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fire and safety regulations foryouthhostels and similar temporary accommodation
that the parliament congratulates theyouthhostels association and independent youth
1829 70th anniversary of scottishyouthhostels association lodged on 5
youth hostels association and independentyouthhostels for the opportunity they
dr richard simpson s1m 1247youthhostels lodged on 5 october
2000 david mundell s1m 1247youthhostels lodged on 5 october
s1m 1247 mr jamie stoneyouthhostels that the parliament congratulates
macaskill 70th anniversary of scottishyouthhostels thursday 10 may 2001
concerns about the levels ofyouthoffending and c the low
concerns about the levels ofyouthoffending and c the low
concerns about the levels ofyouthoffending and c the low
concern over the levels ofyouthoffending and d overseeing a
range of measures to tackleyouthoffending and protect communities support
resources they need to reduceyouthoffending by turning young people
on providing services to tackleyouthoffending s1o 6405 13 alex
being taken to tackle persistentyouthoffending s1w 24703 mr duncan
attended a report on theyouthsummit held in june 2000
attended a report on theyouthsummit held in june 2000
reflects their aspirations and needsyouthsummit the scottish youth summit
needs youth summit the scottishyouthsummit was held on 19th
parliaments in canada the ukyouthparliament had its first sitting
community issue based parliaments someyouthparliaments are based on the
parliament in birmingham and theyouthparliaments in canada the uk
looks briefly at examples ofyouthparliaments in other countries an
are a large number ofyouthparliaments internationally they differ both
june 2001 examples of otheryouthparliaments there are a large
susan robb former chair angusyouthcongress dialogue youth councillor glennis
chair angus youth congress dialogueyouthcouncillor glennis middleton chair of
up of 146 from localyouthcouncils 100 from youth involving
around 100 members from 46youthcouncils and youth involving organisations
three categories of members localyouthcouncils national youth involving organisations
to the youth forums oryouthcouncils of national youth organisations
following release reduce youth crimeyouthcrime accounts for nearly one
ill health reduce youth crimeyouthcrime costs an estimated 700million
two years following release reduceyouthcrime youth crime accounts for
to reduce ill health reduceyouthcrime youth crime costs an
think this youth vi- violentyouthculture is just happening and
young people and have ayouthforum any type of youth
of its membership to theyouthforums or youth councils of
from 46 youth councils andyouthinvolving organisations and around 50
members local youth councils nationalyouthinvolving organisations and individuals the
local youth councils 100 fromyouthinvolving organisations and the remainder
open and democratic process nationalyouthinvolving organisations the youth parliament
youth forum any type ofyouthled body with some responsibility
or youth councils of nationalyouthorganisations each organisation can nominate
scottish youth parliament were theyouthorganisations involved together with the
national youth involving organisations theyouthparliament offers a further third
national and international level scottishyouthparliament the scottish youth parliament
scottish youth parliament the scottishyouthparliament was launched in murrayfield
young scot and the scottishyouthparliament were the youth organisations
you know you think thisyouthvi- violent youth culture is
s action programme to reduceyouthcrime 2002 s1o 4880 30
has published a ten pointyouthcrime action plan and has
with the implementation of theyouthcrime action plan s1o 5804
by the advisory group onyouthcrime and confirms its support
by the advisory group onyouthcrime and confirms its support
the chamber and elsewhere aboutyouthcrime and disorder we should
fast track hearings to tackleyouthcrime and have introduced more
change to improve health cutyouthcrime and reduce the cost
take decisive action to tackleyouthcrime as many people glasgow
if we take action onyouthcrime brian fitzpatrick is right
recommendations for reducing and stoppingyouthcrime further welcomes the increased
recommendations for reducing and stoppingyouthcrime further welcomes the increased
it has taken to reduceyouthcrime in the a city
to make the difference toyouthcrime including supporting the voluntary
glasgow msps in particular knowyouthcrime is a serious issue
to stop people reoffending cutyouthcrime more than 30 per
are designed to tackle reducingyouthcrime reducing ill health reducing
enforcement measures with an additionalyouthcrime reduction fund to support
and framework arising from theyouthcrime review in order to
on children s services andyouthcrime review to support targeted
on children s services andyouthcrime review to support targeted
its action programme to reduceyouthcrime s1o 4846 27 john
any additional funding to tacklingyouthcrime s1o 4866 9 robin
preventing children becoming involved inyouthcrime s1w 18261 brian fitzpatrick
and increase their role inyouthwork to prevent crime increase
around 50 individual members localyouthcouncils 146 young people can
2000 is linked to localyouthcouncils and has a website
need to make ourselves noticedyouthcouncils are a good way
parliament under this category localyouthforums or councils can nominate
support the young scot dialogueyouthcard pilot to restrict the
card such as the dialogueyouthcard that alan fraser mentioned
glennis middleton chair of dialogueyouthmanagement group 3 public appointments
forms and systems simpler foryouthand other voluntary organisations seeking
youthlink scotland or other nationalyouthorganisations about any financial problems
with a broad range ofyouthorganisations another uk example is
whether adult volunteers working inyouthorganisations benefit from the 2
it will ensure that nationalyouthorganisations can receive an appropriate
allocate some instead to nationalyouthorganisations for their national and
and involves 93 representatives ofyouthorganisations from across british columbia
workshops three of the mainyouthorganisations in scotland eurodesk youngscot
to help young people andyouthorganisations in scotland offer as
children were asked by theyouthorganisations involved whether they thought
the basque country where largeyouthorganisations social organisations and the
will be allocated to voluntaryyouthorganisations to encourage young people
give financial assistance to voluntaryyouthorganisations to help cover the
make it easier for voluntaryyouthorganisations to recruit train and
provide funding to help voluntaryyouthorganisations to recruit train and
we expect is as ayouthcard we are building on
if a person has ayouthcard will the same card
older workers support the scottishyouthparliament and seek to engage
to providing papers to approvedyouthworkers and criminal justice social
committee talked to young peopleyouthworkers and parents about the
of interventions by specially trainedyouthworkers away from the school
record office checks on voluntaryyouthworkers s1w 28600 donald gorrie
http european convention eu intyouthasp lang en content intro
to have their say theyouthconvention adopted a text setting
text adopted by the europeanyouthconvention is available on the
convention is available on theyouthconvention website at http european
the convention organised a europeanyouthconvention which met in brussels
have achieved such change theyouthadvice and information project provides
closure of the central aberdeenshireyouthadvice project by refusing a
1245 tommy sheridan central aberdeenshireyouthadvice project that the parliament
voice managed by the welshyouthagency this is a project
as this and the dundeeyouthproject s drop in centre
of core funding and galayouthproject which will lose 60
robison s1m 2035 phace westyouthworks project lodged on 21
raffan s1m 2035 phace westyouthworks project lodged on 21
parliament is a network ofyouthactivists aged 15 24 years
involved in establishing the scottishyouthparliament a representative forum for
executive debate on the scottishyouthparliament and insert followed by
brief outline of the scottishyouthparliament and other mechanisms for
in scotland eurodesk the scottishyouthparliament and young scot the
scottish parliamentary constituency the scottishyouthparliament ask to see evidence
initiatives in scotland the scottishyouthparliament could be a good
of parliament include the tasmanianyouthparliament holds annual three day
learn about politics the europeanyouthparliament holds two or three
has to fund the scottishyouthparliament in future years and
of 80 000 for theyouthparliament in june 2001 the
this aberdeen and a scottishyouthparliament is a must edinburgh
issue for example the internationalyouthparliament is a network of
executive debate on the scottishyouthparliament is scheduled for 14th
pointing the way forward theyouthparliament issued a consultation document
eurodesk youngscot and the scottishyouthparliament led the workshops and
school s attendance at europeanyouthparliament lodged on 22 february
school s attendance at europeanyouthparliament lodged on 22 february
selection process the new zealandyouthparliament meets every three years
16 and 25 the scottishyouthparliament meets three times a
parliament in june 2001 theyouthparliament now has two staff
the views of the scottishyouthparliament on a wide range
it will make the scottishyouthparliament one of the bodies
standardised across the country theyouthparliament opposes the first past
ministers or community leaders theyouthparliament pass acts which are
themselves members of the scottishyouthparliament played a number of
limited consultative role the tasmanianyouthparliament s acts are distributed
for consideration the new zealandyouthparliament s hansard is used
currently provides for the scottishyouthparliament s1w 12137 michael russell
the post voting system theyouthparliament supports unilateral nuclear disarmament
s1m 747 karen whitefield scottishyouthparliament that the parliament congratulates
some examples are the ukyouthparliament the young people s
100 13 november 2001 scottishyouthparliament this note gives a
take to enable the scottishyouthparliament to extend its activities
msyps members of the scottishyouthparliament under this category local
supported by two people theyouthparliament vote on whether to
for example the british columbiayouthparliament was formed in 1924
scottish executive whether the scottishyouthparliament will be invited to
of the importance for voluntaryyouthbodies of it paying the
executive is committed to theyouthvoluntary sector my second point
executive how it recognises voluntaryyouthwork as part of the
16 after persons insert includingyouthwork bodies and young persons
age of 18 years andyouthwork bodies means bodies whether
alcohol to young people supportyouthcafes and other alcohol free
that the main victims ofyouthdisorder are other young people
to represent them as ayouthm p the young people
to be the collective nationalyouthvoice for all young people
committee discussed wi young fowkyouthwarkers an parents an idea
on an action programme foryouthwhich values young people and
march post council briefing educationyouthand culture council 6 february
march post council briefing educationyouthand culture council 6 february
february 2003 to discuss educationyouthand culture policies and if
programme of the european cultureyoutheducation media and sport committee
2008 is used to developyouthfootball s1o 6351 23 ms
plans it has to prioritiseyouthwork in scotland s1o 1809
was involved in in hisyouthas pressure mounts threatening his
national standards for scotland syouthjustice services supersedes the definition
development of various structures foryouthparticipation at local regional national
curriculum pilot a network ofyouthjustice action officers responsible to
free the minister also mentionedyouthcourts the criminal justice scotland
consider the following instruments theyouthjustice and criminal evidence act
response to the inquiry 5youthjustice audit scotland inquiry the
scotland on his report entitledyouthjustice in scotland ags 2001
item 4 in private 2youthjustice in scotland the committee
finalised plans for accreditation ofyouthjustice programmes and if so
service that rehabilitates and ayouthjustice system that prevents youngsters
sister poet friend of myyouthis a lovely example o
he took the example ofyouthwork the way in which
priorities of health early yearsyoutheducation and community learning and
inspectorate of education stated thatyouthscotland was a very effective
clubs and informal education throughyouthwork and community education as
of the elderly child careyouthwork education adult learning social
donald gorrie s1m 3484 angusyouthcongress lodged on 10 october
butler s1m 3295 glasgow summeryouthfootball league initiative lodged on
linda fabiani s1m 1612 oceanyouthtrust scotland lodged on 31
and the work of theyouthsip in my constituency i
the work of the edinburghyouthsocial inclusion partnership which is
whether non formal and informalyouthwork are an integral part
and there is nothing aboutyouthwork i am sure that
that we spend money onyouthwork so that should appear
members share an enthusiasm foryouthwork they will search in
erm questionnaires to like localyouthgroups erm and m608: right
weary lookin pair the localyouthjined us i force tae
is important that our localyouthsip challenges such views although
were not for the localyouthsip which pulls together or
umbrella group for scotland syouthclubs and whose representatives i
by kayos theatre company ayouthgroup from inverclyde in glasgow
mmpg net prince s scottishyouthbusiness trust 3 future skills
of the prince s scottishyouthbusiness trust and i applied
of the prince s scottishyouthbusiness trust i am also
paintball centre prince s scottishyouthbusiness trust stephen rattray founder
the scottish trades union congressyouthcommittee and now a fuddy
the scottish arts council syouthmusic audit will be published
out by some delegates thatyouthissues differ from children s
i taught the 3rd yearsyouthproblems and language games and
through a partnership between connectyouthcommunity learning scotland tangents youthlink
first step towards developing ayouthcharter for scotland they plan
town in scotland has ayouthclub which provides a valuable
which aims to provide theyouthof scotland with a strong
adult volunteers are affiliated toyouthscotland every town in scotland
it has done everything rightyouthscotland finds that decision inexplicable
promotes diversionary activities after inspectingyouthscotland in september 2001 her
labour liberal coalition worse stillyouthscotland s hq training grant
tories 50 per cent ofyouthscotland s turnover was covered
direction furthermore it said thatyouthscotland showed a creative approach
however following that glowing reportyouthscotland was shocked to discover
mention the situation that facesyouthscotland which is the umbrella
5 the researchers found thatyouthforums tend to differ in
form of surveillance in theiryouthalthough it is very difficult
and scots songs in theiryouthfrom nurses and servants and
less and less of theyouthnowadays are really forgetting their
real truth them in theiryouththeirsel s to and fro
accent and vocabulary of theiryouththey are sufficiently aware of
his wife anna recalling theiryouthtogether o anna we hae
get together at the churchyouthclub discos which we organise
of the ukyp created ayouthmanifesto which has been presented
school and in the manyyouthorchestra activities with which he
power mad world of hisyouthbut he carried the nightmare
had helped him in hisyouthhe felt he should go
he haed kent in hisyouthheid haed died an he
his way out a rastafarianyouthin waist length dreadlocks was
important to him in hisyouththat he had been mistaken
negative attitudes encountered in hisyouthto his own natural speech
gardens the playground of hisyouthtracing the list of his
i ropelawsheil jockie i hisyouthwis notour fur his lue
who for most of hisyouthworked as a kitchen scullion
a and kintrea k 2000youthinvolvement in urban regeneration hard
based on the idea ofyouthactivism and are often based
the naked days of heryouthagain and she d seem
the first shattering impact ofyouthand beauty on a susceptible
addiction fixed and sly sendsyouthand heartache out to buy
the farming communities of heryouthand her broadcasts on similar
nothing to sell but myyouthand my body you are
you know radio stations andyouthand so on erm f963:
sort of er blend ofyouthand the e- you know
were younger then we hadyouthand vigour on our side
and less yo- that theyouthare not really interested in
wheech the kids intae theyouthclub and keep them oot
persistent offenders evaluate the pilotyouthcourts and extend them if
and housebreaking we have introducedyouthcourts and fast track hearings
club recognises the far sightedyouthdevelopment policies being developed and
know that were in theyouthfellowship with me and of
of her own life andyouthnever had she climbed the
the non formal and informalyouthsector to contribute more to
the poems of pasolini syouththe parallels between doric and
bring down rose cheek syouthto the tub fast and
of the words from myyouthwith my grandchildren and words
in alarm for all heryouthshe knew from her friends
all mm my grandfaider syouthf1074: mm mmhm mmhm [inaudible]
flowed here why suid myyouthfeel auncient as thir stanes
great many times in myyouthgoing round obviously the charity
the foresight to preserve myyouthin tangible form nevertheless doubts
die on the island ofyouthbeing reborn as the virgin
issues of public disorder includingyouthdisorder will she reflect on
identified a need for ayouthnetwork on a greater scale
i think you ve hadyouthon your side you know
used as an indication ofyouthopinion on various policy issues
wicketshaw the house of heryouthin those days she had
golden rain alive in heryouthlike a flame the sari
mother kay who in heryouthwas [censored: forename] [censored: surname] a minor
tidal wave spakk bi bauldyouthhett bluided brave nae some
had different programmes aimed atyoutherm specific times of the
had it was unlucky f963: youthf965: for a woman to
most of them as museumsyouthcentres even converted into flats
acknowledges that the problems ofyouthdisorder must be given high
to fill the post ofyouthofficer vera trinder order [censored: forename]
go through we went throughyouthfellowship ehm you know f641:
th- that time in theyouthfellowship it was a wonderful
idealised childhood in humanity syouththe clan god was a
in birsslin drouth in frozenyouththe deid men makk nae
dome we were in ayouththeatre an we went an
was thebes in the pharoahsyouthwhen the jackal god anubis
same ah m vext mayouthis ower an by nasha
old enough to drink ayouthhe d once befriended now
to a smart well builtyouthor boy virra loon is
at the hinner en oyouthamang the wrack o a
griggs tain royal academy syouthband notes with concern the
wi the caw throu oyouthheid the wes anerlie ae
bade the nicht i theyouthhostel an wrat til hir
wis ae favorit haunt furyouthi the back end o
fermers o whitslade i mayouthwhan a kent the bit
bit durin this year syouthfestival we hae a veesitin
just yesterday i met ayouthorganisation that delivers a number
needs nae sibyl s wittrinsyouthis strang julian petrocles proctor
ye left smittit bi ambitionyouths disease i staun an
bot border lallans i thairyouthtae mint ae single wurd
shelts an far s yeryouthyer marts yer loon yer

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