
See this word as a collocate cloud

square behind a symbolic lemontreeand date palm nothing jars
men on to the palmtreeand i m getting all
have sailed on the palmtreebeaumont ah then it was
stop work on the palmtreebeaumont he ll no dae
work wi andy the palmtreecan sail the day after
no caird oh the palmtreecan sail the morn but
its trill like a palmtreecomes like a kintra loon
s bunnet lairds in palmtreeglens hill station jist like
to the captain the palmtreeis in the haund of
progressing weel wi the palmtreeis it no caird oh
evening provost weel the palmtrees being hauled out beaumont
you haud wi the palmtreesailing the morn beaumont aye
the crew o the palmtreesanderson enters from outside followed
you fashed about the palmtreeshe s weel happed wi
the repair work the palmtreeshould have been under sail
the captain of the palmtreewe were in the same
when fae the leafless rowantreea lanely blackie sang tae
he sat upon a rowantreean sang wi aw his
red rowan berries from thetreeand puts it in her
green brekkin an a rowantreebut juist as she made
bird sat in the rowantreesingin there s nae pussy
reid rowan berries frae thetreethat stuid owre the magic
by 3 halloween wi rowantreeweel fenced aboot we re
bracken leaves and a rowantreewith berries princess nanse enters
o the wattir bonnie gowdtreean he soumed awa an
that day forrit bonnie gowdtreean hir prince leeved thegither
prince gaed ti see gowdtreean she lykit him fyne
hir guid dochter dear gowdtreean weill the keing kent
that thay lockit up gowdtreean whan siller tree cam
oot an thare wes gowdtreeas gleg an weill as
o the touer whaur gowdtreebade again gowd tree saw
ti the mainland whaur gowdtreebade in a graund touer
gowd tree an whan sillertreecam in she coudna finnd
wes the hert o gowdtreedae ye see an up
an fand his dear gowdtreedeid his hert wed lyke
h h hert o gowdtreedid ah hear ye say
hir guid dochter bonnie gowdtreedoucelyke she spak but hir
gaed the kimmer an gowdtreedoun ti the the wattir
whan thare wes princess gowdtreefair growne up an ai
richt intil it an gowdtreefell doun deid the tither
dochter the hert o gowdtreefesh it ti me on
ye an oor dear gowdtreeforaye but ye maunna be
ti fash but littil gowdtreegat bonnier an bonnier an
tree she said but gowdtreeis deid ah ett the
tree she skraicht but gowdtreeis deid ah pat a
the keing said mercie gowdtreeis juist a bit lassie
o a billie gait gowdtreeis mairrit on a gret
o ill wull bonnie gowdtreema dou ir ye no
ay the hert o gowdtreeon a siller ashet gin
did wes ti send gowdtreeoot o herm s wey
awbodie soud delytre in gowdtrees bewtie sae awa she
wurd said she ti gowdtrees faither the keing bi
the puzzint skelf in gowdtrees pinkie in juist ae
yae lest luik at gowdtreesae ae forenicht he gaed
gowd tree bade again gowdtreesaw hir cummin frae the
the auld kimmer lowdent gowdtreesayin atweill she winna she
credit hir ain lugs gowdtreeshe said but gowd tree
credit whit she haird gowdtreeshe skraicht but gowd tree
keep ye bonnie foraye gowdtreestuid quaet but hir kimmer
princess for himsell cawed gowdtreethat wes the bonniest littil
dear lass weill nou gowdtreethocht til hirsell whit herm
huntin this day but gowdtreewes at hame luikin oot
o the chaumer whaur gowdtreewes dernit an thare she
d on the forelaund gowdtreewes sauf forever an foraye
til his ain kintrie gowdtreewes that bonnie that fowk
ye irna nae fears gowdtreeyeir guid dochter is bonnier
ye irna nae fears gowdtreeyeir guid dochter is bonnier
clock never rins back gowdtreeyeir guid dochter is bonnier
of heather an ornamental cherrytreea copper beech and i
collie s bark a beechtreechitters in her sark in
twa hunner year auld beechtreehad been cowpt intae the
a multistorey far the beechtreein her glory shelters birdies
birks are blae a beechtreelike a heron stauns on
lullaby of leaves the beechtrees hush people provider so
two snowflakes the knobbled beechtreesmells of mushroom mould withered
in the park a beechtreewearing broccoli for a hat
at the tap o thetreedivn t they sae flee
watter tae sclim intae theirtreeefter their dook flee tree
adee the sisters maned fleetreeflee an yon itherwardlie tree
tree efter their dook fleetreeflee cries the twa an
divn t they sae fleetreeflee they skirl an the
tree flee an yon itherwardlietreeruggit oot its hale reets
flee they skirl an thetreewi ae michty pech rugs
the kimmer ran ahint sillertreean gruppit hir ticht wi
ye maun mairrie guid sillertreean she wul luik eftir
mukkil taen up wi sillertreebut he coud see that
weill as bonnie queen sillertreebut in thir pairts whan
nor hirsell ae day sillertreecoud thole it na langir
aboot hir bewtie an sillertreedidna lyke that at aw
his promiss an mairrit sillertreefor his dochter s sake
aince the ill hertit sillertreejaggit a puzint skelf richt
walcum yeir guid frein sillertreena weill than at least
kimmer wesna feirt for sillertreeno hir she said she
here ye wul unnerstaun sillertreeopent hir een wyde syne
sae the ill hertit sillertreepat the bottil til hir
the puzzint wyne doun sillertrees thrappil at aince the
s edge an suin sillertreestaupit doun on the grund
tyme gaed in an sillertreethocht she wad gang again
an play wi hir sillertreewes hir name an the
an mair sae for sillertreewes the bonniest queen in
the day ma bonnie sillertreewhit can ah dae for
owre the wattir wes sillertreewi hir blek hert an
ma daddy wi a christmastreeand a robin and a
greetings card its own christmastreechittering inanely with mechanical birds
f1089: weh woah m1090: christmastreechristmas tree i said christmas
and i won some christmastreedecorations [censored: forename] had borrowed the
a bit of a christmastreedoesn t it that one
tree mum i said christmastreef1089: aye m1090: [rustling noise] that
m1098: that s a christmastreef1097: that s a christmas
wow that s a christmastreef1097: yeah m1098: that s
it s got a christmastreef1104: look fitt f1103: and
good in your big christmastreef1154: cause i don t
woah m1090: christmas tree christmastreei said christmas tree mum
if i d a christmastreeit certainly wasn t a
her the big silver christmastreeits abundant and identical blue
you put on the christmastreelights for mummy aren t
christmas day yesterday presents undertreelog fire etc i ve
f1097: that s a christmastreem1098: that s it f1097:
be puttin up our christmastreem1128: write santa s list
the vicinity of the christmastreemice you see and not
christmas tree i said christmastreemum i said christmas tree
had been shifted the christmastreenow stood at one side
all her workers a christmastreeonce workers received their pay
did you do a christmastreeor anything f640: i can
plans for a commercial christmastreeplantation at borland farm gartmore
like the difference between christmastreeskinklin wi fairy lights and
the floor beside the christmastreesort of thing while the
going to get a christmastreethe morning m1096: aye this
fairy castle and a talltreetwinkled its christmas message over
m762: mm yeah f963: atreea tree and so on
git thir days ma bonnietreeah plantit that tree ti
yeah f963: a tree atreeand so on m762: yeah
glistening ball of dung treetreeas a name doesn t
tinkling tree f1114: [exhale] tickletreef1113: tinkling tree oh look
look there s the tinklingtreef1114: [exhale] tickle tree f1113:
green what f1122: a greentreef1121: a green tree that
m1096: no f1095: for thetreem1096: aye for that tree
silence lori birch is thetreeo new beginnins first tree
[exhale] tickle tree f1113: tinklingtreeoh look is that pretty
twa cherry trees twa paretrees an twa plum tree
tree s an twa plumtrees she wis alood ti
green tree f1121: a greentreethat s good right what
tree o new beginnins firsttreeti growe efter the ice
bonnie tree ah plantit thattreeti merk the tyme ah
a glistening ball of dungtreetree as a name doesn
tree m1096: aye for thattreeup there f1095: was ye
gray trunk o an eshtreegrowin asyde the breingin wattirs
aff e bonny big strachttreein eez gairden e trunk
wey an that on thetreetrunk an thare stuid afore
f1089: i ll do thetreetrunk brown see m1090: mmhm
dead just lying there atreetrunk full of worms a
a heich ship frae yontreetrunk owre yonder atweill that
it wis only a bluidytreetrunk we it nearly wat
end o that bonnie weetreeas it wis ripped oot
that cut doun ma bonnietreegin it wesna you wha
bit tak ye tent thistreeis mine the bonnie fruit
you hag doun ma bonnietreelest spring ye pat the
saw hir cut doun thetreeah saw hir dae it
shona eftir dingin doun yeirtreean killin yeir hoond the
l juist hae this firtreeavenue felled doun for a
hill while doun ablow thetreeclad glen wad echo tae
me that cut doun thetreeeilidh puts her hand on
doun ma faither s favoritetreeeilidh she s no eilidh
murdo dreipit doun frae thetreegruppit this kettern bi the
hagg doun malcolm s favoritetreein the gairden for aw
it ful bloom thare thetreeis doun ai malcolm did
shona that dang doun thetreejuist watch weill whit ye
ti chap doun a brawtreelyke that whan it s
that haggit doun yeir favoritetreemalcolm wha wes t than
malcolm wha cut doun matreemoula no reply wha haes
wi haggin doun his favoritetreeshe haed ti kill his
watcht hir cut doun yeirtreethrou the haw windae ah
up ti cawin doun matreeti killin ma hoond an
bushes doun by the saughtreeyont the rashes but said
god abuiin kens aboot thetreea saicont tyme malcolm gaed
ah can git ye anithertreeexit malcolm and shona moula
she didna deny fellin thetreemalcolm ach dinna yerp on
god abuin kens aboot thetreemalcolm angrily ah see ay
kens wha kens aboot thetreemalcolm that s nae aunsir
ai malcolm did loue thattreemoula ma faither is gaun
houss dure up inti thetreealang wi hir thay warna
wee burd sittin on atreebrainch an as thay rade
thay warna lang up thetreeor thay haird the soun
bairns thay breinge til thetreetaps an rin til the
the ruits o the verratreethay war on wheisht whuspert
sons o the green oaktreedid bide port glasgow folk
they green f1089: well thetreeleaves is green aren t
green an dancin like atreenaethin will wither what s
like says jack the xmastreestauns green an swack bairns
hir an spied a coconuttreeshe d hid nae supper
book 1966 1989 arbuthnott familytreeat various times throughout the
book 1966 1989 arbuthnott familytreeat various times throughout the
the pantochronochanon constructs a familytreefor the urquhart family that
it to a word familytreeor at least the appropriate
wishing information on their familytreeshe had sent for a
book pantochronocanon constructs a familytreethat traces the urquhart family
liszt dropped off the familytreeyou simply ceased to exist
wu ti 404 549 eildontree1 1999 19 auld kimmer
table fae ma auld aippletreea perch whaur he is
settlt ahint an auld aiktreeas comfortable as we cuid
forleitit nest a braw ploumtreebasho the auld pypar s
kintrie but the auld firtreedees aye on its first
said auld creepy in thetreehas picked this aipple here
ruits o an auld hawtreei fand twa coal secks
spot jist ahint the auldtreei lean ower the branches
his bield aneath the auldtreeruit for aa he acted
current swirls by an auldtreeruit that s hame sweet
fell in by the auldtreeruit whaur by a bonny
he dertit aneath his auldtreeruit whaur chitterin wi fricht
hidey hole in the auldtreeruit wis it you that
branches o an auld yewtreethe slee bugger i gasped
da grund we wir markittreecables an aa in agreement
an dere dey wir datreeo dem lowerin da sail
reekin an da last datreepeerie grice ever saa o
oot ower da hill datreepeerie grice opened up da
fell soond asleep so datreepeerie grice spent da simmer
joost laek a speedir datreepeerie grice wir awaar o
at da title is datreepeerie pigs sacre bleu no
da perfect ston ta skiptreeskips ll dö een mair
nearer tae the dykeside hawthorntreewhaur i sat nou hardly
wund blawn flouers clauchtsna thetreewhaur the nicht she liggs
the want o his favoritetreean he wes that roused
ah care aboot the bluidietreenou eilidh it wes shona
deid ablo a mukkil aiktreesee said alasdair here wes
ah can aye plant anithertreeyon wes months syne we
glowerin inno whin buss antreefur fear o guid kens
hard by trincomalee syne doontreedoon cried the twa sisters
twa sisters an the oorietreeflyped ower an cam fleetin
daisy i did hae atreeor twa f1074: mmhm mmhm
cries the twa an thetreerugs up its reets an
want ti forget aboot thetreeah canna byde roosed aboot
dinna yerp on aboot thetreeah ve verra near forgotten
verra near forgotten aboot thetreeah want ti forget aboot
aboot cammy s oot histreedimps suddenly stiffens up clutches
wis it gae wis aboottreefeet extra [laugh] in de
canna byde roosed aboot thetreefor the lave o ma
wonderful thing a wee hawthorntreeit wisnae very big aboot
aboot as thick as atreejonsar says this wull hae
s fund oot aboot histreemoula eilidh ah m feart
no a wurd aboot thetreeno ae wurd dinna you
as i wid lik aboottreeor fower times a year
we l forget aboot thetreewhit ah maun ken nou
luvers day halflins aroon aetreeare hotchin far cloots insteid
the brainches o the aetreei the perk blek meltin
the catch there wis aetreeon rootstock mailing 9 sae
long chokin grass one weetreeall alone in a big
too big also an appletreeat the side but there
fishin juist ablow the bigtreestump ah don t think
look at this great bigtreethat s fell ower eh
nine right o that bigtreethat was three feet nine
we could have a bigtreethough couldn t we like
at een o e bigtreetrunks aifter a filie i
door stane ay the dawintreea clap ma naigie see
flichter ti rest in matreean ah hear thaim sayin
s ma faither s weetreeeilidh whit s she daein
am the hoolet in thetreei like moosies fur ma
can a sclim the aippletreena na ma dawtie ye
a souch frae the pinetreestrinkils ma bare heid from
ti deserr this first matreesyne ma hoond an nou
anely a scrunt o atreebooin ower the watter like
lang leaves o the almondtreeower late i thocht tae
stert an syne that mapletreeower yonder ah ve never
lads whit wi faain owertreeruits an getting fanklt an
mm look ower in thattreethere there s a little
tae ablo a mukkil elmtreein the forest sae said
daurna be sae bauld thattreeis special a ve been
turnt in ahint a bittreesae s he cud tak
tattooed screwed oot o theirtreean aff their face wi
oot in its mids birltreebirl they baith caa oot
they baith caa oot thetreebirls like a peerie an
streamin oot ahin syne doontreedoon they skreich an the
tak thum strecht fi thetreepause poo oot that long
tam streekit oot below atreethe fish had tired an
powked oot bi an aiberdeentreethink on the international stooshie
when eve wis by thetreea tellt ye o whit
s whit sweetens the cherrytreepause crab apeuls wis oor
had reached the laddies swingtreeah cuidnae see his rod
she gied me o thetreeand ah hae etten and
ah mind pause the cherrytreecarol the holy famely makin
be seen ah dout thetreemaun hae swallaed it or
nakit hae ye prieit thetreewhilk ah telt ye no
s high up in thetreeand he s low down
cat and go up atreeand tell the cat all
and i was up atreeand would not come down
their rods up agin atreeas shuin as we got
wirld a m med uptreebags o fairdy maet fur
ilka nicht up in thetreebi oor houss end the
picked ten aipples aff histreebit then it isnae up
perched him self up thetreebut the lord who came
up with a plastic firtreedecorated with tinsel and a
fitt s stuck up thetreeeh f1116: that s the
seeing high up in thetreef1114: a bird in the
hidin at f1116: up thetreef1115: how did they get
did they get up atreef1116: look he s got
ti sklim up a heichtreefor fear o wyld beiss
aw the blackie in thetreegied up his sang an
they fun him up atreegirning in french it seemed
that birdie up in thattreehear i think there s
an eden sky an appletreeholds up an eden sky
s tyme see yon deidtreeit s aw dried up
s right dey wir f961: treeo dem up up up
mill workers holding up thetreeof life caused a scandal
or discordant qualities the cosmictreepops up first in a
tae nicht an up thetreeshe sclimmed aa the wye
aneth her airm up yontreeshe sclimmed an aince mair
an back up the oorietreeshe sclims wi a coconut
put it up in thetreeso she can eat er
am barking up the wrongtreethe convener paragraph 13 says
wi the claith frae thetreewhan meg woke up out
rat ran up a rantletreewi a lump o raa
fell doon fae the aippletreeawa an tell yer faither
doon they skreich an thetreefleets doon like a balloon
a wolf s braith ilkietreeon the fite brae doon
ghaistie cloots as frae atreea hoolet hoots coont dracula
public frae a low growintreei hope yer takkin tent
p underneath the spreading chestnuttreemr hitler said to me
she cam tae an eildtrichtreeaa riven an wrinkled like
till she fand the eildritchtreejist as the gloamin gied
she persists in climbing atreeshe falls and dies but
she kent onioething anent histreeshe wad say nae mair
never had she climbed thetreeso high nor swung so
and hing em in atreetae dry she had a
she sclims an dunts thetreetae gar it drap a
ruit o a mukkil aiktreewi a stick she heild
think it s underneath thetreecome on oh look fitt
house look there behind thattreef1122: mu- mm is this
he behind in in atreehere look there he goes
it twigs off o thetreem1096: aye f1095: oh look
roun the side o thetreean gied us a rinnin
scottish branch o the almondtreean his thunderin words proved
the horse anaith a mukkiltreean mak a bed o
tapmaist brainch o yon eidritchtreean steek her moo fur
brainches o the mukkil elmtreean wunner o wunners as
a limb o the educationaltreeas iver liftit a tawse
the fuit o a pinetreehe gaed an he sat
soor geens pooed fae atreehingin full o em an
o rhubarb an a fyowtreeingins at i use files
s a bit o thetreeis it nae f1126: no
was in charge of hilldowntreemill at the brig o
wir f960: oh yeah dattreeo dem dat s right
go lori birch is thetreeo purification birth an renewal
wi a branch o atreeor a bit o bent
wren gin the wyes otreeor branch tae ye be
hang alive on the neisttreeor ye dee o hungir
and meen and fish andtreeroon the circle o a
o whyte aiss bi thetreeruit it wesna lang eftir
changes the colour o thetreesaturday 18th temp 4 15
e shade o a smaatreewe sat ere aitin wir
been a toy no kindlytreed stretch down its boughs
its roots in heaven thistreeis rescued by hugh macdiarmid
stare all day at atreeit will its opinions are
abeen the lums a shargerettreeits branches showdie powdin a
art schoolhill when eden streeput out its leaf its
rain old aberdeen a yewtreeslides its shadow over stones
i think its a willowtreethey are all young trees
in human terms for atreeto bare its soul to
tirred wi shears in ilkietreethe birdsang briers a buzzard
plenishin 10 scots tung cairdstreewi glesses 30p for ilka
the shade ay a talltreewi the hugest fattest leave
husk that keep the infanttreean flooer safe coddlit till
a ll creep aneath thistreean hae a sleep god
c i staun ahint atreean luik an watch him
tied his horse till atreean startit tae walk ahin
s riftin taeds aneth eachtreean turtles hotchin ben the
the jungle an the eildritchtreecairryin a meikle gourd aneth
silver on a lone appletreein an isolated farm garden
kailyaird an the bonniest roddentreein the district at the
as hie as the heichesttreein the forest an fullie
brainches on a mukkil firtreeinby the biggin war an
kail an cabbage parsley leekstreeingins an rhubarb e fite
scornt tae preach bi atreeootbye an the verses flew
the steeple roon the yewtreetak their partners wheech an
that for apples an appletreewell done f1122: [laugh] that
supported by an ancient olivetreewhose gnarled boughs gathered protectively
grown and sometimes an appletreewild brambles rosehips blaeberries rowans
sheins hie abuin a pinetreewund kisses his sleeves an
it wasn t under thetreeit was in your stocking
putting his parcels under thetreemm f1116: next page f1115:
just from santa under thetreeright get it right f640:
a present from under thetreesome remember receiving beads or
a sapling from the bodhitreeunder which buddha received enlightenment
large table under a mimosatreewas perfect for a picnic
a m prune other peartree16 monday cath bad this
bindweed tooters on the cherrytreea second blossoming bindweed trumpets
s kite fish on atreea small welsh hill lullaby
hanging like fruit from atreeabsentee dads are struggling to
very successful because the rantletreeacross the chimney a bar
ain mm is that atreeagain f1122: mmhm f1121: is
the window instead of atreeand a wall the threat
eez heid tae spile atreeat wye i see t
think you should plant atreeat your accident spot too
fitt did mouse get atreeaw do you think the
duntin yer heid aff atreeawthin else was in the
scanning the sea for icebergstreebark amber centipede like a
their burden on towards atreebarking dog haiku thought s
i think that s atreebehind that house m1090: mm
be a shape of atreebut it is a y
blue robin in a baretreeding dong merrily the tills
doesn t grow as atreedoes it does not sprout
gairden in anaith a haathorntreee reef hid tae be
a vulture flaps in atreefanning the dead air on
the shrines at the bodhitreefor a second blessing at
a can sclim the aippletreefor faither says ay weel
left streikit out at atreefuit that fleyed his thirty
their nesties biggit in atreegerron mister cooncil man bigg
tobacca the name of thetreehas a funny origin it
birds had them the cherrytreehas a lovely pink flower
e leafs on e geentreehid a drap at ilky
where s that f1122: atreehou- f1121: in trees where
sparkled like a human xmastreei ve scribbled down some
ponderous feet fish on atreei was a fish with
in bling a stirling xmastreein flaming june a woman
eggs there was a snowballtreein his garden a copy
a child crowned with atreein his hand what s
picked a lemon from thetreein the garden and rinsed
a bird sings in atreein the high wood a
a bird sings in atreein the high wood the
radiating out from a massivetreein the middle of the
at the east of thetreeisland if a fire engine
mm it looks like atreeit could be a shape
at taks ye abeen etreelivvel at a great speed
flash of scarlet behind thetreeno it was a trick
beautiful oriental bedspread depicting atreeof life befuddled by sun
soft like a dove breathingtreeof life white brain stem
grove to finish drawing atreeof peculiar strength and strangeness
off ones for example atreeon a hilltop beneath which
of linguistic development as atreeor as a wave if
sigiriya the chameleon on thetrees a turncoat a magic
first a bud on atrees lang cleuk cud makk
damage done by a weedytreesapling which had taken root
planned to move round eachtreesitting on a cushion from
in the distance a sycomoretreeso he ran in front
a cat hunkit on atreestump hissin by the watter
shim tae get a swingletreetae yoke e shim e
but instead a wooden rantletreethat ran across from the
a chirker hunkert on atreethe fower seasons lamp on
wood a chair s atreethe grain holds good they
not apply to such atreethe world s not owned
think of languages as atreethen we can think of
me nervous it s atreething but it seemed to
also mentioned win casen atreethrown by the wind larick
takes seven years for atreeto show profit and mallorcans
a fleece on a fartreewhen i lay me down
a fig leaf fae thistreewill dae fur eve the
preened their wee feathers thattreewis their perch in a
of a stick off atreewith a good handhold but
much good being a sacredtreewith symbolic credentials if you
did it on sort oftreebark which ma- which will
were prayin tae some kinnatreegod be e time we
in it didna dee etreemuch gweed bit on e
aipples can stick on thetreebit adam man the warld
going to crash in thetreef1097: aye i canna see
li po 701 762 eildontree1 1999 25 clearin at
in buddha at the bodhitreearahath mahinda to king dewanampiyatissa
in front also remove oldtreeat gate by hand 30
on safari at the bodhitreeat the lion rock sigiriya
to ardrossan the old peartreegrew at the top of
time ago noo dey wirtreepeerie grice at bed back
barn door or the roddentreeshowdin saftly at the neuk
the gates of the bodhitreeshrine at anuradhapura the sri
there the great norwegian pinetreewould stand at the top
me tellin ye that thattreeaye brocht me in mynd
s thaw but that weetreesurvived ye can mark by
ll manage to move thetreeawa now he s back
larick s so the singletreebecame the larick like all
what s that in thetreef1114: [?]dinna ken[/?] f1113: lovely isn
bubbles from the bubble falltreef1114: what s that f1113:
thaim mair nor onie ithertreeit s fyne leevin here
to susan s fancy silvertreeit was definitely there in
but fitt s in thetreeno fitt s that f1116:
f1095: dinna keep touchin thetreeor aathing s going to
s break fast had thetreeplate wherein the meal lay
rail blaik lichtnin the heichtrees boughs are lichtnin stangs
glitter of raindrops tarnishing thetrees bridal blossom and turning
what s that f1114: thetrees got the boxie f1113:
in trust buddha in thistrees motherland had conquered self
watching that bird in thattreethat s fitt he s
the butterfly s in thetreewhat s what s that
matter the brain s thetreewhere knowledge sits and sings
m1098: window [exhale] t fortreef1097: mm it looks like
eating chocolate decorations off thetreeand to think that we
the bird in the twiggytreedon t unlock my door
the aipple t the aippletreei ken aathin the same
t d eind u dtreetyoons dt im lairnt i
first engineering must meet intreefelling and in the management
on may 9 the lemontreeaberdeen on may 10 the
describing the gentle blossoming oftreeand flower the pale but
links hung from the rantletreeand held the pots and
got the boxie f1113: thetreeand the boxie f1114: what
that book the wood thetreeas i am them so
cockatoo hued lik the peachtreeblossom yammerin awa the words
as far as the peartreebridge that spans the railway
the sea birk is birchtreecassay stane is cobble stone
led me into the almondtreeencircled garden two house cats
or inform local residents oftreefelling as part of the
swallaes returns til the sametreefish soums back til the
you will have noticed thetreehas been removed from the
efter the ice age birchtreehawds the life givin power
it is the oldest historicaltreein the world in recent
norse version of the cosmictreein this epic poem macdiarmid
enjoyed the shaking of thetreelimbs and the scatter of
broken branch lay behind thetreemounting rage overcame my lingering
i nestled further into thetreemy bones sweetened by the
heid blossoms wauchtin aff thetreenettles fiery in the sheugh
sing in the branches oftreenor do they nest in
no more upon the mirtletreenor glide through th aire
as demolishing the great cosmictreeof the hindu gods with
here to the oldest livingtreepilgrims have flown sailed crawled
scots novella 2004 the duletreepoems 2003 queerie orrals poems
of jump ropes and appletreesailing ships and the intense
pistol shot from behind thetreestartled me in portentous silence
into the old twisted yewtreethat stood there then there
though douglas himself gave thetreethe botanical name pseudotsuga menziesii
here in the raxxin tangletreethe heron the lang legged
and this was the rantletreethe word goes back to
m1090: mmhm f1089: and thetreetrunks is brown m1090: okay
below it the old peartreewas removed but still there
the rooted cusp of mytreewhen the ground was peppered
ground had been cleared oftreelimbs and hollow wooden asphodel
draw not exciting fell peartreein back garden caroline better
good or wild time rantletreebar in chimney for hanging
is getting to know metreenyil cheteereh he says before
marble boons bounds boortree eldertreebout row of cut corn
sulphur and nitrogen oxides sustaintreedeadly deposits of acidic rain
are bloodied decorations round eachtreehanging for dear life by

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