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and scots promoted wherever andwheneverpossible and that includes the
of funding options wherever andwheneverthey present themselves as providing
of funding options wherever andwheneverthey present themselves as providing
of funding options wherever andwheneverthey present themselves as providing
of funding options wherever andwheneverthey present themselves as providing
philosophy at the moment andwheneveri sort of tell him
f1150: yeah f1151: erm wellwheneveri- i m studying philosophy
evolved the desire to rapewhenevertheir desire to mate is
mu- always cauld cauld f1018: whenevermy husband smoked and you
red and thing has themwheneverhe wants to stamp on
me shout at the tellywhenevermy flatmate forced me to
will take comfort from itwheneverthe authorities are forced to
f1111: and this one herewheneverwe lifted his trunk we
to that so phase twowheneverit starts er and i
[throat] naw it s justwheneveryou see that kind of
the kind you git stewwheneveryou re ready ed dimps
with real healing laughs stewwheneveryur ready ed silence ed
that s so weird thoughwheneveryou go to parkhead when
home christmas summer an wellwheneverthere was holidays basically because
engage because whatever comes outwheneverit comes out i think
whatever food we ask forwheneverwe request it the president
he liked to go therewheneverhe could but no city
child 1 this section applieswhenevera person who does not
the person is aware 6whenevera person who does not
2 to 4 below applywhenevera person who does not
necessary in the circumstances 5whenevera person who does not
that burns switched into englishwheneverhe wanted to be seriously
english register in his poemswheneverhe wanted to express lofty
and direct pupils to themwheneverthe opportunity is presented the
and ministers have given encouragementwheneverthey have had the opportunity
write them badly enough ehwheneveryou really want to write
about it quite a lotwheneverhe gets a pain in
convoy around the farm yardwheneverdavid had visited there in
depth 32 females 30 maleswheneverpossible she recorded her subjects
funds such organisations feel thatwheneverthey deal with the government
well just you light upwheneveryou feel like it your
a rural rural scots andwheneverwe came up to visit
an stoap aff an fishwheneverwe came tae a loch
f1077: used to see himwheneveri went he was reputedly
on the blade for decorationwheneverthe family flitted it went
in him on a saturdaywheneverhe lusted after wendy s
left him his usual chaingewheneverhe moved ah gied him
pushing at an open doorwheneverwe approach the scottish executive
and shall vary the codewheneverafter such consultation as mentioned
in its spell and returnwheneverthey can to wonder at
get fly and they allwheneverthey opened in the afternoon
big surprise look they dowheneverthey re near a camera
for as she reminded themwheneverthey started to answer a
and he must lose itwheneverhe sets foot in a
traditional bairn song and mythwheneverhe was taken out it
to the eleven thirty butwheneveri ve slept in he
that annoying way of hiswheneverjimmy glanced up he was
literature for people er iwheneveri ve talked about this
significance we can see thatwhenevercommittees are reported however there
go over and see herwheneverlike it m959: that s
be company for me butwheneveryou want to come it
is pronounced as in frenchwheneverit appears in the text
glockenshpeil as an introduction andwheneverthe hen moves across the
some teething problems are inevitablewheneverany new question is added
be elements of perceived unfairnesswheneverbands are established i hope
large existing buildings is upgradedwheneverother substantial works are planned
mmhm f66: but you knowwheneverpeople are writing something whether
think it s a pretencewheneveryou claim to be authentic
the next uk general electionwheneverthat may be we did
taen her gless ee ootwheneverye haud yer wheesht like
give appropriate information to victimswheneverpractical on their reasoning for
cone got archie tut tuttingwheneverthe powers that tried to
in which millennium mr morrisonwheneveri hear fergus ewing talking

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