m1092: uh huh
that m1092: he s atigerf1091: that s nae tigers
f1091: mmhm that s atigerlook cause he s got
be a giraffe or atigerm1092: hippo f1091: erm m1092:
mam f1091: you ve gottigerthere look you ve got
he s driving and thattigers still drinking juice m1092:
she did go out withtigermorrison and she knew more
masking pots of tea atigerpicking its teeth with a
its birthbed o slime atigerwi teeth baith a purr
owl hour poems 2006 thetigero trincomalee bairn poems 2005
f1121: what s a babytigercalled f1122: cubs f1121: very
spiders yuck f1122: a babytigerf1121: what s a baby
actually the nurse went ontigersays that apart from that
the auld speak says thetigertaks nae cabrach an shi
in hungeret hauns oor dugtigers got a moo that
would ve sat on atigers heid for a tip
they cry general toober thetigerinti the thrang gaed shi
cousin s cat into atigerlarge and fat which went
like a rajah only thetigerpads softly out like a
right you put on yourtigerthen pop it on there
hunter finally bagging a prizetigerafter an unconscionably lengthy stalk
but after i spoke totigerit all became clear it
the niger he captured atigerand sold it to pay
have egg on your facetigerblood in a weasel skin
aleppo gaen maister o thetigerbut in a sieve a
eggs an bacon an atigercaad machree if ye ging
get an elephant or atigeri ll go for an
how would you greet atigeri m looking for answers
a documentary on the siberiantigerlater we stumbled on an
that was a sabre toothedtigerthey re scary aren t
tae see kali the bengalitigerwi her cleuks an her
frae us hes affrontit yirtigerbauld dignitie wi his misgates

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