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of decreasing the level ofwastedisposal by incineration in line
from the incineration of municipalwastedoes not qualify for support
a central register of allwasteincineration facilities in scotland and
2003 ssi 2003 169 thewasteincineration scotland regulations 2003 ssi
european communities act 1972 thewasteincineration scotland regulations 2003 ssi
regulations ssi 2003 169 thewasteincineration scotland regulations 2003 ssi
transport and the environment thewasteincineration scotland regulations 2003 ssi
transport and the environment thewasteincineration scotland regulations 2003 ssi
174 11 march 2003 thewasteincineration scotland regulations 2003 ssi
from incineration or energy fromwasteplants can be classified as
a presumption against incineration andwasteto energy plants in new
25 per cent of municipalwasteby 2006 and 55 per
25 per cent of municipalwasteby 2006 will be met
proportion of scotland s municipalwasteis currently recycled within scotland
for the recycling of municipalwasteover the next a five
from the recycling of municipalwastes1w 15051 robin harper to
for the recycling of municipalwastewhat amounts are involved and
given that the factory combustswasteknown as recycled liquid fuel
air from cement factories burningwasteknown as recycled liquid fuel
whether cement kilns when combustingwasteknown as recycled liquid fuel
with only 4 5 ofwasterecycled compared to other small
press for more of ourwasteto be recycled s1m 2725
scottish executive what percentage ofwastewas recycled in i 1997
the implementation of the urbanwastewater treatment directive 91 271
any derogations from the urbanwastewater treatment directive 91 271
been granted from the urbanwastewater treatment directive 91 271
implementation proposals for the urbanwastewater treatment directive 91 271
implementation proposals for the urbanwastewater treatment directive 91 271
of these particularly recycling ofwasteand development of renewable energy
recycling of 30 of householdwasteby 2010 and further independent
35 recycling rates for domesticwasteby 2010 is concerned that
of the recycling of householdwasteis currently carried out by
the recycling services that manywastemanagement providers are making available
of separation at source recyclingwasteminimisation and packaging reduction further
executive what percentage of itswastepaper was sent for recycling
arrangements for the recycling ofwastepaper within the scottish parliament
executive what percentage of itswasteplastic was sent for recycling
target of 25 per centwasterecycling although we have not
guidance on targets for householdwasterecycling and whether the guidance
order of 40 per centwasterecycling if that is the
rural affairs the environmental protectionwasterecycling payments scotland regulations 2000
rural affairs the environmental protectionwasterecycling payments scotland regulations 2000
rural affairs the environmental protectionwasterecycling payments scotland regulations 2000
specifically in the area ofwasterecycling s1w 24872 donald gorrie
to set mandatory recycling andwastereduction targets and the forthcoming
meeting tough targets for recyclingwasterenewing urban and suburban centres
duncan hamilton recycling of householdwastethat the parliament recognises the
suitable for the disposal ofwastearising from the outbreak sepa
outlined in sepa s nationalwastestrategy be adopted for the
head of sepa sponsorship andwasteunit division scottish executive environment
sepa team sepa sponsorship andwasteunit division scottish executive environment
batteries and other hazardous householdwasteand f producing in order
almost twice as much householdwasteas the national average congratulates
25 per cent of householdwasteby 2006 and 55 per
to landfill sites in householdwastes1w 14977 mary scanlon to
our questions on the proposedwasteelectric and electronic equipment directive
laws like the weee directivewasteelectronic and electrical equipment are
the implementation of the urbanwastewater directive for example through
of compliance with the urbanwastewater directive is placing an
their compliance with the urbanwastewater directive s1w 12206 mr
for farmers of the urbanwastewater directive s1w 12212 mary
the implementation of the urbanwastewater directive which minister has
the implementation of the urbanwastewater directive with specific reference
chase stones across this urbanwasteit s cold i pull
saline action group on organicwastespread on land bristow muldoon
saline action group on organicwastespread on land enterprise and
s strategic review of organicwastespread on land s1w 12163
saline action group on organicwastespread on land sp paper
saline action group on organicwastespread on land the committee
on the instruments 3 organicwastespread on land the committee
ssi 2002 556 4 organicwastespread on land the committee
to the spreading of organicwasteand the burning of animal
2003 ssi 2003 170 thewastemanagement licensing amendment scotland regulations
transport and the environment thewastemanagement licensing amendment scotland regulations
transport and the environment thewastemanagement licensing amendment scotland regulations
2003 ssi 2003 170 thewastemanagement licensing amendment scotland regulations
2003 ssi 2003 169 thewastemanagement licensing amendment scotland regulations
169 11 march 2003 thewastemanagement licensing amendment scotland regulations
local authorities reduce waste reusewasteand recycle or compost 25
been a number of ecwastedirectives demanding action on waste
waste directives demanding action onwastemanagement and that consecutive governments
so i- that was awasteof time a complete waste
waste of time a completewasteof time so erm er
require all local authorities reducewastereuse waste and recycle or
products from waste the nationalwastestrategy will generate millions of
facilities for manufacturing products fromwastethe national waste strategy will
to reduce the volume ofwastebeing landfilled or incinerated s1w
reduce the misery illness andwastecaused when patients acquiring infections
reduce the total amount ofwasteproduced take action to meet
to reduce growth in domesticwastes1o 3305 29 hugh henry
should reduce the amount ofwastethat goes into our everyday
this has a focus onwastemanagement 6 convener s report
with the future provision ofwastemanagement facilities and what plans
specifications of construction materials andwastemanagement in relation to the
comprehensive database of information onwastemanagement issues s1w 10706 mr
respect of the executive regardingwastemanagement matters if so why
than to deal with generalwastemanagement problems ross finnie i
50 million was allocated towastemanagement to be bid for
executive what percentage of domesticwasteis estimated to be made
of domestic and non domesticwastes1o 286 7 karen whitefield
the implementation of the areawasteplans yesterday i announced that
in the odour of theirwasteproducts and some of our
where each feeds off thewasteproducts of the other has
new products out of recyclablewastes1w 1067 bruce crawford to
reducing ill health reducing energywasteand costs the money to
biomass and e energy fromwasteprojects listing each project funded
create an over capacity inwastewater treatment facilities if processors
pm executive debate on nationalwastestrategy followed by parliamentary bureau
various elements of the nationalwastestrategy in particular we are
have not finalised the nationalwastestrategy it begins to look
their contributions to the nationalwastestrategy local authorities are required
local authorities implementing the nationalwastestrategy the executive has allocated
on the spreading of abattoirwasteon agricultural land s1w 26926
report on the spreading ofwasteon land published by the
wattir nanse bitterly ah lwastenae mair tyme wi you
moula malcolm thenkye ma laddiewastenae tyme ye wadna want
day nanse to herself whitnawasteo tyme this haes been
aw ah haena tyme tiwasteon you says ah that
ah hae nae tyme tiwasteor ah finnd this thief
recycle 25 per cent ofwasteby 2006 and 55 per
for financial aid to meetwastewater bills is not that
bid for money ross finniewastewater regulation comes under the
that the plant meets euwastewater regulation requirements s1o 3853
north of scotland water authoritywastewater schemes which will discharge
and cut the amount ofwasteproduced by 2010 drive forward
a the amount of nuclearwastestored in scotland on a
for money from the strategicwastefund to finance kerbside collection
the ceilin whit did yewastemoney on that for hae
millennium dome an what awasteo money it was right
sticks how much o awasteo money was that [laugh]
going that is a ludicrouswasteof everyone s time money
educating girls was a dreadfulwasteof money and completely unnecessary
going to forget such awasteof money as the millennium
the parliament condemns the profligatewasteof public money on the
draft producer responsibility obligations packagingwasteamendment scotland regulations 2000 17
draft producer responsibility obligations packagingwasteamendment scotland regulations 2000 the
the producer responsibility obligations packagingwasteamendment scotland regulations 2002 ssi
in eskimo we should notwastea lot of resources on
resource it would be awasteof our resources it is
that we will tackle thatwasteof resources donald gorrie said
over regulation it is awasteof resources to draft totally
funds that is an appallingwasteof voluntary resources as that
and establishment of environment andwasteresource advice units in all
were available in the areawasteplans and their contributions to
that as the interim areawasteplans have indicated it is
longer to get the areawasteplans the second part of
plan based on the areawasteplans will be in place
february he said the nationalwasteplan based on the area
wasted of developing the areawasteplan which could accrue if
planning and development of areawastestrategies the deputy minister for
better days lizzie ye cannawastegood paper during a war
no that would be awasteof good drawing paper saturday
to make a collection ofwastepaper for guild funds milltown
that group is the greatestwasteof talent because it does
2001 when the nhsscotland clinicalwastesteering group will a complete
there was no time towasteas soon as the editing
queue or the marines andwasteaway time like david [censored: surname]
s fit i ca awastei kent by the time
we spend time save itwasteit and even borrow it
we ve no time towastenow goodbye lilian thank you
and police officers or awasteof police time s1w 24688
it might be an absolutewasteof time a red herring
is a bit of awasteof time although i believe
back knows it s awasteof time asking where i
was a bit of awasteof time because er that
wardrobe it was a totalwasteof time f1144: [laugh] f1054:
just thought that was awasteof time i didn t
to adjust her bra awasteof time i thought because
know he d be awasteof time put him off
like a bit of awasteof time really you know
cook in schools was awasteof time they took away
is not my intention towastethe committee s time further
i do not propose taewastethe court s time discussing
we ve nae time taewastethe voice was youthful and
understandable but i didn twastetoo much time on comparisons
how much time did youwastetryin to m741: yeah yeah
three years to the strategicwastefund to assist local authorities
training education guidance to encouragewastesegregation and promote minimisation s1w
that the report on thewasteaware scotland survey public attitudes
fife which will draw inwastefrom all over scotland fail
it and the success ofwasteminimisation policy in scotland the
b the locations of suchwasteand c the procedures for
ware ye would see thewasteand delusion of your exhortatiouns
accumulation of highly radioactive nuclearwasteand e there are certain
supports the principles of thewasteand emissions trading bill and
level of aggregates sent forwasteand on what basis it
as the build up ofwasteand the possible effects of
to disallow dumping of toxicwasteat paterson s landfill site
outbreak getting rid of thewastebut the executive is not
drums and containers of chemicalwastecancer spawned by industrial blight
and of the council onwasteelectrical and recording equipment carry
of work would be awasteher father said he was
monitoring the storage of thewasteincluding the nature and frequency
clarification of objectives for thewasteindustry including a presumption against
to a lower proportion ofwastematerial and produce environmental gain
the air that s awasteof a good notebook he
a wa- it s awasteof a walk in the
reminder that might be awasteof breath at the moment
would have been a completewasteof effort mr rowland because
50 that is a disgracefulwasteof human life and i
and it would be awasteof my undeniable but under
is mr home robertson awasteof space george lyon john
the test of proximity wherewasteshould be dealt with as
s a bit of awasteso i end up puttin
from a mixture of soggywastesuch as grass clippings and
the build up of solidwasteto more open areas the
start of the inquiry onwasteuntil such times as the
was makin sure she didnawastehis good siller so i
it wouldna seem sic awasteo a good coffin an
that can be generated fromwastechange the public purchasing rules
that can be generated fromwastedevelop links with european regions
babcock ltd to store radioactivewastefrom hms renown at rosyth
premises in which considerable recyclablewasteis generated such as business
that wad be an awfuwasteah doot ye d hardly
ah m owre guid tiwasteahl never be auld ah
followed by executive debate onwasteand emissions trading bill uk
seems a bit ay awasteto me well charlie that
this has on communities 3wasteand emissions trading bill uk
school ones on the adjacentwasteground beside the streetville council
weers aff eh whit awastesits beer on the table
skellum they fight macbeth yewasteyeir bumptious virr on me
a thackit hoosie standing inwasteground where there flourished funs
persuade people to be morewasteaware and to change their
s allocation to the strategicwastefund is to be distributed
by the large car parkwasteground the bins would be
sense that ash or anywasteis supposed to be disposed
be like this is gonnawasteme uh huh m1048: [laugh]
that would be a sadwastenoo if there was hunders
it wad juist be awasteo guid meat ti feed
six year olds brainstormed whatwastemeant for them as the
sie an it a gretwasteo tuim wattirs but as
as grass clippings and kitchenwasteplus autumn leaves which are
disappearin fast as man layswasteto the countryside they re
housing includes provision for separatingwasteand space for kerbside collection
does richard lochhead mean thewastedifficulty for fish processors in
that would probably not affectwastemodelling for example the systems
it out for re usewastenot want not has aye
dying away she should notwasteany more coals but she
children that they must notwastethe crayons which are even
to the question what iswastethe teacher responded to their
thought to composting your vegetablewasteand even newspapers here are
successful existing projects and causeswasteand red tape streamline the
to allow and extend thewastedisposal facility and to construct
get started kitchen and gardenwasteis an immensely valuable source
and bowers and a gaewastemy bonny love s taen
plan and b produce furtherwastetraining education guidance to encourage
feelin it s an affawastea the same sae i
an yon wis a cruelwastean a sin fur ye
wad hae bin conseered awastebi the fowk o the
brains it s jist awastefur clearing drains but hector
is very exposed a moorlandwastein fact monboddo is no
it a just an affawasteloretta life you re askin
wad likely get merriet awasteo a guid education aabody
a horse shoe connach towastespoil coo binnin cattle binding
fact that there is somewastegeneral practitioners under the current
witnesses is he sadie dinnaewasteyer braith this yin ll
propelled it expertly into thewastebin i jist caa her
it lests bairn dinna youwasteit owre the spinnin wheel
civil war an kent thewasteo it the third step
sake although one hated towastethe stamps even greater secrecy
t let it go towastenow if we won it
it will only gang taewastehe cannae pit it back
but i didna want taewastemasel in case it came
cannae let it gang taewasteoch no ye daurnae that
throw in your old kitchenwasteits an idea to keep
faar fowk didna like taewasteonything least o aa grazin

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