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a two twurl v twirluncoa strange uise v use
a ugly uise v useuncoa strange unner prep under
tailor ugsum ugly uise useuncouncommon utmaist utmost verra very
are you quo the princeuncopleased at the sicht an
chappit an they luik anuncosicht an ye greet like
sicht yestreen a saw anuncosicht but seein gin a
gairden fitt a saw anuncosicht giein up when a
sclimin up the parpane whatnauncosicht he has strappit on
sclimin up the parpane whatnauncosicht he has strappit on
thorfinn laughing that wes anuncosicht orm ay it wes
here beaumont this is anuncosicht sanderson let us take
an she saw the maistuncosicht she haed ever seen
grass below ah saw anuncosicht twa blackies there were
the shelves at tesco theuncosicht yestreen a saw an
ablo the yett it isuncomirk eftir the sun gaes
o mirk wul tell usuncotruiths ti dae us skaith
howp for him whan aneuncovyce soundit out the mirk
what soud be duin thiruncodays a daurna say mair
in thir tales baith aruncoexplicit about their ain biggin
l gae ti sleep thiruncosichts is but beginners fears
this is ane o thiruncotymes an ah can see
n time uissless a uselessuncoa strange unhinnert a unhindered
wes thocht ti be anuncocours deil eftir he plunkit
saicont eftir the war aneuncoskraich an doun cam the
eftir yon fell dream houuncovieve an rael this braw
on aboot ye maun beuncowearie eftir aw the lowpin
an nou ah feel sumuncodreid hingin ower me lyke
an tak pairt in sumuncoploys he haed never seen
for me a hae sumuncoploys nou switherin aroond in
whaur men can read sumuncothings ye maun kyth saikless
ma days at gars thisuncorue ryve at ma hert
that wes hir hert isuncosair lady a wadna hae
crouss whan hir hert wesnauncosair owrelaiden sae she thinks
cawdor leeves weill daein anduncobien for ti be keing
wes weill furby thai wesuncodisjasket whan the fon wes
weill faured wes he anuncostrang for wi his ain
o laich degree jennie isuncoweill faured an haes byordnar
coort an that he isuncoweill traetit bi the guid
skelf baith she wes anuncobad besom moula did ye
whyte pownie wes a leddieuncofair o face an lauchin
the winnok an she wesuncofeirt sae she ran ti
blew doun it wes anuncofell stramash they say the
o the bairns she wesuncojaeluss o thair bewtie an
gat a clair dinnil atuncopouers wes sekin ti fess
said his guidson he wesuncoproud o the cattle beiss
derk sea forest bade anuncosea wutch an she wes
finn wes that no anuncothing shuirlie the war glaumerie
fleitch mither he wes anuncothrawn puddok queen scornfully dae
saw the starn they wereuncoblythe aye teemin owre wi
ti tell ye anent thisuncodreme a haed lest nicht
the aunser ti sic anuncoriddil that hir faither haed
ithers haed duin til theuncoshaw an the castel but
hir bogil freins haud thairuncofeasts ah wadna lyke ti
the wey ti mak thisuncoyill oursells haud on haud
anither warld an it anuncoane for fient a thing
re shuir ti be aneuncodirdum at his daith peitie
politics ane o the maistuncothings about readin the original
quite a while it wisuncosair at first noo it
fell puzzin an kuist anuncoglaumerie on the sea bairns
maconochie aye they re baithuncochiels but maybe they hae
the sie flouers in thairuncobrichtness naither war the touers
gret an kue lung yonunconamelie randie skellum thair corps
drie thair weirds at anuncospede sae fest at we
l finnd oot whit thisuncothing maun be aboot gin
this suin ye maun beuncowearie ah ken ah l
his ain thochts anent hiruncofrein wha wad ever think
cam hir mither liltin hiruncolynes ma dochter s spun
luik o hir she isuncoroused but the auld kimmer
that war verra lang anuncosonsie this made hir gey
intil a nun spiert anuncosquekkie vyce nearhaund hir up
a crak thegither anent yonuncobusiness gin ye can spare
micht ve dwined athoot yonuncofreen that dodged richt roon
a lot mair ceevil anuncoquait twas nae surprise gin
gin a cuid tak thatuncotassie hame wi me thocht
ye gaen he wul beuncoroused an he wul mak
ken that yeir sou suncoseik nou whit wul ye
wul can pou oot thisuncoskelf hou dae ye ken
s in rabbit paradise anuncohappy bairns pairty mither said
ma mynd ah hae anuncothocht lat us gether up
be guid what is thisuncothocht that gars ma hair
we aw ken ye iruncoprood nanse mither think naething
peitiless steel an aw theuncogaws o war ah think
thay war fechtin did anuncoherb frae the sheuch no
waws abuin the wattir waruncothick in thaim war a
wi ae tig wi theuncoclub thay cam back ti
we left fur hame anuncothing cam aboot i breenged
whaur cam ti ye thisuncowurd an whatfor ye hinner
craig whan he gat anuncoglif aw at aince the
whan ye can regaird sicuncosichts an keep the naitral
that gart ye brek thisuncoskame ti me whan ye
wattirgaw o the warld theuncoblue o the bounless sea
gairden ootby it s anuncochaunce ti tak ti thraw
hae been begowk t biuncodrogs better bi ferr ti
as a conter ti theuncoguid inhabitants o the peges
ye wun a ryke anuncohairvest a m gaun ti
richt wurds ti claucht thisuncolanesumness ah stodge hame late
yeirsell doun sir we runcopleased ti see ye ah
manage ti git roond thisuncopuddok there is a knock
that cums ti speak ouncothings ross god save the
ferlit ti finnd himsell growinuncowabbit his eelids drappit owre
me meg that s anuncowey ti speak moula the
ll feel at hame anuncohappy ye ll niver jalouse
doot ye havenae but theuncothing is that mrs eejit
hirsell is it no anuncothing that in aw this
here but the r aeuncothing the station is fullie
their trouble here s anuncothing tho says owrancer lu
mukkil lips whit coud thisuncowee wumman mean bi bringin
it out for fear ouncodreidour an ill amang men
be apent for fear ouncodreidour an ill amang men
och aye he thinks itsuncofine tae say aw day
no aw forby a muncogrippie a dout a d
thae legs ma legs isuncostrang wi aw the lowpin
rintoul syne yeir goums gitsuncotender an aw yeir teeth
whit s left o thisunconicht enter shona followed by
nicht bogils flies aboot anuncothings steir a souch whuspers
an tethert an thirlt tiluncodouts an fears but banquo
day the ribs is kenspekkiluncostrecht thon whyte road til
maws made oor maisic mairunconor even their ain they
growe rype it soud bringuncobliss an gret saucht gunlöd
canna flie this is anuncobusiness canna flie eh ah
big i m braw anuncoclever an mebbe yet i
slack cairrit awa wi thisuncocrack o wars an worry
wishes an herons noo areuncofond o feedin on ma
in ilka chaumer an anuncograund disjune laid oot on
find that there s anuncolot o fellow countrymen aroon
tongue fliskin out o theuncomou o t an a
cuisten owre us like anunconet it s no faur
aff gied an antrin anuncoodour at waashed throu the
nanse ardnamurchan that s anuncoplace queen it is a
richt altho the wather suncosaft an westlin wins yer
siller and bocht hersel anuncoskeel at spinnin she d
maiden speech wi the kinnouncoskirlin an doon pittin confooters
ah cleid masell in anuncoteuch rhinoceros coat rowin up
he healit them aa anuncothrang gaed efter him frae
big but cocky smert anuncotrig aa dressed up in
his ingil he haird anuncowaesum maen outby the houss
takes a snapshot ye lookuncobonnie the day he takes
m shuir ye are inuncodanger here heivin help ye
leave ye here in thisuncoderkness in this heathen pitmirk
paip didn t ye nouncofleyed the commander says ye
up wi us at theuncorate he is cummin awbodie
saft emerant licht o thisuncoplace ferr ferr ablo the
in community leids are ouncoconsequence tae them that advocates
o israel was in auncoguddle the brugh o jerusalem
pows agin bleck waas wiuncoclack they ramp their feet
is for drawin oot theuncopyne that cums aye i
suspicion that the blackie wasuncono chancy and he did
cosy no deid asleep butuncodozy a m clingin tae
the echt directions aabodie wisuncofleyed they flang awa their
jist it s no thatuncowarm go east young man
that the narrative situations isuncocomplicatit in the franklin s
pined away athoot is withoutuncois uncanny extraordinary swage is
the hole for fear theuncowee auld wumman wad be
scots in character there suncolittle freedom jammed in atween
that soondit lyke sumbodie inuncopyne eilidh that s moula

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