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2000 session 1 convener mikewatsonglasgow cathcart lab deputy convener
five minutes 16 03 mikewatsonglasgow cathcart lab it is
gorrie central scotland ld mikewatsonglasgow cathcart lab mr kenneth
west of scotland snp mikewatsonglasgow cathcart lab the following
wallace james robert orkney ldwatsonmichael goodall glasgow cathcart lab
wallace mr jim orkney ldwatsonmike glasgow cathcart lab welsh
wallace mr jim orkney ldwatsonmike glasgow cathcart lab whitefield
wallace mr jim orkney ldwatsonmike glasgow cathcart lab whitefield
wallace mr jim orkney ldwatsonmike glasgow cathcart lab whitefield
wallace mr jim orkney ldwatsonmike glasgow cathcart lab whitefield
wallace mr jim orkney ldwatsonmike glasgow cathcart lab whitefield
thomson elaine aberdeen north labwatsonmike glasgow cathcart lab whitefield
thomson elaine aberdeen north labwatsonmike glasgow cathcart lab whitefield
wallace mr jim orkney ldwatsonmike glasgow cathcart lab whitefield
wallace mr jim orkney ldwatsonmike glasgow cathcart lab whitefield
wallace mr jim orkney ldwatsonmike glasgow cathcart lab whitefield
wallace mr jim orkney ldwatsonmike glasgow cathcart lab whitefield
ben north east scotland conwatsonmike glasgow cathcart lab whitefield
wallace mr jim orkney ldwatsonmike glasgow cathcart lab whitefield
wallace mr jim orkney ldwatsonmike glasgow cathcart lab whitefield
wallace mr jim orkney ldwatsonmike glasgow cathcart lab wilson
wallace mr jim orkney ldwatsonmike glasgow cathcart lab wilson
sociolinguistics third edition oxford blackwellwatsona and clement r d
and duncan downie in 1840watsonand clement 1983 373 404
it wis strange to uswatsonand clement 1983 373 404
they kent naethin o gaelicwatsonand clement 1983 373 404
lost the gaelic language aswatsonand clement discovered when they
language in the last centurywatsonand clement interviewed colin macintosh
by lowland scots and englishwatsonclement 1983 only a few
and clement 1983 373 404watsonmade the point 1984 180
2 after section 1 mikewatson53 after section 1 insert
that activity section 3 mikewatson54 in section 3 page
rabbit or section 7 mikewatson55 in section 7 page
not include a rabbit mikewatson56 in section 7 page
given several members including mikewatsonand duncan hamilton referred to
gorrie not to mention mikewatsonand elaine thomson will hold
brian monteith s1m 38 mikewatsonbank of scotland that the
gorrie s1m 3507 1 mikewatsonbroadcasting and the media as
amendments s1m 3507 1 mikewatsonbroadcasting and the media as
on 22 february 2000 mikewatsonbusiness bulletin 64 2000 thursday
lloyd quinan malcolm chisholm mikewatsonchristine grahame tavish scott fiona
elaine thomson deputy convener mikewatsonconvener andrew wilson the meeting
language 2 letter from mikewatsonconvener of the finance committee
trish godman karen whitefield mikewatsondonald gorrie fiona mcleod cathie
murray tosh karen whitefield mikewatsondonald gorrie ms fiona mcleod
peattie mr frank mcaveety mikewatsondr richard simpson s1m 1463
paterson mrs margaret ewing mikewatsondr winnie ewing ian jenkins
neil mrs margaret ewing mikewatsondr winnie ewing ms sandra
cathy peattie robin harper mikewatsonelaine thomson dr richard simpson
hugh henry cathy jamieson mikewatsonelaine thomson maureen macmillan rhoda
michael russell s1m 599 mikewatsonepilepsy that the parliament recognises
duncan hamilton robin harper mikewatsonfiona mcleod malcolm chisholm pauline
robin harper michael matheson mikewatsonfiona mcleod mr jamie mcgrigor
been lodged yet but mikewatsonhas signalled his intention to
the poor supported by mikewatsonhelen eadie marilyn livingstone dr
gordon brown has planned mikewatsoni hope that the presiding
tourism culture and sport mikewatsoni meet regularly with representatives
12 51 the convener mikewatsoni open the meeting with
mr swann suggested that mikewatsonintended to remove section 2
neil mr kenneth gibson mikewatsonirene mcgugan s1m 691 daks
kenneth gibson christine grahame mikewatsonirene mcgugan s1m 724 jobs
necessarily represent best value mikewatsonit is not true to
linda fabiani michael matheson mikewatsonjohann lamont trish godman elaine
may 2000 david mundell mikewatsonkaren whitefield bristow muldoon donald
patricia ferguson janis hughes mikewatsonkaren whitefield des mcnulty mr
monteith dr richard simpson mikewatsonkaren whitefield mrs margaret ewing
alex neil lloyd quinan mikewatsonkaren whitefield the meeting opened
robin harper malcolm chisholm mikewatsonmargaret jamieson mr kenneth gibson
sandra white elaine smith mikewatsonmargaret jamieson trish godman rhoda
karen whitefield elaine smith mikewatsonmargaret jamieson trish godman robin
at stage 1 from mikewatsonminister for tourism culture and
2 broadcasting 3 culture mikewatsonminister for tourism culture and
shona robison linda fabiani mikewatsonmr andrew welsh mr jamie
on 12 september 2000 mikewatsonmr andrew welsh mr jamie
gorrie mr kenneth gibson mikewatsonmr duncan hamilton mr jamie
margaret jamieson donald gorrie mikewatsonmr jamie stone mr john
may 2000 trish godman mikewatsonmr kenneth gibson colin campbell
michael matheson patricia ferguson mikewatsonmr kenneth gibson fergus ewing
jamieson dr elaine murray mikewatsonmr kenneth gibson nora radcliffe
michael russell nicola sturgeon mikewatsonmr kenneth gibson shona robison
david mcletchie john scott mikewatsonmr kenneth macintosh hugh henry
douglas hamilton rhoda grant mikewatsonmr kenny macaskill s1m 1187
stone dr richard simpson mikewatsonmrs elaine smith dorothy grace
winnie ewing dennis canavan mikewatsonmrs kay ullrich shona robison
charter in february 2002 mikewatsonmsp called on public bodies
mccabe minister for parliament mikewatsonmsp convener of the finance
bill by the party mikewatsonmsp formally lodged his intention
bill to be introduced mikewatsonmsp has however secured the
grouse moors is unknown mikewatsonmsp has stated that he
23 march 2000 33 mikewatsonmsp however confirmed that he
march 2000 col 388 mikewatsonmsp in september 2002 outlined
the minister for culture mikewatsonmsp indicated that the knowledge
the meenister for culture mikewatsonmsp indicatit that the knawledge
the 20 july 1999 mikewatsonmsp labour announced his intention
riddle chief executive visitscotland mikewatsonmsp minister for tourism culture
minority languages letter from mikewatsonmsp to the education culture
on gaelic letter from mikewatsonmsp to the education culture
robin harper dennis canavan mikewatsonnick johnston mr kenneth gibson
robin harper dennis canavan mikewatsonnick johnston tommy sheridan proposed
sandra white elaine smith mikewatsonnora radcliffe mr john swinney
connected purposes introduced by mikewatsonon 1 march 2000 supported
commitments mr davidson rose mikewatsonperhaps that is because it
when he said that mikewatsonproperly pointed out that the
trish godman johann lamont mikewatsonproposed protection of wild mammals
under rule 9 14 mikewatsonproposed protection of wild mammals
george lyon cathy jamieson mikewatsonrichard lochhead mr kenneth gibson
by ms patricia ferguson mikewatsonrobert brown johann lamont ms
its entirety bill swann mikewatsons proposed amendments have been
margaret curran johann lamont mikewatsons1m 23 tommy sheridan that
on 22 february 2000 mikewatsons1m 578 breast screening for
on 22 february 2000 mikewatsons1m 579 pilkington optronics lodged
on 1 march 2000 mikewatsons1m 594 volvo plant irvine
on 1 march 2000 mikewatsons1m 613 grampian country foods
on 2 march 2000 mikewatsons1m 621 scottish music industry
on 3 march 2000 mikewatsons1m 629 scottish mozambique relief
on 7 march 2000 mikewatsons1m 635 mozambique and the
on 9 march 2000 mikewatsons1m 652 firework sales lodged
march 2000 cathy jamieson mikewatsons1m 658 trident submarine fleet
on 15 march 2000 mikewatsons1m 659 housing needs of
macmillan mr kenneth gibson mikewatsons1m 723 nhs provision of
richard simpson bristow muldoon mikewatsons1m 907 mr jamie stone
donald gorrie karen whitefield mikewatsonscott barrie marilyn livingstone robin
janis hughes john scott mikewatsonscott barrie shona robison margaret
matheson mr kenny macaskill mikewatsonshona robison helen eadie christine
stage 2 section 1 mikewatsonsupported by mr murray tosh
as david davidson and mikewatsontalked about the importance of
s open golf championship mikewatsonthat issue is being considered
galloway tourist board areas mikewatsonthe executive made a considerable
sandra white s1m 1075 mikewatsonthe jeely piece club silver
epilepsy awareness s1w 14995 mikewatsonto ask the presiding officer
epilepsy awareness s1w 14994 mikewatsonto ask the presiding officer
angus s1o 3308 17 mikewatsonto ask the scottish executive
borders s1o 3197 7 mikewatsonto ask the scottish executive
indebted scots s1w 1747 mikewatsonto ask the scottish executive
all teachers s1w 1938 mikewatsonto ask the scottish executive
this period s1w 1992 mikewatsonto ask the scottish executive
was based s1w 6023 mikewatsonto ask the scottish executive
this area s1w 14993 mikewatsonto ask the scottish executive
care place s1w 18253 mikewatsonto ask the scottish executive
2000 s1o 75 3 mikewatsonto ask the scottish executive
parliament s1o 3841 27 mikewatsonto ask the scottish executive
2000 s1o 75 3 mikewatsonto ask the scottish executive
to ask his colleague mikewatsonto meet me to discuss
grace elder karen whitefield mikewatsontommy sheridan s1m 1063 andrew
fiona mcleod michael russell mikewatsontrish godman cathy peattie nick
christine grahame alasdair morgan mikewatsontrish godman irene mcgugan s1m
chisholm mr kenneth macintosh mikewatsontrish godman s1m 591 public
on 3 march 2000 mikewatsontrish godman s1m 622 bank
alex neil maureen macmillan mikewatsontrish godman s1m 681 fuel
on 23 march 2000 mikewatsontrish godman s1m 685 take
2000 mr kenneth gibson mikewatsontrish godman s1m 689 a75
helen eadie maureen macmillan mikewatsontrish godman s1m 728 sequoia
ewing mr john mcallion mikewatsontrish godman s1m 891 dorothy
i am sure that mikewatsonwill be delighted to meet
eastern highlands now mounth whilstwatson1984 xiv noted that the
gaelic society of inverness 52watsona and allan e 1984
people pronounce the same nameswatsonand allan 1984 180 logie
as the two main languageswatsonand allan 1984 xiv responding
minister for parliament witness elizabethwatsonclerk team leader john patterson
me because it seems elizabethwatsonhas confirmed it that if
behalf of a committee elizabethwatsonhead of committee office scottish
the procedures committee as elizabethwatsonis with us today i
head of committee office elizabethwatsonpersonal secretary lynn patterson clerk
just sitting there quietly elizabethwatsonthe standing orders on motions
pe 454 by mr peterwatsonon the sale of playing
pe 454 by mr peterwatsonpe 517 by mr rob
pe 454 by mr peterwatsonpe 517 by mr rob
agnes mackenzie allan berry averilwatsonallana m parker william h
the hills could spikk itwatsonand allan noted many names
pe454 petition by mr peterwatsoncalling for the scottish parliament
allana m parker william hwatsonduncan hope councillor charles kennedy
as 1920 to make drwatsons stout you would buy
folk bought meal from mrwatsonat benholm mill who also
is the petition from mrwatsonon behalf of the world
arises at stage 2 mrwatsonproposes to replace the licensing
to our successor committee mrwatsons comment about the need
music was supplied by mrwatsons quadrille band from bervie
day is remembered and johnwatsonmosshead remembers going to a
when i spoke to johnwatsonof the world development movement
on this petition pe320 johnwatsonon behalf of the world
a young boy when johnwatsons family flitted to the
as lord foulkes [audience laughter] lordwatsonlady wendy alexander [audience laughter] and
on a comment that lordwatsonmade his lordship said that
a point of information lordwatsonwill lodge amendments to his
some time ago i askedwatson3 whether in the event
in this volume 3 georgewatsonjoined the clarendon press in
scottish women poets and roderickwatsons the poetry of scotland
senior organiser gmb scotland davewatsonscottish organiser unison scotland 4
of opposition to the plannedwatsonbill although the press release
the primary aim of thewatsonbill is to ban mounted
a free vote on thewatsonbill this appointment indicated a
the gibbet by t mwatsonand the honours of drumlie
overall responsibility for the dictionarywatsonwas recognised in 1988 when
years of experience can shortenwatsonapplied the methodology passed on
such as connach and shargarwatsonand allen in their study
editorial staff consisted of harrywatsonand marace dareau volume v
with the assistance of georgewatsonand otto schmidt he began
of 4000 per annum 6watsonbecame editor in chief in
old haugh according to professorwatsonbut the evidence of three
responding to a written questionnairewatsongave further insights into the
aboot onywye the beadle gordonwatsonhid seen matty pittin the
the pupit the beadle gordonwatsonhirplit up the wee steep
clearly shown in that casewatsonmight be a kind of
re titled senior editor withwatsonretaining administrative responsibility and the
the crisis of 1981 andwatsons assumption of overall authority
schools er very good schoolswatsons heriot s and what
too jonathan bell and mervynwatsons marvellous book irish farming
ballad of semmerwater sir williamwatsontells the story of a

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