
See this word as a collocate cloud

meanin tae gie the ruchwattera veesit for a while
aicht feet abune the ruchwatterare ye gaun tae gie
s brither in the ruchwatterjuist ablow it an the
fisher tae fish the ruchwatterwi brammlin worm devon minnow
for a while the ruchwatterwis a lang streitch whaur
boo baba by the bogiewatterbee bee boo boo babala
lark wad soum ablow thewatterlike submarine or shark or
daein see doun ablow thewatterstriddlin the white turtle ay
whan we spied ablow thewatterthe end o an orange
hous see in ablow thewattertheik the riggin see wi
were they rinnin wi thewatterfor the fire an bessie
hans in e caal rinninwattero an ootside troch e
watchin the rinnin see owatteronendin hou s hert an
oot for 85 o whitwatterwis left wis rinnin doun
last o the gloamin thewatterwis rinnin aff efter a
soakin weet an the bilinwatterwould be rinnin aff them
winnie needit a drink owattereence they war inno the
poored a jeelip o bylinwatterfrae the kettle inno a
pit the crocodile inno thewatteri cud rin on bit
poored a howpie o seawatterinno a jug likewise liftin
ll poor a sup hettwatterinno the basin an clean
trail its fingers inno thewatterlang patterns o lirks an
tae skyte chukkies inno thewattertwis jist efter nine an
watter the het sloch owatteraw rituals matter tae them
wi her tae the gravewatterchristened her an watter kistit
grave watter christened her anwatterkistit her minnie s ma
watter they re in thewatternou ian hissed an we
day reach out throu thewatterthe het sloch o watter
had the net in thewatterthey re in the watter
wi watter wi watter wiwatterthey wash it ower wi
it ower wi watter wiwatterwi watter they wash it
they wash it ower wiwatterwi watter wi watter they
the waves hurlin in mawattercairtie see wi ruif o
smaa be yir waves langwattero yangzi see saft may
gale bow heich oot thewatterstem doun in the waves
washin machine sae furly thewatterwalloped the waves aboot till
lamps an brocht in hetwatterfor washin their feet wi
disjaskit watchin a perfect fleewatterglide by on a het
het simmer days whan thewatterwis bath warm an the
a fella come oot thewatteran hauf rin alang the
rin dee rin like awattershelt richt brawly ben the
a wee rin on thewattersince then there wis a
the edge o the lifewatterhe stude up grat sair
she de ed by thewatters edge founert wi june
gairdens slopin doun tae thewatters edge on the north
doon a bank tae thewatters edge ye could hear
at the edge o thewatterwad hae stoppit the need
wash its teets wi warmwattertae dicht awa ony skirps
they wash it ower wiwattertill it ripples like the
ye cairriet a gweed namewatterwinna wash yon stain frae
a hunner yairds doun thewatteran for aa ye kent
gae doun the big hoosewatterfor an oor tae check
park an doun tae thewatterglintin grey in the brekkin
jock got doun tae thewatterjuist afore the daurkenin they
it wechtit doun in thewatterlet s get tae hell
gangs o poachers doun thewatternettin puils stappt fou o
wha hadnae been in thewatterpoued his bunnet doun an
the bindwuid see out thewatterpouk the lillie ay doun
he tae heidit doun thewatterpuil efter puil that fish
i slithert doun tae thewatterside tae heid him aff
doun the pad by thewatterside ye cuid see nae
an daunert doun tae thewattertae luik the pairt we
five miles further doun thewatterthe neist mornin an whit
local howkers walkin doun thewatterwi the same intent shy
a bairnie swimmin throu thewatteran fechtin wi the fish
tither an the roar owatterthrou the dam dirlin oor
cuid see the glint owatterthrou the trees there wis
aboot fower yairds throu thewatterwhan it dawned on him
he telt me it swatteraff a dyeuk s back
aff in sixty faddom owatteran we kent at a
likes o puggie aff thewatterfor haein nae ticket an
tak the caudron o claeninwatterfrae aff the ingil pit
licht s bit schmoodrachs owatterglentin aff drookit leaves haar
swat rins aff him likewattermistress bruce is spongin him
furled aff ower the eeliewattero the herbour the journey
the rope intae the deepwatteror soumin aff the bank
demons shakkin aff the seawattertae sclim intae their tree
soak it aff wi warmwattertamas jist seiven year aal
fishers were even aff thewatterthere wis nae pynt in
tae plunk intae that foolwatterdoon below i wes a
an ran back ower thewatterefter jimpy an straucht intae
my een peerin ower thewatterintae the holm forenent us
pit the net intae thewatterready for him whan withoot
it ma shouder dull yellawatterrins tinny intae a kettle
stertit a full hous landwatterdeid mass for the chymies
wi deid leaves fillin mywatteris the muir s communion
pitch as if the verrawatteritsel wis deid boddomless fowk
courit deid still in thewatterlike a jenny heron aboot
as he lays in thewattershammin deid we draw the
bleck speck oot ower thewatteran juist abuin the horizon
in skytin chukkies ower thewatterare the sangsters nae comin
we saw a curtain awatterfawin ower a cliff an
jist a lowp ower thewatterfrae stranraer ye cud near
bi a scoosh o cauldwatterhaived ower his face frae
my een ower the bonniestwatteri ve ever seen wi
a tree booin ower thewatterlike a craggy heron ye
licht the preists skirp ritualwatterower the fowk twa fat
my jaunts faur ower thewattersaga one may 1983 may
yer snoot slivvrin ower thewatterspoot the snailie ii a
an low doon ower thewatterwattie answert ay ye r
they cuid tae keep thewatteroot efter the tide came
an mysel efter walkin thewattersince the darkenin feenished up
the last ay oor stalewatteras a mournin ay her
dicht doon wi saip anwatteras i ay dee i
the treetaps angelica on yuanwatteray mascorn on the li
see on ma riggin heidwatterrins ay aa roun ma
full tae the neck wiwatteran chukken beens frae the
big wull frae up thewatteran young mick oot on
dug comin up frae thewattercairryin the tin in its
steen a skoosh o orrawatterdrivin frae a dub bi
sweelin them doon wi springwatterfrae a plastic dispenser the
on the gress shook thewatterfrae himsel then picked up
the lavvie fulled it wiwatterfrae the tap spat on
gangs apiece an the halewatterhad been nettit frae tap
better fish lowped frae thewatteri think said will i
wis nae gettin awa fraewatterin dublin yon wis plain
kye hidna kirned up thewatternosin doon frae the park
am the snail frae thewatterspoot i cairry ma hoosie
the kinrik frae besouth thewatterti the twa capitals there
the face o the yirdwatterwis their element frae their
at the geans o thewatterin the weather the roon
hame they spirkit the seawatterroon the fire an hung
ye stalin in ecstacy wiwatterroon yer rear like an
trees doonfaa onno the wrunkledwatters broo roon banks lulled
wis nae room left furwattershe grew as roon as
get a wee drink aewatterdoon ye carolanne agnes what
gleska folk as doon rawatteri am rather taken with
me skelpin back doon thewatteri can tell ye but
glesga on this luvers daywatteris dreepin doon ma lug
they dae something tae itwatterit doon or something neil
ah ve ten feet owatterjuist ahint me get him
an fearsome swirls broke thewatterjuist then tam saw a
breenged up an doon thewatterlike a daft thing afore
twa inch rise in thewatters juist eneuch for some
wis a cloot fu owattersit doon jed the auld
slashed or flung in thewattersometime if they re juist
i went on doon thewattertae try a cast or
juist ae sowp o thewatterthat is in this flesk
go wur hollies doon thewatterwe only dae it fur
whan i wis doon thewatterwi the big flees willie
fower feet o foamin whitewatteran heidit for the faur
in only fower feet owatterdiseased saumon are markit aboot
to be plottit wi bilinwatterafore the cream geed in
wi a glaiss joog owatteran a tummler in his
hid been aa connacht wiwatteran e hey wis black
wi the noise o thewatteran his ain voice bauldy
hid bin full wi halywatteran left fur us bi
the steen pig wi hettwatteran up ye gyang tae
made wi buttermilk instead owatterand meltit fat they turned
surroondit on three sides wiwatteranither twa fit an it
heilans see the craft wiwatterat its croon a heicher
larned wi neither meat nurwatteraywis luikin till the thunnerbirds
hus ran wi the saltwatterbut ah know what ye
his goun wi saun anwatterbut goad be here the
dance defy da wyes owatterda skip o years wi
tin basin wytin reamin wiwatterfur the quinie tae dook
neebors tae see on thewatterhowkers fished in pairs wi
track at file ran wiwatterlike e bed o a
fou tae the gunnels wiwattermay 14th the rest ye
there and fill it wiwatterneil we could sweem an
wis washin t wi caalwatteroot o e plastic yalla
a ledge that wis sypinwatterooto a lang crack wi
john wi an auld tornwatterproof an jeans an me
wi a joog o freshwatterthis mornin he complained o
muckle s a skirp owattertouchin hoof nor mane wi
tae be canny wi ewatterwe d nae sinks an
tae come oot o thewatterwi a wee six pun
gates puggie s on thewatterwi his brither jock informed
tae his hochs in thewatterwi his rod an heuks
yin we walked up thewatterwi niver a sicht o
his wader taps in thewatterwi the big rod bent
nooadays an god knows dawatterat comes fae da heevens
cloo wid faa i dawatterda wirsit an mi fingers
nordern straand a glisk onwatteris hit kissed da sheenin
i wis plankit bi dawatters aedge at tynninghame aest
flingin steens in the dubbywattershe ran throw her da
jade see intil the langwattera ll fling ma enseignies
main haudin puils on thewattera three hunner yaird lang
ye for the gift owatterlang seen your speerit meeved
ye a lang drink owatternae hump as far as
a whusky bottle hittin thewatterah nearly lowpt oot ma
a gliff oot tae thewatteran said that s a
heid s in oot thewatteran twists tae reveal the
fashioned tae win oot inwatteras weel as on shore
an he cam oot thewatteraw no at aa he
stanes wid lie heavy unnerwattercairns spreid oot like the
example fit gangs intill ewatterfite and comes oot black
went up oot o thewatterlike a shot fae a
e cut throat an biletwatteroot o an iron kettle
soundit lyke pitter patter haliewattersyne she taen oot hir
he wis mair oot thewatterthan in it like a
an pyntit oot tae thewatterthe plan wis tae mak
tickets for the auld millwatterthree o us hatched oot
lead him oot tae thewattertroch in the yaird forkin
photies a evrubdy ahint thewatterwe climbed oot the gorge
aye did comin oot thewatterwe gied him the time
on oor side o thewatterwhile healthy fish lie deep
at e far side ewatterjist a raised block o
again he jinks aboot thewatterside then deep aneath the
the faur side o thewatterwhan twa o them unexpectit
m heard dem on abootwatterdivinin me faider wid caa
wid you need ta finwatterit s no laek you
keepit a trootie sae thewatterwid keep clean three steps
at the endless tryst owatteran scaur in this oor
at the endless tryst owatteran scaur oor luve wis
the vivers at land orwattermicht supply whan that wis
in scores in the whitewatterahint the stanes tho tae
sae we gaed tae thewatteran pit them back in
set tae dae the castlewatteran that this time they
tae wade back across thewatterc moan son i cried
f828: had tae cairry thewatterfae the wall f606: mmhm
he tuik me tae thewatterfront thegither we wad cockle
teemin rain tae fin thewatterin guid order on fair
hirplt back across tae thewatterlike a lame dug luikin
tae thigg the god owatterlooed this bonnie rig fin
ye got tae ken fitwattermint ir e lack o
belly in icy cauld octoberwatterno kennin wha tae believe
if ye wintit tae makwattersae ye jist hid tae
gars your insides turn taewattershe grins at the audience
an that thair s naewattertae be hud an that
throw that baa an chlorinatedwattertae keep the germs awa
a troot in their springwattertae keep the wallie clear
tae hae plenty o haitwattertae plot aa the utensils
built this dam tae supplywattertae the big flooer mills
castle keepers tae watch thewatterthat nicht we d watched
back tae the sauftie owatterthe hinmaist scientist in chairge
lick their lugs in thewatterwhaur ye loued tae splash
darg bit likewise the warmwatterwis tae gar the coo
fit she did for freshwatterfin i wis a student
it an some could finwatternae idder as dat noo
newsed constantly o cricket awatterbuffalo in dubs wis battin
her breasts these burns bilinwatterin the dark i wis
the vivers at lan orwattermicht supply prince duan wis
the loch ness monster playinwattermusic last seen wis reelin
he wis staunin in thewatternae mair nor fower yairds
hens inside it wis ewatterpump at supplied e hoose
flee or devon unless thewatterwis big but it held
the firth jaup o thewattera shooting star over the
abune the chuckle o thewatterah think they re sortin
in faithlands o wast thewatteran bid his halieness paip
hing easily in the slackwatteran hing a wheen o
thae physick mongerin lads owatteran lochside at plays the
the siller glint o thewatteras a man hauf courrit
a feed o hey anwatterat eleyven o clock sune
a mile streitch o guidwatterat the tap en o
sicht o mortal een thewatterbedd in its cauld blaik
trees foo they meeve likewatterben the tides o air
an see e driblets owattercomin up atween e steens
puffie o gas ignitin irwatterexplodin in a branch an
o whurlan trolleys skoosh owatterin tomb size sinks fowk
the biler twelve pails owatterit took that was the
the whinney o centaurs anwatterkelpies an even she thocht
o life soomin in secretwatterkittle an blythe i maun
ages the sainin o thewatterlat us pray eternal god
afton aa thon singin abootwattermindit him o the need
t ken this bit owatterno bad said puggie luikin
a wee circle o barewattersame s a bit a
he had his feasties owattersnails an caddis beasties gin
haud awa wast o grashlochwatterti the stewartrie o grashloch
skail a linn s whitewattertorrent o snash oantae yer
ahin the twa pearls owattertrimmlin at the lip o
ye a saxty twa pundwatterburnist meditation staff an gin
niver seen youse on thewatterafore hae ye got tickets
tree stump hissin by thewatterafore it taks a runnin
thing i hid scaled halywatterblessed bi the priest an
an again while walkin thewatteri d come across a
as they soum across thewatterthe byllies gether nets an
the mannie unseated by thewatterach he s jist a
ruckled stanes through its whitewatteran up by the mill
i could hae herriet everywatteri slauchtered troot till i
mannie clip cloppin by thewattertill frichtit by a flyin
furlin as ey loot ewattergo they say ere s
ll be winnerin aboot ewatterrats bit thole awa boys
an at e eyn ewatterwas likely gey din e
in e road sortin somewatterworks an wir first view
your back but aince thewatterwas bilin awa an the
aroun nettin the big boosewatteryae nicht then the puils
jade see intil the mucklewattera ll fling ma cuttie
eeseless cratur thank ye bogiewatteri ve fulfilled ma weemun
but ma tried her sugarellywatterstuff on me fan i
he struck aince mair thewatteran feenished mair or less
at it thin at thiwatteran i thought whit thi
an whyles a birdie weirinwatteran slowness its yuletide feathers
we pray bliss noo thiswatteran the bairn that comes
a nicht on the bargairliewatterhe began an i went
an aafa pooer in yonwatterit flegs ye i wisna
s a forgettin by thewatterlilies an lanterns by the
posie ye wiled shadda anwatters seelence posie like a
hauns war steepit in thewattersax times mornin an nicht
mony storms an gales itswattersic wondrous dark brouns velveteen
langer neck an then reservewattertanks an reserve fuid stores
on the flee up thewatterthis year an even showin
the warst howkers on thewatterwere the byllies themsels an
an the r aye somewatterwhaur the stirkie droons as
ither shore owre the mucklewattersee lat aefauldness be kent
slave ship sits in thewatterthey tell ye a gey
have we didna even havewatterin the hoose so mum
her back in the blaikwatterlike the auld wummin cast
a wee luik at thewattershuir eneuch my licht latcht
monstrous tail cut through thewatterlike a sail tam caad
like forkit lizards tongues thewattersweels aroon like crème de
flatter himsel reflectit in thewattera dizzen times or he
took some photies through thewatteranen ah went ootside ae
pot is heated and thewatteris boiling the only thing
john and mysel fished thewatterkeepin as near puggie as
for the extensive influence ofwatteron our respective muses whether
noo is it in thewatteror somethin in the feed
hauf the streitches on thewattersay s ah m a
few picters taen nearhaun awatterfillt hollow algae covert still
to get peis breid andwattercaill beans were also used

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