
See this word as a collocate cloud

whyles for quaistenin prisoners anwhylesfor lairnin kettrens a lesson
houss an ah uise himwhylesfor quaistenin prisoners an whyles
whyles spierin at his buikwhylesnoddin an mummil mummlin awa
whyles yabblin wurds o glaumeriewhylesspierin at his buik whyles
man bade thare aw nichtwhylesyabblin wurds o glaumerie whyles
this for ye broun ogrewhylesah try sayin ti masell
ti play on the fluirwhylesbroun ogre oh ay a
ah didna ken ah mwhylesgrumfie pompitie b broun ogre
hae oor problems broun ogrewhylesthe dream is that ah
hae oor crosses ti beirwhylesah hae thocht ti masell
lyke masell onie mair nansewhylesah see masell lyke yon
a hantil ither fowk butwhylesah think ti masell happiness
plain bugger aw nanse mitherwhylesye fairlie lat yeirsell doun
s final morag to nansewhylesye hae a richt ill
dream o moscow ilka nichtwhylesah feel lyke ah wes
sleep ah hae awfu nichtmeirswhylesthe ill dream is that
aboot the steidin he wurkswhylesin ma killin houss an
she helps aboot the housswhylesshe s nae bather shona
wes a quaet lown pleasauncewhylesthe houss wes a ram
maun be ye ken thatwhylesah hae a glisk o
maun hae lowsent the stanewhylesdreillin it an whan he
that ye maun hae beenwhylesfreinlie wi him or morag
truith in that they maunwhylesseem nyce til thair ain
maun be ma fuit awhylessuffer frae sweitie feet eilidh
disna ken whan ti stapwhyleswe maun try an keep
rocher brew the stoppered bottleswhyleswe meet the contents maun
on it haes that effekwhylesmorag thenk ye verra kyndlie
he bows an leaves moragwhylesye r gey ill on
here cannie on ah spinwhylesan dern claes enter malcolm
ma orra claes an fasheswhylesgin ah micht kyth worn
she gits hir keep anwhylessum claes she helps aboot
as a frein mynd butwhylesshe seems ti me that
think shame ti mynd atwhyleswe warna kynd ah m
a certain licht the rwhylesye bring me in mynd
haen waur lives nor mewhylesah can git oot an
an naebodie lykes ye sobswhylesah canna beir it pepper
ye haed ti eat puddokwhylesah d finnd a bit
ah uist ti be vextwhylesah didna gie thaim mair
an me lyin on itwhylesah dinna ken wha ah
askit me this whyle backwhylesah feel auld in ma
forrit til dae ye kenwhylesah hae sutten here on
kekkilt whit blethers ye speakwhylesah haurlie ken ee ai
sumthing the perr o thaimwhylesah hear hir rantin an
lane here an ah weariewhylesah m echtie year auld
on a fuil s eirantwhylesah think ma mither is
onie mair stovies jek maisterwhylesah wunner whuther this is
wey ah ken ah vewhylesblethert on ferr ower mukkil
heid aff ah dae thatwhylesbut can cairrie on please
its lane pompitie ah weariewhylesfor young companie for young
hae a faut ah mwhylesinclyned ti be heidstrang knicht
it ah didna ken wutchwhylesit s inclyned ti gang
ah feel the same weywhylesmoula laughing ah m shuir
podil ah hae seen thaimwhylessoumin aboot at the wattirsyde
but ah canna help thinkinwhylesthat gin ah d gotten
guid ah wes gled aneuchwhylesti hear hir skraichin it
ain warm bed aw freewhyleswhan ah wauken up throu
the r still tyme queenwhylesye mebbe think ah m
littil account duncan the rewhylesnae wey ti ken the
mantenein the permanent wey anwhyleswe pent the brig a
anely an iverlaistin gloam farwhylesthe starnies micht keek oot
starnies micht keek oot anwhylesthey wadna the warld wis
jaikets in fowk s presseswhyleswi a stranger fowk micht
o hairsts an wine anwhyleso yer deid laddie yer
o the deid littlin andwhylesshe ll lat the littlin
mittilt his dochter an gratwhylesthinkin she wes deid doun
she wes aye hittin izwhylesshe wad skelp me owre
ye can clap the powniewhylestae but no owre aften
an dwaibliness cums owre yewhyleswi chitterin fits queen moans
day thaim that is dowiewhylesstaw at the lang wearie
nuin stelled bi a stickwhylesa wee turn ootby or
as uissless ti begin wiwhylesa whein blethers wrutten bi
an lillie lik frae bewtiewhylesdoun dwynes bi chance or
telt hir that he weswhyleskent bi this name an
easie persuadit bi the menwhylesma mither wairned me aboot
an cleaned bi their mitherwhylestae gyang tae the kirk
them thocht mair o themwhylesthan they did o their
withoot a meenit s thochtwhylesthe cousins played in the
hae cryit it alba caledoniawhylesthocht o it as scotland
the r a whein macdonaldswhylesgies me fasherie in thir
war they r that bleiriewhylesmichtie me sae it is
chitter at aw queen aywhylesir ye no wantin ti
v whirl whusper v whisperwhylesadv sometimes whyte a white
v whisper whuff n scentwhylesadv sometimes wi prep with
whinge wheisht quiet whuttil knifewhylessometimes win reach woo wool
ma legs ma auld legswhylesthey ir that waek an
ir ye supersteitious masha aywhylesvershinin that s funny kisses
for aw thay war wurthwhylesane wad luik up an
lauchter o the swaws anwhylesshe wad hear hir freins
gulls skreichin at its dowpwhylesthe ploo wad strikk a
oot tae a pyntit beakwhylesthey wad fin hale populations
hooses and scuils an cafeswhyleswe re delichtit tae hae
ay suppit tea aroon fivewhylesin the simmer nichts the
he wes a fisherman anwhylesa hunter for ahint the
sae thai cuid hause anwhylessmourich the wie meir wes
aid wirkers frae ither galaxieswhylesdockit at martian space stances
dovetailin inno the ither tillwhylesmatthew bruce hardly sleepit in
thair bairns even sous iswhylesguid wi thair bairns he
ye ken hou ye greinwhylesfor a lang cauld drink
it it s a blissinwhyleswe canna see whit lys
weill an haed jaloused thatwhylesthe fairie fowk daunced an
haunds a ve kent hirwhylesdae this a quarter o
o the forest an thowhyleshe buid ti hunt for
the gowk sings ti mewhylestil the ferr ben turn
frein ti the fairies anwhyleswhan the war seikness amang
ye a bit lift butwhylesye say ti yeirsell whit
moula a dinna verra aftenwhylesa try it s juist
haes fair cum at lestwhylesye can juist hear cairrit
the grund wi the fairieswhyleson a fair lown nicht
a guid lad it swhylesa bit mischievious an it
heid horseman an coach driverwhylestae the auld warlock o
ferms he d wirked onwhylesthey d gaen wi mair
kaim an brush ma hairwhylesaince she gaed oot an
ma faither he uised itwhylesfor fechtin the inglish ma
triffils sic silly wee thingswhylesbecums that important aw at
the weimen alane at awwhyleshe coudna richt eat his
portie fur the embro counsailwhylesa bocht the dunnie o
screivin s anaesthesia fur livinwhylesi screive like a maori
buiks fur eese wi classeswhylesi ve gaen intae the
big eneuch fur continents bitwhylesits unca sma fin lions
the laddies is gey drollwhylesmasha it s true ye
haudin it lik a whupwhyleswe stravaig frae the south
the volcano thraws up fyrewhylessyne it burns itsell oot
yoams raise an trimmlit anwhylesa birdie weirin watter an
baith meschant an a traditorwhylesbein the maist clivversum cheil
far minds wheeled roon thatwhylescam unsprung an easy fleggit
directors o the northern martwhylescottars stole neeps an firwid
tatties an brose or wintedwhylesif their da hid made
bunker at the chimla lugwhylesjohn an grant skaired a
he coud be rael nestiewhylespompitie waitit an waitit an
alec s gun that hewhylesshot pheasant wi in kilrogie
that follaes me aroond iswhylesa fasherie but aye a
a bit o a skunnerwhylesmacbeth to the ghost what
a rairin fyre o clogswhylesadmeirin the hyne snaw happit
s band hid played jazzwhylesgaein roon the hooses o
cawdor it s droll thatwhylesthe pouers o mirk wul
representatives fae the muckle furthwhylesi get a wee sup
lowsin hiz cursour s girthswhyleskeikin ower its leisk at
fower plates at ilka dounsittinwhylesas monie helpins the day
14 curriculum nae bother avawhylesthough there s a thochtie
be stopped nur bocht thowhylesit dwaums in a derksome
pats him on the backwhylesit s a sair fecht
a rubbit or a futteratwhylesthe twa made a den
duthie park replied mary orwhylesthe beach boulevard in summer
s putten on het itwhylesbrings sum easement near the
deivil s lees that soondswhylesno unlyke the truith to
waa i bigg poems pageswhyleshale buiks ooto roch wirds
thegither as ticht as lovewhylestichter her visitor nodded in

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