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a review that is beingundertakenby argyll and clyde acute
acute services review currently beingundertakenby tayside health board s1o
delivery of services will beundertakenuntil the acute services review
on research that has beenundertakenand is currently in progress
executive what research it hasundertakenand what proposals it will
the research that has beenundertakenas members know the research
will publish the feasibility studyundertakenby paisley enterprise research centre
research and research that wasundertakenby shelter when people get
british medical journal and researchundertakenby the gulf war research
further research is to beundertakeni say that because the
research study requires to beundertakenin order to establish the
executive what research is beingundertakenin scotland on genetically modified
executive what research it hasundertakeninto any correlation between the
that any research that isundertakenis followed up by the
some research projects currently beingundertakennotably scotlang based at scottish
scottish executive whether it hasundertakenresearch into any possible relationship
scottish executive whether it hasundertakenresearch or will consider undertaking
debate substantial research has beenundertakenso far the chief scientist
scottish executive what research wasundertakento ensure best value in
the research that is beingundertakento find out what sort
dr murray is research beingundertakento find out which of
place pilot studies are beingundertakenand some trusts are taking
analysis often linguistic studies areundertakenby outsiders and there are
fit well into language studiesundertakenduring january when scottish literature
case studies that have beenundertakenelaine thomson s report was
what recent studies it hasundertakenin order to estimate recovery
executive what initiatives it hasundertakenor plans to undertake to
and what action it hasundertakenor will undertake to address
executive what action it hasundertakenor will undertake to ensure
the kin link analysis wasundertakenin an endeavour to discover
cost benefit analysis has beenundertakenin partnership with the nhs
charter the european commission hasundertakena detailed study of the
1974a and the glasgow studyundertakenby macaulay and trevelyan 1973
a full study had beenundertakeninto their potential impact i
of the rosyth traffic studyundertakenon behalf of fife council
a study has not beenundertakenscotland is in an unusual
the study which is beingundertakento identify the impact and
currently being pursued the inquiryundertakenby sir anthony campbell should
of work is currently beingundertakenby the department for education
the technical review currently beingundertakento produce cost effective solutions
the technical review currently beingundertakento produce cost effective solutions
executive what steps have beenundertakento identify improvements in schools
what work has the executiveundertakento identify the effects on
management and farm management improvementsundertakenby the west of scotland
actions appropriate to the activityundertakenhaving been trained to do
circumstances are that lawful activityundertakenor authorised by the owner
the type of activity beingundertakenwith up to 100 financial
the work that is beingundertakenat institutions such as glasgow
the options appraisal exercises beingundertakenby health boards and nhs
accept that the consultation beingundertakenby his department gives an
the languages of edinburgh beingundertakenby joanna mcpake this seeks
acknowledges the excellent work beingundertakenby statutory and voluntary bodies
at the hospital are beingundertakenby tayside university hospital nhs
this area is presently beingundertakenby the scottish integrated workforce
practice which is being widelyundertakenin environmental quality schemes to
range of measures are beingundertakenof course we are always
budget and the measures beingundertakento address this situation which
notices would delay work beingundertakenwhere the owner is a
how often is it beingundertakenyour answer would allow us
resources used in p6 s2undertakenon behalf of glasgow city
of work that they haveundertakenon your behalf and especially
have been able to haveundertakenso much on behalf of
scottish legal aid board hasundertakena comparative exercise on the
adam the scottish executive hasundertakena fairly significant auditing exercise
the season the executive hasundertakena review on that we
review as we have repeatedlyundertakento do genetically modified organisms
executive what work has beenundertakenby the nhs on the
the excellent and valuable workundertakenby chas for families of
and some of the workundertakenby one of our members
that the work that isundertakenby specialist teams in combating
the community and volunteer workundertakenby the parliament members the
was based on the workundertakenby the social protection committee
culture work that has beenundertakenin glasgow would the minister
year that work will beundertakeninternally by the scottish parliament
this work when publication wasundertakenit was with the expectation
single media market has ashundertakenthat work tanith muller ash
organisations on work to beundertakenthe commissioner will also have
what work needs to beundertakento assess carrying capacity dr
the work that has beenundertakento secure a much better
and whether this work wasundertakenwithin the specified timescale of
and whether this work wasundertakenwithin the specified timescale of
executive what consultation it hasundertakenon future changes to the
of the consultation that wasundertakenon the bill the bill
the committee evidence of consultationundertakenwith parties affected by the
on the planning they haveundertakento address the help the
supplementary dictionary projects should beundertakenthese he referred to as
has been or will beundertakenof the impact on local
of the responses has beenundertakenand a report will be
the scottish executive eh hasundertakenand is committed to recognising
scottish executive whether it hasundertakenany assessment of any additional
the one that has beenundertakenby susan deacon official report
in which sir david hasundertakenhis responsibilities he has chaired
many public consultations it hasundertakenin each year since its
and what action it hasundertakento resolve them s1w 20871
for our community has beenundertakenwithout thought of your own
reclamations of women s writingundertakenin the recent history of
influence of drugs have beenundertakenby the police since their
non departmental public bodies haveundertakenor commissioned since 1999 and
as court productions have beenundertakenby the scottish criminal records
and what evaluations have beenundertakenon this matter s1w 24729
why that preparation had beenundertakenthe dogs should not have
by the executive have beenundertakento a common standard they
executive what procedures have beenundertakento ensure that the programme
minister what discussions have beenundertakenwith her majesty s government
within that constituency or regionundertakenin support of the member
parking charges was to beundertakencalls upon the scottish executive
course of this current surveyundertakenin 1999 amongst lumphanan children
the language objectives to beundertakenin the course of the
executive what monitoring will beundertakeninto the possible ecological effects
the executive and sportscotland haveundertakento improve the system 10
design and specialist cladding servicesundertakenby flour city architectural metals
initial teacher training to beundertakenby distance learning s1o 3818
in scotland and elsewhere wereundertakenby pricewaterhousecoopers staff in relation
if if these the activitiesundertakenby the association for scottish
any survey is by definitionundertakenon the basis of a
by the indian yogis wasundertakensquatting in the great warm
the findings of any consultationsundertakenprior to designation and believes
all available scientific evidence isundertakento confirm the safety of
that this translation should beundertakenas a demonstration of the
and independent investigation should beundertakeninto the organisation and workings
surveillance commissioner who should haveundertakenthose duties and who should
c the number of trialsundertakenpleas tendered and the number
very good strategic planning wasundertakenwe had so much to
to help prisoners who haveundertakendrug rehabilitation whilst in prison
and a new floor wereundertakenthese works were carefully carried
were designed and the interviewsundertakenand will go on to
on the scheme will beundertakenat a local level s1w
scotland act 2000 will beundertakens1w 34926 susan deacon to
is now beginning to beundertakenat the end of the
way in which surveillance isundertakeni regret that it may
required is quick and easilyundertakenand would not impose a
of the bill that wasundertakenat stage 2 mr jim
people the sampling that wasundertakenunderlined that and showed that
the committee on the discussionsundertakenat the meeting of the
competitive offering of partnerships areundertakenalthough i appreciate that judgments
light of the site surveysundertakenfor the new forth river

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