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hiv ye read kate speiredtracymowett her interest kinnled kate
niver gee yer ginger quotracymowett i hae the tooshtie
the farmer telt her youngtracymowat drooned in the loch
like mill he cried firsttracymowat droons in the loch
foun o her jaiket poochtracymowat grippit the cuttin o
the hinmaist time o tellintracymowat haundit kate the cuttin
hull cowpin them clean owertracymowat sank like a leid
said naethin the third lassietracymowat sat birlin in the
fit kinno magic kate speiredtracymowat spells tae makk ye
will be called papa whentracyand steven have theirs it
her bladdit buits weel speiredtracyis gavin yer lad or
furl o her flouncin skirtstracytraivelled ten miles ilkie day
jiggin there wi skirt thattracybocht this wikk the same
ye canna blame me furtracys droonin ye ken fine
bi meenlicht merch 21 quotracythochtfu like yon s this
f1026: [inaudible] f1054: what doestracyuse to describe her pregnancy
oors by they rand youngtracytrappit amang yon lang treelipin
a birthday present of atracychapmen cassette from [censored: forename] and
week so i would saytracyis pregnant i wouldn t

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