
See this word as a collocate cloud

allou himsell ti be nailittila cross for ti save
ti lat himsell be nailittila cross meg glaring at
infinite mercie ti tak yetilhimsell a maist waesum sicht
legs the day says hetilhimsell a never mynd this
git ti sleep he thochttilhimsell ah dout it s
an haed a saicont thochttilhimsell ah maunna be owre
up ilkane an he thochttilhimsell ah wes aye feart
s butt an ben awtilhimsell an a boat ti
an he deidilt a tuintilhimsell as he dandert alang
he coud hae this wummantilhimsell as his guidwyfe sae
his back an hums awatilhimsell as mukkil as ti
noddin an mummil mummlin awatilhimsell at the dawin the
doun he haed ti admeittilhimsell he wes fair lost
saxteen year whan he thochttilhimsell that it wadna be
hir ava but he thochttilhimsell that the threid in
an gaed awa mummil mummilintilhimsell the war nae betterment
awa he gaed nicher nicherintilhimsell weill pleised wi his
an shak an ti thinktilhimsell whitna awfu thing it
at the lift an saidtilhimsell wi aw that rack
himsell again he said doucelyketilthe streinger sir we ir
aince she fand hirsell uptilhir knees in cauld bluid
til hir she s speakintilhirsell a l skreive what
an at lest she saidtilhirsell ai dearie me ah
sat the auld kerlin greitintilhirsell an hir that ugsum
twa nichts a leddie sabbintilhirsell an liltin sad sangs
guid queen haed a thochttilhirsell as she rowed owre
a bit breid says shetilhirsell for hae ah no
bryde suid hae the nittilhirsell for ti keep the
the kailyaird did she gittilhirsell for whit soud cum
the hinner end she saidtilhirsell is it no an
ae day the queen saidtilhirsell it is no ma
she gaed she wad saytilhirsell mercie me mairrie a
ti me sae mhairi wunnerintilhirsell opent the dure an
hir a fyne saft bedtilhirsell sae she micht sleep
til it the princess thochttilhirsell that she wadna lyke
weill nou gowd tree thochttilhirsell whit herm coud the
heard thir wurds an wunnerttilhirsell whit she wad dae
day the yungest lassie thochttilhirsell whitever ma sisters drave
as she gaed she saidtilhirsell whitna peitie that sae
hir gruesum freins helpit thairsellstila hantil claret an whusky
hir haunds an threw ittila mukkil hound neir whar
feet sae he taen hirtila smiddie near tweedsmuir haed
mynd about gaun hir lanetila strange place ti meet
heid whan ah askit hirtilafore ye cam alang ah
crys back hir man istilaleppo gaen maister o the
hir drink frae the horntilasa odin orm the tod
guidwyfe mhairi a kynd mistresstilaw hir houss lassies weill
she s awned up noutilaw hir ill daein an
nou that s an endtilaw hir ill daein she
gied hir tae the kiestilaw the chaumers in the
a sternless nicht she listenttilawthing hir mither said an
bryde ti lat hir speaktilhim awa gaed the princess
til hir chaumer an saidtilhim syre suin ah maun
for his wyfe ti wrytetilhim uisin hir page as
til his denner he saystilhir afore ah stert inti
sabbath day the fairie camtilhir again an telt hir
afore this sumthing haes happenttilhir ah m shuir o
saikless an ah wadna listentilhir ah m stertin ti
kynd an furrie an cuddlietilhir ain bairns pepper ay
s airms an gaed awatilhir ain bed whaur hir
an nane peyed mukkil heedtilhir ain lassie that wes
reed pype an pits yintilhir ain lips thegither thay
tung syne she gaed awatilhir ain place leivin the
neuk an gaed tipper taestilhir ain place the lassie
wurds war maet an drinktilhir an hir hert fair
forgie us aw tak tenttilhir an keep hir frae
ye ti gae back dountilhir an pit hir ti
wey lyke thay war streingerstilhir an said walcum til
freedom the saumon taen tenttilhir an syne turnin back
she cryit hir auldest dochtertilhir an the lassie cam
lyke yeirsell wul be guidtilhir an wi that he
freins you juist shaw thaimtilhir an ye l suin
as ti cairrie thaim owretilhir ane at a tyme
it wur whan a mintittilhir at tom scott o
hir syne she sent wurdtilhir auld faither the keing
moula shakes her head listentilhir awricht gin ye want
but he spak aince mairtilhir ay me weill did
hir syne she said fareweilltilhir bairns an gaed doun
seal it an gae backtilhir bed again an aw
stairs lyke a shy mousstilhir bed an fell soond
gaed strecht hame an taentilhir bed in a blek
physician wul she gang backtilhir bed nou lady ay
fand hir mither haed gaentilhir bed seeminlie she hae
wi that she gaed awatilhir bed the neist day
wantit ti send a wiretilhir brither in saratov for
aw airts to pey courttilhir but for a peitie
an wha suid cum uptilhir but the littil kittlin
eilidh did wes ti taktilhir chaumer an mak oot
sae she cawed the keingtilhir chaumer an said til
ae day she gaed backtilhir derk sea forest an
faither wad never hae taentilhir eilidh men never sees
mornin sae beatrix wes brochttilhir faither an stuid doucelyke
awthing an sent hir backtilhir faither it wesna verra
that whan she cam backtilhir faither the auldest princess
wee fowk war cryin sairlietilhir first ane an syne
an wheipilt oot a wairnintilhir flee jennie flee or
ma dou you say thattilhir frae me fareweill shona
suin ye can say thistilhir frae me jek fareweill
end the queen stuid uptilhir ful hicht an said
wal syne he haundit ittilhir gang hame wyfe gie
that he wad gie thistilhir gin she wad try
on the grund an spaktilhir guid dochter bonnie gowd
twae horseshuin war aye nailittilhir haunds an whan thay
slaiverie keing an she taentilhir heels and stertit ti
felt a rush o bluidtilhir heid she coudna credit
hir man lauchin an liltintilhir hert s content an
richt thing an juist gangtilhir houss an tell hir
that a puddok suid speaktilhir in sic a forritsum
did ye hae ti daetilhir jek jek no mukkil
sae ae nicht she saystilhir kimmer this knicht ye
hei turnt roond an sayedtilhir kum on aggie lats
een an syne he spaktilhir lat it be ye
ran aw the road hametilhir man whaur im ah
fermer hed reponed bi sayintilhir marcie mei ee kan
fuit eftir whit ye didtilhir mebbe ye deserr aw
aw that jek s duintilhir meg it soondit lyke
yung quyne ti cairrie hametilhir mither mysie haurlie kent
aw the lang road hametilhir mither s pailace ye
weidae s auldest dochter saidtilhir mither see ah wul
siller tree pat the bottiltilhir mou an made oot
sae bad she s walcumtilhir needle at lest pepper
fermed aw the wark outtilhir neibors ilkane ti be
whan mag gaed ben throwetilhir pantry tae sei til
houss pepper ye didna speaktilhir pompitie ah certainly did
needle an takkin it backtilhir pompitie anxiously ye haena
ye mynd ti say thattilhir pompitie ay ah l
s wey owre the wattirtilhir prince an thare thay
a fuil ever ti listentilhir puddok ye ir a
nanse naething wul hae happenttilhir queen morag s couthier
the youth hostel an wrattilhir raiglar nou hir muther
finnd hir kimmer an saidtilhir see doun thare thare
that wad open ilka duretilhir she gaed inti ae
didna eftir whit you didtilhir she is hale an
here a smitch physician listentilhir she s speakin til
for the skaith ye didtilhir she telt me ye
the ane ti fesh ittilhir she wes a prood
ill hertit queen hoyed backtilhir ship as fest as
speakin aboot hir juist listentilhir skirlin she s guid
the kailyaird an she settilhir spinnin in the blae
nanse to queen dinna listentilhir styte mither the puddok
that he didna cum backtilhir syne for a wee
an claucht the selkie skintilhir syne she said fareweill
d better tak it backtilhir than ah wul be
warld an a thocht camtilhir that wi siccan a
that tyme hir man seemedtilhir the clivverest man in
wi a grunt an awatilhir troch for hir brekfest
denner syne a fairie camtilhir whan she wes thrang
day anither gaw is eikittilhir wounds for aw a
o the gethern shoutit bentilhir wuid ee come ben
hir an brocht hir hametilhis ain steidin nou nae
o the duik o norrowaytilhis ain true princess hir
fleitchin at hir ti cumtilhis bed hinnerlie the queen
hir man loues richt dountilhis dugs or even his
catriona an whusk hir awatilhis keep that she micht
him an cairrit hir hametilhis mither nou the mither
watterie leim raisin hir eentilhis she offers him a
manish the restaurautioun o johntilhiz faimlie hir lass wuid
princess airtit hir wabbit selltilit an whan she cam
whitever she turnt hir haudtilit wad be weill duin
wi hir is oo shoutittilither athort the gap atween
awthing she turnt hir haundtilshe rase frae post ti
til hir pantry tae seitilsumhin or ither whan ane
gaes intil hir houss singintilt aw the gait a
hir passin suin shae camtilthe brae heid ower abuin
airns but leave hir eentilthe feinish tak yeir tyme
o hir freins ti cumtilthe houss about the tyme
telt hir he wes afftilthe huntin an that she
hir that puls hir dountilthe level o an animal
jek an tak hir dountilthe sooth dungeon jek fastens
til hir an said walcumtilthe spinsters howf syne she
grund she laid hir lugtilthe stane an listent an
hir bairns an gaed dountilthe wattir s edge an
up wi hir guid fortuintilye than syne the princess
s saul in hand antilyeir kinrik bring hir ah
o bodie an he gaedtila fair ae day an
it deanburnhaugh i februar 1929tila gaed til new zealand
trap door that led dountila stane fluir she gaed
village schuil whilk hei gaedtilafore gaun doun tae roberton
sicht an he gaed uptilane o thaim an spiert
afrika afore a gaed afftilglesca i september 1961 tae
the wee hen gaed hametilher her bed a cosy
an gaed grumfin awa backtilhis bed an mhairi ran
till gloamin gaed awa aerlietilhis bed but the guidwyfe
nor a hauflin he gaedtilhis faither an said til
his hert he bad farweilltilhis freins an gaed atowre
he gaed his wey backtilhis houss on the forelaund
the steidin he gaed strechttilhis maister an telt him
hoose before your hubby gaedtilhis work that was the
the kittlin gaed awa mewintilitsell juist you wait an
in a byuss chaumer awtilitsell sae the days gaed
forenent me as ah gaedtilma boat maened roderic for
februar 1929 til a gaedtilnew zealand i august 1950
o the welsh bairns gaedtilroberton schuil an gin a
the pailace fowk gaed waesumtilthair beds the yungest princess
boolin club dances shei gaedtilthar whan shei wis ae
sae the licht an camtilthe castel an gaed inby
andrey an the doctor gaedtilthe club lest nicht an
setterday nicht rab gaed strechttilthe field whaur tam haed
bewtie sae awa she gaedtilthe glen ti spier at
ken sae awa she gaedtilthe glen wi the birks
an syne fergal gaed backtilthe gray whunstane castel as
lyre a crusader gaed oottilthe halie land ai christ
aw that weill she gaedtilthe henwyfe again an spiered
aw that sae she gaedtilthe henwyfe again an the
aw that sae she gaedtilthe henwyfe again but the
wuid but she gaed uptilthe houss door an chappit
day he gaed awa againtilthe huntin nae suiner haed
fair faw brave frein telltilthe keing hou gaed the
gowd an awa she gaedtilthe kirk an the keing
oot an gaed back uptilthe kitchen ti mak reddie
the horse an the lassietilthe knittin sae aw gaed
but ah never gaed ontilthe military academy ah read
neist day she gaed owretilthe neibor whas dochter haed
days sae he gaed awatilthe pairt o the kintrie
vershinin to toozenbach ah gaedtilthe same cadet skuil as
at wur afore a gaedtilthe schuil a mynd ma
first licht thay gaed backtilthe ship an finn said
sen his grace gaed awatilthe war a ve seen
an behaud it gaed strechttilwullie s nose end thair
haes actually mortgaged this housstila bank an that wyfe
thair traivel an cam aerlietila fyne houss that stuid
warm houss to gang hametilan naebodie in aw the
can tell an she camtilanither keing s houss an
murdo haed taen meg backtilhis ain houss he shawed
biggin an wheeled pompitie hametilhis wee houss bi the
ill coud the bairn cumtilin this houss shona nae
emperors an ah gae backtilma lanesum houss bi the
as ti cum wi ustilour fairie houss ablo the
the saicont lassie forby camtilthe houss anaith the gress
hert an he raxt uptilthe lintil abuin the houss
the breingin tyde faems uptilthe verra houss yett basho
the prince haigil a kisttilthe weida s houss an
this houss we byde behaudentilye for favors bestowed baith
dout ah l never wintilyeir houss from the chinese
jennie ye ir an affronttilyeuir ryal houss an soud
green leaf a stoot herttila stey brae pompitie a
brae pompitie a stoot herttila stey brae pompitie hurries
maun pit a stoot herttila stey brae she pouts
his native land an birzetilhis hert his luiv ah
mynd amang thir the neiresttilhis hert war the otters
wi a sair hert mummlintilhissell the wumman s shuirlie
man lat me hand yetilma hert banquo rises and
aw ye that bydes closetilma hert maun ken that
ye an binnd ye nearertiloor hert macbeth what isna
brukken hert frae this daytilthe ends o tyme ah
this wes a new stoundtilthe guidwyfe s hert sae
thocht lat us win intilthe hert o awthing an
but ma hert gaes ayetilthe tertar war cryin ma
an ah im hert gratefutilye an wi that she
ye lay you this lettertilyeir hert fareweill glamis ye
yeir airms an claucht metilyeir hert luik at me
the puzzin on its roadtilyeir hert malcolm pathetically moula
can breithe the caller airtilyeir hert s content sae
aboot it dinna ask metilgae see for yeirsells shouts
heid gae fesh a medicinestilhim swythe exit officer with
he micht never gae backtilhis ain fowk but maun
gae in or ah gangtilhis hame from the chinese
that he micht gae hametilhis native land an birze
the bill shud gae ontilstage 2 stage 2 the
ah ettil ti gae backtilthe brick warks an stert
his hieness macduff gae bentilthe chaumer an blinnd yeir
that ye faither winna gaetilthe grave wi a lee
seen the ettin gae awatilthe huntin but whan callum
a lad soud gae backtilthe warld o men for
ever garred it gae backtilthe wast springheid gin whan
yeirsell roond an gae backtilyeir ain den an girn
to chebutykin you soud gaetilyeir bed doctor chebutykin ah
drink is ready syne gaetilyeir bed servant leaves is
puddok yokit til a puddoktila puddok a puddok the
ah can gie a swordtila puddok ah dinna ken
ah can gie a swordtila puddok ah kenna puddok
ah d end up mairrittila puddok he s no
lave o yeir days yokittila puddok the lave o
yokit til a puddok yokittila puddok til a puddok
lave o yeir days yokittila puddok yokit til a
dae it dinna ask metilpuddok a wyfe soudna hae
than puddok the r naethingtilt pit you yeir richt
ti daith or ah wantilthe ither syde the puddok
heid gin ye byde mairrittilthe puddok but whitever ye
tyme the princess haed taentilthe puddok in a lyke
o it or thay wantila bakstar s shop juist
an sterns or thay camtila castel whaur the war
daein syne thay aw leevedtila guid eild an died
years o lyfe disna raxtila hunder tho thay haud
an whan thay haed wuntila kent steid in the
derk througang or thay wantila mukkil haw that wes
bi the forenicht thay camtila steid an on the
duin til whan thay camtila wuid here the war
south wha dae thay belangtilaha thon auld couple yammerin
i the year frae daysettildayset thay wad finnd a
juist afore thay flittit uptilgirnwud yid teuk bad whan
ae whyle thay flittit dountilheychesters mill an bade yonder
maitter whae thay wur speakintilhou things hev chynged up
o men an thay didtilit whit aye is duin
on thay hing aye ontilma claes an follae ilka
sae thay wur weil kenttiloor faimlie kis o ma
thay no gang greitin hungirietilthair bed whan the auldest
again an up thay lowpittilthair feet as gleg an
whaur soud thay cum buttilthe land at the verra
aye been a guid freintilthe page syne thay aw
dae neist whan thay wantilthe place thay didna ken
same tree fish soums backtilthe puils thay war spawned
sae thay war aw behaudentilthe streinger i the hinner
blyth lyke bairns thay breingetilthe tree taps an rin
an feelin gey ill duintilwhan thay cam til a
gie thair bonnie littil lasstila mukkil bul but whit
nae ferrer nor he camtila mukkil derk shaw fou
the yuan an hsiang rinstila mukkil loch an abuin
the morn wutch rin listentilhim it s as mukkil
ah wadna say ower mukkiltilhim or he s settilt
him ah m mukkil behaudentilhim takes the cake ferapont
this is no mukkil guidtiloniebodie it is juist a
an he wes mukkil behaudentilthaim sae callum raxt oot
the mukkil wattir rins ayetilthe aest whan haes oniebodie
throu the mukkil haw kythedtilthe beglaumert iain lyke seeweed
thegither blyth an mukkil contenttilthe end o thair days
skyme ye hae gaen backtilthe mukkil elm ye made
the ship an sailin backtilthe outlin kinrik in mukkil
horse an the lassie staktilthe shewin an the mukkil
lyfe ah m mukkil behaudentilye ah l need a
freins a m mukkil behaudentilye baith aside a m
affectionately ah m mukkil behaudentilye pompitie pompitie generously it
haed mukkil need keep ittilyeirsell gret thochts is ill
canna imagine yeir faither takkintila wumman that wesna kynd
ye maun turn yeir waetilfekfu angir an uise it
scotland owre the laist threitilfowre hunner yeir div ee
scotland owre the laist threitilfowre hunner yeir ma semple
yeir or twae afore retourintilglesca i dizember 1941 stewart
yeir god an ah prayedtilhim gunnar an the auld
read thaim throu an saidtilhim yeir mither wad never
yeir bot wis selt afftilithers i 1994 the estate
kirk or yaised tae saytiliz owre saxtie yeir sin
but the re nae leimittilma lust ava yeir wyfes
an tuim this sacred horntilodin that saved yeir faither
a wur ae laddie gangintilroberton schuil ilka yeir shei
gin ye set yeir myndtilt meg haivers she l
hunner yeir ma semple pleatilthe christian kirk i scotland
ye can thraw yeir medicinetilthe dugs it s nae
yeir gairden for ti wintilthe river for the wattir
fail juist screw yeir smeddumtilthe stickin place an we
vershinin wul ye please cumtilthe table yeir hieness ye
days an a haena spokentilum fur owre 50 yeir
yeir hieness ah m behaudentilye for the obleigement queen
is yeir green leaf speakintilye hoy on pompitie ye
an ye can gang backtilyeir ain chaumer the morn
here foster brithers ah drinktilyeir aith o freinship an
afore ah tak ma sticktilyeir back nae suiner said
vext for yeir ill settilyeir bairn thorfinn angry ah
guidnicht than morag gang strechttilyeir bed an hae a
nae drink afore ye gangtilyeir bed an ye l
yeir een ye soud awatilyeir bed mercie it s
war ye sweir ti gangtilyeir bed yestrein ye ly
guid brie gang you noutilyeir beds an sleep awa
conscience clear a m opentilyeir coonsel macbeth sleep weill
wul say naething aboot thistilyeir faither moula does not
but macbeth lords oor thenkstilyeir grace macbeth to l
baith af wi ye noutilyeir horse fareweill or ye
s nae wey wi speaktilyeir mistress ah m no
an ah wul tak thaimtilyeir mither thenk ye kyndlie
treisirs an pit an endtilyeir pouer it wes him
mon mither they l sticktilyeir ribs queen ma ribs
forgie me mither valgerd noutilyeir steid bi the winnok
on ah im takkin tenttilyeir wurds sae the keing
ti tak mistress shona dounttilyeir wurkin chaumer an speir
the broun princess wadna listentilaither o thaim she haed
o awthing haein ti listentilaw thir kynds o haivers
gaun aboot tellin daftlyke yairnstilawbodie wul listen but we
rinnin doun his chowks listentilhim the ettin s dochter
spak but this tyme listentilhis aunser na na ye
listen but dinna you speaktilit 3rd apparition be bauld
hechts promises hei he herkintillisten to herrien rustling robbing
the blue curtain ah listentilma grandbairns haetin up ma
me it is juist listentilthat blatterin wund ootby the
nicht ah ligg an listentilthe ice bauchlin the culort
ah winna hae ti listentilthe maiden s prayer ah
aw this whyle ye listentilthe sea maws peingin on
huddled together masha juist listentilyon band giein it big
a ship that haed gaentila ferr awa kinrik whaurever
the princed haed made luivtila whein o the lassies
ah haed ti luik forrittilan ah haena been able
haed a hame ti gangtilan aneuch ti fill his
sat quaetlyke an he lippenttilaw that callum haed ti
birks an haed a thochttilhersell that the wab o
yarraefuit haed twae brithers prenticedtilhim baith steidie lads an
haed a chaunce ti speaktilhim she wes taen til
an nou it cam backtilhim wha haed putten sic
rab haed ane ill sydetilhis naitur an wes saicretlie
eftir he haed ridden uptilit an chappit on the
but ah haed ti leetilma mither an that bathers
said a haed is ootlintilma verra naitur a m
bonnie wyfe haed gaen backtilthe sea whaur she belanged
haed haen twa bairns anetilthe staig chiel an anither
lyke the ithers haed duintilthe unco shaw an the
haed laipit up the milktilthe verra lest drap the
him orm coughs guid nichttilye valgerd haed ye no
een an she l cumtila bad end the quaisten
it andriusha lat s drinktileternal freinship ah l cum
he summon macduff ti cumtilhim lord ay he did
thenks ti ye aw antililkane ye aw maun cum
derk wuids afore ye cumtilit the princess thocht til
an hae cum back againtilma ain gairden ma ferm
or it s fulfilled cumtilma wumman s breists an
derk wuds afore ye cumtilt nanse weill than mither
he said he wad cumtilthe gairden yett but ah
ah dout we haena cumtilthe guid endin yit ferr
whan ah wantit ti cumtilye ye puzzint ma saul
soliony haes ti challenge himtila duel looks at his
belang haes at least wuntila level o moralitie that
tae whaur haes she gaentilan whitfor is propopov daein
unhinnert nou ma sowl devaulstilentropie sae haes it been
an ye ir ti saytilhim that whan he haes
haes peace ti luik forrittilin a day or twa
ye wurd macduff haes fledtilingland macbeth fled til ingland
but the man they belangedtilisnae thare his speirit haes
s nest whan ah taentilma bed haes breirdit inti
it haes a douce lilttilt whitever it means aweill
that scots fowk haes madetilthe airt o scrievin gavin
macbeth sae what haes happenttilthe howps ye wure yestrein
throu lyfe haes brocht metilthe wuthert yallae leafs o
whaur haes it aw gaentilwhaur is it aw nou
syre macbeth a guid mornintilye baith macduff haes the
hae heard whit haes happenttilye thorfinn syne it is
dae better ah can gangtilanither room goes out through
maun pass or ah gangtilhim whaur he bydes wunter
macbeth frae here we gangtilinverness whaur we wul veisit
buik ah forget ti gangtilma bed the wyfe taks
nou lat us gang swythetiloor chaumer a wee drap
it s tyme ti gangtiloor sleepin beds andrey the
to soliony lat s gangtilthe ballroom soliony verra weill
the baeten gowd an gangtilthe kirk rashiecoat said she
pat play lat rashiecoat gangtilthe kirk the day sae
ye needna gang in saicrettilthe kirk whan the bells
wad please me ti gangtilthe left pompitie corrects his
needna byde gang you hametilthe touer an tell mistress
for him ti gang hametilthe warld outby the auldest
a supermercat ye can gangtilthir meetins tae discuss issues
ti a gang an seetilthis an ti his fowk
s end sent me awatila ferr kintrie til the
the road hame she camtila yillhouss an thocht til
til him she wes taentilanither chaumer whar she tentit
i howp an grip tichttilgud s hecht til uz
til a yillhouss an thochttilh irsell ah l juist
an wrocht til ma faithertilhei jyned the royal navvy
the otters liftit thair facestilhim an lippent weill til
til his faither an saidtilhim faither an ye wul
day but afore settlin dountilhis denner he says til
til him an lippent weilltilhis wurds an whan aw
him we miss an ilktililkane lords til oor duties
fled til ingland macbeth fledtilingland lennox ay ma lord
left the schuil an wrochttilma faither til hei jyned
an ilk til ilkane lordstiloor duties an ti this
shona loudly weill you seetilt see til t yeirsell
you see til t seetilt yeirsell grimly ah l
awa til a ferr kintrietilthe dottilt keing o the
tass an drink it dountilthe dregs ah luik til
accoontable til the pairlament antilthe fowk o scotland the
til the dregs ah luiktilthe kitchen but nae reik
scotland the executive is accoontabletilthe pairlament an til the
ticht til gud s hechttiluz i mattha 16 18
whan thai raportit thair conlusiountila thankryfe mirren bot maistres
ti cairrie messages o luivtilma guidman hae tint thair
gies thaim whan yin speakstilthaim i thair ain hamlet
they maun whyles seem nycetilthair ain kynd a mammie
tung thir kintrie fowk haudtilthair auld weys frae nou
kent wutches that war guidtilthair bairns even sous is
is sleepin eftir gaun supperlesstilthair bed ah hae nae
thrang anaw haiglin thair praisentstilthair forbeir s lairs lik
garred thir lowpin kerns taktilthair heels whan frae the
thairsells wi a gowden bawtilthair herts content ah m
galluss chairge oor men fechttilthair knees in snaw nae
bairns scamperin doun the haughtilthair schuil ae blithsome hertitsome
an the men tell leestilthair wyfes an pretend they
traivlars spur up thair horsestilthe nearest howf an aye
gied ane o thair sairvantstilthe reid bul an ilka
ettlin ti pit thair manheidtilthe test menteith an what
the ingil speikin the tanetilthe tither eftir thair denner
breks thair boonds ti kythtilus in sleep enter macbeth
thair wur seelence aa roondtilwullie jumpit up an wyted
lout doun and lippen lordtilaa wha wi haill voce
ain brither wha has godtilhis forebear but minds raither
god in jesus christ lippentiljohn wha screevit the licht
god in jesus christ lippentiljohn wha screevit the licht
dae wha soud ah praytilodin njard ogir ah hae
masell wha sal ah looktilon wha depend ma tears
sleeves thegither an tak yetilthe broun ogfre wha wul
thegither an tak ye hametilthe broun ogre wha wul
thegither an tak ye hametilthe broun ogre wha wul
it rowed or it wantilthe dure ai but wha
wha s yon airtin bentilthe king wha als think
wha s yon airtin bentilthe king wha als think
wha soud be an exempiltilus dae sic things gunnar
fer afield tae dance throwetil3a m afore gittin hame
grund an it cam hametilhim wi a fell stound
main road or git throwetilhis ain hame it meadshaw
back hame owre the wattirtilhis ain kintrie gowd tree
dae but send alasdair hametilhis faither s kinrik wi
hame an eftir biddin guidnichttilhis frein he set out
an aumuss ti cairrie hametilhis guidwyfe sae he wes
tak off up the dreivetilhis hame wi speed no
verra thing ti tak hametilhis sheilin bi the wattirsyde
l tak the yairn hametilma faither for ti mak
hat singing whaur ye gauntilmasha hame ah m gaun
heid an breishil hame backtilthe court an mercat a
peace an guidwull cums hametilthe haill warld an syne
whan ma faither wum hametilthe haugh hei drove the
an hame the craw fliestilthe mirk wud the guid
hame the blek craw fleestilthe mirk wud the guid
frae hame the swallaes returnstilthe same tree fish soums
naebodie but you ti turntilthis is ma hame but
gan hame jock short kamtilum an askit um tae
auld jin afore they camtila fore entry an auld
on or the horse camtila green knowe wi the
happy in fife things camtila heid ae day fan
afore verra lang she camtila keing s castel she
frae an he suin camtila steid in the wuid
the ferrest ben she camtila tottie wal o bubblin
the guid littil princess camtila wuid lanesum an ourie
banes o sanct andro camtilamalfi in italie whaur they
warkin at the airn camtilhim an he seen the
by an nae skaith camtilhim he beguid ti think
o the thrie sons camtilhis faither wi the same
o hiz men thai camtilm wi ane ultimatum aither
an as he cam uptilt he wes ferlit ti
gret touer hinnerlie she camtilthe dure o the chaumer
the hinner end he camtilthe ferrest chaumer in the
facultie sen bairnheid nou camtilthe foir as a lass
at the selkies first camtilthe outer hebrides as trokers
bot whan the thriesum camtilthe yett thai gat a
his glass guidwull an healthtilawbodie syne a l sit
spiered at thaim ti speaktilhim anaw an syne they
syne the auldest princess haundittilhim the rosie sie shell
lyke he fittit an arraetilhis bou an syne he
bidden him syne he saidtilhis brither alasdair ma brither
the auld kerlin felled himtilhis knees syne the trolls
him richt awa the aunsertilhis riddil an syne he
an syne beguid ti mummiltilhisell whit the guidwyfe coudna
the twa o ye synetilnaebodie else ah l tell
fand it an taen ittilthe court an syne he
the tither end no stiktilthe horse syne the horse
keing gied his auldest dochtertilthe reid bul syne his
a voyage syne finn spaktilthe saicont man o the
ah hae ti slip backtilthe toun an syne ah
ah l juist tell ittilthe twa o ye syne
about this but she saystilhim ma faither ye ken
aneth the north sea bittilhis faither wis hale he
the faither selt this vehicletilhuz fur 30 an wei
aw on ae suddent sayedtilma faither thar s ae
a letter an send ittilma mither an faither doun
faither wis aye kent accordintilma muther is auld geordie
faither wes be in taentilthe ceimeterie the war a
shilpet bairnikie gaes smoorit dountildaith it s the chaumer
doun accordin frae the taptilfuit o the table a
wu kneels doun an saystilhim brither ye re a
sen doun a bit praisenttilhim in thenks for his
baerd on him hingin dountilhis kist his een war
foreland but dwynes near dountilnocht bedein frae the paveilion
afore we can sit dountiloor wark an a rowth
a paerl faws richt dountilthe bed o the sea
mairch stane dyke raxes dountilthe borth ick waitter itsel
no bi the wattir dountilthe brig but up the
than doun yon back roadtilthe ferm hoose the skelton
gey wheen generations n dountilthe praisent day the scotts
yins frae the vizier dountilthe thesaurer and the secretar
the wal an cryit dountilthe trout trout trout ma
ship an douk it dountilthe verra boddom o the
than gin ee leukit dountilthe waiter owre ee r
up at the ae endtila craig wi a byordnar
about him she didna taktilae day caermoulis says ti
reciprocal attitude o mynd conformtilae mutual carin for yin
on fyre an wis brenttilae shunder an the fyre
bei adventursum an help thairselstilae wheen o the meenister
roberton schuil a sat nixttilae wullie tait whae bade
o information wurdie o listenintilan at s ae cassette
frae ae year s endtilanither forby the keing an
frae ae year s endtilanither it s a sicht
road just ae bittie nerrertilhawick wis borthauch ferm hoose
ae syde for ti speaktilhim an shaw him favor
no able for staunin uptilhim sae the ae an
makkin his leevin an wrochttilhis ain haund is ae
sae ae day he saystilhis sister eilidh eilidh ah
tae the prevat roadwey uptilhoscote hoose ae george scott
hieness an tak ma sticktilit ae clour wi this
deed banes wur brocht backtillife ae picter o lealtie
an the subjeck got roundtilmuisic an efter ae bittie
albeid in ae tung fremittiloor ain haimelt ain whilk
door stap wi yer backtilthe hoose ane hes ae
ae son or ae brithertilthe local joiner wull scott
ae day the wyfe gaestilthe sty for ti fill
ae syde o the tountilthe tither andrey whit wad
frae ae end the kinriktiltither nou ah grein for
hei wis inspired tae saytilum gie mei ae haund
ae lood steven she sayedtilum yer nae ae torry
still manifestlie takkin abak sayedtiluz that s ae naffu
academic impruivment lends graith wechttilwhit a read ae wheen
wur wurkin on an sayedtilyid it s ae bryant
tung p o 1036 1101tila traivlar lest year whan
an yit ye cryit oottilake thor whan ye war
whan the littil princess spaktilhim here he opent his
wattir an whan he wantilits tap he wad see
testified whan he brocht mentiljesus siccan thocht gies men
dae it lyke a uisedtilnou whan ah drink it
frae the south ben braetilthe aistern skerrs whan he
flit throwe frae the auldtilthe new hoose whan the
hed tyme ti gie addisencetilthe programs whan thai wes
aw ma past lyfe gaentilthe tyme whan ah wes
s day whan ye spaktilus aboot the pleisir o
brambles aa taiglt an snorledtilwhan he d wan a
tae turn oor thochts backtilwhan the toun o berwick
speak whan ye ir spokentilwhit concern is this o
me a explained aw thistilye whan we met afore
lat the wurfs gyde himtila craig nearhaund whaur the
a lassie ah mynd gauntila waddin whaur ye played
whaur the tink can rintilan affhaun he subscryvit letters
anfisa whaur s he afftilan here ah ve juist
see whaur he d wintilhe viewed the five bunker
is only fit for skraichintilthe desert air whaur naebodie
sae thai flaited douce liktilthe loch en whaur thai
not understanding her whaur whaurtilthe sound of jingling bells
a thousan seevin hunder feettilthe strath whaur its rins
irena whaur ir ye gauntiltoozenbach ah hae ti slip
mebbe ah micht even taktila yerl gin he war
mebbe ah micht even taktila yerl gin he war
macbeth a l tak yetilhim he conducts him to
him gin ye tak tenttilhim his ill turn wul
tak an rade awa brankintilhis ain keep but eftir
moss this gart him taktilhis bed seen aifter that
sighs this mornin ah saystilirena mynd an tak care
a parable we can taktiloursels aften we rax for
a parable we can taktiloursels aften we rax for
owre feirt ti tak tenttilthe bluidmerk but she saw
or no better gie ittilthe colonel pleae tak it
l tak on fate itselltilthe daith macbeth hearing a
yer saucht gie yer sauchttilthe hail warld tak frae
thaim uissfu knawledge tae cairrytilafrica an india an the
they re nou lyke deidtilaw gaun on aroond thaim
his eild gledlie gied thaimtilhim sae the yungest laddie
ti thaim afoir sauntin afftilhiz bed atweill says the
yung things draws oor feelinstilthaim an auld fowk eithlie
ablo the stair gie ittilthaim an this anaw ferapont
an monie bairns war borntilthaim bairns wi gowden broun
road weill a happy traiveltilthaim to her husband we
saul a ve gien owretilthe deil ti mak thaim
amang thaim an wallopt backtilthe graund braw pailace o
we d better leave thaimtilthe houdie craws the ghost
ir no ti mention thaimtilthe prince this forenicht or
veil for she feeds mulberriestilthe silkwurms she finnds thaim
a l jyne ma thochtstilactions here for a stert
he l up an awatiledinburrie ti finnd sum mair
ken a l curse yetileternitie lat me ken the
we l leave this limmertilhersell ti think ower whit
his wurd l macbeth tendtilhim he brings gret news
dinna ken whit ti saytilhim he l be wyld
ye expek me ti seetilhis meat anaw ah l
natasha ye l be askittilolechka it s aw settilt
l say naething aboot thistiloniebodie eilidh moula ah l
see monie mair springs turntilsimmer but nou ah l
a l hae ti gittilthe ruit o this gin
sofochna growes up an gaestilthe skuil ah l be
wul gie the sovereign pouertilaw oor nichts an days
sauf that she coud raxtilawthing wul be sauf nou
an a wul gie ittilhim siward na he s
you be nice an politetilhim wul ye no in
hanoveirianes thai bou the craigtilonie keing thai think wul
o us wul ye yieldtiloor greter strenth thorfinn is
whitna blissin this wul betilus aw whit dae ye
important an ful o meanintilus nou wul be forgotten
ye ken whit wul happentilye gin the ogre catches
the back o ma haundtilye sae ah wul shona
ah tryit ti speak nycetilhim mither but he wes
wis weirin late he saystilhis auld mither heiven s
hou sae fergal bad fareweilltilhis mither an sisters an
an his mither an haudtilhis wife and the twa
tyauvin an dargin frae mornintilnicht mysie s mither hae
truibil is an awfu worrietilus aw oor mither juist
ve nae place ti rintilye re richt mither says
ve nae tyme ti speaktilhim the nou he maun
s tramort nou macduff cairrittiliona ti jyne the banes
fand anither wyfe ti tenttilma bairns nou in the
name that bidit wi ittiloor ain day nou its
intil the faith and noutilthe eeries and orries o
macbeth macbeth a m wappittila stob lyke onie bear
be sumthing ti luik forrittilah aye lyke ti hae
hogmanay the year slips intilanither end lyke a serpent
aferr oor cannie horses nichertilither in taiken lyke as
lyke aince mair ah hirpiltilma dresser ah airch an
lyke afore the shewin staktilthe horse an the lassie
guidmither he s juist awatilthe huntin lyke ither men
lyke lyin streikit oot listenintilthe rain fawin on the
me ah never askit himtilti dee lyke yon ah
the prince crakkin the tanetiltither lyke twa auld freins
giein a lot o thochttilas ye re usin m999:
thocht the baa wis stucktilhim wi fishie glue prince
thocht a wad report thistilye dearest wyfe sae that
beldhill an henwudie tae gittilaa fowre ane hed tae
mull steyed an made luivtilane o his dochters bi
on gaun up the stairstilane o the chaumers he
strioushie an cryin oot anetilanither ma wyfe an brairns
m no ane for herkinintilauld wyfe s tales an
m no ane for hearkenintilauld wyfe s tales an
send ane o the thirlmentilhim bi a rounaboot wey
tikl the stig chiel anetilthe chaumer loun an ane
kinrik for ti gie backtilthe keing no juist ane
the chaumer loun an anetilthe orra man an serred
discrimination an brings the leidstila guid accord so at
maun hae been wyrin intila richt guid yuletyde denner
fermer wes a guid maistertilaw his louns an his
fairies micht hae been guidtilhim eftir aw but ochone
guid mornin bobik ah saidtilhim onlie the day guid
o tryin ti souk uptilhim ye war aye guid
ti tell his graund newstilhis guid frein rab rab
m no a guid dochtertilye sae juist haud you
ahint afore ma saul skailstileternitie from the chinese of
moufu afore he gaes awatilhis day s darg that
s ferm onsteid afore flittintilmulsintoun i the airlie 1940
the dawin she wes nitherttilthe bane houanever afore verra
wi whit john hed sayedtilum n afore a forleit
afore a stent ma lawintilye aw an settil ma
the dochter ti be haunfastittila great landlord o this
is aboot ti gie birthtila gret new hero open
wi us proposing a toasttilawbodie than ti him we
hae sumthing ti luik forrittildae ye ken whyles ah
hae ah ti luik forrittildinna be ower sair on
sheriffdom o stentsaucht ti lippentilh e warden chong for
a bodie ti be lippenttilhe s an ill daein
be whit uise a cantilhim blythe ti hear this
the bonniest littil leddie uptilhim for ti be his
ti lie wang jin saystilhim gin a micht bother
an ye mak ti speaktilhim he winna aunsir but
at aw she made signstilhim ti fesh a pen
in ti dine an saystilhim yon gao the braw
on the saunds pittin shellstilhis lug ti tent the
an thusgates ti gie wirktilhiz tredsmen abiz rab broun
ti gaitsgill at thai wuntili the howe o the
hiz ail he snouved intilm an begoud ti wirrie
wes ti hae been gientilma man but hou ah
swure aye ti be truetilma man in lyfe an
ah hae naebodie ti turntilnaething no even a shaidae
an awthing needfu ti provetilonie fuil that banquo wes
prep through ti prep totilprep to timmer a timber
hae ti hae it seentilshona wes never duin complainin
for us ti lay siegetilt malcolm a daursay that
me the needle ah selttilthe broun ogre for ti
is ti receive oor servicetilthe croun nae mair are
gowk sings ti me whylestilthe ferr ben turn aboot
ti admire an look uptilthe fowk here dis naething
uised ti walk frae tharetilthe krasny berricks an ah
ti gie me the keytilthe lobby press ah dout
the cock craws ti wintilthe monastery or the bell
the tree taps an rintilthe wattir ti kep bream
ir no ti be lippenttilthis knowe he spak o
it s you a lippentilti see me richt lord
ti leave again weill guidnichttilye aw aw the best
ocht that men can speaktilye seem ti unnerstaun me
the waves can juist raxtilfresh snaw tanlan 1674 1741
his heid an haundit ittilhim an juist as the
wi him ah juist saytilhim hello ut concecutivum an
o the road staundin speakintilither juist momentarily reised up
leukit it yid an sayedtilum marcie yid a juist
whit the fermer hed sayedtilum yin kan juist jalousie
lord whatever ye tell ustil1st murderer even gin oor
waucht o oor puzzint chalicetiloor ain lips he s
this table heid an heretiloor dear frein banquo he
as weil s addin wurthilietiloor leiterarie an linguistic heritage
oor tongues we war sibtilthe keing an are the
but ye ir hyne awatilanither warld the thing is
the burds that flies awatilither kintries in the back
ah caw ma chairiot uptilthe aistern yett ferr awa
an flew awa wi himtilthe ettin s keep thare
kelterin on oot ma sichttilthe ferr easin awa at
an awa he skelpit backtilthe weidae s kailyaird the
to leave muttering gie ittilthe dugs queen haud on
it here nanny gie sumthingtilthe musicians anfisa giving them
but yeirsell ah can turntila pause masha whit a
gey lang road frae ardnamurchantilabernethy ah felt ma legs
ah wired in an listenedtilhim a bit but in
darlin this mornin ah saidtilhim bobik ye r ma
didna maitter whit ah saidtilhim he wadna lat me
an ah m no gauntilirena lat s sit oorsells
ah still canna git uisedtilit an ye seem bonnier
forgie me ah wes driventilit bi aw ma debts
serrin for whit ah didtilma ain dochter god s
lair ah bend ma sabbintilthe back end wund basho
the braw needle ah selttilthe broun ogre this mornin
ower ah taen ma swordtilthe desert sands an wattirt
yett heavie gairdit ah walktilthe end o the pynt
wi the scent ah daunertilthe gairden fuit wi gless
winnok ah hyst ma glesstilthe glisterin muin the wund
ma guidsister says see youtilthe horses ah wes never
mair sae ah hae antilthis meinit ah hae never
bonnielyke wumman ah m behaudentilye for reddin maist o
blethers ah m tired listenintilye he comes into the
think ah d be speakintilye this gait but ah
autumn as spring gies birthtila breirdin warld sae autumn
is whit spinnin can daetila quyne an sae it
sae brawlie saint tae betilhim a place a bit
trruith sae he spak backtilhim an said tell on
the face o the craigtilthe forelaund sae that oniebodie
sae he crasp up tentilyketilthe rocks an keikit owre
tae staun alane sae lealtilye that nae tempin nae
wham we sair sae lealtilye that we sall bide
speirin at him tae cometila meetin o the group
him an jean flitted uptilcraick ferm i 1946 it
the matchwyfe hae me bandittilhim agin ma will ettlin
blek wutch unbar the duretilhim an lat him inby
he war deid mhair cryittilhim an shuik him wi
epileptic paraleesit aa were brochttilhim and he healit them
back an zhu wu saystilhim dinna you get yirsel
fowk wirna lang o comintilhim he lowpit on his
guidman o the hous saidtilhim he trailed out twa
telt finn his storie sayintilhim ma guidwyfe an me
year auld the constable saystilhim marischal gao hes eenou
wad push the dish owretilhim smirtlin you eit this
outby the auldest fairie saidtilhim tam ye hae been
the letter an gied ittilhim the prince liftit the
their knees an liftit uptilhim twa faces aa broukit
respecks an the bodie saystilhim whit s yir business
at studyin scots hes eikittilhis vocabular an made him
aa his wurkin life yonnertilpainsion age an sinsyne him
necessar fur him tae pruvetilthe fermer thit hei wis
club an felled him deidtilthe fluir an in the
asyde him his face turnttilthe waw an he bade
think ye r ill duintilthe witch beckons him inside
ma frein langsyne ye giedtila whyte haired chiel the
an coorse the year drawstilits end in ma cotton
o the wyne an turntilma buiks aince mair back
whit mercie did ye shawtilma hoond an ma infant
chirker gied the anelie aunsirtilma sang o daith from
me ye canna dae skaithtilma saul god an the
gait up throu the craigstilma wee bit biggin here
on ma lang traivil backtilthe dule of the warld
lat ma een be blinndtilthe haund s deed but
an lang lyfe an happinesstilthe perr o us ma
aff wi ma gizz turnttilthe south from the chinese
end that he awned uptilaw his treason an pled
ye ir cannie an kyndtilaw the beiss in this
an the man cryit uptilaw the burds o the
the auldest lassie the kiestilaw the chaumers she micht
wes a wee kinrik awtilitsell i the warld s
that raxt aw the weytilthe ferr bens the page
the table a hertie walcumtilye aw everybody sits down
yin tends tae leuk abacktilain s bairnheid days wi
ain ye ye re speakintilan ye re sayin oh
the localitie kis hei wurkittilhis ain haund daen orra
pairish plumber stertit tae wurktilhis ain haund it the
dwam he wad hae lowpittilhis feet an stoured aff
duin an wad be brochttilhis lair throu the smith
an invite wad be gientilthe depute meenister for culture
siccar bit a micht wintilwhit wad a no dae
days the war nae endtilhis coronach an his bairns
the wattir the war ragestilits fell ootcum it s
his heid an gied ittilthe callant the war sumthing
the wee fowk war dauncintilthe muisic o a rhyme
the pairish meenister frae 1930til1954 mr an mrs mortimer
roberton frae 8 p mtil3 a m wiooten missin
skerlet dairtit frae the taibiltila wee press in the
his heid brugh frae rometilbyzantium whilk he caad eftir
end frae damp an pumpittilda tube wis don tae
manifestlie transcendit frae the 19nttilthe 21st centaur a m
dae trips delicat richt uptilthe gairden yett sindert frae
northumberland an warlyke siward uptilthe north wi maucht frae
that they walk frae heretilthe palace yett banquo and
swutchin frae the tae tungtilthe tither is circumstances demandit
frae the cawin wattir wheeltilthe yird s gret axis
o hoscote ferm frae 1940tiltom s daith i 1973
ien chi 8th century veisittila wyce auld hermit moss
ca 719 772 19 veisittilan auld hermit wang chang
tu mu 803 852 25tilan auld tuin lu kuei
lu kuei meng 9th centurytilan auld tuin men howp
an yid reponed haud ontilee git is auld is
lassie said the auld ettintilhis dochter an he opent
s got a graund humtilit irena whit a dinkie
thing the r nae endtilt masha whit is it
saw an he walkit owretilthe ingil whit than he
it whit aye is duintilthe wyce an glib gabbit
whit hae ye been uptilye haena been at the
the staig chiel an anithertilthe chaumer loun but wes
the respek that wes duetilthe lest o the ettins
the mid 1800 s throwetil1991 a hae an airticle
yids daith whare hei badetilhei deyd a hae fond
he gethert hisell an saidtilhis wyfe this hae gien
hand hae ye ever spokentilonie o the christians sen
wis reputit tae hae sayedtilthe stack gin yow hed
hae tae explain yer actionstilthem an tae be responsible
thorfinn dis that bring sauchttila bodie i the end
yoo hoo vershinin awthing cumstilan end aye weill here
day until the end ontilthe lest glisk o tyme
the tea fyres drifts uptilthe muin basho the end
dawin the r nae endtilthe wund whyle the wyld
expairience o hevin been brochttilwut s end corner gud
the rustic yett gies ontila forleiten road the weeds
brig tae jyne the hawicktillangholm road is borthouch big
but here on the roadtilthe boat did a mawkin
hed richt up the roadtilthe greenbanks ferm howcleuch ferm
unco strecht thon whyte roadtilthe new berricks its yett
haund is the road bendstilthe richt take mak fur
an than alang the roadtilthe schuil it roberton harry
sinderins i the road throwetilthe yillmuirs annie ferguson the
luiv an tenderness can fankiltila birn o dule an
explainit accoontable tae be accoontabletila bodie or an organisation
thi cht spelling thi prepositiontilan definite article yaise in
hertit forstaundin fock tae wurktilan it wis wi gryte
loch an tae git throwetilbaith waster an aister yillmuir
interestin snippetie fin ye cometile torn bit an like
intil the lift an prayintilgud laird send anither pentecost
sheriffdom o stentsaucht an lippentilh e warden chong the
nineteen sixty four i wrotetilher an that was m903:
an enjoy it ilkane accordintilhis age an poseition in
upo the prophet wis lealtilhis caain an wei read
a wadna begek the deiviltilhis frein an loue the
it he cryit out loudtilhis manservant an the waws
in a chair an saidtilhis sairvant the leddie mysie
eftir his day s dargtilhis sheilin an kis his
grup the pendil an wuntilhiz drougs at hiz bodie
why can ye nae cometilit an an an just
wi gurlin an wi gowpintilit turnt an skelpit aff
o success has been wontilscots an the community leids
hind aa his wurkin lifetilthan an it yae tyme
watt an his wife eikittilthar lairdship tae tent at
rinnin the hoose an seyintilthe bairns the dunlop faimlie
tae come in an speaktilthe committee speir anither committee
tae come alang an speaktilthe committee whiles committees gaes
s haunds an threw ittilthe dug but the dug
cauld cauld wattir an cryittilthe ferlie trout trout trout
cryit a creiminal an puttentilthe horn orm is silent
did the knittin no stiktilthe horse an the lassie
he drew his table intilthe ingil an whyle pepper
jenny an graham flitted uptilthe kennels hoose whilk wis
the ferm wurk plooin seiintilthe kie an wunnin hey
torment an wurk up slawlietilthe maist dour stert wi
ching ming splore the knowestilthe north an south ir
the lassie s luif staktilthe roke an did the
maitters an introduces new lawstilthe scottish pairlament forby it
age wull tent an herkintilthe souch o the wunds
an he peyed nae heedtilthe soun made bi the
dungeon bi malcolm an puttentilthe torment o the warst
teeth in an shei sayedtilum maun yid fur why
in an tethert an thirlttilunco douts an fears but
meet be shuir an wrytetilus be shuir an wryte
the intiative and report backtilthe group in september maggie
2 the bill gaes backtilthe relevant committee tae be
new back a maun lippentilyir fendin boss for nane
tae bills ye can scrievetila committee giein yer pynt
of course it could applytila lad nae workin ye
tae a bill refer yetilanither bodie or organisation advise
gin ye canna come alangtilthe pairlament ye can watch
dinna ettle tae lear ittilye the wee bit savendie
nettil threid in his moutilawbodie he fell in wi
a sojer he only leevedtilhe wan his manheid nae
wattir he hystit the tassietilhis mou but insteid o
tae scots poetry james tuiktilhis new subjeck wi muckle
lackit inspiration i the clessroomtilhis teacher whae hed the
whae wis o siclyke agetilmasel rejeckit fermin is his
naething his horses wire intilthe best o corn he
sairvant taen his maister doucelyketilthe step in the craig
me that if i saidtilher f1040: [laugh] m1042: [laugh]
mar lodge she wis borntilt she could write it
thon briggie fan we cometilt she fuspered naethin bit
it in a siller ashettilthe queen ai but she
the nicht swyth she clumtilthe tap o the green
onie mischief she got uptilwi a houdie craw but
p o 1036 1101 41tila traivlar su tung p
o sanct andro were brochttilconstantinople and liggit in that
malcolm s dochter malcolm brithertilfingal keing o morven shona
godless price hit wid gengtilforbye da cost o freight
behauf o scots and gaelictilher maijestie s guivernment for
that ootlines the achievements wontilin the promotion o the
passin the tyme o daytilither john leukit up it
place o lord o oiststilme the haly chaumers o
and liggit in that brughtilthe days o the crusades
s naitur is geyan sibtilthe fell business o men
taxes the pairlament is accoontabletilthe fowk o scotland the
scriever that andro was missionertilthe fowk o the kintra
in ilka trade that airtstilthe fyres o hell a
o cark and care lippentilthe hymn we sall lilt
luve o god macduff seetilthe leddie malcolm aside to
micht haud on a weetilthe maikless wattirgaw o the
kind o auctoritee is appealedtilthe motif o the rash
that shuid be pit ontilthe present list o memmers
yonner speakin aboot the supernaitraltilweel intil the howe o
o initiatives is best wontilwi the oncome o a
eck s weeda sei ttilyid scott o the ludge
bodies hed nae wey outtilprofunditas grabbin a rung drave
made littil or nae sensetiluz houanever on the 28
aye be blythe nae hotilyer incawin in aa things
at the gloamin he wantila thick mirk shaw he
buchan wis but a bairntilthe 1950s weel eftir he
deid or he peyed owretilus ten thousan merks on
t lest nicht throu drapestilbousters drouk t wi cauld
the fisher folk quo jesustilthem come yer weys wi
did mebbe it onlie appearstilus that we exist tho
feenish in the sheuch uptilthe een in glaur our
feenish in the sheuch uptilthe een in glaur our
that had been commissioned intilthe propone tae set up
shae demandit a m gauntilembro the mannie gied a
tae beat the batter hardtilit soundet lik weans plowterin
gaes on fack findin visitstilplaces that is relevant tae
stey brae face tae seitilthe horse a read i
is passed it is senttilthe queen tae receive royal
mint tae visit 5 cometilthe scottish pairlament visitor centre
bonnie place tae bide ntilyon hoose fornenst wis biggit

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