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nur encouraged gaudeamus igitur yuleyulearrived this year unmissable as
coddlit nur encouraged gaudeamus igituryuleyule arrived this year unmissable
00 plenishin 40 scots tungyulecairds snaw ower the ochils
00 plenishin 10 scots tungyulecairds snaw ower the ochils
tung yule cairds thochts oyule15p for ilka caird 1
00 plenishin 10 scots tungyulecairds thochts o yule 15p
tae plenishin 40 scots tungyulecairds leukin tae the auld
tae plenishin 30 scots tungyulecairds leukin tae the auld
00 plenishin 10 scots tungyulecairds the mound 50p for
ox slaughtered and salted foryuleand the winter een till
eel of cows dry eelyuleeel mairt ox slaughtered and
scots tung cairds thochts oyule20p for ilka caird 2
should be jist at eelyulean pace easter an at
is no word o eelyulenoo a days there was
fattened for slaughter to celebrateyulehence the phrase as fat
the scotsman aucht portions foryuleare translations dune for dr
the winter is past atyulemonday 2 temp 1 0
the winter is past atyulesunday 2nd temp 0 3
ower union street this northernyulericht hairtily fowk banish dule
lane his maister tae ayulefair gane wi the yowes
machar kirkyaird this nor eastyulestorm wauchts ower the toon
fur maet clouds stappit wiyulewrithe like a wud wife
as beltane lammas mairtinmas anyulethey thocht the hale lift
scottish sang december s hereyules near at haun wi
appleringie it fell upon ayuletide nicht that i heard
wi coull twis roon abootyuletime fin i beeriet him
i m weel acquant wiyulewi spring i ken that
crosby drowned out a robinyulecame and went bland as
hid drooned hersel there lastyuleraither than hae the bairn

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