See this word as a collocate cloud
tae whit a read thar | wur | aboot 25 houses i deanburnhaugh |
trauchle nor sweet whan a | wur | ae callant thar wur saivrel |
fermer o todshawhauch whan a | wur | ae callant thar wur twae |
a shuid mint at thar | wur | ae keb hoose aboot halflins |
s husband dyed appearinlie thar | wur | ae lull i the mid |
histor hed eet at thar | wur | ae pot o gowd buiriet |
a wis ae callant thar | wur | anerlie the ae hoose it |
bade i the ludge thar | wur | anither estate worker a think |
the bit i 1940 thar | wur | aye ae servan lass i |
wur the days n thar | wur | dances held i the schuil |
clathes tae weir an thar | wur | economic rewairds tae buit wheech |
george scott mints thit thar | wur | i the hauch it at |
is a can reca thar | wur | juist the twae ferms on |
juist been thinking thit thar | wur | mebbies nae peth heid hoose |
wis the nichol faimlie thar | wur | saiveral sons an yince whan |
skelp o grund n thar | wur | saivrel ootbye herd s houses |
a wur ae callant thar | wur | saivrel servans i the big |
ferm hoose alang it hoscote | wur | tae the fore kis thar |
is resident tenant fermers an | wur | thar fur ae gey wheen |
intil at herdin an thay | wur | thar fur ae gey wheen |
jock scott an faimlie thit | wur | thar i ma airlie days |
teuk owre the tenancie an | wur | thar mebbies fur ten yeir |
i hoscote ludge an it | wur | thar whar ma muther an |
the philhope burn yonner thar | wur | the avidence o inither siklyke |
schul biggin yonner ay thaim | wur | the days n thar wur |
sadlie hei wis droont thar | wur | twae ferm cottages anenst the |
a wur ae callant thar | wur | twae ferm workers hooses juist |
yeir sin nou n thar | wur | twae semi detached cottages ferrer |
scott o burnfit ferm thar | wur | twae workers cottages nixt door |
opportunities atween the sexes thar | wur | up borth ick whan a |
tradeetion hes eet at thar | wur | yince upo ae tyme ae |
fermers o girnwud whan a | wur | born thay hed twae bairns |
the potts o shairnscleuch reidfordshire | wur | mebbies the laist resident fermers |
the days whan the shorts | wur | the fermers it lowsin tyme |
sei a pages 147 153 | wur | the fermers o girnwud whan |
antrin tymes the glendinning s | wur | the fermers o whitslade i |
ve mintit aareddies the brydens | wur | the fermers yonder whan a |
mebbies threi meenits efter hei | wur | back hammerin on oor fore |
wis mebbies jackson ana this | wur | i the late 1940 s |
saplins an siclik mebbies it | wur | i the mid 1940 s |
front and back yetts it | wur | mebbies afore ma howdien whan |
ma airlie days than it | wur | mebbies the wud faimlie ay |
braw drink o waitter it | wur | n mebbies the bettermaist waal |
student i scotland mebbies it | wur | whan paul wis whit thay |
craik hope hoose whan a | wur | ae teenager wei teuk or |
and dorothy is bairns wei | wur | affen up an aboot girnwood |
o tei an is wei | wur | crackin politeeks wur mintit an |
wur o age an wei | wur | gey grit i thaim days |
passendale ae tyme whan wei | wur | haein oor piece it the |
tae sei hou wei dancers | wur | mellin wi hir pleyin it |
is wei wur crackin politeeks | wur | mintit an yid stertit tae |
an margaret bobbie an mei | wur | o age an wei wur |
i wolfcleuch heid whan a | wur | ae callant jockie tailfer fermer |
up borth ick whan a | wur | ae callant little or nae |
i 1950 a think it | wur | ae jock scott an faimlie |
the tentive faimlie at thay | wur | gat the wund up an |
faither an dave an faimlie | wur | guid friends weel a mynd |
heid wullie byres an faimlie | wur | i the peth heid herd |
the hope the glendinning faimlie | wur | i the twae houses it |
tamson faimlie the tamson s | wur | it howpasley fur kens hou |
wis whan dod an faimlie | wur | it whaupshaw juist up the |
an his faimlie whan hei | wur | killt ae day wi his |
on steid yonner an baith | wur | occupied bi the tamson faimlie |
ferm hoose the skelton faimlie | wur | the tenants o the big |
twuntie acre or sae thay | wur | weil kent til oor faimlie |
yi yi kept sayin yi | wur | feared aw ah wanted ti |
wis yur ain face yi | wur | feared o feared o facin |
oot bit you naw you | wur | feared quaking ti yur very |
in the other world yi | wur | feared ti let go feared |
been feared pause mah sisters | wur | here though an me bein |
got another job pause what | wur | yi feared o dad noh |
borth ick waitter thair aince | wur | ae brig owre the borth |
flouer o yarrow whan a | wur | ae laddie up borth ick |
o borth icksheils whan a | wur | born hir heir at law |
borth ickbrae a think it | wur | owre the stane dyke frae |
life up borth ick it | wur | tied in wi the peth |
hawick doun weensland whan a | wur | up borth ick ae wheen |
1 the laist tyme a | wur | up borth ick the valley |
o borth icksheils ferm an | wur | yonder fur ae gey wheen |
thay bade yonner whan shei | wur | ae lassie hir man whae |
up ti iot an thay | wur | bidin i the vales yonner |
aw his siblings bar twae | wur | born yonner frae ma speirins |
jackson an his marrow peg | wur | yonner frae airlie on i |
joiner deanburnhaugh deyd whan a | wur | 5 ear auld oor twae |
ear auld oor twae families | wur | close i friendship n an |
richt twae o the lassies | wur | cryit carolyne an georgina welsh |
nicht fair pit derk it | wur | an is hei gaed oot |
an peg hei telt mei | wur | bidin in ae cooncil hoose |
moles a foryet whae it | wur | bot hei wis ance askit |
tap hoose jimmy s feet | wur | camshach deformed an hei hed |
45 war an efter hei | wur | demobit hei wrocht on the |
it the snoot after hei | wur | dischairged frae the airmie i |
leave the schuil afore hei | wur | fowerteen ear auld sae at |
the meadshaw herdin whaur hei | wur | fur ae gey wheen yeir |
mei collogued hei confirmt it | wur | him an ae june morrison |
disaster i maist instancies a | wur | telt at hei retourt tae |
s openin wurds tae geordie | wur | a m telt thit ee |
1946 it the whussenday it | wur | frae thare thit they flittit |
herds thit a kent whae | wur | it eilrig afore a left |
the raw o cottages thit | wur | kent is roberton wudfit intil |
telt ti yi when yi | wur | a bairn a handed doon |
silence berna yi see hoo | wur | addin ti the story richt |
words what yi said wi | wur | aw aboot stew unlocks the |
stew we ll help yi | wur | aw brothers supporting each other |
dried up della ken yi | wur | aye oot o step krista |
it disnae matter bj yi | wur | ayewis guid at that lee |
nicht an day pause yi | wur | clever yin richt enough tess |
must huv kent what yi | wur | daein must huv cammy ur |
ah kin unerstan hoo yi | wur | fixed gae long whiles afore |
cammy ok ed pause chance | wur | geein yi yin mair chance |
daft cunt same is yi | wur | in the hospital we re |
lift quietly admit it yi | wur | jealous jilly dances around hur |
chippy coontur kiddin oan yi | wur | jilly does stretching exercises bj |
ya cunt makin oot yi | wur | ok leadin us along steve |
from the jug aye yi | wur | paed back then bi auld |
robby robby della said yi | wur | related silence tess ah dreamed |
afore dimps fuck this yi | wur | right ed s scarin stew |
sorry fur cammy thinking yi | wur | safe in here hidin in |
that auld bible jilly yi | wur | seven yur auld pat lee |
richt aw richt when yi | wur | telt ti lie wi him |
pause she telt yi yi | wur | weak pause then she beat |
della an ah say where | wur | yi gittin the money oanywae |
up the hoose if yi | wur | yin o us pause leavin |
packed fu o punters whae | wur | a fu a bevy an |
the per on t thum | wur | ae gleg langheidit couple whae |
sons wullie an jimmy whae | wur | eddicatit it ae boardin schuil |
an mrs tom scott whae | wur | it at tyme nae anerlie |
worker a think his naem | wur | jackson whae bade i yin |
ae gleg langheidit couple whae | wur | pang fou o rummil gumption |
tung nae maitter whae thay | wur | speakin til hou things hev |
his marrow frae ropelawsheil whae | wur | the ferst tenants i the |
angus macwhir a think it | wur | whae hed nae idaia whit |
gin it wur yestreen it | wur | ae muinless nicht fair pit |
wur krista daein whit wi | wur | bid dae the wae o |
keech they wur telt they | wur | commanded pause what they did |
fur you an when they | wur | gone so wur we ah |
hae patience pause bairns wi | wur | krista daein whit wi wur |
jist we made up wur | wur | own gemms an things an |
the mantelpiece cumin up ye | wur | pure paralytic so ye wur |
wur pure paralytic so ye | wur | stotious steamboats stinkin she wiz |
an you spoutin keech they | wur | telt they wur commanded pause |
when they wur gone so | wur | we ah wisnae supposed ti |
we jist we made up | wur | wur own gemms an things |
mynd on t gin it | wur | yestreen it wur ae muinless |
auld polis station anenst howcleuchshiel | wur | ae day ribbin the road |
toun is ae laddie it | wur | ae hive o thrangity fock |
faither an mei whan a | wur | ae laddie aince strippit ae |
hoscote estate nou whan a | wur | ae laddie gangin til roberton |
i hoscote ludge bot it | wur | ae mr an mrs ailison |
up is ae laddie a | wur | ae raigler veesitor it philhope |
the middle hoose whan a | wur | ae teenage loun the smiddy |
s faither an whan a | wur | ae teenager ma faither an |
ae wheen yeir sin a | wur | affa vext tae tent at |
ten at the deed banes | wur | brocht back til life ae |
fack at biggin afore it | wur | convertit intil ae hoose wis |
ae gey bit whan oo | wur | daen wyre fencing john hed |
deuk o embro awaird comatee | wur | gaen ae hunner yeir lease |
sayed at bairns cognitive skills | wur | gritlie improved in ae bi |
the haugh an whan thay | wur | haein ae meltith it the |
ae leuk it hou oo | wur | makkin oot the wifie poor |
wis wulson the wulson s | wur | musicianers an ae day whan |
whit ae stey brae it | wur | n frae the elrig bike |
or weyin oot yits it | wur | nae ae drap mair an |
ti iot heid teviot a | wur | telt monnie ae yeir sin |
things sattle doon ay thaim | wur | the days n is ae |
1940 s a think it | wur | whan yid wis daein ae |
mains ferm a think it | wur | bidin it hame an keepin |
dooms siccar man n that | wur | jim scott o burnfit ferm |
the famely pause when wi | wur | bairns krista hur geein us |
s song mind when wi | wur | bairns krista we d awa |
the hymns silence krista thon | wur | fine days days afore auld |
got inti oor souls we | wur | krista awa della only the |
back an back krista you | wur | wi bairn richt off luck |
whan watt an his men | wur | abreid herrien ither focks cattle |
joiner s workshop whan a | wur | abreid i the 1950 s |
weil a mynd whan a | wur | attendin roberton schul the day |
tell yin whan thay biggins | wur | biggit the praisent day hoscote |
herd s hoose whan a | wur | born a can sae this |
this life afore a masel | wur | born a kenna whan shei |
whan things leukit lik thay | wur | gittin owre muckle fur thum |
kent up yonder whan a | wur | growin up fur the etymology |
bocht an a think it | wur | i 1939 whan a mynd |
harden glen cottage whan a | wur | it roberton schuil kit young |
tae the haugh whan thay | wur | traivlin past the front yetts |
muther deyd a think it | wur | whan a mintit til hir |
tongue whilst the auld yins | wur | breathin berna mibi fur yur |
pause yur mind feels peace | wur | looking fur the dolphins in |
an steady eddy yur lips | wur | movin stew you re supposed |
hear the whispers what folk | wur | sayin sayin aboot yur dad |
yur feelins feelins oan him | wur | they feelins fi the hert |
he you you when you | wur | a bairn silence ed he |
only pretend silence stew so | wur | agreed wi gee this another |
shi said robby said wi | wur | aw famely silence robby whey |
how wid wi ken we | wur | bad silence cammy jist look |
daein dimps cool it stew | wur | daein this fur you silence |
gonnae dae silence jilly now | wur | gittin somewhere truth lee come |
it ll be like they | wur | never here long silence cammy |
dis a bairn like you | wur | protect it sel long silence |
back ti where wi aw | wur | silence bj an the other |
doon dimps fuckin great now | wur | sweet talking the psycho silence |
each other silence steve they | wur | the same as us bairns |
chaos an disorder silence bj | wur | wasting oor time jilly he |
members ti decide silence dimps | wur | you abused ed yes dimps |
wolf throwe the mist thay | wur | bate tae licht on the |
bide i hawick whaur thay | wur | born an brocht up is |
i the schuil holidays thay | wur | leukit efter bi mr an |
bruised blue the day wi | wur | born tess della let ur |
two mothers tess twa mothers | wur | fechtin ower a bairny yin |
yursels ready you unaw robby | wur | fur singin cherry ripe tess |
zebediah tess king solomon we | wur | his loyal subjects ay robby |
not a ghost tess you | wur | listenin pause he heard us |
pause soor as bile they | wur | tess noh sweet like the |
guard ower him pause others | wur | awa afore ah come along |
yursell pause me an you | wur | bits o lassies me only |
fur aw pause us weemin | wur | born ti suffer did the |
crime what crime pause wi | wur | children young innocent children preyed |
o the best pause you | wur | guid mummy said stew s |
she wis weak bit we | wur | weaker than hur pause see |
his fist to bj bj | wur | in the boxing world pat |
go back ti how things | wur | puts her arm around bj |
like like cammy items dimps | wur | aw different cammy stew steve |
wi keep actin as if | wur | awright steve dimps cammy then |
act o bravery cammy so | wur | discussin dimps dimps wi his |
dimps laugh loudly stew if | wur | gonnae dae this mibi wi |
steve dimps cammy stew ed | wur | here the day an the |
wis bought an paed fur | wur | you ed laughs dimps what |
stew dirty filthy money we | wur | fuckin pimps supply and demand |
an paed fur stew look | wur | gittin side tracked here should |
oot laughs see if they | wur | really listenin cammy naw we |
kan mynd on an it | wur | anenst bitsun wud on pairk |
1930 s a think it | wur | i embro gin a mynd |
gin a mynd richt it | wur | pringle the butcher frae hawick |
mynd on t gin it | wur | yesterday it at tyme wi |
178 a mynd gin it | wur | yestreen mrs helen govenlock the |
the gradient felt gin it | wur | 1 1 the laist tyme |
yesterday it at tyme wi | wur | aw taen on wi yasin |
n the laist tyme a | wur | i the borders a hed |
what they were telt they | wur | only sayin what they were |
lassie bade yonder the bairns | wur | ca d geordie bobbie an |
wi malice bairns like we | wur | cannae comprehend malice oor taught |
aboot bringin up bairns oo | wur | needed oot there in the |
sniffin roon us like wi | wur | dugs an the mithir daein |
the howcleuchsheil hoose bot it | wur | maist misfortunate trigidy n fur |
big hoose whare the claithes | wur | peggit oot tae dry the |
s bus intil hawick at | wur | afore a gaed til the |
frae the night afore wae | wur | cheese chits an stove an |
i the 1940 s at | wur | juist afore a gaed abreid |
gee yis away afore yis | wur | tane away love hah look |
ither sic messages ay thaim | wur | the days afore frei schuil |
paurents an ithers afore thum | wur | wont tae pronoonce thum an |
buird n the bryden s | wur | grit conversationalists an cuid talk |
warm hint end ay thaim | wur | the days n aye jimmy |
fur tonight we are drinkin | wur | fill an dinnae embarass us |
biscuit factories they jobs they | wur | fur you an when they |
fur a meenut thinkin ye | wur | hur man gordon i didn |
eet aa ay the brydens | wur | notour fur thair guid hertitness |
street o the haugh it | wur | onpossibill fur him tae wun |
is where pat an me | wur | taught self respect respect fur |
i a at thair banns | wur | annunced on 22nt janwar 1904 |
a fouth o freins an | wur | fain o ither bot thair |
say at the men fock | wur | fairlie weel domesticated helping thair |
a pages 147 153 thair | wur | saivrel servans i residence i |
wullie s nose end thair | wur | seelence aa roond til wullie |
a wuid jalousie at it | wur | thaim mairsay than thair menfock |
dochters an a think it | wur | fowre schons gin a mind |
wud nae doot gin it | wur | still tae the fore fesh |
mrs betty warwick s paurents | wur | forrit it girnwud ay betty |
post office a think it | wur | frae nellie short ay the |
first day o oor lives | wur | here ti share an care |
the dirty money lee wi | wur | up ti oor eyes in |
the fore a think it | wur | henry scott auldest son o |
a saumon tae damp doun | wur | ain ilkaday neuroses thae days |
mey 1976 the auld biggins | wur | brent doon i 1979 an |
the auld farrant paternalistic attitude | wur | plaisent warm hertit forstaundin fock |
mind richt the dochters naems | wur | angela an daphne an the |
wife aunt lizzie nee jirdin | wur | i the richt haund ane |
hir richt ey shei appearinlie | wur | o guid intelligence an made |
it the ruif at yid | wur | wurkin on an sayed til |
get somehin tae eat soon | wur | aw starvin mr gobbs says |
got on it aw thays | wur | baith in the same year |
doon at ma feet they | wur | danglin aw my goad ther |
joke an we aw shook | wur | heids but sniggered aw the |
an aw when the troot | wur | landit an lyin silver an |
be far he does aw | wur | messages an nae problems carolanne |
an ye d hink ye | wur | speakin greek they ve aw |
thum talk the wae they | wur | talking how aw the bad |
we aw had tae take | wur | turn and f637: and my |
the bog aw them years | wur | well go easy man graham |
yeir an a think it | wur | efter ma wa gaun tae |
lomond we stoaped tae get | wur | breath back frae the climb |
o ma knawledge the ferms | wur | selt saiprait frae the mansion |
his blessin ti you you | wur | cairrin oan the line cairrin |
zeb ah jist kent wi | wur | gonnae hae occasion ti dance |
what wis done ti us | wur | here ti admit the truth |
ti gee each other strength | wur | here ti face what wis |
admit the truth ti oorsells | wur | here ti forgive oorsells ti |
here ti share an care | wur | here ti gee each other |
oorsells ti forgive each other | wur | here ti git the courage |
wid move us forward sings | wur | off ti see the wizard |
elders o the past we | wur | pit here ti serve the |
the melodeon a think it | wur | an jimmy on wi his |
wi a fushin wand enackin | wur | atavistic impulses i the warld |
that long ago these waws | wur | drippin wi blood steve noh |
but we did it wi | wur | fingers f1043: i aye thought |
um dae his stuff if | wur | noh comfortable then wi kin |
seen us us dad what | wur | wi dad famely your famely |
under my mattress sadie what | wur | ye daen wi a knife |
psychoanalysis we are ackwallie projeckin | wur | ain interpretations ontae mere wards |
role i the sublimation o | wur | ain neuroses for as freud |
telly after the bells and | wur | ain paolo nutini s version |
an we jist kinda make | wur | ain wee version of them |
ain scottis borders noos papers | wur | tae pit the lave o |
huv broke awa della thur | wur | nae chains roond us mony |
too much rabbit wanst they | wur | doon the burras the wee |
talk of loyalty we go | wur | hollies doon the watter we |
in the cave doon oan | wur | hunkers withoot gettin wet ah |
aboot you you an lee | wur | a famely so ah m |
wis a wee boay they | wur | demolished aboot thurty odd years |
b pages 31 34 it | wur | roond aboot the threi an |
goin past me an spencer | wur | tellin evrubdy aboot yon night |
cursory accoont o hou things | wur | espaiciallie it the tap end |
impulses i the warld o | wur | imaginations is ane wey o |
nou the maist pouerfu o | wur | instincts is of course libidinal |
is ane wey o sublimatin | wur | instincts popular leiterature is a |
o beldhill up rankle burn | wur | it howpasley hope a think |
ran the post office they | wur | mrs betty warwick o girnwud |
fek o his life an | wur | on saivrel o the local |
would seem kinda more like | wur | plants rows an rows o |
106 some o these forms | wur | rare e en in thi |
o harald blacktooth ane o | wur | symbols o the primeval id |
other kep awbody thinking they | wur | the apeul o the maistirs |
ancrum airt a think it | wur | tuik owre the tenancie o |
ye woke up realised ye | wur | a soporific punchbag just an |
whyle ma faither an mei | wur | affen daen joinery wurk in |
an bettin money like they | wur | at a dug fight boy |
thru an orchard green thur | wur | berries an cherries is thick |
is micht be seen thur | wur | berries an cherries is thick |
we we- we were done | wur | bit an she couldnae dae |
inside an we poalished aff | wur | breakfast anen set aff we |
an daphne an the laddies | wur | ca d chairlie geofrey teddy |
mister gobbs him an da | wur | huvin a laugh we fun |
local roadmen an his marrow | wur | i the ane on yer |
ickbrae estate a think it | wur | mr wat ferguson an his |
is now signed an sealed | wur | park is gonnae get up |
right lenna me an theyr | wur | takin a lenna ma gear |
dave fox an his marrow | wur | the hall caretakers i ma |
ma best guess is they | wur | cut aff at different times |
think that when we got | wur | scottish parliament m865: mmhm f951: |
ye came in here you | wur | a mess carolanne if i |
the fuck kin he sleep | wur | sat here waitin oan a |
um sutton wis grey they | wur | bonnie lookin beasties but when |
waitter is a reca it | wur | is a wis growein up |
wis nae joy unless ye | wur | the fish we let larsson |
sittin oan the bank huvin | wur | tea oot a tin cups |
d tae add up in | wur | head we-we- we were taught |
ees heid in disgust et | wur | ignorance we walked up a |
forleit hou by ordinar it | wur | tae mei tae wutness up |
oo did nae wrong we | wur | honouring the mithir the faithir |
tae coort jist as we | wur | approachin the allander brig a |
tae mr gobbs that they | wur | ferr mingin mr gobbs goes |
mister gee no faur hen | wur | gaun tae the baker s |
phase whaurby we damp doun | wur | sauvage desires for tae integrate |
cherie and sara if they | wur | telling thursell lies keeping a |
we hud decidit that they | wur | the girnin gates but mr |
fae eberdeen somebiddy said they | wur | through fae screbster ah dinnae |
from the doorway like when | wur | deid i can t seem |
f1041: well we cried it | wur | kitchen because we didnae hae |
make it sound as if | wur | feelin safe awready been feelin |
makes it sound like you | wur | hiding fi me doll hiding |
hurt real bad lee yis | wur | nothing bit a millstane roond |
could never decide what you | wur | best at beej fancy footwork |
s blood even if ye | wur | a vampire yuck ye widnae |
was too big agnes you | wur | a wean gordon i was |
assume she added that ye | wur | either a doctor ur a |
quite some time to realise | wur | father had a first name |
dis a bairn like you | wur | how dis a bairn protect |
sadie sore blue violets mine | wur | carolanne but i thought sadie |
the mills i hawick whilk | wur | i the beginin pouert bi |
lambada agnes to carolanne you | wur | quick carolanne the kettle never |
langer than english did thare | wur | also equivalents in middle english |
the tongue as outlets for | wur | normal atavistic impulses the leiterary |
grip thum kis sic trysts | wur | wrangous bot appearinlie the guid |