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anent naomi and the pafflewhilkher deed guidman aucht ruth
is fasht anent a pafflewhilkher guidman elimelech aucht puirtith
ye mind o the mailinwhilkour brither elimelech aucht naomi
borth icksheils itsel an whitsladewhilkligs athort the yill waitter
faimlie it whitmuir ha mansionwhilkligs i the selkirk airt
wei nou ca auld wolfwhilkligs oot o sicht in
brugh frae rome til byzantiumwhilkhe caad eftir himsel constantinople
the auld brugh o stirlingwhilkthe auld makar lindsay in
the auld brugh o stirlingwhilkthe auld makar lindsay in
aunters in brugh and kintrasidwhilkwhiles we dinna mind thinkin
chaumer o puirtith and skaithwhilkgar me grue for in
craik hope hoose an onsteidwhilka ve aareadies mintit wis
this ferm meadshaw craik fauldswhilkhes been ae rickle o
the craik ferm ootbye herdinwhilkstuid i the waitter shed
hoose an craik ferm tounwhilkwis kent is the royal
gie oor hairts the sauchtwhilkliggs ayont oor thochts tak
brotherhude and saucht a warldwhilkmen yase for themsels certes
for him the lykes owhilkhe wad never hae haird
a yairn the lykes owhilkthay haed never been telt
o mutton the lykes owhilkthe weidae haedna seen for
athort the river borth ickwhilksheddit the waitter intil whit
the ferlie the lyke owhilkhaed never been seen afore
see for oursels this ferliewhilkthe lord has telt us
an rairin the lyke owhilkhaed never been haird afore
did ye gaither the daywhilkgait did ye gang blissins
christ yon s the lichtwhilkshaws the strauchtforrit gait frae
the gait and the starnwhilkthey saw eassilt gaed afore
than the local village schuilwhilkhei gaed til afore gaun
end o the schuil pleygrundwhilkhes been gaen the naem
the auld schuil stable iwhilkthe schuil dominies yince keepit
for it wasna the baneswhilkcountit it was the ensample
brither o the deed manwhilkhe wasna the merridge was
herds biggin cad howpasley combewhilkis mair nor lyklie nou
wis ae rectangular wudden bigginwhilkwis dividit intil ay mebbies
the buik o ruth itselwhilkpits the tale in the
side fornenst the saw millwhilkstuid it the boddom o
thochts tak awa the uncoswhilktrachle us and gie us
historicals as a found onwhilkah sall bigg the eeries
sall caa his name emmanuelwhilkbe in translatit is god
it meadshaw the neist morningwhilkhei greed tae dae an
up til the kennels hoosewhilkwis ferther up intil the
ca d the beef tubwhilkis i ackwal fack the
an fountains the lyke owhilkthay haed never seen in
smaw nits the lyke owhilkthe princess haed never seen
hae ye prieit the treewhilkah telt ye no tae
tae gie us a hertwhilkis steive and leal gie
and in the faimily owhilkye are faither gie us
wrang a warld in thewhilkmen are canty tae get
that s an auld sangwhilknae dout satisfied our faithers
mune and til the starnswhilkaa by ye were wrocht
til oor ain haimelt ainwhilkit the tyme an fur
common the wattir o jordanwhilkrises westlin o ben hermon
hir but naebodie helpit hirwhilks a common case serrs
aff the laddie s heidwhilkrowed at his faither s
an airticle in eet maselwhilkis mair o ae sociological
for the law o godwhilkhad gart them be a
corner o aa corners tiwhilkcomes me e en smaaer
tap end o the glenwhilkisna onlyke the prow o
in a blink the instantwhilklichts up the hale o
o the ringin stell braewhilkmerkit the mairch atweesh eilrig
nairra strip o hill pasturwhilkrins frae juist ablow the
were forbeers o the messiahwhilkwe lear frae mattha i
waucht o gowden wyne thewhilkwul keep ye bonnie foraye
o the mills i hawickwhilkwur i the beginin pouert
them in the kinrick owhilkye are roy and in
fir wuid ahint it owhilkye may hear mair or
brig atourt the borthw ickwhilkwis biggit an up haudit
day i thae days onwhilka feast wes hauden but
fecht wi the deedlie sinswhilkconnach the saul we ken
the twa speldin wi thewhilkjesus fed the fyve thousan
the dule wanhap and wanhopewhilkrinkit his daith and a
adult claes the site onwhilkthe thrie bourgeoises and aristos
s introductory lectures on psychoanalysiswhilkwas gien in 1915 17

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