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of special interest to bslusersand the deaf community were
fully exploited to support bslusersas well as deaf people
services and information for bsluserseveryone knows that the recognition
of improving access for bslusersi agree with the sensing
is severely restricted for bslusersin fact accessing everything including
should be given to bslusersother things are needed there
and the need for bslusersto be supported by suitably
status of bsl among itsuserswe are committed to supporting
boost to bsl and itsuserswould be gained if important
information technology specialists how theusersand providers of internet pornography
information technology specialists how theusersand providers of internet pornography
glasgow and scotland congratulates theuserscarers and providers of glasgow
money advice and ensure thatusershave a choice of providers
and training providers and otherusershave ready access to intelligence
with the providers and theusersof care to ensure that
that have lots of drugusersand alcoholics f833: and high
of resources dedicated to drugusersc the cost to society
50 rise in problem drugusersin grampian alone between 1997
highest percentage of injecting drugusersin scotland and considers that
those who suffer from druguserspredations less favoured areas scheme
on methadone programmes for druguserss1o 3790 7 mr jamie
drug dealers and or druguserss1w 12205 mr duncan hamilton
executive how many intravenous druguserswere diagnosed with hepatitis b
well as current users potentialusersof a building could include
who are users or potentialusersof rented housing mark turley
group of people who areusersor potential users of rented
buildings as well as currentuserspotential users of a building
a large demand from censususersfor that and that his
support from the main censususersin central and local government
priority of the main censususersin scotland central and local
overwhelming demand from all censususersin scotland for questions on
the priority needs of censususersin scotland particularly central government
topics that the main censususerswanted to be included for
spoken in the home censususerswere informed in 1998 that
views of the main censususerswho did not see a
committee s view that censususerswill need to make fuller
plenty of demand from serviceusersfor an income question but
was little demand from serviceusersthere was plenty of demand
7 000 deaf sign languageusersthat is roughly one sign
has around 3 200 registeredusersand pledges support for its
executive how many registered heroinusersreside in the kirkcaldy levenmouth
executive how many registered heroinusersthere are in the fife
account of potential and prospectiveusersof buildings as well as
as a priority said thatusersdid not give full weight
the toilets rather than theusersare disabled in such cases
engage disabled building owners andusersin the process the language
to be accessible to disableduserss1w 33008 robert brown to
taxi concessionary fare for disableduserss1w 33009 robert brown to
there are for some serviceusersalternatives such as older people
early highly skilled intervention serviceusersand advocacy groups will be
20 per cent of serviceusersand thousands of hours of
the needs of individual serviceusersand volunteers the sector is
clark one of the serviceusersat binny house to address
that the service puts theusersat the centre and delivers
for both employees and serviceusersimprove the quality of transport
there has been with serviceusersin the consideration of the
that local authorities involve serviceusersin the setting up and
up to the individual serviceusersof binny house to arrange
a practice which empowers theusersof the service and as
is taking to consult serviceuserson the design and layout
spcb from discriminating against serviceuserson the grounds of disability
that one of our serviceusersor a member of staff
there will be with serviceusersprior to final decisions being
with trade unions and serviceusersregarding the use of the
the volunteers and the serviceusersrobert brown glasgow ld does
without any consultation with serviceusersthe people of the area
have been lost by serviceuserswho can no longer afford
was a similar number ofusersof sign language and a
far and away the mainusersof capital assets ships aircraft
consideration of the draft bususerscomplaints tribunal regulations 2002 recommends
wendy alexander the draft bususerscomplaints tribunal regulations 2002 that
an appropriate level for bususersin settlements outside edinburgh supported
from existing car and bususersjourney time from the borders
all those likely to beusersof the dictionary historians as
not be compromised pressure fromusersof the dictionary was effective
the court bill aitken theusersgroup is also involved it
seek further information from courtusersgroups and the sheriffs association
have heard from the courtusersorganisations and from the sheriffs
could write to the courtusersorganisations the scottish consumer council
to more than 100 000usersour commitment to the use
which was sent to allotmentusersthe survey identified 4 000
the table so that alluserscan access it and to
for improved access for wheelchairusersto a location once we
organisations and organisations representing roaduserssection 44 mr murray tosh
country and the needs ofusersfor more information in deciding
has a large nummer ousershus significant dialectal variation within
an essential tool for languageusersof any level the skill
a national level to authoriseduserss1w 24102 alex neil to
involving a number of differentusersof the coastal areas the
for smaller areas to permitusersto create their own areas
no charge to hearing impairedusersin each locality supported by
site management committees of allotmentusersfull devolution occurs where the
force of the argument thatusersmay not have given full
all tax payers and roadusersin scotland we are not
to improve road safety foruserss1w 1120 margaret jamieson to
for the residents and roaduserswho are being greatly inconvenienced
that would ensure that allusershave an equitable stake in
that are provided exclusively forusersof the gaelic language 5
and or facilitate communication betweenusersof different languages the european
to foster mutual understanding betweenusersof scots and the national
replaced the former post officeusersnational council pounc and the
with which many mobile phoneuserson trains divulge intimate details
toilet facilities in langholm forusersof the a7 s1w 26358δ
for resale to motor vehicleusersin the area s1o 1863
obvious to us that previoususerswho were consulted had not
estimated capital cost of 27muserswould be drawn from existing
is made available to opiateusersand whether all such treatments
b there was criticism byusersof design aspects such as
and its perceived value tousersled to its later incorporation
will be provided exclusively forusersof including those learning the
registers are accessible to alluserswhich includes having relevant parts
me of toilets where wheelchairuserscan hardly get in and
abilities and the requirements ofusersenabling qualifications to be built
computers in teaching initiative pointingusersin the direction of instructions
linked to schizophrenia in heavyusersof any age surely a
bodies and owners managers andusersof land and water in
with young children pedestrians andusersof public transport as the
d the possibility for theusersof regional or minority languages
cross border links with otherusersof scots in northern ireland
listen to professionals carers andusersof services as the health
it is true that nonstandardusersmay meet occasional difficulty with
thorough and extensive consultation withusersover a lengthy period that
week reported quite correctly thatusersdid not see a religion
coulsfield rules was that auserscommittee could be set up
problems and distress caused tousersfamilies and d the enormous
12 30 david elliot theusersthe operations unit had to
the strong case made byuserswe have reluctantly come to
the drugs courts in divertingusersinto effective rehabilitation programmes acknowledges

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