
See this word as a collocate cloud

green wumman sae thoums warwatah se warrant ye an
shune that were no evenwatsae the roe deer that
ti dael wi lat swatthoums on that bergain quio
morag ah wul puddok nouwatthoums the puddok and morag
walkin hame throu the tounwatup tae the hochs shune
feet sank doun inti thewatsaund an he wes that
wattir merk onti the siccarwatsaund forenent the ebb tyde
had gruppt ae young ladwatup tae the hochs walkin
alang the muir owre thewatdew cuivert gress wi the
gress breirds i the gairdenwatwi dew afore this day
walkin doun the road butwattroosers is nae evidence o
polis can gie a bodiewattroosers sae they had tae
scorned wi condescension but awatneb nudgin nou an then
on ti iot wurkin furwatdavies the ex girnwud ferm
v wrap wast a westwata wet wattir n water
a drap wattir juist tiwatma thrappil ah coud dae
o the chisholme estate fallaedwatdavis intil girnwood ferm ay
er spring a leak anwatbehinds may the biggest troots
65 year old elephant atwatneranchararam cha am kam lai
naitral ti the laun arwatbi the sam renn cluds
tree trunk we it nearlywatoorsels lauchin an sae relieved
ah l lat ye tiwatah canna bi the law
hurlie cot for me anwatcoat hooks in rows a
beguid ti dry aff hiswatclaes the forenicht wes weirin
his face an reponed taewatbi sayin oh a ll
musie i thair drames owats moostroopin men makkin eer
the furthest an thay awwatthair fingirs the better ti
a think it wur mrwatferguson an his marrow frae
goun wes the culor owatfug ay thenkye kyndlie ah
yetts bit deil the raindrapwathis heid he cursed the
ye will for weel iwatye may the baa o
hannles it garred the pooerwatthe loof ettlin ta get
whan oniwebodie walkit on thewatsands whaur the waves haed

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