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grave problems for the operationsunitand for many of our
i took over the operationsunitand it two months before
of play in the operationsunitanother factor ron tuck both
those units was the operationsunitas far as i recall
scotvec staff in the operationsunitas we had been keen
lay with the information technologyunitbut the operations unit was
was put on the operationsunitby the late delivery of
this year that the operationsunitcould not cope with the
people to become the operationsunitdavid elliot not exactly one
people work in the operationsunitdavid elliot the blueprint was
elliot the users the operationsunithad to tell it what
mr macintosh does the operationsunithandle the data that come
ask you about the operationsunithow many people work in
acting head of the operationsunitmichael russell bill arundel told
more familiar with the operationsunits work i came to
the structure of the operationsunitto cope with the sqa
the managers in the operationsunitto tell us if they
staff david elliot the operationsunitwas not constructed to cope
in march that the operationsunitwas not coping with its
technology unit but the operationsunitwas probably the biggest user
concern mr macintosh the operationsunitwas staffed mostly by former
the tradition in the operationsunitwas that staff would perhaps
the staff of the operationsunitwere primarily former seb staff
now done by the operationsunitwhich was in effect a
the people in the operationsunitwho handled the data work
many people in the operationsunitwho were not used to
work covers more than justunitassessments and final exams teachers
to carry out all theunitassessments at the end an
relation to the status ofunitassessments could you explain exactly
a pupil who does threeunitassessments in a term does
a pupil had completed theunitassessments their final mark seems
when they want to conductunitassessments they could do it
a decision that effectively allowedunitassessments to take place at
parent teacher council suggestion aboutunitassessments with which you agree
that was involved in internalunitassessments would be burdensome classes
which meant that all theunitassessments would be delayed did
be several assessments within oneunitthe pressures on young people
by the higher still liaisonunitand the expansion of the
the scottish executive parliamentary liaisonunitandrew mcnaughton scottish executive parliamentary
mcnaughton head of parliamentary liaisonunitat the scottish executive attended
mcnaughton scottish executive parliamentary liaisonunitclerk to the committee john
mcnaughton scottish executive parliamentary liaisonunitwe welcome the recommendations and
is the name of thatunitagain david elliot committee and
in effect a continuing sebunitdavid elliot by and large
to the head of theirunitdavid elliot the sense of
from the higher still developmentunitand hmi we were perceived
were about higher still implementationunitassessment delivery of the national
1 and as an optionalunitat intermediate 2 higher and
of achievement in the languageunitaward at higher level the
practical the higher still developmentunitdoes not yet have all
when the higher still developmentuniteventually recognised that concerns were
possibly the higher still developmentunitto give ministers messages that
with the higher still developmentunitwe have talked about overload
the head of the gaelicunitappeared before the committee on
connal head freedom of informationunitgeoff owenson freedom of information
the lack of markers whichunithead was responsible for appointing
lynne raeside head of policyunitiain hay and alan english
the head of the gaelicunitis relevant to this bill
of policy active communities developmentunitnorrie murray head of local
enterprise who will head theunits1w 10175 christine grahame south
douglas ansdell head of gaelicunitscottish executive bob irvine head
of the freedom of informationunitstuart foubister head of executive
the quality and practice reviewunitbut in other disciplines we
the quality and practice reviewunitinappropriately diverts staff from mainstream
the quality and practice reviewunitindependent you said that it
the quality and practice reviewunitis independent in the sense
the quality and practice reviewunitit seemed to the lord
that the operation of aunitsuch as the quality and
dorothy grace elder baby careunitat queen mother hospital glasgow
the creation of a secureunitat stobhill hospital glasgow s1w
new investment in the strokeunitat stracathro hospital is planned
closure of the coronary careunitat stracathro hospital s1w 19641
s1m 524 ninewells hospital neurosurgicalunitlodged on 9 february 2000
on better service delivery theunitis based closely on the
for this crucial weight baseduniton which the capacity series
f1159: mmhm f947: any gaelicunitreally wherever you re based
for a fifth scottish cardiacunitto be based at ninewells
setting up a wildlife enforcementunitwhich would be based primarily
the bairns in the gaelicunitare aften on tv daein
would have in the gaelicunitat that time but also
which also had a gaelicunitattached to meadowburn primary school
ve gaen intae the gaelicunitin aiberdeen an watched their
in the local gaelic mediumunitin august ehm we offer
and the much mentioned gaelicunitin tollcross primary school that
when the first gaelic mediumunitwas established in sir john
of the the gaelic mediumunitwhich is attached to a
of the scottish executive gaelicunitwill appear before the committee
clerks the non executive billsunitand the legal office have
of the non executive billsunitfor all their hard work
continued use of that agriculturalunitproposals for members bills names
instruct the non executive billsunitto draft its proposed committee
nursery or a dedicatit scotsunitfit aboot non spikkers at
a hybrid system of internalunitassessment and the stamp of
for schools to produce theunitassessment certificates and for the
still be inappropriate and superfluousunitassessment i hope that that
to try and bolster theunitwe felt that the staff
by the gulf war researchunitat kings college london to
research of the social exclusionunitpat 14 and other bodies
research of the social exclusionunitpat 14 and other bodies
the scottish executive central researchunitstated currently there is no
any member of his familyunitneeds such services as are
any member of his familyunitthat is to say any
that member of his familyunitto occupy or continue to
and eh the whole familyunitwas there f606: yeah m845:
he went the macdonald familyunitwent also like a slab
heid bummer o the cultureunitan the heid quine o
year auld frae the cultureunitan the recipient wis tae
awa frae meikleburgh s cultureunitguttin yairds he wis a
the eese o the cultureunitherrin haein near deed oot
wirkit in the culture carrierunitthat hid pyed the wages
groups review groups an issuesunitand a management board and
people to work in theunitto help it along david
of local volunteering development agencyunitcouncil for voluntary services mai
the community training and developmentunitin falkirk of which i
for example did the equalityunitdiscuss the emerging differences of
important role of the equalityunitfor example did the equality
be able to strengthen theunitfurther for example i would
example i would like theunitto have a faster cycle
there was continuity within theunitbefore the new computerised system
my son goes to aunitfor the visually impaired within
it is not within yourunits remit to ensure that
needs training is a coreunitwithin teacher training courses s1w
system foondit on a prototypeunitcried a cuddy wi a
by the executive s newunitintroduce a system of light
the scottish cardiac transplant patientunitat glasgow royal infirmary have
at the scottish cardiopulmonary transplantunitat glasgow royal infirmary regarding
the scottish cardiac transplant patientunitat glasgow royal infirmary s1w
patients at the beatson oncologyunitin glasgow s1w 22119 pauline
siting of the proposed secureunitin greater glasgow nhs board
the siting of proposed secureunitin the greater glasgow health
office official report office broadcastingunitparliamentary police force postal service
geoff owenson freedom of informationunitand john st clair solicitors
the scottish local government informationunits publication scotland s councillors
of a language in workunitas a mandatory unit at
work unit as a mandatoryunitat access 3 and intermediate
work in the minor injuriesunitat the western general i
to be developed in theunitof work decide which genre
work in its constitutional policyunits1w 27425 mary scanlon to
consultation by the voluntary issuesunitif the minister will not
made regarding the voluntary issuesunitpeople said that there were
sector combining the voluntary issuesunitwith the active communities initiative
it required software to collateunitand exam results michael russell
programme when we visited theunitin barlinnie michael matheson that
ago before the sex offendersunitwas set up michael matheson
somewhat in house does theunithave lay members such as
a candidate either achieves aunitor does not external examination
the past four years theunitcost of a social rented
report by the social exclusionunitmaking the connections final report
of the 21st century governmentunitat the scottish executive and
hildebrand from the new dealunitat the scottish executive she
team sepa sponsorship and wasteunitdivision scottish executive environment and
of sepa sponsorship and wasteunitdivision scottish executive environment and
invaluable support from the landunitof the scottish executive her
macintosh is it also theunitthat was using the new
network will manage the newunitto deliver a faster and
new scottish labour market intelligenceunitwhich we propose to rename
fulfil the requirements for theunitaward and can also serve
policy planning and early warningunithas also been established to
strategy the older people sunitand the older people s
more people to operate thatunitor at least to rejig
university was starting up aunitto study the doric people
under equipped special care babyunitat the queen mother s
an ambulatory care and diagnosticuniton the grounds of stobhill
for each neonatal intensive careunits1w 7150 mr kenneth gibson
from the national waiting timesunitbut i am not sure
of the national waiting timesunitto identify any bottlenecks in
national waiting times co ordinationunitwill take to improve the
in the 21st century governmentuniti hope that we do
access local government services aunitis defined as 1 hour
dunkley d 1997 catch peruniteffort in the scottish salmon
dunkley da 1997 catch peruniteffort in the scottish salmon
by the scottish low payunitindicated that in the hotel
would like to restructure theunitas the year wore on
business i took over theunitin april last year with
referred to its inquiry reportersunitin each year since 1999
who attended the visually impairedunitleft school last year and
move on to the nextunitit emerged that too many
time scales and how manyunitresults component scores and standard
park which has an incubatorunitin providing the right kind
to confirm entries difficulties withunitresults which were asked for
department the purpose of myunitthe name of which is
which was to expand theunitto duplicate the expertise and
line 29 and insert anyunitof a sheltered or retirement
the improving regulation in scotlandunitwill consider any concerns of
school as opposed to aunitbut it didn t happen
to rejig or restructure theunitdid you not think at
a wird wi the hoosinunitdoon at holyrood they re
in order that its broadcastingunitremains at the cutting edge
rather than up at theunitso you can sit bonny
at maturity or being inunittrusts can be redeemed at
and to the inquiry reportersunitof conducting two public local
for transfer to the specialunitah but we were younger
was very erm very popularunitand children eh were transported
traditional and pfi schools onunitcosts d there were particular
put more pressure on theunitfinally insufficient markers were appointed
were previously tested in everyunitwhereas they will now be
most nightmarish situations for theunitas it did not have
that put pressures on theunitcould not be so readily
it has not although theunithas been created using our
is made by the inquiryunitin edinburgh alone and not
took the view that theunitnot only needed restructuring but
came to understand that theunitwas not structured or staffed
accountability of its inquiry reportersunitto the parliament s1o 3841
such as the low payunitand the federation of small
quaet day in the organunitan there wis jist ae
part of the same agriculturalunitand iii the real burden
left hand half forming oneunitand the right hand half
strategic planing as a singleunitand therefore considers that the
million and the north eastunitby as much as 21
and why there is nounitdedicated to the specialist treatment
kind in edinburgh using aunitdirectly related to the scots
only was it the retailunitfor drink throughout the kingdom
fatal to start restructuring theunitgoing through all the sqa
will be aware that theunithas conducted thematic reviews of
what facilities the cardiac responseunithas that the ambulances described
of the council s licensingunithowever other of their suggestions
kieran jyned the human nutritionunitin embro an cammy wis
s1m 1133 irene mcgugan maternityunitin montrose that the parliament
to set up a separateunitin the nature of an
the contemporary naming of theunitinterpreting assize texts the first
that initiative alan fraser myunitis responsible purely for the
what we call the baseunitit s the old shops
expertise was present in theunitmr macintosh is it right
with the uk as aunitms macdonald i will press
by the performance and innovationunitof her majesty s cabinet
european structural funds the europeanunitof scvo continues to develop
2000 the performance and innovationunitof the cabinet office published
with the appointments and committeeunitresponsible for making the appointments
vacancies paid less than theunits minimum wage target of
the refurbishment of kerelaw secureunits1o 3261 26 cathie craigie
by the owner of aunitshall be construed as including
with the word as hisunitthe poet composed a different
his years in the fishinunittwis fit he thocht the
for the management of theunituntil he took sick leave
in falkirk when the maternityunitwas moved from falkirk to
a separate place called theunitwhere the least hard men
there was a constant underlyingunitwhereas the pre 1425 pint
the improving regulation in scotlandunitwill conduct an audit of
be about 3 000 perunitof accommodation as someone who
prison where there was aunitfor sex offenders in a
an essential part of everyunitand course even though no
establishment of scvo s europeanunitin 1991 to provide a
describe how one type ofunitis defined in terms of
that children would begin aunitbe assessed and move on
b in b d sandingunit19 monday v doncaster 3
with visitscotland s golf promotionsunitthis week on sunday i
has to establish a specialunitfor patients sent for psychiatric
unryhtum daedum two stresses perunitand it looks pretty much
sheil functiont is ae saipretunitan aa ma life up
teenage cancer trust beatson oncologyunitlodged on 20 march 2002
s1m 701 ayrshire central maternityunitlodged on 28 march 2000

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