
See this word as a collocate cloud

o dryin sheets socks thatwinsll wheep an wheech cassies
sooth tae catch the dryinwinsthe day tho jock dow
tae be flang tae thewinso glen gaim i think
ah wis boarn anen thewinsripped the angel frae its
colour o bleached linen keeninwinsabseil doon comes o been
bit merk them weel thewinso peace are sweet taxi
candidates an the candidates thatwinsbecome msps there are 129
are hatchin tae the fowerwinstheir wirds despatchin in glesga
brae far the roch stootwinscud get a gweed skelp
bonie an mair leisumlik rochwinsdae shak the deirie louks
war his maisters bit thewinsthey blew free it s
s unco saft an westlinwinsyer feathers waft rousin ye
the riven blanket in thewinsis tom tae threids an
his sullen dame gins hewinshame shuin pits him in
the heather briers as timewinsroon tae cut me doon
before we see which sidewinsthe struggle a schoolgirl s
sheltering even the murderous foxwinsthe farmer s pity this
club where he still regularlywinsmedals as a concession to
first afore the broun ogrewinsthare pompitie ah canna hurry
match september 1 sunday 5thwinstrophy again we are 4th
moe and the note bookwinsmuch to his relief he
tent o her the merchwinsruggit an rived the daffies
happen if nae single pairtywinsmair nor hauf the total
happen if no single partywinsmore than half the total
miles heedless o rain cauldwinsor muscle cramp these were
consumption we are considering whowinsand who loses because people
the right solutions and thatwinsenough support among our european
banchory whins there s blusterywinsin maryculter rain dreeps splooter
be weill but whan hewinshame again an finnds ye
then at the end communismwinsout the ballet on tuesday
back eyn at bennachie octoberwinsblaw snell an caal as
flooer aywis ootraxxed till itwinstae the sma heezin boorichs
are lichtnin stangs that forkitwinsare knappin as caul an
castanets rattlin in the dreichwinsat the back o the
rains that faa an thewinsthat blaa may life be
marking one of her threewinsafter she was 80 in

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