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chinese english gaelic punjabi andurdu18 the visitor management strategy
actually had more programmes inurduand punjabi m608: ah right
local authorities is bengali chineseurduarabic punjabi farsi turkish italian
in the noo is chineseurdubengali punjabi arabic an persian
currently supported are in chineseurdubengali punjabi arabic and persian
service areas surveyed are punjabiurduchinese bengali and arabic table
orientation but a different languageurdugujerati punjabi cantonese gaelic kosovan
minority languages such as punjabiurdugujuarati etc which are spoken
arabic bengali chinese punjabi andurduit would mean anything between
mmhm m1174: english punjabi andurdum608: mm do you have
second year at school inurduor in punjabi it s
majority of the programming inurduor punjabi m608: so did
mmhm mmhm m1174: so speakingurduor punjabi or hindi is
documents is owerset intil gaelicurdupunjabi bengali chinese an arabic
are translated these are gaelicurdupunjabi bengali chinese and arabic
ethnic minority language such asurdupunjabi cantonese or gaelic consequently
it s m608: mmhm m1174: urdupunjabi hindi gujarati m608: mmhm
could ask the question inurdupunjabi or arabic m608: oh
english gaelic punjabi scots andurduthe leaflet and the choice
arabic bengali chinese punjabi andurduthe parliament will therefore be
chinese gaelic punjabi scots andurduthe provision of information and
arabic bengali chinese punjabi andurduthe same leaflets will also
to such as punjabi orurdutherefore it would be a
such as chinese punjabi andurduthis lack of information presents
will uphold them punjabi andurduwill never die out regardless
calls community languages such asurducantonese bengali polish arabic italian
cries community leids sic asurducantonese bengali polish arabic italian
may use their home languageurducantonese gaelic west indian creole
we could get english arabicurduand even in some cases
m1174: fluent in arabic andurduso if a caller for
pollock pollock pollock pollockshields easturdus fand a reist train
a mix of i thinkurduand english but but m1174:
so m608: and u- andurdum1174: er it won t
an article in english orurdum1174: i think that s
and the programmes were inurdum1174: mmhm m608: do you
you deliberately mix languages englishurdum1174: yeah we we mixed
m1174: an english word inurdum608: an urdu word in
with our elders in inurdum608: mmhm m1174: so we
ll be in english andurdum608: oh okay m1174: so
m1174: a levels in inurdum608: okay m1174: erm but
difficult to understand kind ofurdum608: uh huh m1174: and
all those news articles inurdum608: uh huh m1174: erm
the you know the coreurdum608: yeah m1174: in the
are used is it englishurduor a mixture m1174: well
m608: okay m1174: erm inurduor even in english m608:
m608: mmhm m1174: the theurduthat we use in the
write in m1174: english andurduyeah it s half and
languages such as chinese andurduand british sign language language
international standard er for erurdupublishing type urdu so m608:
for er urdu publishing typeurduso m608: oh okay mm
word in urdu m608: anurduword in in an english
the standart grade students inurduhas been pit forrit throu
the standard grade students inurduhave also been presented through
grade arrangements ainly raxed taeurdutho there a hantle promisin
grade arrangements only stretched tourduwhilst there are some promising
english and then translated intourduit ll be two different
had to obviously keep- pureurduis actually very hard to
people can actually understand pureurduth-th- they spoke say you
ethnic minority languages such asurduor panjabi such dialects and
back pages are all inurdum608: and how do you
a programme for them inurdum608: yeah yeah oh okay
would know how to readurdunever mind speak it m608:
in english or or orurduor you know m608: [tut]
also other languages such asurduand british sign language and
should be used for gaelicurduand other languages for which
ll intersperse bits of ofurduand other languages in m762:
mixing that you switch betweenurduand english in in your
would you ever use anurduword in english cricket reporting
a multilingual society gaelic scotsurduand so on are mentioned
with the lack of higherurduto follow on from the
like say for example theurduspeaking population which ll be
you find yourself using anurduword kind of an evaluative
half the paper s inurduand half the paper s
could arise whaur for exampleurduis ainly learnit in muslim
could arise where for exampleurduis only taught in muslim
speak er we would speakurduat home with the elders
mm m762: my knowledge ofurduis er basic er and
er the same way inurduthey ll be written in
glasgow now are also doingurduas like a i don
he uses a lot ofurduin his in his scots
you would just adopt intourduor you d you d
not so much a spokenurduas a very much a
writers who are writing inurduparticularly who are published in
see the newspaper as maintainingurduwithin the asian communities in
wi the want o higherurdutae follae on fae the

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