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1999 personal communication 17 britishwildlifemanagement wildlife welfare vulpes vulpes
communication 17 british wildlife managementwildlifewelfare vulpes vulpes vs homo
animals alan stewart tayside policewildlifeliaison co ordinator bill swann
alan stewart who is thewildlifeliaison co ordinator for tayside
questions alan stewart tayside policewildlifeliaison co ordinator no mr
transport and the environment thewildlifeand countryside act 1981 amendment
under the negative procedure thewildlifeand countryside act 1981 amendment
transport and the environment thewildlifeand countryside act 1981 amendment
2001 ssi 2001 335 thewildlifeand countryside act 1981 amendment
require a derogation from thewildlifeand countryside act 1981 and
1992 99 convictions under thewildlifeand countryside act 1981 and
of badgers act 1992 thewildlifeand countryside act 1981 and
calls for action under thewildlifeand countryside act 1981 and
not the case under thewildlifeand countryside act 1981 john
under section 16 of thewildlifeand countryside act 1981 s1w
by part i of thewildlifeand countryside act 1981 wca
under section 16 of thewildlifeand countryside act 1981 were
that any derogation from thewildlifeand countryside act 1981 would
the terms of the 1981wildlifeand countryside act in areas
the terms of the 1981wildlifeand countryside act in areas
for wildlife mike flynn fourwildlifecases were reported last year
mike flynn there were twowildlifeconvictions in scotland last year
know the background figures forwildlifemike flynn four wildlife cases
of part i of thewildlifeand countryside act specifically in
under licensed exemption from thewildlifeand countryside act statutory protection
27 may 1999 2 scottishwildlifeand countryside link 1997 protecting
to those set down forwildlifecrimes in the countryside and
you needed more full timewildlifeliaison officers however at the
would be dealt with bywildlifeliaison officers or for more
there are fewer full timewildlifeliaison officers the convener but
the prosecution of offenders againstwildlifelegislation alan is also a
league against cruel sports 1992wildlifeprotection the case for the
among other things dealing withwildlifecrime are there any plans
member of the partnership againstwildlifecrime groups paw my colleague
with one another to minimisewildlifecrime he is the operations
already have great difficulty investigatingwildlifecrime in general because of
to assist enforcement of thewildlifecrime legislation introduce a protection
legislation for increased penalties forwildlifecrime lodged on 23 may
legislation for increased penalties forwildlifecrime lodged on 23 may
answers roughly how many designatedwildlifeofficers are there in scotland
this field together with otherwildlifeofficers he has had considerable
to provide courses to trainwildlifeprotection officers provide training for
into that at the momentwildlifeenforcement on a national basis
are considering setting up awildlifeenforcement unit which would be
protection act 1996 6 otherwildlifelegislation 6 the protection of
mammals protection act 1996 otherwildlifelegislation certain wild mammals have
to enforce a lot ofwildlifelegislation such as the protection
of scotland build on thewildlifeprotection legislation in the criminal
legislation current legislation for protectingwildlifein scotland and the views
executive on current and proposedwildlifelegislation he has played a
mr adam ingram s1m 2115wildlifelegislation lodged on 16 august
in the legislation effect onwildlifewider issues affecting salmon provisions
convener agricultural task force scottishwildlifetrust fiona newcombe agricultural task
there were four reports ofwildlifecases which resulted in two
of fox control 16 britishwildlifemanagement 17 citing research from
on effect in your presentwildlifeinvestigatory work because people would
and sea trout effect onwildlifesepa raised a concern that
for nature s award forwildlifeenforcer of the year i
providing access to nature andwildlifeopen space for local communities
offenders in relation to currentwildlifecrimes as a great number
s1m 580 conservation of marinewildlifelodged on 22 february 2000
s1m 580 conservation of marinewildlifelodged on 22 february 2000
against myself there are manywildlifeactivities in which there have
food improving the environment forwildlifeand promoting recycling sips must
i have national responsibility forwildlifeissues i am also a
inspector a recognised authority onwildlifeissues in scotland and he
scottish natural heritage and otherwildlifeexperts are consulted before licences
and greater care of thewildlifeother children also pointed to
and other members of thewildlifepopulation that cause damage to
have effects on other aquaticwildlifesepa was concerned that it
impacts on other forms ofwildlifesuch as birds raptors in
as well as for generalwildlifequality the convener i thank
the road on traffic andwildlifethey also ask for an
am thinking not just ofwildlifeinsect life and microbial life
seekers pe128 petition by worldwildlifefund scotland calling for the
that figure was only forwildlifewe have strict criteria for
scotland s unique scenery andwildlifeensure that tourist offices and
to a wide variety ofwildlifeand native plants and believes
ensure they do not harmwildlifeand to phase out the
development of new niches egwildlifefoster skills and career structures
edinburgh zoo and the highlandwildlifepark to prevent the spread
impact on annual population growthwildlifebiology 1 145 158 25
a fair statement through thewildlifecommittees especially with the acpos
in their holes aw thewildlifevanishes as along the road

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