
See this word as a collocate cloud

s a wee pir owina fine hairst day for
wi a wee pir owinaffa fine an warm fin
sin as weel pir owinan chilpy we div feel
wi a fresh pir owinan later on oot comes
wi a fer pir owincombine starts awa very first
wi a warm pir owincomes oot fine ere s
weel wi a pir owincooler it dis feel friday
fae the north pir owindis blaw keep on winter
day keeps cool pir owindis blaw taewards nicht a
on a fer pir owindis rise fresh air at
an sultry en pir owindis rise rain come nicht
fine wi a pir owineence mair hale day the
wid it nae pir owinen did hae it s
er s a pir owinen wid you believe oot
sooth a fresh pir owinfine an warm wi plenty
s a fer pir owinfine day fin i bide
wi a cauld pir owinfor the day thursday 17th
ere s a pir owingran day an ere s
wi a fer pir owingran day bit er s
2 16 fer pir owinhale day dis blaw maistly
s a wee pir owinit s gey bare wednesday
wi a pir o hetwinit s jist a affa
canna beat cauld pir owinkeeps doon the heat saturday
s a cauld pir owinlater in the day tae
wi a wee pir owinlater on there s a
temp 8 20 pir owinmaks the air hae yon
s jist a wee pirwinmidgies div hide thursday 26th
throo tae nicht pir owinplenty sin a welcome sicht
s a fer pir owinwe wrap up weel afa
ere a cauld pir owinwe wrap weel an jist
sigh wi a pir owinwere in fine mettle ony
24th temp 0 5 soothwindis blaw blustery an cauld
fae the wast a strongwindis blaw blustery bit warm
12 gran day bit blusterywindis blaw dee awa wi
bit mair than cauld blusterywingang aboot twa fauld friday
a doot cauld blustery northwinis jist a brute bides
rainfall 1 16 blustery northwinmaks the day feel raw
sooth gale force is thewinodd blustery shoor jist bear
12 mair than a blusterywinoot o the wast hale
8th temp 10 20 blusterywinsae saft aye an het
temp 2 6 saft blusterywinthe hale day dis blaw
gither some strae cauld blusterywinthe hale day lang combines
hairst day wi a blusterywinthursday 24 temp 9 11
sae weet blaws throo awinabody cood greet saturday 19th
new deer new deer thewinblaws clear far the sky
the win blaws clear thewinblaws clear new deer new
the win blaws clear thewinblaws clear the win blaws
new deer new deer thewinblaws clear the win blaws
daffodils plicht poors o rainwinblaws fae the east lord
feel in o the airwinblaws fae the sooth at
rainfall 4 16 roch saftwinblaws fae the sooth wast
at the gless dis tellwinblaws fae the wast gey
2 16 fer breeze owinblaws fae the wast nae
wednesday 11 temp 0 6winblaws for the day cauld
temp 4 4 gale forcewinblaws oot o the east
wednesday 8 temp 2 7winblaws oot o the east
temp 0 5 thin barewinblaws oot o the wast
3 10 near gale forcewinblaws oot o the wast
up snug an ticht soothwinblaws wi a a it
aff win dis us greetwindis rise it blaws oot
sleet an weet weet snawinof coorse blaws oot o
ere s a gale forcewinoot o the wast blaws
2 16 cauld is thewinthat blaws fae the wast
affa bonny an fine wastwindis blaw a a the
ana monday 17th temp soothwindis blaw a damp warm
fae the north roch rawwindis blaw affa bare win
rain oot o the soothwindis blaw again an slowly
0 10 yon strong northwindis blaw again fine day
9 rainfall 2 16 eastwindis blaw an it s
2 cauld an bleak soothwindis blaw an slowly slowly
2 temp 3 5 soothwindis blaw cauld an bare
11 19 still strong northwindis blaw comes oot sae
16 maistly dry cauld northwindis blaw ere s a
16 for the day northwindis blaw ere s shoors
for the day cauld soothwindis blaw every noo an
20 temp 3 8 cauldwindis blaw fae the sooth
still fae the north cauldwindis blaw forecast i feel
like sna dry foreneen strongwindis blaw friday 25 temp
hale day lang gale forcewindis blaw intae us sleet
s been affa wild northwindis blaw it s neen
fae the sooth a cauldwindis blaw licht shoor o
echty mile the oor soothwindis blaw maist miserable day
eence mair hale day thewindis blaw on us gey
say thats a affa surprisewindis blaw oot o the
still fae the wast strongwindis blaw richt damned cauld
16 fae the north thewindis blaw rise tae a
twa hale day lang wastwindis blaw saturday 29th temp
an some o hail northwindis blaw the force is
rainfall 2 16 gale forcewindis blaw throo the nicht
raw hale day lang soothwindis blaw thursday 26 temp
sna comes oot fine northwindis blaw wednesday 23rd temp
aye bit at least thewindisnae blaw thursday 6th temp
temp 5 7 gale forcewinfae the sooth dis blaw
win dis blaw affa barewinfin sin nae in sicht
19 temp 2 0 northwingale force it dis blaw
wull it dee cool northwinhale day dis blaw an
2 16 strong north wastwinhale day dis blaw blawin
temp 2 6 strong northwinhale day dis blaw cauld
10 a strong warm soothwinhale day dis blaw dampnes
temp 0 4 strong soothwinhale day dis blaw dry
day eence mair cauld northwinhale day dis blaw forecast
cauld icy blast gale forcewinhale day dis blaw my
fall 6 16 cauld soothwinhale day dis blaw slowly
temp 6 14 tarin northwinhale day dis blaw thochts
18 temp 2 15 northwinhale day persists tae blaw
temp 2 2 strong frostywinintae us dis blaw richt
3 10 strong roch soothwinintae us dis blaw saft
sna an a cauld northwinit dis blaw ere s
twa an still the northwinit dis blaw technicolor ere
1st temp 1 4 soothwinlike a lion dis blaw
the hale day dis blawwinmaks the day feel affa
did as if the cauldwinshouldna blaw on her minnie
an stonger gruws the northwinstarts tae blaw sna as
welcome sicht gale force soothwinstill dis blaw later on
like a lion dis blawwinstrengthens as the day wears
fa fine an quait naewintae blaw en efter a
he couldna thole the cauldwintae blaw on her fin
saturday temp 3 10 northwinthe hale day dis blaw
rainfall 2 16 cauld strongwinthe hale day dis blaw
19 temp 1 4 cauldwinthe hale day dis blaw
temp 0 6 frosty soothwinthe hale day dis blaw
temp 2 16 frosty soothwinthe hale day dis blaw
fer puckle sna roch northwinthe hale day dis blaw
rainfall 2 16 north wastwinthe hale day dis blaw
temp 4 6 strong soothwinthe hale day dis blaw
temp 2 7 strong soothwinthe hale day dis blaw
rainfall 24 16 gale forcewinthe hale nicht did blaw
the sooth throo the nichtwinan rain hale day nae
an sinny wi a soothwinas weel win bides for
a sooth win as weelwinbides for the day an
a sooth win foo owinchill noo oor beens wi
6 rainfall 6 16 soothwindis rise this day eence
rainfall 3 16 gale forcewinfae the sooth throo the
the sooth a richt frostywinfine day bit weak is
3 dry bit a soothwinfoo o win chill noo
24th temp 2 6 soothwingale force hale day dis
o the air en soothwingale force on us gey
affa affa cauld stormy soothwingang aboot twa fauld monday
15 rainfall 1 16 soothwingey near gale force dis
rainfall 10 16 strong soothwinhis shifted the sna braw
temp 2 19 sooth eastwinis a bittie snell we
12 dry day bit soothwinon us gey sair back
27th temp 5 7 soothwinstill affa bare an raw
16 fin i rise soothwinstill gale force dry bit
monday 10th temp 3 5winveered roon intae the sooth
blawin intae us be awinfae the wast hale day
wild shoors o rain wiwinfae the wast i wid
a welcome sicht still thewinfae the wast it dis
fair sunday 8 temp3 5winfae the wast it is
saft affa saft is thewinfae the wast mild as
be wrang bit cauld wastwinhale day keeps blawin thursday
ony surprise hale day langwinoot o the wast dry
ere s a gale forcewinfin we div rise blawn
wednesday 19th temp 5 5wingale force says the wifie
sunday 2nd temp 3 6winnoo his turned intae gale
lik john feillit a cauldwinblawin a faimlie jirr wes
s north beach wi thewinblawin fair it wis juist
for their tea wi thewinblawin straucht up the loch
there s aye a cauldwinblawin there she turns to
mou o the warm gloaminwinlike vulcan s bellas blawin
been blawin doon be thewinthis wis a richt gweed
pitched as it battled taewinthrou withoot blawin its biler
shae kentna whitten airt thewinwes blawin frae ye say
is soor fer bit owinan rain dis poor efterneen
the air sharp is thewinbit it dis bide fair
noo oor beens wi cauldwindis fill saturday 18th temp
bonny an clear en thewindis rise again i div
day sae bonny an drywindis rise as the day
we div rise en thewindis rise at s nae
warmth in o the airwindis rise bit it dis
awa sae fine an mildwindis rise bit neen ower
affa dry an fair enwindis rise intae us it
turns oot dry cauld northwindis rise tuesday 17 temp2
an weet rain gangs affwindis us greet win dis
a chill in the airwinfae the north dis feel
an affa bare north eastwinintae us dis tare sunday
jist aboot fair bit thewinintae us still dis tare
fine an dry bare northwinoor patience dis try tuesday
the rain dis poor strongwinoot o the north east
day lang cauld bit fairwinwi cauld oor beens dis
o frost in o thewincauld the hale day wi
thin an snell is thewinfae the east hale day
day dry wi a drochtywinhale day is fine wi
claes eence mair dry northwina bit mair than bare
fair wi a touch owina bittie bare sunday 14
sair back tae winter claeswinaffa bare wednesday 14th temp
s a affa cauld barewinas the plooed grun begins
wrang weak is the sinwincauld an affa bare didnae
bare an raw later onwindees doon it s gey
sin at s rare northwinis still a bittie bare
mornin followed be sna barewinmelts the sna in nae
is the day wi awinsae bare ere s a
sin jist roastin het barewintaewards nicht best day yet
my hame is scoored biwinan cauld bit fit s
weit ondang an a cauldwinbegoud ti skirl men an
wis kindness hersel the cauldwincudna bla on him wi
temp 3 8 cauld northwinit s neen ower fine
affa cauld eence mair eastwinon us is a bittie
fine an dry cauld northwintae keep warm we try
21 ere s a eastwinthat feels a bittie cauld
an bricht wi a cauldwinwrap oorsel s up ticht
claes on i div heapwinan sna the day turns
sna nae a welcome sichtwinhis veered intae the soot
2 16 dry wi naewinfin we div rise day
quaitness fin i rise naewinnae rain at s a
sunday 23 temp 9 16winan rain says yon mannie
mannie says it s cawedwinchill saturday 8th temp 0
10th temp 6 14 northwinhis yon affa snell feel
tuesday 24 temp 3 8winis awa roon in o
wednesday 26th temp 5 15winis gey strong oot o
24 temp 2 16 northwinis mair than a bittie
day ere s nae onywintuesday 4th temp 1 8
quait ere s nae onywintuesday 6 temp 1 0
in oor minds uppermost strongwinlater on for words i
rain still strong gusts owinnoo an again monday 26
3 16 strong is thewinwi lashin rain en it
cd mak tee gin ewinwis ony strong it d
been ower weet or ewinwis ower strong or ma
ah wantit but ah coudnawinit ye coud win oniething
is hallowday then win mewinme an ye will for
the morn is hallowday thenwinme win me an ye
coudna win it ye coudwinoniething but ye didna ken
bizzin win wheep win wheepwinwheep sky braid sun caller
muir bee bizzin win wheepwinwheep win wheep sky braid
bubble heather muir bee bizzinwinwheep win wheep win wheep
still would be [laugh] f965: winwin you know frowned on
would be [laugh] f965: winwinyou know frowned on who
oot in an aff shorewingustin force three hou my
for a sail wi thewinnou a gusty force four
7 30 25 friday wrexhamwin6 0 tranmere tops 26
division with a 2 0winover forfar foo tae avoid
6 rainfall 9 16 wiwinan rain the nicht wis
rainfall 1 16 noo thewinfae the north is affa
4 14 rainfall 4 16winfae the north is mair
warm we try a rochwinfor the day at least
warm mornin eence mair freshwinlater on feel gran i
an dry fae the northwintae keep warm we try
e nest nae ill taewinup till fower gorblins warm
16 ere s a saftwinwarm an rare for the
despite heavy rain beforehand wewin13 11 tuesday 2 to
staun tentless o man anwinan rain fou laich on
bed i wis gey swearwinan rain i cood ferrly
he forgot tae mention thewinan rain it s a
a pope poems 2005 thewinan the rain poems 2004
it s say fan thewindrappit richt doon rain of
balmy nae a breath owinen ere s rain en
wis e rain an ewinin e eyn at did
malfranteaux concepts forward contents thewinthe rain aberdeen gulls singleton
20 ere s a freshwinwi a shoor o rain
gither en a gust owinan ey are hingin on
cat fin ere s naewinan e day s a
ere wisnae a breath owinan the bonny blue water
thole awa boys we llwintill em an ere s
mornin wi plenty sinshine northwinmaks the day feel nae
beyond belief fae the northwinwe seek relieve mannie on
1880s that fitiver airt thewinblew fae on pace sunday
blawn intae us be awinfae the east it s
ingine is ower mean tiwinfae you my leddy ocht
shieldin an heirskip fae thewinon a nicht o stars
thon theme fae the clarinetwinthrou at the end 5
loch tarbert an intae awinbearin twa degrees west o
day at you ivver sawinchill cuts throo tae the
day plenty sin wi somewiner s a drap o
scoorin e parks in ewino a clear day at
lot hings on foo yewinon the day gin ye
lik a kinch o mirkwinthai tether a pyot day
day tae be sure taewinthrow the snaa in time
singin the day as thewinwhissles roon the hoose they
this decision deana i maunwinawa frae here rowland but
maun dae afore catriona michtwinfree frae the ettin the
ghaists an bogles ceilidh taewinin ye maun be deid
it fauss great glamis yitwinit wranglie but it maun
i maun rin like thewinlittlin climm easy the warld
trek an lang for tiwinthare ye maun gae owre
trek an lang for tiwinthare ye maun gang on
he maun tak for tiwinti the auld wutch s
pompitie ye maun hurrie anwinti the wutch that mends
pompitie ye maun hurry anwinti the wutch that mends
boos an shudders in thewinan fin ye feenish they
throw the corn like thewinfin the binder wis wirkin
noo an she focht furwinher braith fin she lat
geed tae lewis fin ewinrove in a windae in
ettled tae fin wyes taewinthem roon the mair tae
afore aa the lave taewinat the quarry thon fine
nicht nae a braith owinan ootside caterer hid brocht
sough o the snell nichtwinruth her hauns shakkin crackit
boond for heivin it wulwinthare the nicht he goes
deil the sleep could shewinthat nicht fur the whinney
dae even tho ah dinnawinti ma bed aw nicht
on an helpit him tiwinback hame afore me ma
lame sair trauchled thankfu taewinhame a snecked the door
richt awa the suiner wewinhame an hir gaws is
that nae suner wad theywinhame frae the kirk an
a puddok the suiner ahwinhame oot o this the
the mither naomi ettlt taewinhame tae her ain kintra
geordie kept howpin he wadwinhame tae his gassie afore
be in a hurrie tiwinhame ti sauf thair bairns
o wifies claikin will shewinhame wi a beak an
castor eyl an ye michtnawinhame wi a perr o
s the spring as ahwinnearer hame ah im hert
abody greet starts awa wiwinan shoors o sleet later
him at full streek taewinawa a big bonny craiter
lang weary at last taewinawa bit a wis laith
spadd he said ye llwinawa blythesome frae the kirkyaird
the bairn sae she michtwinawa easier like pettin a
darg she aye mislikit taewinawa frae her maisterpiece at
mysel if i can justwinawa frae here thae women
gat aathing redd up tiwinawa juist whan the lift
she haed nae tyme tiwinawa sae she hid hirsell
yerdstick o the year taewinawa the weird o summer
lang sleepin steered bi thewinmicht blaa cholera leprosy rickets
remedy s lang overdue taewinthe battle wi the flu
beast need i say thewinis roon in the east
ower him weel dey canwinin dey can go in
they d bin fashioned taewinoot in watter as weel
rickle o steens held thegitherwinspit bit they war weel
noo the teacher could hardlywinpast fariver she gaed it
noo the teacher could hardlywinpast fariver she gaed it
s late ower late taewinback fit he did pree
ower the steens ettlin taewinback her ain on jaggie
the indian girl will neverwinower tae new york she
ah rin for the burnwinower the brig an aw
the empie hul wi thewinsouchin ower the hedder bot
fur the bruce s taewintae the soutar ower at
a thurd we ll canwinthrou you brocht me ower
at e first puffie owinan sair nae purpose tae
sic odds nae fish couldwinat last the tractor drew
wi care she ll naewinback fit she has gaen
o heat an nae onywineen o the first sichts
bit fun nae holie taewinoot an e door wis
nae even playin pitsliga didwinthe game an the league
kingdom nae a breath owinwis steerin ootbye the ruts
protection nae furreign body cudwinwithin fifteen fit o t
a bield an wi thewinahint me i kept watch
s pooch wi the cauldrifewinahint yer welcome man fur
aff eir perch wi ewino e paper wid wheel
come setterday wi yon snellwinpittodrie didna haud the same
wi niver a thocht abootwinshifts or the jib sheet
truiths ti dae us skaithwinus wi nick nacks for
a white wi pron withwinv enter winna v will
her heid fechtin agin thewinwi a weet sheet her
bad ava fresh is thewinwi some sin ana friday
braw station it used taewina the prizes for the
foo fikey it is taewina visa tae america eftir
sae ye wis gled taewinaff e track an ontill
safer throw the warld taewinan open letter to mr
sheddie at eest tae bewinan watterticht faar e quarrymen
foriver the pouer o thewinand the gowden sun tae
heids as ey tried taewinat a pickie o better
ma heid a filie taewinat far back ma early
florestii federation an socht taewinbaith septiles an skreichmakkers tae
tae thae schuils that didnawinbut we wad like tae
are tae cantle up anwinfree frae thair debilitatin neurosis
he draw last stane taewinhe cuidnae draw his pension
tae dig a hole taewinin anaith jist at e
bag garrin him sook thewinin harder an quicker tae
visit her in haste taewinma grannie s favour an
in harder an quicker taewinony puff ava an then
ane o their best taewinpromotion tae the west an
tae the gap they didnawintae adam s peak nor
the divil rode like thewintae claim his sowel an
a man like me disnawintae god like a lawyer
bodies has backit ettles taewintae legal recognition for the
till net wis torn taewinthe burn whaur he wis
leuch kieran tae see celticwinthe cup we re fur
across the stormy seas taewinthe land then blate gae
s heid she happent taewinthe prize for button holes
in his yaird managed taewinthe prize for carrots an
trees an rocks strivin taewintheir goal ance hard wrocht
the fowk wha ettlt taewinthrowe and whiles he spak
doon till e roadside taewintill e door in e
lugs tae haud aff thewintwa days o black stibble
till e nivereynin soon owinan cries o birds some
notin e airt o ewinan fit wye e cloods
blin smore driven be ewinat roart in e trees
an a fair blast owincam aff e spinnin surfaces
been made intill be ewinhiv ye iver seen parks
o e saiddle as ewinhummed by ma lugs teeth
o snaa smokin as ewinsent e drift swirlin an
o skurries slidderin doon thewina breenge o shoppers hashin
thon element the lan owinan rikk blythe treetlin trooties
out dinna let yon cateranswinfree gin yon gang o
freir gin a m tiwinfree o this nou whaur
bi the sough o thewinhowlin ootbye like a banshee
o fashious thocht lat uswinin til the hert o
wasps nest tapsalteerie in thewinis teem o stingers pyoke
sailing trophy i ll everwino haud yer wheesht ye
or the rubbits wid getwino t the futterat yawned
suddenty a wheeplash o icywinrunkled the loch s surface
bi the graces o thewintill it gies upo the
are nocht bit stoor anwinnigh sax hunner ghaisties an
are nocht bit stoor anwinnigh sax hunner ghaisties an
a siccar bit a michtwintil whit wad a no
sae bad whan ah canwinin near the mukkil logs
here sae the christians wadnawinnear ye gunlöd ay an
ti mak siccar naebodie canwinout sae thay baith lay
cold we vice pres sidewin94 93 although 2 rinks
same ettlin frae meat tiwinayelestin lyfe monie hae been
yeir luiv that ye cannawinfree frae whan the gloamin
herb frae the sheuch nowinintil hir mou an hael
3 of our four rinkswinfriday 5 to kelty musical
ma selkie skin an cannawinback ti ma brithers an
r twa weys for tiwinpeace ae wey is never
lests a thousan years tiwinthe kie that fits ma
sair heichs an howes tiwinthrou an ye d be
ll dree but he llwinthrou ti the pure cleansin
the mirk gin ye wadwinti the castel door haud
ti see whaur he dwintil he viewed the five
afore the cock craws tiwintil the monastery or the
throu yeir gairden for tiwintil the river for the
ll sue the lass anwina week s holiday setterday
bough showds in the simmerwinan i can hear the
cheirie furby hauddin out thewinan renn thusgates tho the
an hoolets gin we cudwinan storm an thunner pelt
fowk by the snell eastlinwinay ay a nidge an
draw wattir an ah didnawinback or the gloamin ma
roon on the whirligig thewinhurls roon the hoose an
pickin apö da window tawininta magnus an freya s
decidit he wisna worth wastinwinon an it s a
neuk ae breeze ae rochwins reivin cleuk an aa
bible an thinks ey llwintill anither place faar ey
you ll ken when youwinback dat s for sure
he ll say whitever willwincarolanne he can t say
hope lilian and you llwinmy lad but now it
the toun mebbe granny llwinthe pot at bingo mebbe
trooker idderwise du ll nowintrowe wir cat flap fur
do f960: i ll maybewinup next year [laugh] yeah
door or wis t thewinscrattin the windae pane the
her cam in faith thewinwis keenin doon the lum
back james lilian yes nowwinhim as well beaumont scart
aw morag hou did yewinacross the wattir puddok ah
rangers versus hearts 1995 massivewinfurra teddy bears ah recall
ah f965: how do youwinthem because you break the
ah dout ah l neverwintil yeir houss from the
judged although he did notwina prize at the show
glad david steel did notwinin the 1980s he suddenly
and ye know to towinacceptance or or not in
ye l see whan wewinthare the puir wumman needs
she throosh her gin thewinblew she throosh her nesty
s washing and sewing towinher brose mrs laing fancy
get her key out towinthe comfort and security of
mine but i mean towinyou beaumont embracing her oh
bowling good again tonight wewin19 14 against a fairly
uncle said that a wadwina medal or a cup
rr v st mirren roverswinbut a poor match 12
the evening we don twinbut the locals had a
mait willie mathieson also mentionedwincasen a tree thrown by
great shakes is merely pumpinwinhochmagandie s a cocktail mix
great shakks is merely pumpinwinhoochmagandie s a cocktail mix
like a slater i couldnawini couldna stey in that
the paps as a southerliewinmade the clud cover thin
ferrly gaun for a cupwinthe lad looked at hardie
ane rayit battell quho hadwinthe vangaird afoir and a
there for them to everwinthe war too many a
by mysel oh i dwinthrough i d mak a
bob that they don twinbecause there s nothing worse
against c s edin wewinby 40 shots our rink
stone brother if i couldwingod s pardon and all
steer up the divel swini min anither name for
beag s april love wouldwinit this year katie morag
they d be able towinthe battle f1054: that s
seen the scotland football teamwinthe kirin cup it s
it might or might notwinthe minister s point was
there s sun there swinthere s caul there s
thanks gradually she began towinhis confidence once as she
night at b c wewin25 9 but another rink
good night at bowls wewinby sheer good luck august
becoming the first olympian towingold at five successive games
guid scots words where theywinon merit over english at
bowling cowdenbeath good game wewin73 72 but our rink
its way and what wewinjust now and then well
bowls v civil service wewinour rink score 18 17
put forward those arguments andwinsupport if we do that
european council we need towinthe argument now we are
have been well placed towinthe contracts we are nearing
sturgeon that should the torieswinthe next general election we
throu oor daith cuid wewinthrou oor faes wad thole
20 ladies v gents gentswinwe go to kdy bill
candidates and the candidates whowinbecome msps there are 129
the frisians always seem towinbelieve it or not cause
the larch or fir treeswincasen wind cast speaks for
to go out there andwinin the exam i ve
aidder that winna shift thewinis snell as it sets
on the silverware but towinit in the way that
trimmlin in the licht septemberwinmeg ramsay hid telt minnie
sun niver shone far thewinniver blew far the cock
tails wheeped bi the snellwinthat walloped the waves up
orange bowl by storm towinthe game the league and
if the tories under cameronwinthe next general election you
go to the show andwinthe prizes how do you
faught our vangaird ellis andwinthe samin thairfoir lat the
125th anniversary of its foundingwinthe scottish football league second
doubt as to who shouldwinthe silver trophy again this
expect the scottish executive towinthis battle susan deacon let
against the world will alwayswinthis opening declaration sets the
and the transcience of naturewinthrough their experiences have led
be able to compete andwinwithin the developing global economy
d like to see jenkinswinbut as i remember hillhead
good show willie [censored: surname] iwin18 7 but no prize
by 40 shots our rinkwin26 15 jim jo phem
with forks or graips towinand then put into hooicks
they get it right iwinawards in those countries f606:
aye if i could onlywinaway far away i m
in lerrick foo iwindere mam du man stow
limited omniscience and can sometimeswinfortune over pray fortune help
out dinna let yon cateranwinfree seein it hed come
cannot command support it mustwinit i will start by
less competitive and unable towinother tender work inevitably that
to shows and there theywinprizes wee women carry yorkies

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