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crackled under her pinafore liketinfoil being crumpled dolly found
a frien wrappit roon witinfoil daith in the bluid
1 1 hr cover withtinfoil last hour prawn cocktail
made this picture out oftinfoil [laugh] f810: and then
and press into greased loaftin1 oz fresh breadcrumbs 1
wineglass put in greased bakingtin300f 1 2 gas till
into well greased 9 caketinbake at 350 for 60
to thicken pour into greasedtinmark in squares before quite
tin of tuna half atinof cannellini beans small piece
ingredients tin of mixed beanstinof tuna can be done
10 minutes ingredients half atinof tuna half a tin
philadelphia cream cheese 7 oztintuna salmon drained 4 tbsp
tbsp yoghurt grease 1lb loaftinbake at 350 for 1
a turned wooden handle atinof grease and a cardboard
the floor there lay atinof grease some oily rags
perhaps an egg grease squaretinput in mixture and 1
two flour tortillas half atinof chopped tomatoes tomato paste
level tablespoon of tomato pastetinof tomatoes 1 large tub
and go black add intinof tomatoes and allow to
fresh filled pasta garlic oniontinof tomatoes the ones with
fry lightly 1 x 8oztintomatoes drained chopped 4 oz
cook in 1 lb loaftinat 350 for 45 50
flour bake in 1lb loaftinat reg 4 350 fruit
put into well oiled loaftincook at 400 for about
pineapple raisin loaf 1 smtincrushed pineapple 2 cups raisins
cooking soup m941: openin atinof beans f940: minerals an
you ve got a decenttinof beans hungarian goulash ingredients
minutes uses one pan ingredientstinof flageolet beans 3 rashers
minutes uses one pan ingredientstinof mixed beans tin of
got an auld shoe polishtinand filled it full o
you had the mansion polishtinand you d f1023: four
it was a boot polishtinm1021: aye that s right
s what he did weetino cherry blossom boot polish
and chop bapples flour bakingtinand line with pastry spread
pour ½ fat from roastingtininto another baking tin make
roasting tin into another bakingtinmake smoking hot then pour
up arrange in large bakingtinor in layers in pie
what is it a blacknintinan empty tin and you
a blacknin tin an emptytinand you hopped it and
preens needles tape tin pailstinbowlies and a lot besides
scrubbers safety preens needles tapetinpails tin bowlies and a
oiled and lined 7 caketinbake 50 60 mins at
rod that never fished thetintrunk wantin a handle a
often in a two gallontinwith a square handle on
it thickens pour ½ intotinput cochineal in other half
chaamer and used a gastinfor his water this was
things improved later they woretinhats and had gas masks
twa fauld wi an auldtinpot the dyke that wis
o veggie inno an auldtinpot there wis naethin byordnar
the same hoosaeiver the auldtinpot wis placed abeen an
weighed the fruit on thetinscales and flicked open the
ootskirts shacks o wid antinsell fruit an ingins tatties
desicc coconut cochineal 8 squaretinbring sug milk to boil
out of an empty brassotinwith stones in it hobby
oz caster sugar 1 linetinwith greaseproof paper 2 put
with cream caramel rice heattinof creamed rice sprinkle with
cubed onions mushrooms garlic smalltintomato purée cream pref sour
¼ lb fresh butter largetincondensed milk 1 teacupful milk
he sits down lays thetinon the floor and tries
and again he bangs thetinon the floor without effect
it inside a tuim biscuittinan e en haein twa
he cuid an coff atino pent for the inside
on tap a tuim biscuittinpittin it inside a tuim
bits o stick wi atinband roon them an a
the pipe band wi atincup roon yer neck an
says mother impatiently wrenching thetinfrom andy s grasp and
mother tries to take thetinfrom him but andy wraps
exist to be obeyed opentinselfies says mother andy seems
somebody s found the lasttinof creamola foam in the
smaller tins he found atinwith hoose varneesh written on
twa sticks in a weetinan he sune fitted them
his desk rattled his aintincan he didna tryst wee
sup tay frae their weetinflasks wi their stoppers corkit
wee tate an lyle seeruptinfou o holes tied tae
wee his [laugh] his weetino black cherry blossom boot
a wee celebration a weetino salmon atween s just
maybe badger hadna wechtit thetinwi enough wee stanes onywey
pencil and carried a smalltinwith a piece of wet
the chance to open thetinhimself ma ma biccy he
what it says on thetinbut you don t get
what it says on thetinf606: [audience laugh] m954: it does
what it says on thetinwe should all share that
ll be intill e eyntmentstinafore bedtime ere cam a
himsel then picked up thetinagain an cam trottin up
him they cam ooto atinfur they warna a primary
looking little boy kicking atincan along the gutter excuse
a little a little roundtinof toothpaste and a tiny
slate pencil and a littletinwith a damp sponge in
term i went to thetindrum last night a german
sold on ebay this lasttinf1077: [inaudible] mm m1078: no
what i have got thetinof beer i sent last
was put on to atinplate and burnt with a
grated seasoning line 8 flantinwith pastry fry onion peppers
tae bile in a trycletino water on a fire
broken wing urchins paddle withtintrays baling water out of
a floatin branch kept thetinfrae sinkin or maybe badger
frae the watter cairryin thetinin its mooth badger roared
silence clean as a newtinwhistle six owersetts frae cien
the peeling door of thetinroofed cottage faded into silence
used for paper plastic andtinbut not for bottles as
by the roadside here atinwas always left much used
oot o aald bruks otinwhat did it used to
her mither sally hid atinbasin wytin reamin wi watter
in like drookit rats tentinflasks stoppered wi cork an
an fencin posts wi thetinlids o empie sheep dip
man an an aal seeruptinwi a weer hannle full
ye dae in a sardinetinwi wings an a toytoon
on da edge o datinas he did buee buee
lion on the green seeruptinfit think ye o that
lichtit the strum threw thetinintae the deepest bit o
suppie o meth in atinlid syne lichtin a spunk
scarlet saris fae shantytoons otinlike dragonflees that flichter up
as the bubbles in atino orange juice dyeuk custard
o pickin brambles in atintae mak some jam or
to build known as thetinkirk because of its corrugated
kneeling on he lifted thetinof varnish from its place
from somebody s funeral itstintack eyes are wide but
but the stuff in thetinwas so divorced from its
s mug is green andtinwith literary pretensions it yearns
needful there was also atinwith pointed bits of matchsticks
tae dug meat oot atina lap dug s life
pit him in a sardinetinan floatit him doon the
like traicle toffee in atinan mak winnin coal mair
two were baked in atinand then split clootie dumpling
f1077: erm an- m1078: atinbath to use in front
in maintenance skills a relatedtincan recycling scheme helps to
porter i ve got atinchest a cairna gif ye
huvin wur tea oot atincups spencer goes heh how
[sob] f1141: you wantin atinfitt do you say f1142:
miner extracting a nugget oftinfrom a rich mineral seam
in red uplift basque oftingrim s a goalpost the
the past one dented tartantinholds a key to a
bird s out of atinm1078: oh aye bird s
du bön du s dattinmam shö s lost a
the causie kickin at atinnewt luvs mo bit he
if i was opening atinof salmon for my denner
that then it s atinopener m1094: yes f1093: for
50 years one day thetinrusted out flew a may
making silver from a rustytinthere s not a breath
yeah m954: the term biscuittinto mean a police interview
and lifts out the precioustinhe sits down lays the
are havers rain stottin afftinfear drums in ma lug
wheels flat as an oldtinlid body parts everywhere road
the village dust beside thetinshed shop he s tasted
bogs i wis ay gettinrows for leavin e car
bin forgot tae pit thetinlid on her i tell
fin she d drained hertinmug tae the lees she
mummy opens her very specialtinof biscuits she hands one
trays flutes melodeons and playstinwhistles jugglers things like that
hair sieve made of thintinor horse hair outbuildings crofts
it tastes of wood andtinthose pigeonholes where notes fly
botanic gardens and shook yourtinor something yeah f809: i
meenie mos plunkers bools andtinyo yos minded places minded
once outside ralph handed thetinto the man who was

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