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f1107: are ye m1108: ayeyummyf1107: yummy m1108: do you
like it mm m1108: mmyummyf1107: yummy now fitt i
re eating it m1108: mmyummyf1107: yummy yummy tums oh
you like ice cream f1114: yummyf1113: yummy is it good
icing that s ic- yummyyummyf1125: in the bowl it
[inaudible] f1126: [exhale] it syummyf1125: is it yummy f1126:
s yummy f1125: is ityummyf1126: mmhm it s tasty
won t i [slurp] yummyyummyf1130: [child noise] f1129: hmm you
mmhm yummy yummy m1096: yummyyummyi want fluff [inaudible] hands
ice cream f1114: yummy f1113: yummyis it good f1114: i
i do f1095: mmhm yummyyummym1096: yummy yummy i want
ye m1108: aye yummy f1107: yummym1108: do you want some
mm m1108: mm yummy f1107: yummynow fitt i need you
m1108: mm yummy f1107: yummyyummytums oh look at that
ooh icing that s ic-yummyyummy f1125: in the bowl
steak won t i [slurp]yummyyummy f1130: [child noise] f1129: hmm
f1095: mmhm yummy yummy m1096: yummyyummy i want fluff [inaudible]
m1096: i do f1095: mmhmyummyyummy m1096: yummy yummy i
it m1108: mm yummy f1107: yummyyummy tums oh look at
yum f1107: mmhm m1108: ohyummyf1107: is it scrumbly wumbly
these f1107: do you m1108: yummyyums f1107: mmhm [inhale] will
m1108: er chocolate f1107: mmyummyhere m1108: [?]see[/?] f1107: soap
you smell that gingerbreads m1108: yummylet me go and see
what do you call themyummymummies out with their babies
oh ye scunner m1108: [eating noises]yummywhee woo f1107: fitt are
nae good for ye m1108: yummyf1107: mmhm m1108: i like
this f1107: do ye m1108: yummyfitt hey you ve got
f1126: aye hmm f1125: ohyummyf1126: and didn t get

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