
See this word as a collocate cloud

the brig ti aiberdour thetwenesaince bene fain o sic
brig ti aiberdour sayed thetwenesdinna haiver admoneist thair mither
seiven moneth eftir rosie hedtwenesthan mirren hed the lik
ay toved maistres stein thetweneshae the saicont sicht the
stein ma housskeiper an thetwenesjunipere an inglis an ma
onie infurmautioun ein frae thetwenesor maistres stein thai skailed
an frizzel grene wi thetwenesinglis an junipere crowner crannachan
the bell john telt thetwenesti steik the shutts maistres
staitioun tentie lik bot thetweneswes uggit wi anglo saxon
twenes in embro the puirtwenesat wes i the mids
r the nem o thetwenesin embro the puir twenes
houss sauf an weill thetweneskenned thai hed the saicont
heid yin i fyfe thetweneswul be sauf wi thaim
pairtit mirren john an thetweneshamewith ti auld reikie an
a sair message ti thetwenesmirren wes mair nor a
nicht at torness cantit thetwenesthegither mirren wes stamagasted thon
wi m it wes thetweneswi mirren an ruth the
the waddin deleivert bi thetwenesat bene alloued ti kepe
fur wi this knawlege thetweneswuid bene in a fell
heir bot grant an thetweneswes cairried forrit wi the
garron wi the twasum liktwenesticht set on its bak
the muisaeum thus gates thetweneswes unyt wi thair auld
ti schaw dout afoir thetwenesat lest shae speired ar
doun the stane sterr thetwenesilk wytin the tither fur
a cutter o whuskie thetweneskent aw the store bot
an wes bos aneith thetwenesthocht it a rare baur
laun o the leil thetwenesbein yit ying fand it
onie ither ti let thetwenessayin ill wirds ti andra
ti john frizell an thetwenesti dyne that nicht sae

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