19CSC: A Corpus of Nineteenth-century Scottish Correspondence
(information provided by Marina Dossena)
Compilers: Marina Dossena and Richard Dury (University of Bergamo, Italy)
Aim: 19CSC is expected to include a proportional quantity of both private and business letters, by male and female encoders. The aim is to have a total of at least 500,000 words: 250,000 from private correspondence and 250,000 from business correspondence. The texts included in the corpus are to be diplomatically transcribed from original manuscripts (or typescripts, in the case of later business letters). Lexico-grammatical tagging is envisaged at a later stage of the project.
Contact details: Prof. Marina Dossena, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Piazza Rosate 2 - 24129 Bergamo (Italy)