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jill tried afore nae guidweakah m too weak jilly
you ah m weak weakweakjilly holds pat bj lee
guid weak ah m tooweakjilly stae here wi us
is fine wi a weakweaksin tuesday 9th temp 3
on there s a weakweaksin wednesday 7 temp 5
like you ah m weakweakweak jilly holds pat bj
day is fine wi aweakweak sin tuesday 9th temp
later on there s aweakweak sin wednesday 7 temp
noh like you ah mweakweak weak jilly holds pat
community erm loss of ermweaki- initial syllables er gree
on there the loss ofweakintermedial syllables in in in
being ower wild sin isweakbit affa fine tae see
fyte like sna sin isweakday fine an dry frost
frost in o the airweakis the sin bit it
14th temp 3 9 affaweakis the sin in o
frosty win fine day bitweakis the sin monday 3rd
winters days i hiv seenweakis the sin wi blue
jist noo widnae be wrangweakis the sin win cauld
a richt fine october dayweaksin for maist o the
on oot comes a geyweaksin maks abody feel affa
loch wis shimmerin in theweakspring sin shine ere wis
still gey cauld in theweakspring sin the twa o
stronger the negative noh siweakah could stand up right
ur the strong noh theweaknoh the sappy pause yur
lee whispers because he wisweakjilly cannae hear yi lee
silence bj she kens yourweakspots keep yur guard up
that ring yur lost yurweakvulnerable a victim wi nae
wis een or twa affaweaklookin things fit div you
so that where i mweaknaza can be strong and
the strong the sick theweaktae them wi nane be
she telt yi yi wurweakpause then she beat an
i clung to him tooweakto stand alone and vomited
ti us aye she wisweakbit we wur weaker than
me tanka ii ice likeweakgreen tea is putting the
wabblie that tea is veryweakhe d an aafa fang
from the un dead sippingweaktea between grimacing lips i
30 stewart comes home veryweakand tired friday 25 doctors
officially a graduanda if myweaklatin serves me well friday
said love wis fur theweakan sappy that oany love
watched from the bed tooweakto be anything other than
oot in a hospital bedweakas a kittlin wheezlin an
feel elated i was stillweaki couldn t make the
hid brukken the commandments asweakas eve afore her steenhillock
wae n woe waek aweakwaesum a sad wal n
re still feelin a bitweakcome new year and then
posture he offers us twoweakmain characters on the one
that that evidence is relativelyweakbecause its motivation is to
think that it lodged aweakmotion because it hoped to
he gaed oot an aweakchest onywye i d a
on it an find theweakcrack the wee tinkle o
the wee the muckle theweakthe strang sooked like a
nae i can makk themweakas kittlins i can makk
m1008: fann yes f1009: forweaktired yes m1007: yeah m1008:
men who looked after theweakto endeavour to make them
formed as marble will theweakoppress d th impression of
of this alien edifice aweaksound echoed feeling like a
used to shelter lambs orweaksheep whar where neebin nodding
disclosure and human rights isweakand one of the worst
was a consequence of aweakbladder something that is not
or bustling around fushionless isweakuseless spurtle shanks are legs
be a a a aweakvowel is is elided altogether
some extent that kind ofweakcompromise could lead to an
bring tourists to shetland theweaklink as we can all
the voice descending into aweakattempt at ingratiating will doubtless
fekfu a powerful fekless aweakfell a great ferr adv
i wisna in for aweakhert or i would ha
stands accused of lodging aweakmotion i think that it
be entitled tae rob aweakrich man the tane has
through the sea fog aweaksun people pass speaking quietly
carolanne i know he sweakbut he s not evil
he will go out madeweakby time and fate but
poems are not sung forweakaesthetic greeks nor for people
cudnae the movement s thatweakan folk that shud be
have been proven to beweakelsewhere i agree that the
time with wan faces andweakknees occasionally wearing thins wisps
standing behind her with theweaklight of the window at
the local infrastructure was oftenweakthat resources were inadequate and
ithers dinna lauch at theweakfin ither bairns miscaa ye
his hold fast foot theweakmouse panteth shakespeare seems torn

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