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times your lad ll beupsetright enough susan losing grampa
grampa too right i mupsetsaturday morning ten o clock
hear me daniel was veryupsetand i realised that this
either but eh i wasupsetmind you when i realised
she must have been quiteupsetwhen she realised she was
feed hir nou jek looksupsetmaister it s no for
o thing it wad juistupsetme jek ay she s
silence della promise yull nohupsetum krista krista pleasure um
him him comin back supsetyi krista an him comin
him comin back hus naeupsetyou della back then krista
not angry i m justupseti m going to bury
settled down fasht is angryupsetraise up is rose up
empties the jug when shisupsetthey all laugh della oor
debt if you re soupsetabout the debt why don
community across ayrshire is extremelyupsetfarmers sacrificed a great deal
the farming community is extremelyupsetthere is a risk of
want ti sneak awa nohupsether ken robby aw aw
and that would have upse-upsetthe balance of the whole
loss of the persona wouldupsetthe delicate balance of nature
doll crime ed you veupsethim doll crime what crime
yon news lad seemed affaupsetjonsar eck felt his blood
the neibors maun aw beupsetan thinkin hoo much a
hiz onkils wuidna grie heupsethiz ain feirm an suin
as sayin fareweill macduff looksupseta mean ye nae offence
same a pause everybody looksupsetand embarrassed koolyghin fancy brekkin
in since afore you cameupsetcarolanne collects the cups onto
she wis a wee bitupsetcarolanne went hame gordon because
jimmy even thought she lookedupsetas if she had something
lassie please please dinna gitupsethonestly they mean nae herm
takes a touch of tummyupsetdad taking to bed early
bed lizzie pretending to beupsetoh i d have liked
fine they are not tooupsetbetter to wait now until
they didn t seem tooupsetrather glad i suspect to
that men do that mostupsetwomen i thought brilliant m815:
realise you d be thatupsetefter aw everbody has arguements
the secret and it wouldupsethim me working among nut
it angelica how much dodupsetthat she could misinterpret him
his last legs don tupsetyourself we can clone him
the- there was a greatupsetin falkirk when the maternity
o their hoose teenie wisupsetas she raved an ranted
in her eye she supsetis she f1122: look what
they were damaged when lifeupsetmrs ainsley she turned automatically
it f1155: was she reallyupsetor sh- f1154: yeah she
better go i was soupsetthat she agreed to my
stone the shopkeeper was quiteupseti ll gie ye a
ere d been something taeupsetim surely e wis in
last leaf i was veryupsetyou can imagine lately i
of money with very littleupsetor hassle we believe that
people get grown people gettingupsetcause you don t have
words might be unfamiliar andupsetme again but i must
other night f1049: it doesupsetme m1048: see when we
above the wound and itupsetme to think that my
that he is going toupsetthe augustine in me once
micht be a wee bitupsetmay 1998 friday 1 temp
for e bank tae beupsetonywye i up till e
stop her i tried everythingupsetwhat else could i do
stage 2 amendments is toupsetthe wording in other provisions
anything i will just getupsetand make a complete and
purpose and he was prettyupset[audience laughter] alasdair is a self
good though you re lookinupsetand we can have these
past four years disappointed irritatedupsetor offended every one of
number or more that completelyupsetthe financial arrangements which we
that the parliament is deeplyupsetthat yet another mining catastrophe
did feel like the fluupsetstomach dizziness blocked head etc
single market a political eventupsetthe apple cart the collapse
aboot auchterarder ae day heiupsetthe umwhile yid nichol the

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