
See this word as a collocate cloud

aberdeenshire and kincardine ld sheridantommyglasgow ssp simpson dr richard
scott tavish shetland ld sheridantommyglasgow ssp simpson dr richard
scott john ayr con sheridantommyglasgow ssp simpson dr richard
scott john ayr con sheridantommyglasgow ssp simpson dr richard
tavish hamilton shetland ld sheridantommyglasgow ssp simpson richard john
south of scotland snp sheridantommyglasgow ssp stevenson stewart banff
south of scotland snp sheridantommyglasgow ssp stevenson stewart banff
scott john ayr con sheridantommyglasgow ssp stevenson stewart banff
south of scotland snp sheridantommyglasgow ssp stevenson stewart banff
south of scotland snp sheridantommyglasgow ssp stevenson stewart banff
north east scotland snp sheridantommyglasgow ssp stevenson stewart banff
banff and buchan snp sheridantommyglasgow ssp sturgeon nicola glasgow
banff and buchan snp sheridantommyglasgow ssp sturgeon nicola glasgow
south of scotland snp sheridantommyglasgow ssp sturgeon nicola glasgow
scott john ayr con sheridantommyglasgow ssp sturgeon nicola glasgow
south of scotland snp sheridantommyglasgow ssp sturgeon nicola glasgow
scott john ayr con sheridantommyglasgow ssp sturgeon nicola glasgow
scott john ayr con sheridantommyglasgow ssp sturgeon nicola glasgow
scott john ayr con sheridantommyglasgow ssp sturgeon nicola glasgow
and warrant sales i supporttommysheridan a rose by any
wilson linda fabiani s1m 21tommysheridan abolition of council tax
the council tax s1m 3809tommysheridan abolition of council tax
3809 in the name oftommysheridan abolition of council tax
and well being s1m 2065tommysheridan abolition of the scottish
shona robison mr kenneth gibsontommysheridan alasdair morgan alex neil
mr john mcallion dennis canavantommysheridan alasdair morgan andrew wilson
of around 100 supported bytommysheridan alasdair morgan christine grahame
mr jamie mcgrigor linda fabianitommysheridan alasdair morgan colin campbell
margaret ewing mr john mcalliontommysheridan alasdair morgan dr winnie
mr gil paterson colin campbelltommysheridan alasdair morgan michael matheson
mr john mcallion kay ullrichtommysheridan alex fergusson michael russell
james douglas hamilton andrew wilsontommysheridan alex fergusson phil gallie
elder shona robison andrew wilsontommysheridan alex neil donald gorrie
welsh shona robison fergus ewingtommysheridan alex neil donald gorrie
robison michael matheson alasdair morgantommysheridan alex neil donald gorrie
the scottish parliament supported bytommysheridan alex neil dorothy grace
matter of urgency supported bytommysheridan alex neil mr lloyd
dr winnie ewing michael russelltommysheridan alex neil mrs margaret
hamilton donald gorrie linda fabianitommysheridan alex neil richard lochhead
hyslop andrew wilson alasdair morgantommysheridan alex neil richard lochhead
way supported by shona robisontommysheridan alex neil robin harper
ullrich brian adam fiona mcleodtommysheridan alex neil s1m 310
morgan fergus ewing andrew wilsontommysheridan alex neil s1m 352
campbell andrew wilson alasdair morgantommysheridan alex neil s1m 368
scotland supported by fiona hysloptommysheridan allan wilson bristow muldoon
the name of tommy sheridantommysheridan amendment 1 is technical
36 in the name oftommysheridan amendment 37 in the
35 in the name oftommysheridan amendments 7 and 8
any such treatment s1m 3312tommysheridan ancillary staff in the
comments that i made totommysheridan and john swinney the
the minister and his officialstommysheridan and mike dailly we
within that constraint des mcnultytommysheridan and others argued for
by tricia marwick alex neiltommysheridan andrew wilson alasdair morgan
russell cathy jamieson linda fabianitommysheridan andrew wilson brian adam
mr john munro donald gorrietommysheridan andrew wilson mr keith
lochhead alex neil s1m 939tommysheridan animal welfare and the
simple fack near sloganised bitommysheridan at the maist raicent
a hash symbol s1m 180tommysheridan bbc tv election coverage
by donald gorrie s1m 180tommysheridan bbc tv election coverage
mr gil paterson tricia marwicktommysheridan ben wallace mr kenneth
sandra white mr gil patersontommysheridan ben wallace s1m 1022
wilson alasdair morgan roseanna cunninghamtommysheridan brian adam fiona hyslop
mr andrew welsh robin harpertommysheridan brian adam linda fabiani
ben wallace mr john swinneytommysheridan brian adam mr brian
16 january 2002 fiona hysloptommysheridan bristow muldoon s1m 2614
sandra white mr kenneth gibsontommysheridan bruce crawford linda fabiani
2001 supported by alex neiltommysheridan business bulletin 55 2001
hyslop bill butler irene mcgugantommysheridan business bulletin no 154
february 2003 mr lloyd quinantommysheridan business bulletin no 35
gillon janis hughes dennis canavantommysheridan business bulletin no 5
on 25 june s1m 77tommysheridan business rates that the
her statement susan deacon wouldtommysheridan care to examine the
ian jenkins mr adam ingramtommysheridan cathy jamieson donald gorrie
ms margaret curran scott barrietommysheridan cathy jamieson fiona mcleod
maureen macmillan mr kenneth gibsontommysheridan cathy peattie s1m 1074
neil margaret smith s1m 1245tommysheridan central aberdeenshire youth advice
in these industries supported bytommysheridan christine grahame colin campbell
the motion was supported bytommysheridan christine grahame donald gorrie
michael matheson mr adam ingramtommysheridan christine grahame robert brown
7 december 2001 irene mcgugantommysheridan christine grahame s1m 2530
lodged on 7 december 2001tommysheridan christine grahame s1m 2533
lodged on 4 december 2001tommysheridan christine grahame shona robison
mr kenny macaskill s1m 986tommysheridan coffee shops that the
john swinney mr kenneth gibsontommysheridan colin campbell alex neil
dr winnie ewing nick johnstontommysheridan colin campbell mr kenny
lodged on 3 april 2001tommysheridan colin campbell s1m 1821
on 25 june s1m 78tommysheridan committees that the parliament
and environmental renewal s1m 4028tommysheridan compensation for mesothelioma sufferers
quinan tricia marwick s1m 1094tommysheridan consultation document on school
kenny macaskill s1m 1202 1tommysheridan council tax collection as
mr keith raffan s1m 79tommysheridan decentralisation that the parliament
by linda fabiani john mcalliontommysheridan dennis canavan alex fergusson
by linda fabiani john mcalliontommysheridan dennis canavan alex fergusson
scott irene mcgugan donald gorrietommysheridan dennis canavan colin campbell
has been made vociferously bytommysheridan des mcnulty and others
that impact beneficially on individualstommysheridan does the member agree
of the charity supported bytommysheridan donald gorrie cathy jamieson
sandra white mr kenneth gibsontommysheridan donald gorrie linda fabiani
marilyn livingstone mr jamie stonetommysheridan donald gorrie mr brian
august 2001 ms sandra whitetommysheridan donald gorrie mr gil
august 2001 ms sandra whitetommysheridan donald gorrie mr gil
august 2001 ms sandra whitetommysheridan donald gorrie mr gil
august 2001 mr kenneth gibsontommysheridan donald gorrie mr john
local support workers supported bytommysheridan donald gorrie mr kenneth
marketing supported by david mundelltommysheridan donald gorrie mr kenneth
alex neil mr adam ingramtommysheridan donald gorrie ms fiona
kenny macaskill mr gil patersontommysheridan donald gorrie ms fiona
david mcletchie mr jamie mcgrigortommysheridan donald gorrie nora radcliffe
harding nora radcliffe david mcletchietommysheridan donald gorrie s1m 353
karen whitefield mr andrew welshtommysheridan dorothy grace elder andrew
3 april 2001 trish godmantommysheridan dorothy grace elder colin
ms sandra white linda fabianitommysheridan dorothy grace elder donald
31 march 2003 supported bytommysheridan dorothy grace elder donald
period supported by david mundelltommysheridan dorothy grace elder donald
tavish scott mr john mcalliontommysheridan dorothy grace elder dr
of sexual abuse supported bytommysheridan dorothy grace elder irene
matheson christine grahame michael russelltommysheridan dorothy grace elder s1m
lodged on 22 may 2000tommysheridan dr elaine murray mr
fiona hyslop dr elaine murraytommysheridan dr richard simpson cathy
jamieson trish godman rhoda granttommysheridan dr richard simpson cathy
rhoda grant dr elaine murraytommysheridan dr richard simpson cathy
shona robison mr kenneth gibsontommysheridan dr winnie ewing alex
gorrie alex neil robin harpertommysheridan dr winnie ewing mr
we have received apologies fromtommysheridan elaine smith jamie stone
cathy peattie apologies gil patersontommysheridan elaine smith jamie stone
winnie ewing mr duncan hamiltontommysheridan elaine smith ms margo
lodged on 23 august 2000tommysheridan elaine smith s1m 1123
radcliffe shona robison deputy convenertommysheridan elaine smith the meeting
adam mary scanlon s1m 1183tommysheridan eniola adewale that the
than 30 minutes s1m 1183tommysheridan eniola adewale that the
neil donald gorrie s1m 331tommysheridan european working time directive
ewing dennis canavan s1m 1836tommysheridan failure to tackle foot
by shona robison fiona mcleodtommysheridan fergus ewing bruce crawford
quinan colin campbell michael russelltommysheridan fergus ewing des mcnulty
welsh shona robison fiona mcleodtommysheridan fergus ewing dr winnie
mcmahon donald gorrie johann lamonttommysheridan fergus ewing margaret jamieson
by shona robison fiona mcleodtommysheridan fergus ewing mr kenneth
is brought forward supported bytommysheridan fergus ewing mr kenneth
quinan michael russell linda fabianitommysheridan fergus ewing nora radcliffe
issue supported by shona robisontommysheridan fiona hyslop linda fabiani
grace elder ms sandra whitetommysheridan fiona mcleod christine grahame
salmond irene mcgugan tricia marwicktommysheridan fiona mcleod linda fabiani
alex neil mr duncan hamiltontommysheridan fiona mcleod mr adam
by richard lochhead irene mcgugantommysheridan fiona mcleod s1m 182
arenas supported by colin campbelltommysheridan fiona mcleod s1m 380
boyack bristow muldoon scott barrietommysheridan fiona mcleod s1m 3962
the 21st century s1m 3310tommysheridan flood victims in glasgow
gibson tommy sheridan s1m 1286tommysheridan glasgow light rail scheme
scanlon nick johnston s1m 1127tommysheridan glasgow schools pfi that
further improvements can be achievedtommysheridan glasgow ssp as a
affirmation robin harper lothians greentommysheridan glasgow ssp before making
members made a solemn affirmationtommysheridan glasgow ssp brian adam
more transparent and more accountabletommysheridan glasgow ssp does the
the world of practical governmenttommysheridan glasgow ssp does the
will respond clearly and decisivelytommysheridan glasgow ssp does the
cathy peattie falkirk east labtommysheridan glasgow ssp elaine smith
malcolm chisholm okay 12 20tommysheridan glasgow ssp first my
lab robin harper lothians greentommysheridan glasgow ssp george lyon
and the executive s worktommysheridan glasgow ssp given that
amendments 35 36 and 37tommysheridan glasgow ssp i accept
minutes mr sheridan 15 10tommysheridan glasgow ssp i welcome
sheridan two minutes 16 34tommysheridan glasgow ssp i will
mcgugan north east scotland snptommysheridan glasgow ssp mr brian
robison north east scotland snptommysheridan glasgow ssp mr david
mr mccabe tricia marwick rosetommysheridan glasgow ssp on a
two amendments to that motiontommysheridan glasgow ssp on a
in scotland and two amendmentstommysheridan glasgow ssp on a
not mention the word executivetommysheridan glasgow ssp on a
and community care malcolm chisholmtommysheridan glasgow ssp shona robison
of the parliament 10 12tommysheridan glasgow ssp shona robison
see it spreading throughout scotlandtommysheridan glasgow ssp three months
further increase later this yeartommysheridan glasgow ssp will malcolm
mackay deputy minister for justicetommysheridan glasgow ssp witnesses mike
of diabetes research s1m 3306tommysheridan greater glasgow acute services
of the board s1m 3305tommysheridan greater pollok citizens advice
impact on the response ratetommysheridan has already mentioned the
and agreed to the convenertommysheridan has spoken to amendment
of 2002 i think thattommysheridan has to address the
ms sandra white s1m 1130tommysheridan higher still 2000 exams
the book town s1m 85tommysheridan housing capital receipts that
do not always agree withtommysheridan i agree with him
sheridan to move amendment 4tommysheridan i am disappointed with
allow any further procedural discussiontommysheridan i am very sorry
sheridan you have four minutestommysheridan i appreciate that i
money where my mouth wastommysheridan i bet that the
revisited however with respect totommysheridan i do not think
request to speak buttons nowtommysheridan i have already informed
on behalf of alex neiltommysheridan i may be wrong
the end of the debatetommysheridan i move amendment s1m
members indicated agreement 16 43tommysheridan i thank both the
technically it does not falltommysheridan i withdraw it on
mr jamie stone dennis canavantommysheridan ian jenkins christine grahame
a hash symbol s1m 2904tommysheridan improving glasgow s council
leisure activities s1m 1631 1tommysheridan increased water charges as
neil tommy sheridan s1m 1274tommysheridan independent police complaints tribunal
fabiani kenneth gibson fiona mcleodtommysheridan irene mcgugan dennis canavan
august 2001 ms sandra whitetommysheridan irene mcgugan donald gorrie
kay ullrich mr john swinneytommysheridan irene mcgugan mrs margaret
poindings and warrant sales billtommysheridan is here accompanied by
answer and close mr sheridantommysheridan it gives me pleasure
must wind up mr sheridantommysheridan it is always good
it on the same pointtommysheridan it is on the
supported by dorothy grace eldertommysheridan jamie stone john mcallion
kenneth gibson mr adam ingramtommysheridan john scott lord james
livingstone cathie craigie kate macleantommysheridan karen gillon alex neil
wilson michael matheson alasdair morgantommysheridan karen gillon alex neil
maclean trish godman maureen macmillantommysheridan karen gillon alex neil
stone bruce crawford trish godmantommysheridan karen gillon janis hughes
2001 supported by alex neiltommysheridan kay ullrich lloyd quinan
3811 in the name oftommysheridan leave out from agrees
3811 in the name oftommysheridan leave out from agrees
3811 in the name oftommysheridan leave out from agrees
3811 in the name oftommysheridan leave out from agrees
3809 in the name oftommysheridan leave out from first
3809 in the name oftommysheridan leave out from first
1627 in the name oftommysheridan leave out from first
jackson kenneth macintosh margaret currantommysheridan lewis macdonald dr richard
gibson fiona mcleod s1m 1131tommysheridan lewis offshore that the
dr winnie ewing andrew wilsontommysheridan linda fabiani fergus ewing
mr kenneth gibson michael russelltommysheridan linda fabiani fiona mcleod
fiona hyslop mr lloyd quinantommysheridan linda fabiani margaret jamieson
lodged on 10 august 2001tommysheridan linda fabiani mr gil
chechnya supported by alex neiltommysheridan linda fabiani mrs margaret
lodged on 6 august 2001tommysheridan linda fabiani s1m 2100
michael russell s1m 1598 1tommysheridan local government finance scotland
nora radcliffe mr lloyd quinantommysheridan lodged on 28 january
duncan mcneil mr duncan hamiltontommysheridan margaret jamieson elaine thomson
gallie mary scanlon cathie craigietommysheridan margaret jamieson robert brown
mr john mcallion nora radcliffetommysheridan margaret jamieson robin harper
macdonald alex neil lloyd quinantommysheridan margaret smith iain smith
macdonald alex neil lloyd quinantommysheridan margaret smith iain smith
mcallion mary scanlon nicola sturgeontommysheridan margaret smith robin harper
hyslop nick johnston john scotttommysheridan mary scanlon mr brian
james douglas hamilton nick johnstontommysheridan mary scanlon mr david
morgan michael matheson rhoda granttommysheridan mary scanlon s1m 1058
cathy peattie mr john mcalliontommysheridan maureen macmillan alasdair morgan
mcgrigor alex neil donald gorrietommysheridan michael matheson dr winnie
andrew wilson dorothy grace eldertommysheridan michael matheson mr kenneth
dorothy grace elder nora radcliffetommysheridan michael matheson mr kenneth
boyack brian adam fiona mcleodtommysheridan michael mcmahon jackie baillie
grace elder ms sandra whitetommysheridan michael russell fiona hyslop
heritage supported by irene mcgugantommysheridan michael russell linda fabiani
having implants removed supported bytommysheridan michael russell mr adam
canavan fiona mcleod robin harpertommysheridan michael russell proposed gaelic
commitment to education s1m 3313tommysheridan mismanagement in further education
cunningham nora radcliffe s1m 1259tommysheridan mmr vaccine that the
the redevelopment of waverley stationtommysheridan moved amendment s1m 3229
1 abolition of council taxtommysheridan moved s1m 2631 that
introduction of progressive water taxtommysheridan moved s1m 2632 that
and the anti nuclear campaigntommysheridan moved s1m 2633 that
meals scotland bill stage 1tommysheridan moved s1m 3223 that
motion irene mcgugan moved amendmenttommysheridan moved the deputy first
tricia marwick mr duncan hamiltontommysheridan mr adam ingram mr
ms fiona mcleod michael russelltommysheridan mr adam ingram mr
february 2003 mr gil patersontommysheridan mr adam ingram s1m
february 2003 mr gil patersontommysheridan mr adam ingram s1m
peattie fiona hyslop linda fabianitommysheridan mr andrew welsh alex
mr lloyd quinan murdo frasertommysheridan mr brian monteith bill
public supported by shona robisontommysheridan mr brian monteith michael
quinan donald gorrie andrew wilsontommysheridan mr brian monteith phil
lodged on 27 june 2001tommysheridan mr brian monteith s1m
canavan robin harper tricia marwicktommysheridan mr david davidson david
godman donald gorrie tricia marwicktommysheridan mr david davidson mr
mcneill cathy peattie kay ullrichtommysheridan mr duncan hamilton tavish
lodged on 13 february 2003tommysheridan mr gil paterson mr
lodged on 14 february 2003tommysheridan mr gil paterson mr
mcgugan fiona mcleod margo macdonaldtommysheridan mr gil paterson s1m
christine grahame mr john mcalliontommysheridan mr jamie mcgrigor david
gallie david mcletchie michael russelltommysheridan mr jamie mcgrigor mr
standards supported by mary scanlontommysheridan mr jamie stone mrs
26 april 2000 supported bytommysheridan mr john mcallion michael
john swinney mr duncan hamiltontommysheridan mr john mcallion nicola
scott barrie dr sylvia jacksontommysheridan mr keith harding bruce
adam phil gallie fergus ewingtommysheridan mr keith harding mr
mcletchie lord james douglas hamiltontommysheridan mr keith harding mr
grahame gil paterson dennis canavantommysheridan mr keith harding proposed
lodged on 16 january 2002tommysheridan mr keith raffan bristow
by scott barrie mike rumblestommysheridan mr keith raffan dr
january 2002 mr andrew welshtommysheridan mr keith raffan s1m
scott tricia marwick des mcnultytommysheridan mr kenneth gibson alex
matter of urgency supported bytommysheridan mr kenneth gibson malcolm
just shop there supported bytommysheridan mr kenneth gibson michael
michael matheson mr gil patersontommysheridan mr kenneth gibson michael
supported by dorothy grace eldertommysheridan mr kenneth gibson michael
mr lloyd quinan alex neiltommysheridan mr kenneth gibson mr
elaine smith mr allan wilsontommysheridan mr kenneth gibson mr
mr lloyd quinan irene mcgugantommysheridan mr kenneth gibson mrs
sturgeon robin harper roseanna cunninghamtommysheridan mr kenneth gibson ms
by ben wallace mary scanlontommysheridan mr kenneth gibson pauline
lodged on 22 may 2000tommysheridan mr kenneth gibson s1m
simpson allan wilson michael mathesontommysheridan mr kenneth macintosh alex
canavan linda fabiani irene mcgugantommysheridan mr kenny macaskill michael
alex johnstone dorothy grace eldertommysheridan mr kenny macaskill phil
wilson fergus ewing roseanna cunninghamtommysheridan mr lloyd quinan alasdair
aitken lord james douglas hamiltontommysheridan mr lloyd quinan alex
kenneth gibson mr andrew welshtommysheridan mr lloyd quinan andrew
which affect them supported bytommysheridan mr lloyd quinan donald
alex neil mr kenneth gibsontommysheridan mr lloyd quinan dorothy
marwick brian adam fiona hysloptommysheridan mr lloyd quinan irene
fiona hyslop mr duncan hamiltontommysheridan mr lloyd quinan s1m
smith alex neil nora radcliffetommysheridan mr lloyd quinan tricia
4 december 2001 fiona mcleodtommysheridan mr michael mcmahon christine
mr adam ingram alasdair morgantommysheridan mr murray tosh alex
smith nicola sturgeon fiona hysloptommysheridan mr murray tosh mr
mouth disease r supported bytommysheridan mr murray tosh s1m
michael matheson mr alex neiltommysheridan mr stewart stevenson mr
lodged on 13 february 2003tommysheridan mr tom mccabe ms
mr keith raffan johann lamonttommysheridan mr tom mccabe s1m
maclean bristow muldoon adam ingramtommysheridan mrs kay ullrich kenneth
maclean bristow muldoon adam ingramtommysheridan mrs kay ullrich kenneth
mrs elaine smith robert browntommysheridan mrs kay ullrich mr
duncan hamilton mr robin harpertommysheridan mrs kay ullrich mr
david davidson dr sylvia jacksontommysheridan mrs kay ullrich mr
jamieson malcolm chisholm scott barrietommysheridan mrs lyndsay mcintosh s1m
canavan shona robison nicola sturgeontommysheridan mrs margaret ewing fiona
andrew welsh mr duncan hamiltontommysheridan mrs margaret ewing fiona
michael russell mr alex salmondtommysheridan mrs margaret ewing mr
wilson nick johnston fergus ewingtommysheridan mrs margaret smith donald
practice supported by scott barrietommysheridan mrs nora radcliffe ms
fiona hyslop mr duncan hamiltontommysheridan ms margo macdonald bruce
harper richard lochhead michael mathesontommysheridan ms margo macdonald cathy
fiona hyslop mr duncan hamiltontommysheridan ms margo macdonald david
white michael matheson tricia marwicktommysheridan ms margo macdonald mary
mr lloyd quinan michael russelltommysheridan ms margo macdonald mr
mr adam ingram tricia marwicktommysheridan ms margo macdonald mr
campbell michael russell linda fabianitommysheridan ms margo macdonald mr
robison lloyd quinan linda fabianitommysheridan ms margo macdonald proposed
john farquhar munro jamie stonetommysheridan ms margo macdonald robin
john farquhar munro jamie stonetommysheridan ms margo macdonald robin
fiona hyslop mr duncan hamiltontommysheridan ms margo macdonald s1m
adam ingram mr gil patersontommysheridan ms pauline mcneill mrs
macintosh donald gorrie maureen macmillantommysheridan ms pauline mcneill ms
hyslop shona robison nora radcliffetommysheridan ms sandra white fiona
simpson colin campbell robert browntommysheridan ms sandra white fiona
grahame fiona hyslop robert browntommysheridan ms sandra white mrs
macintosh robert brown donald gorrietommysheridan ms sandra white rhoda
campbell richard lochhead nicola sturgeontommysheridan ms sandra white robin
moving each may supported bytommysheridan ms sandra white s1m
lodged on 18 february 2003tommysheridan ms sandra white s1m
lloyd quinan mr gil patersontommysheridan ms sandra white s1m
lodged on 18 february 2003tommysheridan ms sandra white s1m
gibson colin campbell fiona mcleodtommysheridan ms sandra white shona
committee will take evidence fromtommysheridan msp 3 complaint in
principles of the bill fromtommysheridan msp and mike dailly
an ever expanding work loadtommysheridan my question relates specifically
ewing donald gorrie s1m 306tommysheridan national air traffic services
names of richard simpson andtommysheridan neither of whom are
dr richard simpson amendment movedtommysheridan nicola sturgeon glasgow snp
neil lloyd quinan linda fabianitommysheridan nora radcliffe gil paterson
mr lloyd quinan linda fabianitommysheridan nora radcliffe mr murray
sheridan ben wallace s1m 1022tommysheridan north lanarkshire council direct
brown donald gorrie s1m 332tommysheridan objective 2 funding that
crawford bruce crawford was ittommysheridan on a point of
to respond to all commentstommysheridan on a point of
first question is also yestommysheridan on the minister s
johann lamont ms margaret currantommysheridan paul martin fiona mcleod
similar research study s1m 3315tommysheridan pension package for scottish
nora radcliffe s1m 1134 1tommysheridan pensioner poverty in scotland
smith richard lochhead s1m 23tommysheridan pensioners charter that the
on 1 june s1m 20tommysheridan poll tax amnesty that
proposal under rule 9 14tommysheridan proposed debtors amendment bill
proposal under rule 9 14tommysheridan proposed debtors amendment bill
radcliffe margaret smith donald gorrietommysheridan proposed poindings and warrant
nick johnston mr kenneth gibsontommysheridan proposed school meals scotland
canavan mike watson nick johnstontommysheridan proposed school meals scotland
mr kenny macaskill s1m 1169tommysheridan provision of beta interferon
mr david davidson s1m 1267tommysheridan rail disasters that the
neil andrew wilson s1m 202tommysheridan rail safety that the
waverley station s1m 3229 2tommysheridan railways in scotland as
waverley station s1m 3229 2tommysheridan railways in scotland as
aware of the issue thattommysheridan raises and i am
the parliamentary debate to whichtommysheridan referred i have since
put in place gordon jacksontommysheridan referred to this committee
adam ingram dr elaine murraytommysheridan rhoda grant scott barrie
gibson alasdair morgan fiona hysloptommysheridan richard lochhead cathy jamieson
mcleod colin campbell tricia marwicktommysheridan richard lochhead shona robison
resolution of cases s1m 4027tommysheridan rights of trade unions
of the country s1m 1835tommysheridan rise in rail fares
adam mike russell duncan hamiltontommysheridan robert brown christine grahame
ewing richard lochhead alex neiltommysheridan robert brown linda fabiani
cunningham michael matheson dennis canavantommysheridan robin harper alex neil
dennis canavan mr lloyd quinantommysheridan robin harper christine grahame
service supported by fergus ewingtommysheridan robin harper donald gorrie
mr adam ingram cathy jamiesontommysheridan robin harper donald gorrie
andrew wilson ms sandra whitetommysheridan robin harper irene mcgugan
real best value supported bytommysheridan robin harper malcolm chisholm
alex neil mr kenneth gibsontommysheridan robin harper mr lloyd
alex neil mr kenneth gibsontommysheridan robin harper mr lloyd
by christine grahame alex neiltommysheridan robin harper mr lloyd
won their cases supported bytommysheridan robin harper ms margo
mr brian monteith nora radcliffetommysheridan robin harper nick johnston
out mr sheridan s amendmenttommysheridan rose the deputy presiding
jackson and pauline mcneill abouttommysheridan s amendment a year
irene mcgugan s motion andtommysheridan s amendment i am
several members have said thattommysheridan s amendment provides an
that we will move totommysheridan s amendment s1m 459
that extent we agree withtommysheridan s basic objection to
the issue although i taketommysheridan s point and the
s second colours further totommysheridan s question is the
lodged on 19 june 2000tommysheridan s1m 1000 national lottery
lodged on 20 june 2000tommysheridan s1m 1023 failure to
morgan tricia marwick fiona hysloptommysheridan s1m 1025 christine grahame
lodged on 20 june 2000tommysheridan s1m 1028 road traffic
lodged on 21 june 2000tommysheridan s1m 1037 support for
tricia marwick mr john munrotommysheridan s1m 1038 trish godman
lodged on 21 june 2000tommysheridan s1m 1039 moratorium on
lodged on 21 june 2000tommysheridan s1m 1040 food safety
lodged on 21 june 2000tommysheridan s1m 1041 forgotten children
lodged on 21 june 2000tommysheridan s1m 1042 breast feeding
wilson fergus ewing tricia marwicktommysheridan s1m 1042 cathy jamieson
lodged on 21 june 2000tommysheridan s1m 1043 steeplejacks lodged
lodged on 22 june 2000tommysheridan s1m 1044 scottish criminal
ingram tricia marwick fiona hysloptommysheridan s1m 1045 john scott
lodged on 23 june 2000tommysheridan s1m 1046 use of
paterson robin harper donald gorrietommysheridan s1m 1048 ms margo
lodged on 23 june 2000tommysheridan s1m 1049 glasgow airport
lodged on 26 june 2000tommysheridan s1m 1050 access to
matheson tricia marwick fiona hysloptommysheridan s1m 1052 brian adam
lodged on 27 june 2000tommysheridan s1m 1053 sheltered housing
lodged on 27 june 2000tommysheridan s1m 1058 securing of
lodged on 27 june 2000tommysheridan s1m 1059 educational and
morgan michael matheson tricia marwicktommysheridan s1m 1059 mr john
elder karen whitefield mike watsontommysheridan s1m 1063 andrew wilson
lodged on 28 june 2000tommysheridan s1m 1063 voting rights
lodged on 29 june 2000tommysheridan s1m 1064 ferguson shipbuilders
lodged on 29 june 2000tommysheridan s1m 1069 criminal injuries
lodged on 30 june 2000tommysheridan s1m 1071 holding local
lodged on 3 july 2000tommysheridan s1m 1075 the jeely
lodged on 3 july 2000tommysheridan s1m 1078 scottish civic
of their success supported bytommysheridan s1m 1080 mr gil
lodged on 4 july 2000tommysheridan s1m 1080 school repairs
lodged on 4 july 2000tommysheridan s1m 1081 growing concern
lodged on 4 july 2000tommysheridan s1m 1082 appreciation to
lodged on 17 july 2000tommysheridan s1m 1099 oil rig
lodged on 21 july 2000tommysheridan s1m 1105 vehicle body
lodged on 24 july 2000tommysheridan s1m 1109 poverty in
lodged on 3 august 2000tommysheridan s1m 1110 borders railway
matheson christine grahame tricia marwicktommysheridan s1m 1114 david mcletchie
lodged on 9 august 2000tommysheridan s1m 1115 protection of
lodged on 10 august 2000tommysheridan s1m 1117 date stamping
lodged on 14 august 2000tommysheridan s1m 1118 childhood sexual
lodged on 14 august 2000tommysheridan s1m 1119 aberdeen angus
lodged on 21 august 2000tommysheridan s1m 1120 standby vessel
lodged on 25 august 2000tommysheridan s1m 1125 autistic spectrum
lodged on 29 august 2000tommysheridan s1m 1129 threat to
lodged on 1 september 2000tommysheridan s1m 1140 25th anniversary
lodged on 1 september 2000tommysheridan s1m 1142 planning and
lodged on 7 september 2000tommysheridan s1m 1144 scottish rugby
lodged on 6 september 2000tommysheridan s1m 1150 0345 phone
lodged on 7 september 2000tommysheridan s1m 1160 permitted telecommunications
matter of urgency supported bytommysheridan s1m 1181 nick johnston
lodged on 16 october 2000tommysheridan s1m 1248 macmillan cancer
lodged on 25 october 2000tommysheridan s1m 1263 caledonian macbrayne
tricia marwick mrs margaret ewingtommysheridan s1m 1264 mr kenneth
mr kenneth gibson roseanna cunninghamtommysheridan s1m 1265 mr adam
alex neil mr keith hardingtommysheridan s1m 1272 gordon jackson
marwick shona robison alex neiltommysheridan s1m 1274 tommy sheridan
ian jenkins mr michael mcmahontommysheridan s1m 1279 brian adam
lodged on 30 october 2000tommysheridan s1m 1281 difficulties faced
information supported by linda fabianitommysheridan s1m 1283 alasdair morgan
supported by mr kenneth gibsontommysheridan s1m 1286 tommy sheridan
lodged on 1 november 2000tommysheridan s1m 1300 beating bowel
lodged on 2 november 2000tommysheridan s1m 1306 baillieston community
lodged on 6 november 2000tommysheridan s1m 1314 congratulations to
lodged on 8 november 2000tommysheridan s1m 1319 mesothelioma lodged
lodged on 13 november 2000tommysheridan s1m 1332 addressing problems
november 2000 dr sylvia jacksontommysheridan s1m 1344 ayr united
trish godman dr sylvia jacksontommysheridan s1m 1360 inverkeithing s
trish godman dr sylvia jacksontommysheridan s1m 1366 couping of
lodged on 27 november 2000tommysheridan s1m 1393 fullarton computer
november 2000 mr gil patersontommysheridan s1m 1395 abuse of
linda fabiani mr gil patersontommysheridan s1m 1397 pornography in
november 2000 mr gil patersontommysheridan s1m 1412 surjit singh
30 november 2000 linda fabianitommysheridan s1m 1413 st andrew
lodged on 6 december 2000tommysheridan s1m 1427 phil gallie
adam ingram mr gil patersontommysheridan s1m 1435 act of
morgan irene mcgugan dennis canavantommysheridan s1m 1620 robert fergusson
resulting murder trials supported bytommysheridan s1m 166 mr john
lodged on 28 september 1999tommysheridan s1m 172 1 mr
dr elaine murray nora radcliffetommysheridan s1m 1787 community nurses
lodged on 26 march 2001tommysheridan s1m 1792 use of
lodged on 27 march 2001tommysheridan s1m 1798 award to
gibson fergus ewing dennis canavantommysheridan s1m 181 mrs margaret
lodged on 3 april 2001tommysheridan s1m 1819 airdrie fc
mr mike rumbles brian adamtommysheridan s1m 187 mr nick
19 may 1999 supported bytommysheridan s1m 2 2 mr
lodged 19 may supported bytommysheridan s1m 2 2 mr
27 june 2001 irene mcgugantommysheridan s1m 2050 bingo licence
june 2001 dorothy grace eldertommysheridan s1m 2055 byre theatre
donald gorrie mr brian monteithtommysheridan s1m 2058 review of
lodged on 3 august 2001tommysheridan s1m 2094 support for
lodged on 9 august 2001tommysheridan s1m 2101 james wilson
lodged on 12 march 2002tommysheridan s1m 2882 1 mary
march 2002 ms sandra whitetommysheridan s1m 2883 1 john
12 march 2002 bill butlertommysheridan s1m 2883 nuclear power
michael matheson ms sandra whitetommysheridan s1m 2885 hamish henderson
michael matheson ms sandra whitetommysheridan s1m 2886 rural postal
michael matheson ms sandra whitetommysheridan s1m 2887 gm trials
fiona mcleod dr richard simpsontommysheridan s1m 311 mr brian
james douglas hamilton phil gallietommysheridan s1m 329 allan wilson
a nuclear accident supported bytommysheridan s1m 3356 drug testing
bruce crawford mr kenneth gibsontommysheridan s1m 3371 michael russell
mr kenneth gibson michael mathesontommysheridan s1m 3372 shona robison
mr kenneth gibson michael mathesontommysheridan s1m 3374 marilyn livingstone
regeneration supported by michael mathesontommysheridan s1m 3377 irene mcgugan
and to scotland supported bytommysheridan s1m 3384 iain smith
mr keith harding david mcletchietommysheridan s1m 351 alex fergusson
mr gil paterson kay ullrichtommysheridan s1m 3715 theatre in
8 january 2003 roseanna cunninghamtommysheridan s1m 3735 scotland s
lodged on 8 january 2003tommysheridan s1m 3750 ageism in
lodged on 8 january 2003tommysheridan s1m 3753 regeneration of
lodged on 17 february 2003tommysheridan s1m 3906 end pro
lodged on 19 february 2003tommysheridan s1m 3923 public opposition
february 2003 mr lloyd quinantommysheridan s1m 3923 public opposition
lloyd quinan mr adam ingramtommysheridan s1m 3926 early partial
lloyd quinan mr adam ingramtommysheridan s1m 3928 anti war
fiona mcleod mrs margaret ewingtommysheridan s1m 3929 possible military
matheson robin harper elaine smithtommysheridan s1m 3932 post office
robin harper mr gil patersontommysheridan s1m 3934 closure of
sandra white mr adam ingramtommysheridan s1m 3937 civil service
mcmahon john young scott barrietommysheridan s1m 3938 social inclusion
mcmahon john young scott barrietommysheridan s1m 3938 social inclusion
elaine smith ms sandra whitetommysheridan s1m 3940 shipbuilding on
elaine smith ms sandra whitetommysheridan s1m 3940 trish godman
christine grahame ms sandra whitetommysheridan s1m 3941 children of
christine grahame ms sandra whitetommysheridan s1m 3941 christine grahame
douglas hamilton mrs lyndsay mcintoshtommysheridan s1m 3942 brian adam
february 2003 mrs lyndsay mcintoshtommysheridan s1m 3942 chewing gum
mr keith raffan johann lamonttommysheridan s1m 3960 700th anniversary
by robin harper sarah boyacktommysheridan s1m 3961 jackie baillie
2003 robin harper sarah boyacktommysheridan s1m 3961 reform of
boyack bristow muldoon scott barrietommysheridan s1m 3962 arjo wiggins
lodged on 22 may 2000tommysheridan s1m 887 1 michael
was disappointed to hear whattommysheridan said about the diligence
into nursing training however astommysheridan said there is still
issue of income data astommysheridan said we should look
to the area s1m 3308tommysheridan salary level of firefighters
meals scotland bill s1m 3223tommysheridan school meals scotland bill
mr murray tosh s1m 1113tommysheridan scottish criminal cases review
a hash symbol s1m 602tommysheridan scottish parliament holyrood that
mr lloyd quinan irene mcgugantommysheridan shona robison christine grahame
grace elder mr lloyd quinantommysheridan shona robison christine grahame
tickets supported by brian adamtommysheridan shona robison fiona mcleod
mcgrigor highlands and islands contommysheridan shona robison north east
new opportunities fund supported bytommysheridan shona robison pauline mcneill
grace elder mr lloyd quinantommysheridan shona robison richard lochhead
9 august 2000 brian adamtommysheridan shona robison s1m 1116
that is a final warningtommysheridan sorry i hoped that
on 1 june s1m 22tommysheridan state of scotland audit
friendship and recognition s1m 3317tommysheridan stoning of amina lawal
sandra white s1m 1194 1tommysheridan summary warrants as an
3811 in the name oftommysheridan support for the february
demonstration in glasgow s1m 3811tommysheridan support for the february
3811 in the name oftommysheridan support for the february
to support the snp motiontommysheridan talked about the honesty
1 june 1999 s1m 22tommysheridan that the parliament calls
by andrew wilson s1m 21tommysheridan that the parliament calls
lamont mike watson s1m 23tommysheridan that the parliament calls
1 june 1999 s1m 20tommysheridan that the parliament in
why i say again totommysheridan that the will of
that you do not liketommysheridan the amendments that we
in the chamber also agreetommysheridan the minister will accept
scottish business s1m 4057 3tommysheridan the scottish economy as
it would be bad legislationtommysheridan there is no objection
paterson alex neil s1m 2120tommysheridan threat to civil liberties
development group s1f 1249 4tommysheridan to ask the first
and by college s1w 6020tommysheridan to ask the scottish
of that trade s1w 1746tommysheridan to ask the scottish
for money advice s1w 32371tommysheridan to ask the scottish
secondment has lasted s1w 24072tommysheridan to ask the scottish
trunk roads s1o 6470 26tommysheridan to ask the scottish
and external affairs s1w 17686tommysheridan to ask the scottish
review of cities s1w 22123tommysheridan to ask the scottish
c 3755 6 s1w 32343tommysheridan to ask the scottish
council tax arrears s1w 24073tommysheridan to ask the scottish
any such legislation s1w 14942tommysheridan to ask the scottish
be available s1o 6305 11tommysheridan to ask the scottish
scotland act 1976 s1w 32370tommysheridan to ask the scottish
take private patients s1w 22124tommysheridan to ask the scottish
for money advice s1w 32372tommysheridan to ask the scottish
specifically to tourism s1w 14936tommysheridan to ask the scottish
renewable energy s1o 4890 17tommysheridan to ask the scottish
scallop industry s1o 3780 4tommysheridan to ask the scottish
of transport s1o 5801 21tommysheridan to ask the scottish
to their situation s1w 14941tommysheridan to ask the scottish
a disincentive s1o 1773 23tommysheridan to ask the scottish
last three years s1w 16828tommysheridan to ask the scottish
the same period s1w 31866tommysheridan to ask the scottish
from eating disorders s1w 32325tommysheridan to ask the scottish
gypsies and travellers s1w 14937tommysheridan to ask the scottish
gypsies and travellers s1w 14938tommysheridan to ask the scottish
recycled aggregates s1o 6433 7tommysheridan to ask the scottish
is being abolished s1w 16829tommysheridan to ask the scottish
ii board area s1w 32344tommysheridan to ask the scottish
gypsies and travellers s1w 14939tommysheridan to ask the scottish
its targets s1o 5381 14tommysheridan to ask the scottish
katrine water project s1w 22094tommysheridan to ask the scottish
local elections s1o 3826 18tommysheridan to ask the scottish
made publicly available s1w 32374tommysheridan to ask the scottish
gypsies and travellers s1w 14940tommysheridan to ask the scottish
social inclusion s1o 416 9tommysheridan to ask the scottish
on the group s1w 32373tommysheridan to ask the scottish
the bill remains i calltommysheridan to move amendment 4
6 the convener i calltommysheridan to speak to amendments
officer patricia ferguson i calltommysheridan to speak to and
the order of speakers fortommysheridan to sum up if
1 in the name oftommysheridan tommy sheridan amendment 1
openly and frankly s1m 2903tommysheridan trade union rights for
elderly people themselves supported bytommysheridan tricia marwick mr kenneth
pauline mcneill dr winnie ewingtommysheridan tricia marwick mrs mary
pauline mcneill dr winnie ewingtommysheridan tricia marwick mrs mary
6 december 2001 irene mcgugantommysheridan trish godman christine grahame
lodged on 6 december 2001tommysheridan trish godman christine grahame
service supported by cathy peattietommysheridan trish godman donald gorrie
quinan michael russell robert browntommysheridan trish godman dr sylvia
lodged on 1 september 2000tommysheridan trish godman dr sylvia
brown irene mcgugan johann lamonttommysheridan trish godman karen whitefield
by scott barrie irene mcgugantommysheridan trish godman margaret jamieson
elaine murray mr duncan hamiltontommysheridan trish godman mr lloyd
lodged on 6 july 2000tommysheridan trish godman s1m 1098
lodged on 31 august 2000tommysheridan trish godman s1m 1132
dr elaine murray nora radcliffetommysheridan trish godman s1m 1786
lodged on 6 december 2001tommysheridan trish godman s1m 2529
here so i can givetommysheridan two minutes 16 34
scottish parliament s1m 733 2tommysheridan uk legislation on the
by pauline mcneill s1m 3304tommysheridan uk position on iraq
grahame fiona mcleod s1m 1135tommysheridan unison strike that the
mr george reid s1m 3965tommysheridan war pensioners accommodation at
attached to them s1m 389tommysheridan water and sewerage charges
views will be given throughtommysheridan we are familiar with
amendments to motion s1m 1589tommysheridan when will an announcement
4 in the name oftommysheridan which is grouped with
1 in the name oftommysheridan which seeks to amend
for any further state interferencetommysheridan will alex fergusson respond
debate i shall do sotommysheridan will the minister suspend
issue rather than procedural matterstommysheridan with the greatest respect
you want to wind uptommysheridan yes the idea that
f1104: tommy f1103: mmhm f1104: tommyare we goin to take
that tommy did f1103: wastommybiting you f1104: mmhm f1103:
bit mair f1104: tommy [laugh]tommycannae come in the bed
tommy cooper yeah m942: ohtommycooper yeah m941: fez f940:
to go just like thattommycooper yeah m942: oh tommy
f1103: fitt f1104: that thattommydid f1103: was tommy biting
him f1104: tommy tommy tommytommydown [laugh] f1103: [censored: forename] just
nice again f1103: fa f1104: tommyf1103: mmhm f1104: tommy are
f1103: hey tommy f1104: heytommyf1103: no don t you
on sunny daze f1103: heytommyf1104: hey tommy f1103: no
sunday 18 aberdour am katetommyhere tommy s finger better
bursts a bit mair f1104: tommy[laugh] tommy cannae come in
i can hear tommy tommytommypuss f1104: i ca- i
i can hear tommy tommytommypuss i can hear tommy
aberdour am kate tommy heretommys finger better he is
at him f1104: tommy tommytommytommy down [laugh] f1103: [censored: forename]
minute i can hear tommytommytommy puss f1104: i ca-
ca- i can hear tommytommytommy puss i can hear
shout at him f1104: tommytommytommy tommy down [laugh] f1103:
a minute i can heartommytommy tommy puss f1104: i
i ca- i can heartommytommy tommy puss i can
you shout at him f1104: tommytommy tommy tommy down [laugh]
tommy puss i can heartommywhisper f1103: mmhm f1104: whisper
put down mr david mcleantommycarson the schoolteacher s son
area 4 thanks to mrtommy[censored: surname] persistently appearing on the
uh huh f1104: very ve-tommycanna come on after can
because you was [?]glowering[/?] attommyf1103: eh f1104: you were
f1103: i m [?]glowering[/?] attommyf1104: yeah f1103: aye but
f1104: you were [?]glowering[/?] attommyfann you f1103: i m
blue sea f1103: is ittommyfitt you daein f1104: [laugh]
f1104: [exhale] [laugh] ow owtommyget awa fae the bed
though f1104: [laugh] get offtommyget off f1103: [inaudible] f1104:
goes f1103: is that wheretommygoes f1104: mum somebody wants
me f1104: [child noises] [laugh] [inaudible]tommylook f1103: oh come on
we ll hae to movetommytoes f1104: [laugh] yeah [laugh]
him f1103: mmhm f1104: [exhale]tommyyou re sitting on sunny
all cat s stuff aroundtommyf1103: aye well get her
place furthermore i should asktommywhether he thinks that on
described by local worthy heretommymackenzie as being a a
place by the date thattommysuggested i am content with
n young on another occasiontommycarson jumped out in front
back an it had atommycooper hat on m941: how
doon on the stick whentommycooper was speakin an then
my deep blue sea suretommywas on wir bed wasn
for us over the yearstommy[censored: surname] has also left the
an they were playin atommycooper sketch an this brain
in connection with the amendmentstommydo you want to wind
catering it is remembered thattommygoodfellow s band from bervie
phem jims evening sunday 8tommykate here for tea go
edinburgh car behaves well totommykates smell of petrol when
m legs sore rain latertommykyle loses the top of
yeah eh f1127: here stommym1128: show me that f1127:
v g i enjoy readingtommys books sorry can t
that s percy that stommythat s sissy that s
me that f1127: there stommythere and that s the
example of the reason whytommywants this bill to be
shei hirsel an hir mantommywarwick an the feck o

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