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s wall and the antoninewalland british legionaries to f963:
of uniform for the antoninewalland other sites supported by
the ha- to hadrian swalland the antonine wall and
heritage status for the antoninewallas part of a joint
4026 michael russell the antoninewallthat the parliament commends the
stew then sits facing thewallsteve face the waw pause
waukrif a wakeful waw nwallwean n child weidae n
waukrif a wakeful waw nwallwecht n weight weill adv
waukrif wakeful waur worse wawwallwecht weight wechtie weighty weidae
waukrif a wakeful waw nwallwede v vanish weill adv
literally sort of wall towallscreens and things and they
you know literally sort ofwallto wall screens and things
ll be there sort ofwallto wall you know literally
there sort of wall towallyou know literally sort of
the proposal hanging on thewallas something that we might
form mini hanging gardens inwallcrevices the houses are not
market to buy a textilewallhanging showing a market scene
her clothes hanging on thewalli have to stop beside
been found hanging on awallin alloway s auld haunted
glory hanging from every secondwallthe red shoes of squirrels
göd good alick alike waawallfun found filt filled laachter
empty crap o e waawallhead creesh grease fat creeshy
faced old witch waa paiperwallpaper weggie edinburgh name for
where a as in waawallʌi as in chyne chain
say twa you say awallwe say a waa you
up left in the rightwalla large entrance door the
we wandered back along thewalland found the proper entrance
large entrance door the rearwallis almost completely glass with
gold domed behind a highwallwe looked for the entrance
you threw it against thewalland rolled your hands f963:
you threw it at thewalland you had all these
you threw it at thewalland you turned around and
f965: i remember against thewallwhere you threw it against
you threw it against thewallyou said [laugh] because it
the wall back against thewalland you went like that
you stood a- against thewallback against the wall and
else f965: yes against awallf963: not against the wall
wall f963: not against thewallno ours wasn t f965:
straight into the wall thewallradio doesn t switch off
wires lead straight into thewallthe wall radio doesn t
ball furiously against the schoolwallall by himself geordie is
could smashed it against thewalland all the fish were
throwing the ball against awalland shouting out a name
i m knocked against thewalland sit down with a
mirror was banging against thewalland the bed was shuddering
two girls leaned against thewallbeside the railway looking down
rests his club against thewallbroun ogre in a deep
walking stick leans against thewallby the bedside there is
him pinned up against thewallby the throat f632: [laugh]
with my back against thewallevery so often he goes
m941: toss gently against thewallf940: a fitbae shape it
you would play against thewallf963: mmhm f965: and it
your ball against the schoolwallf963: yeah f965: now there
had been against the wrongwallfor years here in the
had propped up against thewallhe said is that my
man against the bus shelterwallhe was relishing the power
it gently toss against thewall[laugh] could you imagine it
small boat against its terriblewallof steel as one survivor
beginning to press against eitherwallof the man s narrow
wee audrey logan against thewallof the vestry and that
t f965: not against thewalloh mm f963: but it
i pinned him against thewalloh the relief of action
throwing three balls against awallone after the other and
another bench against the drabwallopposite sat three boys two
to be squashed against thewallrealising that to fight was
chipping an egg against thewallsaying at ll be anidder
lums set against a gablewallsome of them with wooden
played ehm ball against thewallsometimes m608: oh right f638:
and the gap against thewallthe drones are silent breakfast
an axe leans against thewallthere are the remains of
ball games trebles against awallthrowing three balls against a
my head against a brickwalltime and again still nice
of pride leaning against thewallwas a bicycle the phenomenon
were all playing against thewallwith our long socks f963:
the a ball at thewallbut ye d stot it
were boys and girls awalldivided their playgrounds the boys
o eh built intae awalleh on the boys playground
ve pinned boys to thewallf632: mmhm f646: willie brown
ve got to hit thewalland then you ll find
not miss and hit thewallas they say in the
all [laugh] m608: hit thewallhow do you get through
did you ever hit thewallm642: oh aye m608: what
thwack thwack she hit thewallof the building with mighty
gibson street between the tenementwalland the washing green it
of wee gordon street thewallbit was was big sleepers
a large window in onewalloverlooks a street in front
cam here creashie s awallstreet banker while the palms
australia as monumental as thewallstreet crash caution says look
the church resting on awallalong the cobbled route kittens
it aye and along onewallhe puts up he puts
and running along the innerwallof lochryan house grounds bridging
that batted it off thewallf963: [laugh] mm f965: or
the corner and face thewallf965: not in your day
at head level on thewallin front of them was
cracked her head on thewallsays that s what i
away dimps rushes to thewallstarts banging his head on
the the you know thewallat the field f963: mmhm
had a they built awallout in the playground f963:
on his bed agaynst thewallmuch changed from the muckle
the box bed and thewallof the closet visitors got
[audience laugh] [audience laugh] m954: over thatwallcorporal coltrane f606: yeah [audience laugh]
waves crashing over the harbourwallgull flies goes nowhere ah
water slipped over a peatwallinto a big dark pool
watched coming over a harbourwallm1106: i- eh f1105: what
waves crashing over the harbourwallm1106: now it s old
was coming over the harbourwallm1106: some big waves f1105:
a fantastic painting on thewallover there that i saw
him at work over thewallthe ingathering of the almonds
a friendly conversation over thewallwas mine delivered neatly folded
huge big boards on thewalland every hammer had a
and sleeve plastered on everywallthe hall allows effigies of
the burn jump down thewalland squelch back in i
sliding into the river thewallcome s tumbling down it
knocked the fen- the thewalldown and everything m608: mmhm
misbehaved there was a highwalldown the middle of the
they are taking down awallhere and there or installing
was close to hitting awalli would sit down i
brick of cynicism cracked awallof jerico brought tumbling down
hoosie f1112: that s awallbittie f1111: oh a big
bittie f1111: oh a bigwallthat is and the roof
two bricks from the leftwallof a granite church predominantly
the left side and awallrecess with a pair of
left took off went awallsilence jilly dad took his
properly secured to the backwallenvironmental health and safety officers
across the ban- the backwallnow f689: oh right they
stage as the granite backwallof the house with the
a nail on the backwallstating in ironic cross stitch
ran across from the backwallto the edge of the
coming back i balance onwalltops i am blondin on
a role as a retainingwalland indicates it was part
a gecko climbing a templewallone part s a drop
temple the foundations and onewallpart of which has been
switch it off at thewalla rudimentary what a pass
it falling off a forbiddenwalland daren t run home
stroke into a swimming poolwalland had to be taken
slammed a fist into thinwalland you wet newspaper chalky
of fresh paint on bedroomwalldissipated into the atmosphere when
it was set into thewallof the tunnel where a
into the weather house eachwallwas covered with a map
notice in english on thewallan extract from paolo montegazza
stood on the old incanwalland greeted the sun then
a joke on the cubiclewallbut the chances are it
broken mirror on the shedwallcammy let the expert oan
heid on he faces thewallcammy t shirt s dry
rack of knives on thewallcaught his eye aha exclaimed
copy books and on thewallcharts miss wood says things
used for this depending onwallconstruction the standard would be
-mpty sat on a m1090: wallf1089: humpty dumpty had a
put them up on thewallf1114: s- look more sticks
that hung on the cornerwallflabbergasted we including a now
sheet of paper on awallfor you to write your
congressman s picture on thewallgarlanded so surely a close
gone that was on thewallis he away home [censored: forename]
the family photographs on thewallis his red orange and
the rubber stopper on thewallit was totally her intention
pomegranates dispersed on the terracewallit would not be so
picture of it on hiswalljust beside his chair and
mention or something on thewallm816: that s it and
is located on the gablewallof the parish hall we
of extension numbers on thewalloh and the phones can
going to go to thewallon that one but it
knives were sharpened on awallor doorstep you used wooden
chemises that dance on thewallsee them forms in the
lithograph hung on the bathroomwallshowing two primitive women on
and the wakeman on thewallsources agnew sir andrew the
made to hang on thewallstorm or hurricane lamps were
there any posters on thewallthat you d like to
perhaps dark shadows on thewallthe shadow of a writing
and the wakeman on thewallthe verse seems a particularly
ship s clock on thewallto ensure that they get
when a rail on thewallup the hill had been
to be erected on thewallup the hill to help
us stick pictures on thewallwhen he s papered it
the door or on thewallwith a curtain round them
s making shapes on thewallyou see queer dark shadows
you throw it at thewall[inaudible] yeah m939: oh an
when i stop by thewallthe two matronly sows snort
mid point only where thewallis constructed of linear single
sends them stampeding to thewallwhere all enjoy communing and
puisque they can create awallchart for these and look
well look here s awallsee if you can find
i e south of thewallhere before the erection of
cheap thrill observe my southwallhere you see me followed
provided they had built awallfor instance you know there
had turned to face thewallpreferring to contemplate the silhouette
stands between it and thewallai whit an auld skoondrel
you throw it at thewallan it stops it beepin
odin and thor from thewallbeams hang swords battle axes
don t need the blackwallbecause i have this jotter
bells draws me to thewallbeyond the gate to the
than parched bamboo a brickwallblistering dry scrub the occasional
could you prevent hitting thewallby taking glucose tablets or
the main square past ceramicwalldecorations which showed spanish noblemen
of the centre include awalldisplay and audio visual facility
the adjacent museum the newwalldisplays about burns s story
it would be the schoolwaller or the the you
rhino behind the radiator awalleyed paper eskimo peering from
saw beasties crawling up thewallf1114: he s going to
tae flick them at thewallf606: aye [laugh] yeah [laugh]
cairry the watter fae thewallf606: mmhm f828: tae the
you throw it at thewallf940: ye it says [inaudible]
removes the sword from thewallfeels the edge of it
all the wag at thewallhangs high in the hall
his first novel the northwallhis first published work davidson
if you can find thewalli can see it m1096:
pieces in a stud partitionwallif members want the information
the baby is at onewallin malcolm s room there
condition of the greek thomsonwallin queen margaret road t
come from the ceiling onewallis painted black and a
european disability forum sir johnwallis vice president of the
second door in the otherwallleads to kitchen agnes a
for th advanced division butwallll ve made the higher
cupboard and we broke thewallm642: aye it was a
he was sticking to thewallm804: really m805: erm and
are faced with a brickwallof contradiction and denial the
tapped at the wet blackwallof his side i pace
though something burned in thewallof the choir when richard
outside looking up at thewallof this very building and
was a recess in thewallor it could be at
whose area the proposed fencewallor other structure is to
worth the visit rich symbolicwallpaintings showed golden haloed saintly
smashed a framed and glassedwallphotograph of the pair of
have stuck her tae thewallshe was clarty and eh
the honeysuckle wedded to thewallso full of colour perfumed
a historic day as thewallsurrounding one of the bin
jist ower frae the trootiewallthe bruce s ay keepit
of knockers who demolished thewallthe next clean up of
of a tree and awallthe threat of floods has
the demolition of the greatwallthis was a historic day
it s like from thatwallto like the edge of
m642: aye f643: so thewallwas thick and the kids
d hear him through thewallwhen i was triple checking
i was at the berlinwallwhen to the astonishment of
by a niche in thewallwhich visibly contains the skulls
leonardo da vinci a collonadedwallbears a wisteria draped pergola
will be surrounded by awallbuilt with material in keeping
start not quite a romanwallbut our railings are important
12 saturday working do vestibulewallevening what a job filling
er a dyke for awallf1054: mm m1019: er ben
takes a battle axe fromwallgunlöd ah l gie ye
stanes behind wis a sheerwallno scarred wi clawin hands
jungle hits you with awallof warmth elephant hide feels
you were climbing up awallor a fence ho- ye
proposes to erect a fencewallor other structure which whether
of how well a particularwallroof floor or window can
up gigantic great upward curvingwallpure white spotlessly clean flowing
o em in e stairwallan tryin tae sattle e
aboot em bit in ewallo e stair ere wis
see it m1096: bit ofwallf1095: mmhm m1096: fa- f1095:
words like penis and vaginalwallat home her mother muttered
grant can help with cavitywallinsulation loft insulation draughtproofing hot
bill campbell and sir johnwallbill campbell represents inclusion scotland
[cough] [audience laugh] m954: through thatwallcorporal coltrane and er so
have molar removed plaster frontwallin afternoon get cold in

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