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in this leaflet ye canvisitoor wabsite at www scottish
in this leaflet you canvisitour website at www scottish
hinderend o this leaflet 2visitthe pairlament wabsite www scottish
back of this leaflet 2visitthe parliament website www scottish
wabsite www scottish parliament ukvisityer local pairtner library attend
website www scottish parliament ukvisityour local partner library attend
salvador doesn t mention theirvisitin his detailed description of
social activity salvador continued tovisitother parts of the island
social activity salvador continued tovisitother parts of the island
luis salvador wrote after hisvisitto fornalutx this church was
astonishing luis salvador s secondvisitto mallorca in 1871 followed
seat coincidentally during an earlyvisitto mallorca salvador discovered that
two years after his firstvisitto mallorca salvador was studying
but that they would notvisithim at a mainstream prison
88 local government covenant prisonvisitpeterhead justice 1 committee 10th
up a regulatory framework prisonvisitpeterhead the convener agenda item
proceeding i am keen tovisitscotland s only private prison
read about peterhead members shouldvisitthe prison a couple of
prison members should go andvisitthe prison and hear from
word for it but shouldvisitthe prison and judge for
it would be preferable tovisitthe prison at the same
do not we have avisitto hm prison and young
is the timetable for thevisitto hm prison kilmarnock proceeding
6 is on our recentvisitto peterhead prison i invite
one mornin paid us avisitcarolanne did you get the
once when i paid avisitthese had just been removed
snow and paid a briefvisitto a nearby statue huge
between we paid a quickvisitto gum the huge department
policeman having paid his weeklyvisitto the distillery on whatever
the children then paid avisitto the house of commons
family ties and if avisitwas paid it had to
representative of each committee thevisitwill be paid for by
we paid brother john avisityoung john and his wife
5 girls during this thirdvisitchildren throughout the school from
in case i decide tovisitduring the summer also there
was carried out during onevisiton 18 5 1999 with
am sure that during thatvisitshe saw the huts and
elliot o donnell during avisitto aberdeen many years previously
barbara allan written during avisitto fyvie castle organised by
take for granted during ourvisitto inverness the particular difficulties
minister for health during hervisitto stobhill hospital will meet
was obvious during a schoolvisitwhere non scots speaking children
gives people the opportunity tovisitand explore for a day
an opportunity to make avisitoutside their constituencies they might
i had the opportunity tovisitthat project recently a control
i had the opportunity tovisitthe bethany christian trust with
registrar had an opportunity tovisitthe location the room that
opportunity for the children tovisittheir parliament and learn how
again unaided they came tovisitand wish him well the
s sisters came on avisitfor she could make even
my best friend came tovisitme and i haven t
whenever we came up tovisitmy grandmother who was still
my gran came in tovisitmy sister who was sick
individuals that allowed us tovisittheir projects those who came
when she came on avisitto edinburgh in 1970 and
distinguished visitors who came tovisitus from overseas i would
visiting committee every monday wevisita different jail so far
the bill every time taxpayersvisita petrol station or shop
on the day of ourvisitevery committee member was impressed
every scottish school receives avisitfrom a school nurse and
went every summer obviously tovisitmy f1025: you ve got
m608: aye m1163: after everyvisitsend their expenses in on
oh we- i went tovisita friend at newcastle uni
so i went out tovisithim and to my utter
we went eh down tovisithim we stayed in bordeaux
we went over to th-visitmy granny when she was
mother used to come andvisitthem they went to arbuthnott
who went on a previousvisitto barlinnie found it useful
before i went on thevisitto i thought that but
members who went on thevisitto the creamery copies of
glass the first person tovisitafter midnight brought a piece
after my father died tovisitan uncle who eh at
brother was born after onevisitshe met a neighbour and
after that chink of lightvisitto a brother s girlfriend
above cusco after a briefvisitto a handicrafts outlet where
stay in with kiddies aftervisitto dad in forenoon r
the committee formed after itsvisitto glasgow sheriff court that
to return after my abortivevisitto the count as if
of truth market ii aftervisitwe are berthed overnight at
information on some earlier publicationsvisithttp screivins blogspot com some
to accompany you on avisitplease tell the public information
tae convoy ye on avisitplease tell the public information
information needed for researchers tovisitthe actual historical sites of
to the information about thatvisitthe two dates that have
get the most from theirvisitwe provide tourist information in
for fulfilling the commitment tovisitbell baxter high school that
countries to write to andvisitjoint school trips with schools
the duke of edinburgh willvisitthe school on 30th june
board members on her recentvisitto bell baxter high school
school is available 13 royalvisitwe are being allocated 12
week afore ye mint taevisit5 come til the scottish
weeks before you intend tovisit5 come to the scottish
go tae australia come andvisitaustralia the only c- the
come for a very quickvisitb thought they might come
s gan to come andvisitbob in this story do
the cats who come tovisitdon t get them i
tom gaun to come anvisithey you re a [inaudible]
how he had come tovisithim he says you must
you would have come tovisitthe count and you would
poet will not come tovisitthe milkmaid she takes matters
supposed to come but thevisitwas arranged for a day
who are suffering from depressionvisita doctor they are often
down a snaking road tovisita man who is not
such occasions sometimes they wouldvisitan aunt who was a
story there is an unexpectedvisitfrom the broun ogre who
scotland had urged me tovisither friend the count who
she loved any excuse tovisither grannie who lived all
for those who want tovisitsunnier climes we move on
who has not had someonevisittheir surgeries to say here
of santas who ll nevervisittheir xmas trees beneath the
registration staff who have tovisitthose premises i assume that
who accompany him on hisvisitto timon in exile they
who took the time tovisitus he gave them hope
work in scots throughout thevisitchildren used scots freely and
children were also encouraged tovisittheir neighbours and their grannies
scottish parliament which makes thevisitdoubly attractive we need to
parliament is paying for thevisitit must find some time
and civic processes and theyvisitparliament to listen to msps
436 5 european parliament studyvisitthe committee will consider its
in new south wales willvisitthe parliament between 2 30
have around 5 000 peoplevisitthe parliament chamber visitor centre
scotland that were unable tovisitthe parliament on europe day
of the people wishing tovisitthe parliament signage in the
had made a request tovisitthe scottish parliament particularly the
debate or a committee meetingvisitthe scottish parliament visitor centre
when he next plans tovisitthe uk parliament s1f 335
of the westminster leaders tovisitus in this parliament the
the parliament msps education 3visityour local partner library there
degree awarding functions the preliminaryvisitacdap committee secretary and 2
the environment committee request tovisitbrussels the committee s request
nominee to attend the studyvisiteuropean committee 12 december 2000
convener douglas hamilton suggested avisitfor the committee but unfortunately
date for the committee tovisithmp barlinnie we thought that
members of the committee tovisitmeetings of the convention on
committee s representative on thevisitmembers indicated agreement george lyon
committee would be welcome tovisitmy office the convener before
invitation to committee members tovisitsome of our young people
committee secretary and 2 assessorsvisitthe applicant institution and produce
debate or a committee meetinvisitthe scottish pairlament visitor centre
the social justice committee svisitto his domain however i
the committee mr munro thevisitto lochaber is on this
the social justice committee svisitto stonehaven cathie craigie and
committee this is my firstvisitto the chamber in its
today was not their firstvisitto the committee but we
in respect of a ministerialvisitto the committee mr raffan
make decisions the minister svisitto the finance committee when
suitability of the applying institutionvisitby the scrutiny panel members
other members will bear thevisitin mind it is important
an intention to make avisitrichard davies if members wish
scotland members particularly strove tovisitrural areas because we were
director holyrood project team 5visitby the house of commons
available for testing finzean onevisitwas sufficient on 10 5
great treat our free theatrevisitthe bolshoi opera company rimsky
chattels ready for our christmasvisitto essex all the best
session i vividly recall ourvisitto paisley where feelings about
smoggy morning for our ritualvisitto the bountiful ice cold
was getting dark so ourvisitwas short we made the
a super place and ourvisitwas very worth while it
think our traffic department shouldvisitwinnipeg i was concerned about
sooo satc our friday nightvisitwitnessed a thirty something crowd
scotland i was privileged tovisit28 third world countries as
can catch barefoot indeed tovisita heathen shrine the sacred
in edinburgh got me tovisita property in dublin street
that we would like tovisita rural court and a
decided to pay it avisitagain this district near the
sister were often sent tovisitan aunt and uncle with
commitment to making such avisitand i promise that i
my predecessor had agreed tovisitayrshire to discuss those matters
good walks up the cliffvisitbeeston church wednesday 6 to
liked to know about theirvisitbeforehand there are many parts
resulting pressures on people tovisitcabx for advice and assistance
a sudden frisson to thevisitchickens turn on a spit
years he goes on tovisitcuba and britain in the
jim to christian subject revisitdate sent tue 17 aug
institute and is going tovisiteast germany and in february
she has a chance tovisitegypt at the same time
act on my invitation tovisitelena bonet s daughter luisa
in his room this briefvisitextended to 3 20am and
huh yeah like definitely tovisitf1149: yeah i would like
s a great city tovisitf606: [audience laugh] m954: erm rebus
m going to orkney tovisitfamily cause that s where
the day to like tovisitfraser uh huh f1149: to
to access services and tovisitfriends and family alex neil
to organise their own workshopvisitfrom jeanette she spent a
we are doing when theyvisitfrom time to time they
back seven years to thevisithe had made on major
fascinating lady i hope tovisither again in august ann
drive me to halifax andvisither daughter there it would
a journey to argentina tovisither great nephew juan guillermo
to alice s invitation tovisither in palma for the
we ll have to govisither [laugh] f1049: should totally
was necessary for sarah tovisither peer aul mither and
of january in order tovisithis wife and young son
chisholm and other ministers tovisitif they have not yet
warm i tell friends tovisitin late may early june
was the first van tovisitin six weeks peter jennings
to inform you that thisvisitis being held in your
up to northern territories tovisitit s ehm [inhale] an
it was common practice tovisitjean allison s fish and
rain to jo for avisitjim i agree this is
dad and i go tovisitjohn barbara next thursday 17th
we would still have tovisitlocations to check them out
vocal ability enables her tovisitmany parts of the country
celebrate evening 9 saturday wevisitmarket for paint proceed to
pay her rail fare tovisitme at christmas so he
alone yes i said pleasevisitme someone to get me
teeth market i pior tovisitminaret mosque muezzin bedouin berber
when i maybe go tovisitmy ehm my family in
executive when a minister willvisitnairn to promote its golf
we might be able tovisitnorrie lily chrissie said that
relationship with estonia and thevisitof a parliamentary delegation to
from the bus window thevisitof chopin and sand to
an invitation to attend avisiton friday mr mcgrigor i
down its narrow streets tovisitone of the dark smoky
he had always meant tovisitparkhead below now the car
f1149: if you want tovisitpeople yes f1148: so that
of disabled citizens when theyvisitpolling stations to cast their
nomad abandoned ship briefly tovisitprague in 1871 he travelled
days pensioners go to universityvisitpubs and clubs and even
to actively encourage people tovisitscotland subject to the approval
to take him in tovisitsomeone and he was about
any ministers have plans tovisitst mary s episcopal primary
of 200 other sites tovisitsurely it is ridiculous that
contrasted very well with avisitthat i made to polmont
the region i intend tovisitthe borders on 14 february
how i was here tovisitthe cartuja at last of
days go to valldemossa andvisitthe chopin museum perhaps you
her about my intention tovisitthe count then changed the
would also be interesting tovisitthe crown office although we
need a proposk even tovisitthe dead which is a
there so that mother couldvisitthe dentist to get there
building control department out tovisitthe development in question if
to go to inverbervie tovisitthe doctor although he did
to glasgow in 1938 tovisitthe empire exhibition nellie riddoch
violently opposed to the papalvisitthe female tv announcer informed
ministers have any plans tovisitthe heritage museum in coatbridge
to her fervent wish tovisitthe holy land a journey
potential it was exciting tovisitthe likes of replin fabrics
a similar mind to mevisitthe living room on a
i received a request tovisitthe lochaber fishery board on
you ve to go andvisitthe playgroup on monday remember
has visited or intends tovisitthe united kingdom atomic energy
also make it easier tovisittheir pen friends in other
i think she plans tovisitthem for the week end
sent me an invitation tovisitthem i m nae gan
to someone about when youvisitthem in hospital it s
many people are expected tovisitthese reservoirs each year following
around the world return tovisitthis beautiful city and area
fact i remember paying avisitto a croft in caithness
is drink is clothes avisitto a genuine indian home
milk is always white avisitto a genuine indian home
grahame the offer of avisitto a procurator fiscal s
his confidence on this firstvisitto a spanish barber six
the first minister on hisvisitto aberdeen a week tomorrow
any primary teacher a classvisitto alloway the tam o
of uncle bert s surprisevisitto aunt anne s there
to the girls 8 fridayvisitto camp at balbeardie rained
inspectors i highly recommend thevisitto cornton vale to those
sofa each weekend since thevisitto dr typhon necropolis s
i look forward to myvisitto east lothian because i
plans further ms curran myvisitto east lothian is outstanding
i will pay the occasionalvisitto edinburgh and i may
borders recently i made avisitto facilitate scotland which is
will report back from avisitto glasgow sheriff court 4
on the green a blissfulvisitto grandmother in the country
will report back on avisitto her majesty s young
hands and creates her ownvisitto him with an outcome
entirely new meaning an earliervisitto his sick pal had
word to stand by forvisitto hungarian refugees at cowdenb
an entirely rural upbringing avisitto huntly involving a walk
get a date for thevisitto kilmarnock i think that
a report on the recentvisitto lanarkshire at hamilton area
a report on the recentvisitto lanarkshire at hamilton area
his passion before his secondvisitto mallorca he sailed in
of the poem on avisitto mr burns jl111 12
east lothian lab from hisvisitto my constituency in january
description of his ship svisitto nagasaki not very long
from trish godman on thevisitto northern ireland 6 housing
cruiser hms phoebe for theirvisitto northern ireland the royal
a full partial or regularvisitto or inspection of the
on issues arising from anyvisitto or inspection of the
where chopin stayed on hisvisitto scotland in 1848 several
not with perceptions on avisitto stornoway a couple of
the purpose of margaret svisitto tease it out the
on that issue on myvisitto the borders yesterday i
i carry on with myvisitto the carthuja and that
of sir geoffrey howe svisitto the club this man
g duncan gray perhaps avisitto the cottage and new
decided not to delay myvisitto the count while i
there had been a successfulvisitto the edinburgh society on
had arrived for their weeklyvisitto the farm both morrison
that this is your firstvisitto the hub minister i
wife were on a romanticvisitto the island where they
in compensation for the briefvisitto the isle of the
game off the boat quickvisitto the public toilets in
reported back verbally on avisitto the scottish borders textiles
her uncomfortably of a childhoodvisitto the seaside in majorca
mysie s funeral a ritualvisitto the tinker beulah on
on the first minister svisitto the united nations world
glad you enjoyed your christmasvisitto toronto and hope the
she hasn t managed avisitto us and we would
from bristow muldoon on thevisitto wales 4 stage 2
maybe they would like tovisitus here anyway i hope
couples engaged to be marriedvisitus to see it for
of weeks prior to myvisitwas referring people to facilitate
matheson to comment on thevisitwhich i think was very
an old shepherd used tovisitwillie mathieson s father an
even had we wished tovisitye could hae exchanged fraternal
i may manage up tovisityou all there when its
a run through soon tovisityou and we will let
will not be their lastvisitgiven the important continuing work
of membership since their previousvisiti suspect that it will
provided they prepare for theirvisitin advance 6 conclusion in
go over and have avisitand meet your teacher eh
you should go for avisitf746: uh huh i m
they d go down andvisitthe big fowk and persuade
f1148: definitely go back andvisituh huh yeah maybe yeah
always go back for avisitwe couldn t have done
my ex plor a toryvisitfit an experience that was
the hostal on my firstvisithostal borne had all the
as trees i shall notvisitwhen i open my beak
well i ve had avisitfrom 2 of the women
four days we had avisitfrom a british man and
a o b the royalvisithad been a special and
somehow it had spoiled thevisitonce the veggie man had
passin through the toon wadvisither in haste tae win
well so pleased with avisiti take her some chocolates
her her reason for thevisitover margaret chatted with mrs
nods across her starter theatrevisitpuddles on pavements mirrored the
sparkles in the clouds hervisitradically changes the spartan wood
be present at the afternoonvisit3rd may mrs a [censored: surname]
be present at the eveningvisit9th may miss m [censored: surname]
minutes of rain that mayvisitthe desert each year it
about that now may ivisityou tomorrow is the feast
next meeting thursday 2 novembervisitby largs p s tea
pm on monday 2 septembervisitof the high commissioner of
the radio crathie only onevisiton 2 3 99 was
board initiative the bus willvisitthe uk between 2 june
quite so easy many peoplevisitagencies and offices not knowing
scottish executive how many touristsvisitscotland for golfing holidays annually
estimate that 28 million peoplevisita post office at least
does that when its staffvisitpeople for the central heating
hopeful expectation of a bumpervisitfrom santa however when you
the composer modified on hisvisithere in the story of
blocked an e fairmer couldnavisithis sister in langside as
take a short detour andvisitmonboddo at his home he
the loon an s wikkeynvisittae feenish his mither hid
morgan features baith throu avisittae his hame as weel
those communities will find thatvisituplifting however given that unless
town of aberfoyle where delegatesvisitthe sheep show a display
fast as possible for avisitat the very latest you
mr higson would welcome avisitbut i will leave him
him out nick johnston thevisitwas so long ago that
cornton vale the convener thatvisitis on either 25 or
on holiday they will notvisitthe house but at least
on this day you coodvisitthree islands in ae day
in scots logie coldstone onevisitwas required on 1 3
do we or worse avisitfrom the clype brigade i
in scotland although packs occasionallyvisitscotland from south of the
work out if i canvisitnorrie lily and get back
list of communities it willvisitin its fact finding mission
under daft hats they canvisitbut they stay in ugly
o bairns missin food folkvisitcosy flet they say toys
mmhm m845: that they canvisitif they want ehm f606:
and they ve got taevisitorkney f643: well m608: aye
micht tempt the bairns taevisitthe wordsmiddie whaur they can
lives in glasgow and wevisitsometimes i get fed up
satisfied i think you shouldvisitan artist friend of mine
mm m1021: then i llvisita sister or another old
wis a great place taevisitan ye aye got a
be done in a singlevisitand avoid an unnecessary series
hardened troopers paying a secondvisitor more the others are
visa for a two weekvisitshe herself is a smallish
can all pay them avisitwhile you are here or
ye wid niver pey avisitwithoot something in yer han
and iain duncan smith willvisittomorrow ross finnie i have
becoming faster and faster wevisitforeign countries regularly today s
mass together 22 monday wevisitkinnoul monastry by bus taking
with them 24 saturday [note: first line scored out]visitraf leuchars forsyth trophy we
accent aabody we ging taevisitsays the same thing ay
memorial monument and we llvisitthe smithsonian inst and see
quite richly lumphanan only onevisit27 1 99 was required
cinema itself was worth thevisitplush is hardly the word
buildings it was worth thevisitrich symbolic wall paintings showed
s colleagues ksenia this hogmanayvisithas involved some nice diplomacy
off but he didn tvisitme for an hour or
the hand out 7 royalvisith m the queen and
through the itinerary of thevisitand i note that two
students could decline before thevisiti examined an msc course
2004 12 58 pm subjectvisitjim sorry i chased you
participants in the fact findingvisitthat i attended in the
did the oft did notvisitpharmacies in scotland as far
notit the recent reports abootvisitscotland openly discriminatin agin the
office space fir literary organisationsvisitscotland the group notit the
valldemossa corner nor did shevisitthe town of deiĆ  which
the time of the lastvisitby h m inspectorate in
night denouncing popery and thevisitof the antichrist pope john
reign of hatshepsut with thevisitof the queen of sheba
extremely impressed by yesterday svisitparticularly by the commitment of
explore the historic town andvisitthe ancient castle one of
happier frame of mind andvisitthe hen run the lounge
rekindles sixties fire tour busesvisitthe necropolis four whisk tailed
pool of cool tour busesvisitthe necropolis green acres hold
is enclosed 4 botanic gardenvisitthe president requested that at
the pairlament msps education 3visityer local pairtner library there
g with dog rodney familyvisit26 monday barrow plumber discusses
re fire arr of thursdayvisitd mr stevens 4th bebington

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