
See this word as a collocate cloud

the why wouldn t irvinewelshadopt these kinna strategies m741:
know from kelman through irvinewelshand now suhayl saadi m741:
she couldn t read irvinewelshat all she just couldn
ehm authors such as irvinewelshehm kelman leonards matthew fitt
i was reading welsh irvinewelsher i couldn t like
cause when i was readingwelshirvine welsh er i couldn
gonna use it and irvinewelshis not gonna use it
[tut] i think irv- irvinewelshs scots is is particularly
many a thing in irvinewelshthat i ve read that
you look at like irvinewelshtom leonard james kelman m741:
think with someone like irvinewelshyou d probably say go
fabiani tommy sheridan mr andrewwelshalex neil bruce crawford brian
michael goodall glasgow cathcart labwelshandrew paton angus snp welsh
mr john swinney mr andrewwelshandrew wilson alasdair morgan alex
and milngavie lab mr andrewwelshangus snp cathy peattie falkirk
8th meeting convener mr andrewwelshangus snp committee members brian
session 1 convener mr andrewwelshangus snp deputy convener mr
review the policy mr andrewwelshangus snp is the minister
haddock fishing 8 mr andrewwelshangus snp to ask the
of s1m 3860 mr andrewwelsharbroath cafe project for text
i remember speaking to andrewwelshas the matter was raised
richard lochhead brian adam andrewwelshbill aitken robin harper irene
mr jamie stone mr andrewwelshbrian adam ms sarah boyack
alasdair morgan fergus ewing andrewwelshbruce crawford andrew wilson brian
alasdair morgan fergus ewing andrewwelshbruce crawford andrew wilson s1m
june 2001 supported by andrewwelshbruce crawford robin harper shona
alasdair morgan fergus ewing andrewwelshbruce crawford s1m 12 david
macaskill colin campbell mr andrewwelshchristine grahame fergus ewing brian
veterans supported by mr andrewwelshcolin campbell bruce crawford brian
martin euan robson mr andrewwelshconvener andrew wilson apologies were
mr keith raffan mr andrewwelshconvener the meeting opened at
mcintosh kay ullrich mr andrewwelshdennis canavan mr lloyd quinan
9 june supported by andrewwelshdes mcnulty s1m 45 phil
mr mike rumbles mr andrewwelshdorothy grace elder mr lloyd
campbell michael russell mr andrewwelshdorothy grace elder robert brown
hyslop s1m 1023 mr andrewwelshfailure to reinstate arbroath to
order supported by mr andrewwelshfergus ewing mr duncan hamilton
17 january 2002 mr andrewwelshfiona hyslop bristow muldoon s1m
17 january 2002 mr andrewwelshfiona hyslop mr gil paterson
17 january 2002 mr andrewwelshfiona hyslop mr keith raffan
in my response to andrewwelshi made it absolutely clear
01 the convener mr andrewwelshi welcome committee members and
ready the convener mr andrewwelshi welcome everybody to today
welsh andrew paton angus snpwelshian mcwilliam ayr lab white
their own supported by andrewwelshirene mcgugan duncan hamilton shona
agreed supported by mr andrewwelshirene mcgugan mr mike rumbles
davidson shona robison mr andrewwelshkate maclean irene mcgugan s1m
tricia marwick kenny macaskill andrewwelshkenneth gibson lloyd quinan adam
ewing colin campbell mr andrewwelshlinda fabiani fiona mcleod andrew
mr michael matheson mr andrewwelshlodged on 22 february 2000
jenkins kay ullrich mr andrewwelshmichael matheson bill butler linda
ms margo macdonald mr andrewwelshmichael matheson ms sandra white
mr kenneth gibson mr andrewwelshmichael russell richard lochhead fiona
gibson s1m 1102 mr andrewwelshmontrose bridge that the parliament
symbol s1m 137 mr andrewwelshmotion regarding appointment of auditor
15 january 2002 mr andrewwelshmr adam ingram murdo fraser
kay west of scotland snpwelshmr andrew angus snp white
watson mike glasgow cathcart labwelshmr andrew angus snp white
kay west of scotland snpwelshmr andrew angus snp white
kay west of scotland snpwelshmr andrew angus snp white
ben north east scotland conwelshmr andrew angus snp white
ben north east scotland conwelshmr andrew angus snp white
mr john north tayside snpwelshmr andrew angus snp white
kay west of scotland snpwelshmr andrew angus snp white
ben north east scotland conwelshmr andrew angus snp white
kay west of scotland snpwelshmr andrew angus snp white
ben north east scotland conwelshmr andrew angus snp white
ben north east scotland conwelshmr andrew angus snp white
mr john north tayside snpwelshmr andrew angus snp white
wallace mr jim orkney ldwelshmr andrew angus snp whitefield
ben north east scotland conwelshmr andrew angus snp wilson
ben north east scotland conwelshmr andrew angus snp wilson
kay west of scotland snpwelshmr andrew angus snp wilson
kay west of scotland snpwelshmr andrew angus snp wilson
kay west of scotland snpwelshmr andrew angus snp wilson
kay west of scotland snpwelshmr andrew angus snp wilson
kay west of scotland snpwelshmr andrew angus snp wilson
kay west of scotland snpwelshmr andrew angus snp wilson
ben north east scotland conwelshmr andrew angus snp young
mr john mcallion mr andrewwelshmr david davidson mr lloyd
mcintosh fergus ewing mr andrewwelshmr duncan hamilton brian adam
schemes supported by mr andrewwelshmr duncan hamilton kay ullrich
mcleod shona robison mr andrewwelshmr duncan hamilton mr john
mcleod shona robison mr andrewwelshmr duncan hamilton mr john
mr gil paterson mr andrewwelshmr duncan hamilton tommy sheridan
fabiani mike watson mr andrewwelshmr jamie mcgrigor mr john
2000 mike watson mr andrewwelshmr jamie mcgrigor s1m 1171
russell brian adam mr andrewwelshmr kenneth gibson irene mcgugan
dr winnie ewing mr andrewwelshmr lloyd quinan dorothy grace
dr winnie ewing mr andrewwelshmr lloyd quinan dorothy grace
13 december 2000 mr andrewwelshmr lloyd quinan mr adam
dr sylvia jackson mr andrewwelshms sandra white alasdair morgan
cunningham andrew wilson mr andrewwelshms sandra white colin campbell
elder linda fabiani mr andrewwelshms sandra white fiona hyslop
mr john swinney mr andrewwelshms sandra white mr alex
mr murray tosh mr andrewwelshms sarah boyack dorothy grace
mr murray tosh mr andrewwelshms sarah boyack ms linda
committee will hear from andrewwelshmsp convener of the audit
of s1m 1229 mr andrewwelshnuclear testing related illnesses for
ullrich s1m 1313 mr andrewwelshnuclear testing related illnesses that
scanlon s1m 1229 mr andrewwelshnuclear testing related illnesses that
ms sandra white mr andrewwelshrichard lochhead alasdair morgan mr
mrs margaret ewing mr andrewwelshrichard lochhead fiona mcleod andrew
campbell linda fabiani mr andrewwelshrichard lochhead michael matheson andrew
campbell linda fabiani mr andrewwelshrichard lochhead michael matheson andrew
hamilton alasdair morgan mr andrewwelshrobin harper mr lloyd quinan
morgan alex neil mr andrewwelshrobin harper mr lloyd quinan
mr gil paterson mr andrewwelshrobin harper mr lloyd quinan
1 november 2001 mr andrewwelshrobin harper s1m 2392 enough
1 november 2001 mr andrewwelshrobin harper s1m 2398 digital
mr lloyd quinan mr andrewwelshrobin harper tommy sheridan brian
ms sandra white mr andrewwelshroseanna cunningham fergus ewing mr
mr lloyd quinan mr andrewwelshroseanna cunningham mr duncan hamilton
dr winnie ewing mr andrewwelshroseanna cunningham ms margo macdonald
irene mcgugan brian adam andrewwelshs1m 10 1 jamie mcgrigor
7 september 2000 mr andrewwelshs1m 1154 third world debt
15 january 2001 mr andrewwelshs1m 1492 kenny macintyre sports
mr kenneth gibson mr andrewwelshs1m 1807 2 phil gallie
richard lochhead brian adam andrewwelshs1m 2 mr jim wallace
dorothy grace elder mr andrewwelshs1m 2395 remploy and social
dorothy grace elder mr andrewwelshs1m 2397 arbuthnott formula and
campbell tricia marwick mr andrewwelshshona robison andrew wilson robin
dorothy grace elder mr andrewwelshshona robison donald gorrie s1m
hamilton fiona hyslop mr andrewwelshshona robison fergus ewing tommy
ewing bruce crawford mr andrewwelshshona robison fiona mcleod tommy
macintosh elaine smith mr andrewwelshsusan deacon s1m 3618 michael
treatment s1w 19638 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
s1o 1809 22 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
project s1w 16550 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
question time 1 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
bags s1w 28584 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
s1o 432 22 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
drugs s1w 19637 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
trust s1w 33752 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
scotland s1w 1952 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
tax s1w 19433 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
2001 s1w 31855 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
have s1w 31856 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
s1o 4937 20 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
s1o 6381 22 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
requested s1w 24113 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
parliament s1w 34372 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
s1o 2758 4 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
decisions s1w 13146 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
s1o 379 3 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
followed s1w 28580 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
vegetables s1w 14575 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
was s1w 20874 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
transport s1w 28581 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
same s1w 14574 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
response s1w 1054 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
year s1w 20876 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
outbreak s1w 14945 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
plastics s1w 28583 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
s1o 6430 13 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
treatment s1w 19636 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
century s1w 19635 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
s1o 1790 18 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
classification s1w 20873 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
dundee s1w 20875 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
treatment s1w 19640 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
compliance s1w 1053 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
drugs s1w 19639 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
society s1w 24110 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
police s1w 31871 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
01 s1w 19415 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
s1o 3301 16 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
change s1w 13147 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
scheme s1w 24112 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
operate s1w 24111 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
met s1w 33753 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
authority s1w 16549 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
plastic s1w 28582 mr andrewwelshto ask the scottish executive
gibson karen whitefield mr andrewwelshtommy sheridan dorothy grace elder
16 january 2002 mr andrewwelshtommy sheridan mr keith raffan
mr kenneth gibson mr andrewwelshtommy sheridan mr lloyd quinan
examined the issue closely andrewwelshwill also be aware that
that sense has prevailed thewelshassembly decided that it might
appointment to gaelic development agencywelshassembly government 2002 bilingual future
and creating a bilingual waleswelshassembly government 2002 p1 the
a policy statement by thewelshassembly government welsh language board
grey areas in legislation thewelshassembly has already called for
assembly government 2002 p1 thewelshassembly has responsibility for implementing
5 in 1997 legislation thewelshassembly is keen to promote
using the welsh language thewelshassembly is wholly committed to
wanted to use scots thewelshassembly model as outlined in
because of the suspension thewelshassembly s powers are slightly
as recently proposed in thewelshassembly s1w 16806 michael russell
that the signer for thewelshassembly stood on the floor
it is surprising that thewelshassembly which debated this matter
by the welsh assembly governmentwelshlanguage board 1996 welsh language
in acquiring and using thewelshlanguage the welsh assembly is
s her s is onwelshactually welsh and english code
s is on welsh actuallywelshand english code switching eh
equality the definition applied towelshand english in the welsh
wi makkin traditional materials inwelshavailable the welsh leid board
orkney dialect and and welshwelshdialect f948: yeah yes mmhm
mmhm aye f1159: welsh probablywelshfor you f1160: we get
heaven i flew a smallwelshhill a small welsh hill
small welsh hill a smallwelshhill which has never been
to the recognition given towelshin the welsh language act
recognition that is afforded towelshin wales the welsh language
given to welsh in thewelshlanguage act 1993 gaelic officers
to welsh in wales thewelshlanguage act 1993 requires that
welsh and english in thewelshlanguage act may be a
in the promotion of thewelshlanguage bilingualism and welsh medium
teaching materials in welsh thewelshlanguage board has been instrumental
government welsh language board 1996welshlanguage schemes their preparation and
in the promotion o thewelshleid bilingualism an welsh medium
materials in welsh available thewelshleid board has pit their
that f746: mmhm f1159: orwelshm1161: mmhm aye f1159: welsh
the welsh leid bilingualism anwelshmedium education an sets oot
the welsh language bilingualism andwelshmedium education and sets out
welsh m1161: mmhm aye f1159: welshprobably welsh for you f1160:
available traditional teaching materials inwelshthe welsh language board has
between orkney dialect and andwelshwelsh dialect f948: yeah yes
wholly committed to revitalising thewelshlanguage and creating a bilingual
bilingual design and development ofwelshlanguage cd roms the board
bilingual signs an oncome owelshleid cd roms the board
sets oot its vision forwelshmedium education an bilingual education
sets out its vision forwelshmedium education and bilingual education
language act 1993 requires thatwelshand english are treated with
act 1967 1967 act thewelshlanguage act 1993 1993 act
approval in accordance with thewelshlanguage act 1993 mcleod w
is also found in thewelshlanguage act 1993 section 2
requirements set out in thewelshlanguage act 1993 some private
an the english in thewelshleid act micht be a
mission for 2000 2005 thewelshleid board states that there
gaelic 82 in wales awelshleid board wis estaiblished by
plannin ae reason that thewelshleid has jouked the world
produced a strategy for thewelshleid in 1996 it has
language beildin an giein thewelshleid mair virr 83 alang
the production o cysill awelshleid spellin an grammar checkin
bodies in wales must treatwelshand english on an equal
school i m very prowelshi love wales but i
in 2001 in respect ofwelshin wales gaelic in scotland
in some schools in waleswelshis the only or main
gaelic 82 in wales awelshlanguage board was established by
in fringe languages such aswelshand irish gaelic the haiku
the national interests of thewelshenglish scots and northern irish
including scots english irish andwelsheuropeans paid a very heavy
in fringe languages such aswelshirish and scottish gaelic and
for you f1160: we getwelshm1161: i get irish a
and catalan frisian irish andwelshnow have the status of
this charter will apply towelshscots gaelic and irish it
of scottish northern irish andwelshstandard english speakers of scottish
an the irish an thewelshwar aa like dragons then
gets irish and i getwelshyeah mmhm mmhm m1161: aye
and facilitate the use ofwelsh8 the board has authority
commitments and for monitoring themwelshlanguage board 1996 p18 the
jones head of language planningwelshlanguage board 2 mccrone agreement
jones head of language planningwelshlanguage board 2 mccrone agreement
and literacy policy in scotlandwelshlanguage board 2000 a vision
and literacy policy in scotlandwelshlanguage board 2000 a vision
cpg 10 september 2002 16welshlanguage board a vision an
cpg 10 september 2002 25welshlanguage board a vision and
must be submitted to thewelshlanguage board for approval the
john walter jones chief executivewelshlanguage board meirion prys jones
john walter jones chief executivewelshlanguage board meirion prys jones
language board for approval thewelshlanguage board states that the
mission for 2000 2005 thewelshlanguage board states that there
of a publicly funded statutorywelshlanguage board the board was
name under the act 8welshlanguage board web site www
language board 1996 p18 thewelshlanguage schemes are more detailed
happy to write to mrwelshabout the issue that he
jackson dr richard simpson ianwelshallan wilson mr michael mcmahon
itsel an mr an mrswelshbade it whit ope the
pe 145 mr william pwelshcalling for the scottish parliament
day i see that mrwelshis about to say something
union structural fund allocation mrwelshnice answer but i will
terms of mesh sizes mrwelshthe mesh size of the
not a simple argument mrwelshwhat about the nets ross
for any other language thewelshhave not adopted that principle
are 2 main acts thewelshlanguage act 1967 1967 act
planning one reason that thewelshlanguage has bucked the world
produced a strategy for thewelshlanguage in 1996 it has
is active support for thewelshlanguage it is still up
finally a brief overview ofwelshlanguage legislation key points of
odin or frae the ancientwelshlanguage meanin land of victory
failure to carry out awelshlanguage scheme in some schools
basis and they must preparewelshlanguage schemes gaelic language policy
english on an equal basiswelshlanguage schemes have to be
on a voluntary basis 2welshlanguage speakers have an absolute
producing cysill which is awelshlanguage spelling and grammar checking
for language maintenance and increasedwelshlanguage vitality 83 along with
kenneth macintosh eastwood lab ianwelshayr lab shona robison north
the definition applied tae thewelshan the english in the
act gave equal status towelshand english in public life
the public sector must treatwelshand english on an equal
the uk along with englishwelshand gaelic also notes that
principle they use english andwelshand have not sought to
taken to persuade the englishwelshand scottish railway to accept
coming from dutch german spanishwelshas well as english and
expenditure in the english andwelshbudgets it would be a
list of preferences just abovewelshbut lower than english and
english eh she can speakwelshbut she kinna f- really
eu countries including english andwelshfarmers all get more support
followers attracted by english andwelshhunts this would mean that
an scottish african an scottishwelshor english an scottish a
english words and then usingwelshwords but he uses english
than the numbers who speakwelshand gaelic added together it
frisian occitan scots scots gaelicwelshand the romance languages of
[?]the point[/?] m605: i wonder aboutwelshbecause cause gaelic apparently the
following the 1999 scottish andwelshelections published in april 2000
into scottish literature than thewelshside of things definitely f1037:
allowed for the use ofwelshin court and provided for
examining expanding the use ofwelshin the private sector thereby
generations because i m halfwelshand half scots i ve
businesses do provide services inwelshon a voluntary basis 2
of my friends just soundswelshbut it s f1150: yeah
speaking and they sing inwelshm1161: yes yeah f947: as
know m605: is she awelshspeaker herself m741: yeah yeah
extremely puzzled by that ermwelshis a is a is
another uk example is thewelshproject young voice managed by
young voice managed by thewelshyouth agency this is a
the orcadian accent and thewelshaccent are supposed to be
an absolute right to speakwelshin court proceedings 3 the
s almost quite similar towelshm865: is that what you
re gonna change them towelshnames f606: [audience laugh] [laugh] m954:
want to go down thewelshroad and end up with
then it ll be allwelshagain er and it s
word mynydd still found inwelshand meaning hill or mountain
big broken big stretches ofwelshand then all of a
and crosses was translated intowelshbut i remember gettin and
letters of thomas and janewelshcarlyle duke edinburgh edition gen
cause ma flatmate he swelshm605: yep m741: erm and
f948: and he was actuallywelshoriginally m865: right f948: and
t they they re awelshspeaking and they sing in
house jimmy jessie and williaminawelshthey stayed at arbuthnott for
big rugby player from thewelshvalleys and i m not
very much that s inwelshbut i saw them support
got an album album inwelshi have it but i
whoever was publishin it inwelshi know it exists cause
sings in the shower inwelshif he s sad he
at expandin the uiss owelshin the private sector forby
they ve had no difficultywelshis an example in the
of instruction in other schoolswelshis taught as a first
increase in the number ofwelshspeakers from 18 7 of
for fox control in thewelshuplands 15 this shows foot
that s a really thickwelshaccent but it could almost
wur cryit carolyne an georginawelshae faimlie ca d mcwhir
warrior king who led thewelshagainst the roman legions drawn
147 153 saivrel o thewelshbairns gaed til roberton schuil
[laugh] f1037: so my thewelshbit of my childhood was
one of the first waswelsherm f606: really [laugh] m954:
similar but his dad swelshf1150: i think the lewis
stertit wi the forebeir owelshfollaed bi german that haed
view or interest i meanwelshfor example disnae yaise eh
for summer time 5 saturdaywelshgives me idea of money
on a tree a smallwelshhill lullaby of the birds
figures are from the 1997welshhousehold interview survey the figures
the golf p s thewelshlad won hospital jonsar eck
s was stiff as awelshlife guard but a mandarin
also been suggested with thewelshmunro called carneddau meaning cairns
then f947: they re thewelshones aren t they they
name mean pen is clearlywelshor cumbric meaning head cf
fits very well with thewelshpronunciation a 1682 map had
i was educated at awelshschool i m very pro
7 of the population werewelshspeakers the latest figures are
bristow muldoon david mundell ianwelshthe meeting opened at 11
politically incorrect but familiar termwelshtwelfth century bards rehearsing the
frae the tyme whan auldwelshwis the langage o the

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