
See this word as a collocate cloud

affa fule an weet dayturnsoot a richt fule breet
in the heavy range dayturnsoot affa fule an weet
9 rainfall 3 16 morninturnsoot richt fule an weet
19 temp 7 16 mistturnsoot sae affa fule an
as the day wears onturnsbonny an bricht tuesday 27th
fine is the day itturnsoot bricht maist o the
in sna bit the dayturnsoot sae bricht an braw
28 temp 2 0 dayturnsoot sae bricht an cauld
the nicht bit the dayturnsoot sae fine an bricht
the nicht bit the dayturnsoot sae mild an bricht
braw rains in the efterneenturnsaffa raw monday 3rd temp
2 rainfall 13 16 dayturnsoot affa cauld an bare
hid been a breet dayturnsoot affa fine an dry
24 eence mair the dayturnsoot affa het aye tae
temp 0 2 this dayturnsoot affa roch an raw
fyle tae clear awa dayturnsoot affa sinny an braw
13th temp 8 9 dayturnsoot affa sinny an dry
or twa efter that dayturnsoot sae affa braw tuesday
an affa shock fin sheturnsroon an they see she
19th temp 2 7 dayturnssae cauld an affa bare
ere s some sinshine witherturnssultry an affa heavy ae
weet fin we div riseturnsoot dry cauld north win
dis try aboot midday noteturnssoor fae a weet mist
the mornin bonny an blueturnscool an tae rain it
damp is the mornin bitturnsfine an dry trees bonny
the mornin tae sin shineturnsoot a day thats bonny
afore time aye this dayturnsoot bonny an fine thursday
16 frosty bit the dayturnsoot bonny days like this
in o the air dayturnsoot gran bonny an fair
3rd temp 10 15 dayturnsoot sae bonny an dry
is a severe warnin dayturnsoot sae bonny an fine
cracker fermer in a hurryturnshey maker saturday 19th temp
temp 7 10 this dayturnsoot a richt cauld breet
m ferrly wrang the dayturnsoot braw wednesday 28 temp
temp 2 6 this dayturnsoot jist a bummer december
4 temp 1 6 dayturnsoot mild warm an braw
3 temp 5 10 dayturnsoot richt fine an dry
14th temp 3 12 dayturnsoot richt fine an dry
temp 4 18 this dayturnsoot sae braw an fine
temp 6 14 this dayturnsoot sae fine an dry
temp 5 5 this dayturnsoot sae fine an rare
temp 1 8 is dayturnsoot tae be a bummer
18th temp 11 17 dayturnsoot tae be a richt
cauld fin we div riseturnsoot a fine day fit
turnin tae sleet en irturnsoot dry bit cauld fowk
cauld fit a shock itturnsoot tae be ere s
in the mornins an seikturnssyne a feelin o cauld
hert a fauss close spellturnsti cauld again wi caups
cauld win blawin there sheturnsto go out again i
div scrat my broo dayturnsoot richt fine an braw
beth stands shouts sadie sadieturnsagainst window what what is
ur we gaunnae dae sadieturnsand beats the flowers to
they wurnae fed sadie catsturnsand hugs gordon daft lump
it about to exit bethturnsas if to speak sadie
sadie sadie leave me alaneturnsaway distressed carolanne you never
for sadie to speak sadieturnsher back agnes to gordon
sadie he s oot thereturnsslowly then whips the curtains
carolanne makes a face andturnsto her coffee sadie must
sadie enters sadie wheesht wheeshtturnstv off shush it s
like the flooers then sadieturnswhat are we gaunnie dae
win an sna the dayturnsoot a beast need i
cood easy be a beastturnsoot a bittie mair than
s droll the wey thingsturnsoot ah never thocht whan
fyte frost in the morninturnsoot fine bides like that
been rainin jist eence againturnsoot fine so i winna
drink aye but if itturnsoot it s shite it
2 16 noo this dayturnsoot jist a cracker fermer
can tae makk sure sheturnsoot like her da wid
the sin dis come ootturnsoot nae a bad day
much for yon icy blastturnsoot nae sic a bad
6 14 noo this dayturnsoot richt fine surely it
0 5 noo this dayturnsoot tae be a bummer
a welcome sicht this dayturnsoot tae be a bummer
3 16 coorse mornin itturnsoot tae be clears up
athing closed in wi haarturnsoot the best day eres
here a pause naething everturnsoot the wey we want
templ0 20 anither fine itturnsoot trumps ere s mair
then of coorse the noteturnssoor oot o the sky
15 rainfall 1 16 morninturnsdull i div groan comes
the mornin en the dayturnssoor for maist o the
div you often tak theseturnsteenie like a frightened rabbit
a fine morning but weatherturnscold wet afternoon 11 saturday
legs ah m wantin pompitieturnsfrom her door ye soud
nor ti dae fowk guidturnspompitie daes it ah didna
a hurry richt aneuch pompitieturnsround and flies to the
ve cum owre ferr pompitieturnsround desperately pompitie ye r
ti sleep the nicht heturnsand marches away ponderously to
other boys drift away geordieturnsand runs and andy runs
funnier he feels so heturnsaway andy sits up as
you an yeir skelf heturnsaway evidently to leave malcolm
arms tightly round it andturnsaway from her tears streaming
the backs of her handsturnsaway from the door to
it to his eyes heturnsaway out of the spotlight
on us and my daddyturnsaway quickly and we re
dee is hurt ye sheturnsaway slowly and goes teenie
wee bittie peely wally sheturnsher face away from him
again but this time heturnshis head away and clutches
of deprivation first hand heturnsno one away clerks businessmen
that is counter productive andturnspeople away from the language
an holistic approach and neverturnspeople away the commitment and
an leave mine alane heturnsto walk away georgie changing
round a but miss woodturnsa blind eye to witch
and full of grace heturnshim round and laughs to
yeir help in dismay heturnshimself round to go home
and then loo- and heturnsround and erm he just
falls the road twists andturnsround dizzying drops through terraces
on a meinit ringan ringanturnsround ringan yeir hieness queen
might manage a couple ofturnsround the runway like a
then she kicks pamela pamelaturnsround with a swing of
wheelchair once on stage heturnsswinging it round carefully and
very hot friday 21 weatherturnscloudy saturday 22 baths am
a saturday and they tookturnsto do the saturday night
warm day en the witherturnscool turns tae rain an
day fermer nae pleased hairturnsgrey a secret oath it
fair perplexed by sherp richtturnsfrae chiels sae steept in
calmly in the lavy chrissieturnsto go a richt sair
macnab first greig twists andturnsyer expectations richt brawlie an
jist a cracker fermer nooturnsintae a hey maker wednesday
and a mair comfortable lifeturnsintae invitin her intae his
taks the freudian theme anturnsit intae its late 20th
t tink fur yursel anturnswritin and knowledge intae objects
the door carrying andy fionaturnsher head with a swing
to me instantly wee andyturnsto her voice his face
unthinkable wee andy twitches againturnstowards his mother and gives
ear you want nylons sheturnsher head to look at
she senses my presence sheturnsher head to look at
mind my old dear barelyturnsher head to see who
turned rounds walks on andturnsno more his head because
it behind her head sheturnsslowly to look at it
scaling on car body bootturnsinto a hole rain evening
rain an then the windturnssnell yince mair an the
en the wither turns coolturnstae rain an forms mony
intimmers fur this hett sunturnsaa tae cinners sae fin
this once for me motherturnsi don t smack him
wi aa the twists anturnsthat mother nature can throw
but with immense strength sheturnsto her mother you see
little liar replies mum andturnsto mother again these old
wings ey took a fyowturnsaboot e place got a
f1054: so you aa tookturnsan do you mind life
mornings they took it inturnsto buy a bottle of
an accordion guests also tookturnsto entertain during the 1920s
from my friends who tookturnstyping i finished my last
goes to her maggie bethturnsbeth s face to look
toward the door suddenly gunlödturnsgunlöd na ah winna gang
swore but the eident deilturnsnane awa the door swung
you re deein surely heturnsagain to sweep this new
frog to me then sheturnsback to my daddy again
him turn again all theseturnshave been on the spot
now and again something newturnsup one example is stuffie
smiles nicely to him andturnsher back on him georgie
conspiratorially to the audience andturnsher back on the approaching
low class flower seller andturnsher into a lady by
her pink lower lip andturnsher stotting into a kind
better ye ken the queenturnsin her bed and moans
had enough of this sheturnson to her tummy slides
an granny tuik it inturnstae sit wi her in
she stops raises her handsturnsthem over palm up stares
to go on writing fionaturnsto him half closes her
her they say the deilturnsup wi aa his a
bessie in horror then sheturnswith a sob her hand
he hands it to herturnswith great dignity and stalks
ti hing about our taleturnsback ance mair ti the
comic but alarming confusion everythingturnsout all right in the
folk picked up but itturnsout dulcie means sweet f632:
such gets highly politicised itturnsout for example that swedish
off every friday then itturnsout i ve got a
all guiding grading assessing itturnsout tea fit for the
at the overseas office itturnsout that i owe the
back of the chamber itturnsout that that amendment is
to be investigated if itturnsout that the marking was
an access for aw itturnsout that the new macnabs
end it g- kind ofturnsout that the whole reason
state of play if itturnsout that we do not
the right thing but itturnsout that we have not
a lay preacher he alsoturnsout to be a cad
instant mashed potato sometimes thisturnsout to be a meatball
language coursebook into english itturnsout to be a suggestopedic
threatening male figure who alsoturnsout to be quite benign
hunner tackets a hundred hobnailsturnsout to be ten pounds
restricted to bullion operations itturnsout to be the same
played at bannockburn which itturnsout was the case it
houchin aw the fairies taenturnsti waucht out it an
stuck fur motorin but heturnsan legs it skelpin back
by the sweetie shop heturnsand looks back but the
the guy in the suitturnsand shouts back over my
thocht eh gladys delighted sheturnsback och weesht weesht i
pauses at the exit andturnsback to speak to tutankhamen
just before he disappears heturnsback to the others and
no me sir the caddieturnshis back an hums awa
legs hugs him close andturnshis back father doesn t
and not looking so heturnsto the back page of
smile startin laughin then itturnsinti a mega laugh bj
says tae mysel then heturnson me i thocht my
about to speak but thenturnsquickly and goes into his
his ma and then heturnsred comes at me a
a week till the mixtureturnssour then strain them and
funnel s hoot th ionaturnsthen far below the water
if the coffin burns thenturnsti ash krista nae fear
of pupils who then taketurnsto combine them as new
me the juice then sheturnsto my daddy i want
he he he just totallyturnsa blind blind eye and
him dizzy an here heturnsan here he turns and
he turns an here heturnsand nearly falls jim michty
special powers m805: um heturnsinvisible and and he and
he is a bullie anturnsnestie dinna you gae ower
never noticed that afore heturnsroon when he hears me
nou his legal mind heturnstae judge the case o
ve been longing for heturnsto angelica behind muriel s
of coupons dod och heturnsto go and gets as
hame for ma tea heturnsto go left but the
s an auld frein heturnsto moula moula ah hae
ah sal flie hame heturnsto move left the needle
garters he laughs uproariously andturnsto share the joke with
missed a bittie look heturnsto sweep at the floor
all walks of life heturnsto the crowd rowland now
two officers seeing chebutykin heturnstowards him while the officers
my self control if heturnsup that is he was
the armchairs clambers into itturnsaround and bounces up and
into a reclining position andturnsdown half the second plaid
sunday about the doctor whoturnshis dog into a man
in his set hunchback hedgehogturnsinto a conker in the
yes alcohol a drug thatturnsnormally rational people into at
aa kins o sayins anturnso phrase they bade in
off supermarket shelves guy fawkesturnsin his grave uncle sam
the shelf lifts the radioturnsit on off doll memories
ll be tickled pink lizzieturnsto hurry off the lights
in advance but the councilturnsit down they will not
she picks me up andturnsme upside down and shakes
distinguished by colour etc inturnsthe players set down a
and is responsible for payingturnsthem down for one reason
up the lights she graduallyturnsthem down replacing sixties with
an fesh jek up hereturnsto eilidh the lee is
health but the puddock dulyturnsup at the palace claiming
teaching so i hope somethingturnsup for them soon i
treated dependent on which officerturnsup hector currie the executive
wait and see what elseturnsup i m not too
the admirable crichton who laterturnsup in a play by
one character hobie noble actuallyturnsup in two ballads in
many times the word andturnsup [inhale] if it s
ll stey till somebody elseturnsup maggie you re a
wul see prood callant whaturnsup the first whan thir
that s if anybody elseturnsup the pairty could be
masel ed still if davieturnsup tonight i don t
by what she hears sheturnsand looks at carolanne no
will be coming soon sheturnsto go jack martha are
people from doing things moragturnsto me she seems to
steve stew runs to steveturnshim on his side holds
to king who is angryturnsover and dies the servant
something whit s that andreyturnsover the pages of the
aboot it the nicht malcolmturnsover to go to sleep
finger on the place andturnsthe pages over his finger
fuck sake an eppy theyturnsgee me the boc aw
courage smaa taks drink anturnsram stam bauld hou muckle
long pause an it aturnsrotten in your han s
ll luik if that buggerturnsroun the nou an sees
here yet when yer warldturnstapsalteery an the buit s
prince suid stap on histurnswi the kists an set
this game the players taketurnsat expanding the phrases in
in the other they taketurnssparring with george bj negative
the others take it inturnsto add a word or
s house the women taketurnsto cook today luisa s
a bike you would taketurnsto ride the bike for
shakin mibi yin o hurturnsdella bring ur here tess
smiles gratefully at rintoul andturnsto address ringan cum here
weel express the bluid thatturnstae ice on the derk
endlessly exploring as the readerturnsthem 3 in the mountain
winna tell for our taleturnsnou ti the strenth on
sincerest form of flattery macdiarmidturnsthis tendency to good account
soon at loggerheads if discussionturnsto the possible appropriateness of
of life s full ofturnsand f718: mmhm it s
fiddle champion ross thomson taakinturnson stage it cwidna fail
shrugs shoulders and leaves fatherturnsto family it s mebbe
birds were taking it inturnsto feed their hungry offspring
are involved the children takingturnsat making extensions to these
all hopes come asunder fleshturnsto bone in the teeth
arbuthnott glenbervie and kinneff takingturnsto conduct the services at
of mettle m642: your bodyturnsto jelly honestly f643: uh
the mug very deliberately teenieturnsto jim teenie thank you
its case the turgid seaturnsto the land the breathless
calls the crack the conversationturnsto the virtues of their
o yeir chowks whan mynesturnswhyte wi dreid ross what
and downs more twists andturnsmore loves and griefs more
what did yi dae patturnsand rushes toward bj bj
nanse awa ye skunner nanseturnsfor home and a curtain
well i ll get somethingturnsfor the kitchen and stops
the sweetest wyne at lestturnssour the ful muin i
stay home make a fewturnsof the ceiling watch the
was a series of uturnswe do not want hastily
fan the sizzen s cairtturnseasy on its wheel mormaer
normandy flat flanders the pastturnsin its coils blood of
makk bide true till sunturnsblack stoot be yer reef
in simmer drouth their flypeturnscalico or else they re
learned in scholar street biturnscould gar ye rage or
the right jack lilian lilianturnslilian what are you still
magazine robb the hard manturnson the heat naw ya
things gyan as ess warldturnsroon fitiver fedder time s

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