
See this word as a collocate cloud

wi gowden sin i thewuidshairts dee frozen loch shimmers
an muirs an throu derkwuidsafore ye cum til it
an muirs an throu derkwuidsor she cam anaw ti
an muirs an throu derkwuidsshe grew wearie an trauchilt
n window wuiden a woodenwuidsn woods wul v will
he liggs i the tuimwuidsdoverin aye whan the sun
frae in aside the pinewuidsan gaed owre the brae
ti him frae the pinewuidsowre the wey an walcomin
he skelpit in ti thewuidsti gie him a bit
a wrong wrate v wrotewuidsn woods wul v will
cloud happit peaks an auncientwuidswhaur naebodie haes evir wun
hie bens an throu thewuidsan whit soud he dae
an stourit aff throu thewuidseftir his freins cryin byde
there cam leamin throu thewuidsthe farawa glint o a
yaird an spring owerhails thewuidswi bricht flouers aw at
staunin bi itsell in thewuidsthe war naebodie aboot sae
wes taen ferr inti thewuidsan hir faither drew his
hauf past twal in thewuidsower yonder on the ferr
the wyld beiss in thewuidsaweill beatrix didna die for
whan they held inti thewuidsti hae a bit look
wang s letter i thewuidsan a brocht it ti
in mynd o the greenwuidsan the anemones o the

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